


2022-05-25 03:38:58 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:164


1.项 目 rn2.英语同传服务(2名)与设备租赁25套rn3.(有关安全管理方面的培训)rn4.总 额 39555元(含税)rn5.付款方式 rn6.转帐rn7履约订金19777元 rn8.定金付款时间 rn9.2011年11月30日前rn10.应付余额 19778元 rn11.余额付款时间rn12.同传翻译完成后的5个工作日内rn13.设备安装调试时间rn14.2011年12月4日下午 rn15.译员服务时间 rn16.每个工作日内的8小时rn17.译 员到达时间 2011年12月5日rn18.翻译与设备使用时间 rn19.2011年12月5-7日(三天) rn20翻译与设备使用地点
1.项 目 Project
2.英语同传服务(2名)与设备租赁25套 Simultaneous Interpreters(2) and 25 sets of Simultaneous Interpretation equipment
3.(有关安全管理方面的培训)Training of Security Administration
4.总 额 39555元(含税) Total Amount: RMB39555(tax included)
5.付款方式 Payment Method
6.转帐 Transfer
7履约订金19777元 Deposit Payment : RMB19777
8.定金付款时间 Deposit Payment Date:
9.2011年11月30日前 before 30 Nov 2011
10.应付余额 19778元 Payable Balance : RMB19778
11.余额付款时间 payment time of the payable balance
12.同传翻译完成后的5个工作日内 within 5 working days after finishing Simultaneous Interpretation assignment
13.设备安装调试时间 time for adjusting equipment
14.2011年12月4日下午 afternoon, 4 Dec 2011
15.译员服务时间 Simultaneous Interpretation period
16.每个工作日内的8小时 8 hours each working day
17.译 员到达时间 2011年12月5日 Arrival time of the interpreter 5 Dec 2011
18.翻译与设备使用时间 Hiring Period of the Interpreters and the interpretation equipment
19.2011年12月5-7日(三天) 5-7 Dec 2011 ( 3 days)
20翻译与设备使用地点Place of Interpretation assignment and equipment required
1. An eye
2. English with the service (2) and equipment leasing 25 sets
3. (related safety management training)
4. The total amount RMB 39555 (including taxes)
5. Payment
6. Transfer
7 the performance deposit 19777 yuan
8. Payment time deposit
9.2011 years before 30 November
10. The outstanding balance of 19778 yuan
11. Balance payment time
12. With the translation after completing the five working days
13. Equipment installation commissioning times
14.2011 December 4 afternoon
15. Interpreter service time
16. Each working days of 8 hours
17. The member arrival time December 5, 2011
18. The translation and equipment use time
19.2011 years on December 5-7 (3 days)
20 translation and equipment use site
1.项 目 subject
2.英语同传服务(2名)与设备租赁25套 Simultaneous Interpreters(2) and 25 sets of Simultaneous Interpretation equipment
3.(有关安全管理方面的培训)Training of Security Administration
4.总 额 39555元(含税) Total Amount: RMB39555(tax included)
5.付款方式 Payment
6.转帐 Transfer
7履约订金19777元 Down Payment : RMB19777
8.定金付款时间 Down payment Date:
9.2011年11月30日前 before 2011 Nov 30
10.应付余额 19778元 Balance : RMB19778
11.余额付款时间 Balance payment time
12.同传翻译完成后的5个工作日内 in 5 working days of finishing Simultaneous Interpretation assignment
13.设备安装调试时间 time for adjusting equipment
14.2011年12月4日下午 afternoon, 2011 Dec 4
15.译员服务时间 Simultaneous Interpretation period
16.每个工作日内的8小时 8 hours every working day
17.译 员http://www.rixia.cc到达时间 2011年12月5日 Arrival time of the interpreter 2001 Dec 5
18.翻译与设备使用时间 Hiring Period of the Interpreters and the interpretation equipment
19.2011年12月5-7日(三天)2011 Dec 5--7 ( 3 days)
20翻译与设备使用地点Place of Interpretation assignment and equipment required
1 project
2 English simultaneous translation serivce(2 person) and Equipmets leasing(25 sets)---设备租赁这部分你要借鉴一下别人的,我拿不太准。
3 trainning on safty management
4 Total Amount:RMB3,555.00(Including VAT)
5 Terms of Payment:
6 T/T
7 50% of total amount as deposit,这句可以合并到付款方式里面的去的。
8 Time of deposit:这句可以合并到付款方式里面的去的。
9 Before Nov.30th,2011
10 Balance payment:Rest 50% of total amount(RMB19,778.00)
11Time of Balance payment 这句可以合并到付款方式里面的去的.
12Within 5 working days after the transltion works done.
13 Time of equipment installmentand commisioning:
14 in the afternoon of Dec. 4th,2011
15 the translators' working time
16 8 hours every workingday.
17 the translators will arrived in Dec.5th,2011
18 the translators and equipments is available from ...to ...
19 From 5th,Dec.2011 to 7Th,Dec.2011(3days)
20 Working site of translators and equipment


Writing a more clear idea of the author, a more reasonable thesis structure. First of all papers presented to develop the reasons for car credit business, as well as the Chinese market the existing car loanAnd then the banks and auto finance companies credit provided by a comparative analysis of the business, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each, and finally the author of China's auto credit problems are analyzed and pointed out that the promotion of its development.The author has some writing skills, writing process to use the data and charts to illustrate the problem using the basic theory of finance. The shortcomings of paper is the last part of the discussion and in-depth analysis is not comprehensive enough.
The second paragraph:
The level of a clear thesis, first introduced ICBC banking network the basic situation, and then analyzed the question of its existence, and finally pointed out the solution to the problem, compared to master the language.
The contents of the shortcomings of paper is not very full, the network of banks and specific analysis is not deep enough, nor the use of large amounts of data and charts to illustrate the problem.

The first paragraph:
Writing a more clear idea of the author, a more reasonable thesis structure. First of all papers presented to develop the reasons for car credit business, as well as the Chinese market the existing car loan, and then the banks and auto finance companies credit provided by a comparative analysis of the business, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each, the last author the existence of China's auto credit Analysis of issues and pointed out that the promotion of its development.
The author has some writing skills, writing process to use the data and charts to illustrate the problem using the basic theory of finance.
The shortcomings of paper is the last part of the discussion and in-depth analysis is not comprehensive enough.

The second paragraph:
The level of a clear thesis, first introduced ICBC banking network the basic situation, and then analyzed the question of its existence, and finally pointed out the solution to the problem, compared to master the language.
The contents of the shortcomings of paper is not very full, the network of banks and specific analysis is not deep enough, nor the use of large amounts of data and charts to illustrate the problem.
First section:

The author's train of thought in his writing is comparatively distinct, the structure of thesis is relatively rational. The thesis introduces, first of all,the reasons for the vigorous expansion of car financial credit business, and the current car financial credit business on the Chinese market, and then conducts comparative analysis on the financial credit business provided by the banks and car finance companies, pointing out the respective advantages and disadvantages, and finally the author carries out analysis on China's car financial credit's existing problems,and calls attention to the method for promoting its development.
The author possesses certain writing skill, and is able to make use of data and diagrams to explain problems in his writing process, he also uses finance's fundamental theories.
The thesis' weak points lie in the final part where discussion on the analysis is lacking in comprehensiveness and depth.

Second section:
The arrangement of ideas of this thesis is explicit, it introduces firstly, the fundamental situation of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's network banking business, and further analyses its existing problems, and finally identifies ways of solving the problems,the manner of writing is relatively clear and smooth.
The weakness of this thesis lies in the content's slight lack of abundance, and the analysis on network banking is lacking in VmnGuNDdepth and comprehensiveness, it also does not use large quantity of data and diagrams to explain problems.
The first paragraph:
Writing a more clear idea of the author, a more reasonable thesis structure. First of all papers presented to develop the reasons for car credit business, as well as the Chinese market the existing car loan, and then the banks and auto finance companies credit provided by a comparative analysis of the business, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each, the last author the existence of China's auto credit Analysis of issues and pointed out that the promotion of its development.
The author has some writing skills, writing process to use the data and charts to illustrate the problem using the basic theory of finance.
The shortcomings of paper is the last part of the discussion and in-depth analysis is not comprehensive enough.

The second parag日夏养花网raph:
The level of a clear thesis, first introduced ICBC banking network the basic situation, and then analyzed the question of its existence, and finally pointed out the solution to the problem, compared to master the language.
The contents of the shortcomings of paper is not very full, the network of banks and specific analysis is not deep enough, nor the use of large amounts of data and charts to illustrate the problem.

请大家帮忙翻译几个句子吧 汉译英的 非常感谢啊

1.约翰凑够了大学一年级的费用rn2.一些白人(whites)抢夺了印第安人(Indian)的土地并且杀害(slaughter)他们(rob....of)rn3.我需要两天的时间(a couple of days)考虑一下这件事情(think over)
1. John had reserved the fee for his first year in the university.
2. Some whites robbed the Indians of their lands and slaughter them.
3. I need a couple of days to think it over.
John saved up enough money to pay the tuition
Some whites robbed the Indians of their land and slaughtered them

I need a couple of days to think this affair over
绝对原创 力求正确 希望牛人给与斧正
John made up the school fees for the first year of university.
Some whitehttp://www.rixia.ccs robbed the Indians of their land and killed them.
I need a couple of days to think it over.
Analysis of the investigation of the Central Art Academy of the undergradutes`leisure sports.


My favorite sport is basketball , because sometimes watching nba games, I feel like watching an interesting and stimulating performances. Their graceful movements and superb skills, as well as ability to respond quickly let me amazed. Basketball is a passionate sport.
My favorite sport is basketball, sometimes, I like watching the NBA, It seems like an interesting and exciting performance, their beautiful movements , high techniques and prompt responses is amazing, basketball is really a passionate sport!
I like basketball this campaign, because sometimes see nba games, I felt like it is an interesting and exciting performances. The move their fat and superb skills, and the rapid reaction capacity for me. Basketball is a passionate movement.
their mind:他们的头脑



Analysis of the investigation of the Central Art Academy of the undergradutes`leisure sports.
Analysis of the Central Academy of Fine leisure sports status of students in school
Discuss on the Survey to the Sport Condition in Spare Time of the Existing Undergraduate of Central Academy of Fine Arts
An Investigation on the Leisure Sports Condition of the Undergraduates in China Central Academy of Fine Arts


本文标题: 请大家帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢,急用(汉译英)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/256467.html





