


2022-06-01 15:38:56 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:93

谁能帮我翻译下 这几句话的英文

我的回答是:1:我的裤子太长了 My trousers are too long.
2:学英语不容易 It is not easy to study English

3:你能在这里等下吗 Can you wait here for a while?
4:是我们该走的时候了 It is time for us to leave
5:老师告诉我们地球是圆的 Teacher informed us the earth is circinal.
6:全体起立,法院现在开庭 Stand up together please, Court begins from now on.
7:最近在这一段路上发生了一连串 There is a succession of accidents happaned on this road recently
1:我的裤子太长了 My trousers are too long.
2:学英语不容易 It is not 日夏养花网easy to study English

3:你能在这里等下吗 Can you await here for a while?
4:是我们该走的时候了 It it time for us to leave
5:老师告诉我们地球是圆的 Teacher informed us the earth is circinal.
6:全体起立,法院现在开庭 Stand up together please, Court begins from now on.
7:最近在这一段路上发生了一连串 There is a succession of accidents happaned on this road recently
My pants are too long
It is hard/difficult/rough to study English./ It's not easy to learn English./ To learn English well is with no facilities.
Could you wait here for a second?
It's time for us to go now.
Teachers told us that the Earth is round.
All rise please, the Court will start now.
There are a chain/series of traffic accidents happened on this road recently.

给了多一些的表达方法,而且还指出一下,那个 wait here for a second 这个比较靠美语日常对话,而 wait for a moment here或者是wait for a minute here这种把here放后面都会比较的书面。
My trousers are too long.

It's not easy to learn English.

Could you wait for a moment here?

It's time for us to leave.

The teacher told us that the earth is round.

All stand up,the court is beginning now.

Recently,there are a series of accidents happened on this road.
my pants are too long
it is hard to study english
can you wait here for a second?
it is time for us to go
the teacher told us that the Earth is oval
Please stand up and the Court starts now
it happened http://www.rixia.cca lot oon this part of the roads recently


1.你说错了,我和你的认识是在操场上。(You are wrong, and I and your understanding is in the playground.)
2.我也喜欢你,但是这只有喜欢、好感,明天、后天,你一定回忘记.(I would also like you, but this is only like, a good impression, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, www.rixia.ccyou'll definitely be forgotten.)
3.不要迷恋姐.姐只是个传说(Do not linger Sister, Sister is just a legend.)
4.你真的喜欢我吗?(Do you really like me?)
You are wrong.I met you on the playground.

I like you as well,but it's just a sense of love,you will forget it tomorrow and day after tomorrow for sure.

Don't adore me as a sister,I'm just a lengend.


1.We must try our best to do better as long as we get to the court.
We must win if we would die.Don't hold our hand!
2.Believe in God.
1. Once on the play ground, just do your utmost! Do it better, win it with all your energy. Never be mercy!
2. Believe in God.
1. Whenever you step on the court, you have to try your best. Win with all your might and show no mercy.
2. Believe in God.
1.Burn yourself on court!Make it better and struggle to win.No mercy!
2.Believe in god.
Once on the arana, just fight to the end! Try your best to win the game. Never be mercy!
Believe in God.
Once setting foot on the field,you should try your best to do it better and fight for the prize.Never show mercy to your opponent.和Believe the God.


又到单身节了Alexandra我真的很想念了,想念我们在一起的日子,想念你笑着对我说小孩子我就是这么爱你。对不起,虽然分手了,但是我希望你的单身节过得快乐,今年我会会回来,我想跟你一起过新年,我最近喜欢上了一个女孩子,不知道怎么的从见她第一面的时候就开始喜欢上了她,当时还尴尬的跟她打招呼,我想追求她,可是我怕她会拒绝 ,所以觉得只要能跟她聊聊天就好了,谢谢你Alexandra,希望你的幸运能保佑我能好好跟她在一起噢~!

And to the single's day Alexandra and I really miss,
miss the days we are together,
miss you smile to
me baby I love you this
much. Sorry, although broke up, but I hope you have a happy single's day this year, I
will be back, I want to go with you to spend the new
year, I like a girl, do not know how from to see her face when begin to like her, was also embarrassed to call her Hello, I want to go after her,
but I was
she would refuse,
so I think as long
as you can talk with her just fine, thank you Alexandra, I hope you are fortunate to be able to bless me to stay with her Oh!
Hi Alexandra,

The SAD(Single Awarness Dwww.rixia.ccay) is again around the corner, I missed so much. Gone are those days which we spent our great time together, I fell in love with you as you told me that I was like a kid. Though we are not together, I hope you are fine and doing well for this SAD, and I will be back to spend time with you for this coming new year. ... BTW, I know one girl lately, and I didn't know why that I have fall in love at the first sight, it was rather awkward for me to say hello to her then, I felt like going after her but afraid of her rejection. Hence, I may simply chit-chat with her instead. Thanks Alex. Hope that you would give me your blessing for it....
又到单身节了Alexandra我真的很想念了,想念我们在一起的日子,想念你笑着对我说小孩子我就是这么爱你。对不起,虽然分手了,但是我希望你的单身节过得快乐,今年我会会回来,我想跟你一起过新年,我最近喜欢上了一个女孩子,不知道怎么的从见她第一面的时候就开始喜欢上了她,当时还尴尬的跟她打招呼,我想追求她,可是我怕她会拒绝 ,所以觉得只要能跟她聊聊天就好了,谢谢你Alexandra,希望你的幸运能保佑我能好好跟她在一起噢~!

Once again comes the Single's Day, Alexander, I really miss you, miss those days we were together, and miss you ever said to me with a soft smile that you love me with no any reason. I'm sorry, we finally broke up, yet I sincerely hope you a happy Single's Day. Late this year, I will come back and I wish you could spend the New Year with me. Recently, I had a crush on a girl, unreasonably, I just fell in love with her at first sight, I www.rixia.cceven greeted at her in an embarrassment. I really would like to make a pass at her, but I'm afraid she will turn me down, so I just expect to have a talk with her, it would be fine enough. Thanks you, Alexander, I wish your fortune could give me a hand to stay with her, sincerely^^


本文标题: 谁用英语能帮我翻译这几句话。
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/260991.html





