


2022-06-04 21:38:36 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:117


This countryis canada Itx27s beautiful country Niagara Fallsand Rocky Mountains are famous in Canada Ioften go there We speak Eng lish and French Ottawais capitalyof Canada but Idonx27tlive there Ilive Iorontoitx27s the biggest city of Canada. rnMy cou sinx27s Lin Tao He lives in China China is west and a little south of Canada He speaks Chinese Iwant to go on a trip to China .rn1.Rocky Moun tains is a famous placein Canada.rn2.Ottawa is the bigges tcity in Canada.rn3.China is the biggest city in Canada.rn4.We speak English and Chinese in Canada.rn5.Lin Tao speaks Chinese.
1 落基山脉是加拿大著名的景点(正确)
2 渥太华是加拿大最大的城市(错误, 应该是多伦多)
3 中国是加拿大最大的城市(错误,这个有点扯大了!)
4 我们在加拿大说英语和汉语(错误,是英语和法语)
5 林涛说汉语(正确)
1 落基山脉是加拿大著名的景点(正确)
2 渥太华是加拿大最大的城市(错误, 应该是多伦多)
3 中国是加拿大最大的城市(错误,这个有点扯大了!)
4 我们在加拿大说英语和汉语(错误,是英语和法语)
5 林涛说汉语(正确)


1、给朋友写一封E-MAILrn你好,阿莲,好久不联系了!很想念你!进来你好吧?工作,学习,心情都好吧?你才参加的奥鹏远程教育现在如何了?准备毕业了吧?听说你所报考的法律专业很难读,但是事在人为,你说是吗?学习生活是挺辛苦的,不管在学习上或是在生活上遇到什么困难都希望你能勇敢的去面对。毕业后你还答打算报考律师考试吗?当律师是很好的职业哦。我也是在参加奥鹏远程教育,我现在在学习英语,我打算明年参加全国统考,争取明年通过所有课程,实现我自己的人生目标!我们要互相勉励哦!rn祝福你rn学习进步!rn身体健康!rn你的好友:燕子rn2010年1月rn rn2、自我介绍 rn大家好,请允许我在这里做一个简短的自我介绍,我的名字叫李明,我今年27岁,来自广西百色市。我生性活泼开朗,喜欢尝试和学习新的东西,我喜欢跳舞、唱歌、绘画。我很喜欢幼儿教师这个行业。我的理想是成为一名幼儿教育专家。所以我幼儿师范学校毕业后一直从事幼儿教育工作。参加幼儿教育工作已有七年时间,这七年里,在工作中我严格要求自己,自觉遵守各项规章制度,积极开展各项教育工作。积累了一定的教学经验,取得了良好的成绩。多次评为优秀教师。任现职以来都能得到家长们的认同,园领导和老师们的一致好评。虽然离我的目标还很远,但我会努力达到自己的目标,请大家多多支持我!谢谢!rnrn3. 对工作的看法rn有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为他们认为他们适合这种工作,而且他们可以做好这种工作。始终从事一种工作的人偏向于安逸,他们认为与其去接触自己不熟悉的工作不如做好这一种工作。有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为他们喜欢在不同的环境中从事不同的工作,他们需求的是一种刺激,他们热衷于追求新鲜的事物,体验不同的感觉。经常的更换工作可以丰富人生阅历,使生活充满了乐趣。我认为无论是始终从事一种工作还是经常更换工作,这都是一种生活的态度和方式,都是自己的选择,不同的人有不同的选择,不一样的追求就有不一样的标准。但是可以确信的是,他们都很喜欢他们的这种选择,这和性格有关。rn4、相貌rn有人认为人的相貌是很重要的,有人认为相貌并不是特别的重要,我的看法是:外貌虽然重要,但它终究不如内涵重要。因为外貌是父母给的,无论曾经多么鲜艳,最终会随着时光而褪色。内涵却是与日俱增的。现代的人们非常注意相貌。的确,一个看起来很好的相貌确实可以给人良好印象。相反,一个有些糟糕的相貌可能就达不到理想的效果。我认为相比能力而言,相貌是其次的。一个人如果拥有相当强的实力,不管他相貌怎样丑陋,在我看来都是美丽的。相反,如果一个人只是仅仅拥有美丽的面貌,套句话就是“金玉其外,败絮其中”的话,我宁愿自己拥有实力。rnrn5、大学寝室rn有人认为大学应当多人一个寝室,有人认为自己一个人一个寝室更好,我的看法是:大学的宿舍最好不要一个人住,那样会感觉很无聊,而且跟同学之间的交流也阻断了,但是也不要太多人住,四个最好,这样你既可以建立一个比较友好的朋友圈子,也不会因为人多而发生一些不愉快的事,相对来说,空间还是比较充足的。
1, to a friend to write an E-MAIL
Hello, Ah Lin, a long time without contacted! Miss you! Come you all right? Work, study, and I feel all right? You can wait until the participation of Austrian Peng distance education is now how it? Ready to graduate, right? I heard that you have registered for the legal profession is difficult to read, but depends on human effort, you said right? Life is quite hard to learn, regardless of learning difficulties encountered in their daily lives, or hope that you can brave face. After graduation you intend to apply for A Bar exam? When the lawyer is a very good job oh. I am also participating in OPEN-distance education, I am now learning English, I intend to participate in the national exams next year, to strive for next year, through all courses and achieve my own goals in life! We must encourage each other oh!
Bless you
Learning progress!
Good health!
Your Friends: swallow
January 2010

2, self-introduction
Hello, everyone, please allow me here to do a brief self-introduction, my name is Li Ming, I am now 27 years old, from Baise City, Guangxi. I am by nature lively and cheerful, likes to try and learn new things, I like dancing, singing, painting. I like the kindergarten teachers, and the industry. My vision is to become an early childhood education specialist. So, I graduated from normal school children and has been involved in early childhood education. To participate in early childhood education work for more than seven years time, this seven years, at work, I set strict demands on themselves, consciously abide by the rules and regulations, and actively carry out various education. Has accumulated a certain amount of teaching experience, and achieved good results. Many times as outstanding teachers. Since the parents can get their current identity, park leaders and teachers alike. Although still far away from my target, but I will try to achieve their goals, please support me lot! Thanks!

3. For the views of the work of
Some people like to always engage in a kind of work because they think they are suited for such work, and they can do such work. Always engaged in a kind of working people who prefer an easy life and they think they are not familiar with to reach out to their work than to deal with this kind of work. Some people like to be frequently changed jobs because they like to engage in a different environment, different jobs, their needs is a stimulus, they interested in pursuing something new to experience a different feeling. Regular replacement can enrich the life experience, make life fun. I think there is always engaged in a work or change jobs frequently, this is a life attitude and manner are his own choice, different people have different choices, not the same as there is not the same as the pursuit of standards. But you can be sure of is that they are like their choice, and character on this.
4, appearance
Some people think that person's appearance is very important, some people think that appearance is not particularly important, in my opinion: looks, though important, but it is ultimately not as important connotations. Because the appearance is given by the parents, no matter how bright once, but will eventually fade as time. Content is growing. People pay close attention to the modern appearance. Indeed, one looks good looks can indeed give a good impression. On the contrary, a somewhat bad appearance may not reach the desired results. I think the comparison in terms of capacity, looks are secondary. If a person has a very strong strength, no matter what he looks ugly, in my view is beautiful. On the contrary, if a person is only beautiful appearance, set of words is "TxerfJ;fair without and foul within", then I would rather own strength.

5, university dormitory
Some people think that universities should be more than one bedroom, some people consider themselves a better person one bedroom, my view is: a college dormitory is best not to live, so will feel very bored, and with the exchanges between students is also blocked , but many people do not live 4 the best, so you can either create a more friendly circle of friends, it will not happen because people are many and some unpleasant things, relatively speaking, space is quite sufficient.
1.Hello, Ah Lin, a long time without contacted! Miss you! Come you all right? Work, study, and I feel all right? You can wait until the participation of Austrian Peng distance education is now how it? Ready to graduate, right? I heard that you have registered for the legal profession is difficult to read, but depends on human effort, you said right? Life is quite hard to learn, regardless of learning difficulties encountered in their daily lives, or hope that you can brave face. After graduation you intend to apply for A Bar exam? When the lawyer is a very good job oh. I am also participating in OPEN-distance education, I am now learning English, I intend to participate in the national exams next year, to strive for next year, through all courses and achieve my own goals in life! We must encourage each other oh! Bless you learn Progress! Good health! Your Friends: swallow January 2010.
2.Hello, everyone, please allow me here to do a brief self-introduction, my name is Li Ming, I am now 27 years old, from Baise City, Guangxi. I am by nature lively and cheerful, likes to try and learn new things, I like dancing, singing, painting. I like the kindergarten teachers, and the industry. My vision is to become an early childhood education specialist. So, I graduated from normal school children and has been involved in early childhood education. To participate in early childhood education work for more than seven years time, this seven years, at work, I set strict demands on themselves, consciously abide by the rules and regulations, and actively carry out various education. Has accumulated a certain amount of teaching experience, and achieved good results. Many times as outstanding teachers. Since the parents can get their current identity, park leaders and teachers alike. Although still far away from my target, but I will try to achieve their goals, please support me lot! Thanks!
3.Some people like to always engage in a kind of work because they think they are suited for such work, and they can do such work. Always engaged in a kind of working people who prefer an easy life and they think they are not familiar with to reach out to their work than to deal with this kind of work. Some people like to be frequently changed jobs because they like to engage in a different environment, different jobs, their needs is a stimulus, they interested in pursuing something new to experience a different feeling. Regular replacement can enrich the life experience, make life fun. I think there is always engaged in a work or change jobs frequently, this is a life attitude and manner are his own choice, different people have different choices, not the same as there is not the same as the pursuit of standards. But you can be sure of is that they are like their choice, and character on this.
4. Some people think that person's appearance is very important, some people think that appearance is not particularly important, in my opinion: looks, though important, but it is ultimately not as important connotations. Because the appearance is given by the parents, no matter how bright once, but will eventually fade as time. Content is growing. People pay close attention to the modern appearance. Indeed, one looks good looks can indeed give a good impression. On the contrary, a somewhat bad appearance may not reach the desired results. I think the comparison in terms of capacity, looks are secondary. If a person has a very strong strength, no matter what he looks ugly, in my view is beautiful. On the contrary, if a person is only beautiful appearance, set of words is "fair without and foul within", then I would rather own strength.
5.Some people think that universities should be more than one bedroom, some people consider themselves a better person one bedroom, my view is: a college dormitory is best not to live, so will feel very bored, and with the exchanges between students is also blocked , but mwww.rixia.ccany people do not live 4 the best, so you can either create a more friendly circle of friends, it will not happen because people are many and some unpleasant things, relatively speaking, space is quite sufficient.
哇塞 这么长 10分就。。。

不过不是分数的问题。。。没耐心翻 lZ别看人家用软件翻的啊 烂的


1.Hold Self and Others Accountablern 2.What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say
2.行大于言。第二句的意思肯定跟说话无关,前面回答的人估计没看清,是(what you do)speaks,不是what you speak do。大意应该是,你所做的有很大的成效,或者很成功,以至于我听不清你说的;你的行动比言语更有力。





各位英文高手,帮个忙好不,我要写一封letter,但是不知道用英文怎么表达rnrn本公司人手短缺,急需具有food service相关经验的manager, 登了广告在报纸上和网络上,但是数周过去了,除了linda外,没有人前来应聘。 经过面试,她各方面都符合本公司的要求rn所以本公司决定录用她作为我公司的长期员工 rnrn这是这么一段话 请翻译下 多谢了 rn不需要逐句翻译,因为是要给上头看的,所以希望能专业点
Our company is in instant need of a manager who is experienced in food service related. And it has been advertised iwww.rixia.ccn newspaper as well as internet. However, after a couple of weeks, nobody came to apply except Linda. After an overall interview, we find that Linda meets every single requirement toward the manager.
Therefore, our company decide to employed Linda as a regular long-term employee.
Our company is short of hands, need manager with food service relevant experience badly, has advertised on the newspaper and on the network, but several weeks passed by, except linda, nobody comes to apply for. Through the interview, her different fields fit our company's requirement
So our company determines to employ long-term staff, as our company of her
Our company has the urgent need for a manager with food service experience since a shortage of manpower. We have advertised in newspapers and on the network, but no one came to candidates except linda a few days later. After the interview, she was in every respect in line with the Company's request, so we decided to hire her as our company's long-term employee.
This company manpower is short, urgently needs to have food service correlation experience manager, ascended the advertisement in the newspaper and the network, but several weeks have passed, besides linda, nobody comes to respond to a call for recruits. After interviews, her various aspects all conform to this company's requirement
therefore this company decided hires her to take our company the long-term staff
my company is lack of employee now,so we wanna employ one manager who has the experians of the food service. we have posted this information on newspaper and some websites.But a few weeks later, only Linda come to ask for job. we think she is able to fit the request of us after interviewing. Therefore, our company decided to hire her as our long-term employee.

请各位英文高手帮帮忙! 翻译一下.....

科幻极客们常常尴尬地发现,技术进步并没有让读者更完整地理解他们苦心孤诣制造的预言,相反,这些未来主义的警告要么被看做极端技术忧虑分子的自说自话,要么就被好莱坞等大众流行文化工厂拿去重新炮制为无深度消费品。尼尔盖曼的《阿纳斯男孩》卖出了10万册,然而并不说明主流青少年能够深切理解它,他们把《阿纳斯男孩》解读为哈利波特和蜘蛛侠的大杂烩。杰雷德赫斯导演的《大人物拿破仑》更被肤浅地理解为青春校园喜剧,亚特兰大说唱歌手克瑞斯(MC Chris)的,热门金曲《Fettx27s Vette》,其灵感则来自《星球大战三部曲》,而《捉鬼者巴菲》以及《天使》、《萤火虫》的主创导演乔斯威登则痛心地发现他的《冲出宁静号》变成了一部不间断的电脑特技秀。rn rn请各位英文高手帮忙翻译一下 ! 谢谢 。。。
Sci-fi geeks are often embarrassed to discover that technological progress does not make the reader get a more complete understanding of their painstaking manufacture of prophecy, on http://www.rixia.ccthe contrary, these futuristic warning are either seen as self-talking of extreme technical geeks who worry about the future, or to be made as no-depth consumer goods by popular culture factory such as Hollywood. Anansi Boys written by Neil Gaiman are sold for 100,000 copies, however, this is not saying that the mainstream of youth can understand it deeply, they consider Anansi Boys as a hodgepodge of Harry Potter and Spiderman. Napoleon Dynamite, directed by Jared Hess, is superficially noticed as a youth campus comedy. Fett's Vette, by Atlanta rapper MC Chris, takes its inspiration from the Star Wars, and Joss Whedon, who has directed the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly, is sad to find that his Serenity becomes an uninterrupted computer stunt show .



本文标题: 各位英语高手请帮帮忙翻译翻译...
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/262852.html





