


2022-05-30 03:38:38 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:156


这封信是我的一个外国客户给我的.有许多地方看不明白,希望有人能给我翻译出来.rnrnI GOT MY CDx27S VERY SOON... ALL RIGHT EXCEPT JUST ONE CD... I GUESS YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT....rnITx27S rnSimply Red - Home 15 RMBrnAs well as you know this CD has scratch on the 1st song ... and the CD stops on 1 min 48 sec...rnItx27s very bad that you sent the CD and didnx27t notice me... You know, that I buy it just my client and you know, I CAN NOT SELL this kind of product... I will LOSE my client in this way of business.... I asked you to provide JUST and ONLY perfect and good CDx27s....rn How to make business in this case??????rnSo I ask you to change the CD for some another CD (15 RMB)... I will buy the second box of CDs... If you donx27t mind I will give the Simply Red CD to your brother xiao Du... maybe he would trade it??? (sorry, I canx27t, I am too serious)...rn So I look forward for answer from you.rnVadimrn还有我要跟他说要直接退钱给他,还有叫他换台好的CD机播放.我要怎么说,怎么解决呢.
我很快收到了CD。都挺好的,除了其中一张,我想你知道我指的是什么。就是那张simple red home,15块。
我要求你给我更换另一张15块的cd,我会买第二箱cd,你不介意的话我会把那个simply red cd给你的兄弟xiao du. 可能他会拿去换?(抱歉,我不能,我太严肃了,,,意思可能是比较生硬) 。
你要说的是:i will refund your money. pleashttp://www.rixia.cce try another betther CD player. 口语的,比较随便
我得到我的CD的很快...所有的权利,除了刚才一张CD ...我猜你知道我所说的....
简单的红色-首页1 5元人民币
以及如你所知,这裁谈会从头开始对第一首歌...和裁谈会站, 1分钟48秒...
它的极坏的,你发出的CD ,并没有通知我...你也知道,我买它只是我的客户和你知道,我不能出售这种产品...我将失去我的客户在这样的业务… … 。我问您提供公正,只有完善和良好的裁谈会的....
因此,我要求你改变的CD一些另一个CD ( 15元人民币) ...我将购买第二个方框中的CD ...如果你不介意,我会以简单的红色的CD ,以你的兄弟肖笃...也许他会贸易呢? ? ? (对不起,我不能,我太严重) ...

I will direct money back to you, there are good for Taiwan's CD-player
我很快得到了我的CD的… 所有纠正除了一CD… 我猜测您知道什么我谈论….
完全红家15 RMB
是非常坏的您送了CD,并且没有注意我… 您知道,我买它我的客户的那,并且您知道,我不可能卖这种产品… 我这样将失去我的客户事务…. 我要求您提供和只完善和好CD的….
如何在这种情况下做事务? ? ? ? ? ?
因此我要求您改变某一其他CD的CD (15 RMB)… 我将买第二箱CDs… 如果您不介意我将给完全红色CD您的兄弟肖Du… 可能他会换它? ? ? (抱歉,我不能,我是太严肃的)…


Graphic DesignrnIn the broadest sense, graphic design describes the conscious organization of text and/or images to communicate a specific message. The term refers to both the process (a verb: to design) by which the communication is generated, as well as the product of this process (a noun: a design). It is used to inform, advertise, or decorate, and typically embodies a combination of these functions. The more aesthetic and sensory latitude involved or allowed, the closer graphic design veers toward art (poetics); the less, the closer toward science (functionality). Today the term encompasses a notoriously wide range of activities, from the design of traditional print media (books and posters) to location-specific media (signs and signage systems), and electronic media (CD/DVD-ROMs and web sites).rnGraphic design emerged as an autonomous discipline in the first half of the twentieth century, encompassing both long-standing and emerging activities such 日夏养花网as typography, book design, and advertising. After a few decades marked by avant-garde experimentation in the first half of the twentieth century, the discipline acquired a degree of professional acumen during the decades immediately before and after the Second World War. Toward the end of the millennium this status was destabilized through the so-called democratization of publishing (“desktop publishing”). During the shift from the mechanical to digital, the tools of graphic design production—page makeup and imaging software, typefaces, and so on—became freely available and relatively cheap. This demystified the notion of graphic design and, by extension, questioned both the professional standing and relevance of the graphic designer. Like many media roles, graphic design is now characterized by this uncertain identity.rn谢谢!希望能帮我翻译下!谢谢。。。
在最广泛的意义,介绍了平面设计的文字和/或图像意识的组织传达特定的信息。这个词是指两个进程(动词:设计),其中产生的沟通,以及这一过程的产物(名词:设计)。它是用来告知,宣传,或装饰,通常体现了对这些功能组合。在更多的审美和感官纬度涉及或允许的,越接近走向艺术(诗)平面设计不见得让它;的少,对科学的(功能)密切。今天,这个词包括臭名昭著的活动范围广泛,从传统的印刷媒体(书籍和海报)到特定位置的媒体(标志和标志系统)和电子媒体(CD / DVD - ROM和网站)的设计。
在最宽广感觉,平面造型设计中平面造型设计描绘文本和/或形象的有意识组织传达一特有信息.术语把过程交给两个处理一动词:设计通讯存在产生的以及这过程的产品在附近一名词:一设计.它被用来提供资料,登公告,或者装饰和典型体现一这些功能的结合.涉及或者允许更美学的更和感觉的纬度,朝着艺术((诗学)更密切平面造型设计变更 ;更不那么,朝着科学closer((官能性).今天术语特定的媒体((记号和标记系统)和电子媒体(CD//DVD-只读存储器和网站包围一大批臭名昭著地从到位置-传统印刷媒体((书和海报)的设计活动广泛.平面造型设计在前一半中第二十世纪的自治纪律作为一出现http://www.rixia.cc成功地导致由来已久的和新兴的例如凸版印刷,书设计和广告业活动两者.在几被先锋派的实验在朝派前一半标记几十年的第二十世纪以后,在十年纪律在以前和在第二次世界大战War以后直接获得一程度的职业敏锐.朝着千年末这状况被通过所谓民主化的出版((“desktoppublishing”)使不稳定.在期间从机械手指,工具的平面造型设计转移可用的production—page构成和造像软件,字面和那样 on—became自由和相对说来便宜.这个使平面造型设计的想法非神秘化和自然地怀疑在两方面同样地平面设计师设计者的职业地位和有关.像很多媒体作用,现在平面造型设计的特点是这不确定身份.


亲爱的海伦,你好吗? 我是hayleyrn请允许我用这种方式和你联络,因为你在假期, 所以我有点问题想第一时间请问你, rnrn我的签证10 月31号到期,我想续签, 因为我是学生签证, 工作时间每周不能超过30小时, 如果多余30小时, 有可能拒签, 所以这对于我们的续签很重要。这里的护士poly 告诉我们, 我们可以申请一个银行支票, 把多出的工作时间打到支票上面, 等续签完成后再去银行还钱, 听起来是一个很好的办法, helen 你有什么意见吗? 他还告诉我们不用担心, 从6月份的工资开始, 因为home office 的工作人员只会查看签证结束的前3个月的工作小时。rnrn hayley w
Hello, Helen, dear? I am hayley
Please allow me to use this way to contact with you, because you are on vacation, so I have a problem to the first do you,

My visa expires on October 31st, I want to renew, because I am a student visa, working hours must not exceed 30 hours per week, if less than 30 hours, there may be refusehttp://www.rixia.ccd, so it is very important for our renewed. Here the nurse poly tell us, we can apply for a bank checks, and put the extra time to check it again after the completion of the extension, go to a bank is money, sounds is a good way to Helen, do you have any comment? He also told us that don't worry, from June, because the salary start home office staff can only see the visa over 3 months before working hours.

Hayley w


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本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/259473.html





