


2022-06-04 00:58:48 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:167


Shuizhuroupian, a pot of incense, a bucket of the world, Hong Ma Ke ball, Hong pineapple sweet and sour pork, duck blood lily, pepper skin of soybean milk, pepper duck, garlic mushrooms, bean curd, to Sam Sun, crisp roast eggplant, homemade tofu, and garlic mushrooms, fried onion bored child, spicy corn, straw mushroom fried conch, stewed fish, squirrel fish, spicy fish sticks, sweet and sour fish, boiled fish, secret fish, vinegar burn white soup, garlic Dusi random soup, Roumo tofu soup, egg drop soup, beef stew Guozi frozen tofu, Guozi sets of leather, Guozi pickled white meat, Guozi Haggis希望你能采纳!
Shuizhuroupian, a pot of incense, a barrel of the world, of Hong Ma eggplant balls, Hong spinach ancient meat, lilies and duck blood, pepper tofu skin, pepper duck blood, sliced onion straw mushroom, Mapo Tofu, to Sam Sun, brittleroasted eggplant, homemade tofu, onion and garlic fungus, green onions fried stuffy, spicy corn kernels, straw mushroom fried conch, braised fish, squirrel fish, spicy fish strips, sweet and sour fish, boiled fish, secret fish, vinegar burn Baiyusoup, the chaos garlic the Dusi soup, Roumo tofu soup, egg soup, stewed frozen tofu stew beef, Guozi cover skin, stewed pickled white meat, Guozi Haggis, head foam cake, Guozi Japanese tofu, Guozi primemeatball, wok croaker



宁波汤圆 Ningbo glutinous rice dumpling in soup
鸡蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg
清炒时蔬 plain-fried fresh vege日夏养花网tables
三丝米线 rice noodle with three sorts of shredded vegetable
白煮鸡蛋 boiled egg
炸土豆丝饼 fried cake with shredded potato
蒸南瓜 steaming pumpkin
枸杞南瓜粥 porridge with medlar and pumpkin
香菇鸡肉粥 porridge with mushroom and chicken
鲜肉蒸饺 steamed ravioli with meat filling
鲜肉小粽 rive dumpling with meat wrapped in reed leaves
腊肠卷 sausage roll
发糕 steamed cake
菜肉水饺 dumpling with meat and vegetable filling
Rather wavehttp://www.rixia.cc tang yuan
Chicken fried rice with egg
Fresh fried hour
Three silk rice lines
The white cooks an egg
Fry a soil bean silk a round flat cake
Steam pumpkin
Matrimony vine pumpkin gruel
Black mushrooms chicken gruel
Fresh meat steamed dumpling
Fresh meat small glutinous rice dumpling
Bowel book
Vegetables meat dumpling


神仙鸭子rn 麻婆豆腐 rn 叫化鸡rn 回锅肉 rn 白煮肉rn 开水白菜rn 西湖莼菜汤 rn八仙过海闹罗汉 rn鼎湖上素rn用英语怎么说
Immortals Duck 神仙鸭子
Hot Tofu麻婆豆腐
Poolhttp://www.rixia.cc chicken叫化鸡
twice meat回锅肉
Pure meat白煮肉
Hot water Cabbage 开水白菜
Xihu Braseniaschreberi soup西湖莼菜汤
八仙过海闹罗汉 (不懂)
Ding lake's Vegetables 鼎湖上素


Cold mushroom
Halogen ox tendon
Skin frost
Cold crawfish
Bulbs bubble sea sting head
Cold kelp silk
Hot candied sweet potato
Potato roast chicken
Four xi meatball
Shandie roast pork spareribs

Pine nuts pineapple rice
Spicy vanilla roast shrimp
Onion oil sea cucumber
Minced garlic steamed abalone
Love cookies
Bean pumpkin rolls
Potato stewed catfish

Braise in soy sauce lamb chops
Onions YouHua roll
Cook tomato soup of potatoes
Steamed crab

Mushroom salad
Brine shin
Roupi Dong
Crayfish salad
Laocu bubble jellyfish head
Kelp salad
Candied sweet potatoes
Chicken potatoes
Sixi balls
Honey roasted pork ribs

Pine nuts pineapple rice
Vanilla spicy grilled shrimp
Scallion sea cucumber
Garlic Steamed Abalone
Love cookies
Pumpkin roll with red bean paste
Catfish stew potatoes

Braised lamb chops
Scallion Hanamaki
Potato soup sirloin tomato
Steamed crabs

请帮忙把菜名翻成英文!!谢谢 (要标准点的)

BaoDing jar with a long history of meat
BaoDing tender stir-fry three kinds of food
Chili sauce with peanuts add Shrimps
ShiMen stew
small bone slag balls
Chili sauce with peanuts add chicken cubes
Fresh shrimp and eggplant in abalone sauce
Zhao County roast donkey meat
Soft-shelled Turtle stew chicken
Pot stewed meat
Chicken soup with mushroom stewed pork balls
Palace practice of GuShi County goose meat
Fried roast white Taihu Lake fish of wild
Prune beans stew Bacon
pork elbow stewed a kind of dried pieces of bean curd
Dried radish fried Bacon
【For reference only】
保定老坛肉 Baoding Pot Meat
保定溜三样 Baoding fried mix of three
宫保虾仁 Kung Pao Shrimps
石门炖菜 Shimen stew
骨渣丸子 bone residue with meatball
宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken
鲜虾鲍汁茄盒 Tomato with Shrimps in Abalone Sauce
赵县烧驴肉 ZhaoXian braised donkey meat
霸王别姬 Farewell My Concubine
罐焖肉 Pot stew pork
鸡汤山菌炖贡丸 Meat Ball and Mushroom in Chicken Soup
皇宫固始鹅 Royal Gushi Goose
煎烧野生太湖白鱼 Fried Wild White Fish in Tai Lake
梅干豆炖腊肉 Prunes Bean stew Preserved Pork
肘子焖千张 pork joint stew Qianzhang
萝卜干炒腊肉 Sauted Preserved Pork with Dried Turnip
Baoding old Tanrou

Baoding slipped three

Kung Pao shrimp

Shimen stew
Bone slag ball

Kung pao chicken

Shrimp abalone juice cigar box

Zhaoxian County burning donkey

Farewell to my concubine

Pot roast

Stewed pork balls soup mountain fungus

The p日夏养花网alace of Gushi goose

Fried roast wild Taihu whitefish

Prune bean stewed meat

Elbows close 1000

Dried radish with wax fried meat
Baoding old Tanrou

Baoding slipped three

Kung Pao shrimp

Shimen stew

Bone slag ball

Kung pao chicken

Shrimp abalone juice cigar box

Zhaoxian County burning donkey

Farewell to my concubine

Pot stewed meat

Stewed pork balls soup mountain fungus

The palace ofwww.rixia.cc Gushi goose

Fried roast wild Taihu whitefish

Prune bean stewed meat

Pork braised thousand

Sauteed preserved pork with pickled turnip
Baoding old altar meat
Baoding slipped three
Mantis shrimp
Shimen stew
Bone slag ball
Kung pao chicken
Shrimp bao juice tomato boxes
Burn donkey zhaoxian county
Farewell my concubine
Jugged meat
Chicken soup mountain bacteria stew meat balls
Palace the gushi goose
Fried and wild taihu white fish
Bean stew wrong bacon
Elbow son like photos
Dried turnip Fried bacon


本文标题: 请帮忙翻译以下英文菜名。
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/262385.html





