


2022-05-19 02:38:37 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:91


At fifteen I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from perplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.
At fifteen, I made my mind to studying knowledge.
At thirty, I just learned to be independent.
At forty, I knew the answers JAvxwdnyto clear the mist.
At fifty, I acknowledged what could not be done by humans.
At sixty, I could listen to others' opinions.
At seventy, I could be carefree with the rules.
At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. "At thirty, I stood firm. "At forty日夏养花网, I had no doubts. "At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven. "At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. "At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right."


品名:FC牛角烟嘴rnrn长度:8厘米 rnrn直径:12 rnrn重量:14克/支rnrn独立包装,并配送多一钢针rnrn烟嘴过滤器材料:铜rnrn(前部分为天然牦牛角及黄牛角,后部分为天然水牛角)rnrnrn天然纯牛角烟嘴:rn《中国药用动物志》记载牛角具有凉血止血,清热解毒之特别功效。主治于血热妄行的吐血,衄血,痈疮疖肿。用牛角制成的烟斗、烟嘴,可有效过滤烟的有害物质,并起到凉口、清肺、止渴的作用.rnrnrnFC牛角烟嘴好处:rn天然牛角制作,硬度强,不怕摔,可永久性使用.最低的价格,享受最久的好处.
Description: FC horns c1oisonne holder

Length: 8 centimeters

: 1.2 cm in diameter

Weight: 14 grams/teams

Independent packing and delivery more steel

Filter mathttp://www.rixia.ccerials: copper c1oisonne holder

(front into natural yak Angle and cattle Angle, posterior horn) into the surrounding

Natural pure horns c1oisonne holder:
The Chinese medical records of animals with cool blood hemostatic, horn of special qingrejiedu effect. Attending to clean blood heat, blood, and actions do vomiting blood boils carbuncle furuncle swollen. Using the horn of pipe, made c1oisonne holder, can effectively filter cigarettes and harmful substances, and cool clear lung, yi, the role.

FC horns mouthpiece benefits:
Natural horns, hardness is strong, not afraid, can use the lowest prices. Permanent, enjoy the benefits.

求高手帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢啦~ 不要翻译机翻译成的!翻译好的话我会追加分!

【要用括号中的词】rn1.这小男孩正骑在他父亲的肩上。(ride on)rn2.她去工作不是出于自愿而是由于必要。(necessity)rn3.她把水泼在我整幅画上,结果把它毁了。(ruin)rn4.孩子们去林中探险了。(explore)rn5.他非常想知道发生了什么事。(curious)rn6.现在的天气有利于我们出航。(favorable)rn【最好用从句】rn7.社会科学家的推测是几乎所有的行为都是学到的行为。rn8.他深信湖人队会赢得这场比赛。rn9.最让我惊讶的是他不会说英语。rn10.周一之前所有的事情都会准备妥当,这一点你可以放心。rn11.学校何时举行运动会还未决定。rn12.他母亲生病了,所以他上课迟到了日夏养花网
1. This little boy is riding on his father's shoulder.
2. She goes to work not because she wants to, but because it is a necessity.
3. She pour water on my paiting, in result ruining it.
4. The children are exploring in the forest.
5. She is curious about what happened.
6. The weather now is favorable to our sailing.
7. Social scientists predict that almost all of our actions are from learnt actions.
8. She deeply believe that the Lakers will win this game.
9. What shocks me most is that he does not know how to speak english.
10. We can prepare everthing properly before Monday, you can stop worrying about this point.
11. When the school will organize the sports day is still undecided.
12. His mother is sick, which is why he was late for class.

1. The boy was riding on his father's shoulders. (Ride on)
2. She went to work is not voluntary but because of necessity. (Necessity)
3. She splashed water on my picture on the whole, the results of ruined it. (Ruin)
4. The children go to the forest adventure. (Explore)
5. He would very much like to know what happened. (Curious)
6. Now the weather is conducive to our voyage. (Favorable)
7. Social scientists guess is that almost all behavior is learned behavior.
8. He was convinced that the Lakers will win the game.
9. What surprises me most is that he does not speak English.
10. Until Monday everything will be ready, that you can be assured.
11. The school has not yet decided when to hold the Games.
12. His mother was ill, so he was late for class.
1. The boy was riding on his father's shoulders
2. She went to work is not voluntary but because of necessity.
3. She splashed water on my picture on the whole, the results of ruined it
4`Children to explore the forest
5. He would very much like to know what happened
6. Now the weather is conducive to our sailing
7. Social scientists guess is that almost all behavior is learned behaviorm.
8. He was convinced that the Lakers will win the game.
9. What surprises me most is that he does not speak English.
10. Until Monday everything will be ready, that you can be assured. 11. The school has not yet decided when to hold the Games.
12. His mother was ill, so he was late for class.
The little boy was riding on his father's shoulders. ( ride on ) 2. she went to work and no his own volition. it was necessary ( necessity ) 3. she put the water spilled all over my painting and ruined it. ( ruin ) 4. the children to the expedition. ( explore ) 5. he wanted to know what happened. ( curious ) 6. the weather favours our 出航. ( favorable )
7. social scientists guess is almost all the behaviors are all learn to behave. 8. he was convinced that the lakers have won the game. 9. the most to my astonishment, he can't speak english. 10. a week before all things will be ready, this you can rest assured. 11. when the school sports meet is still undecided. 12. his mother was ill, so he was late for class.

1、The little boy is riding on his father’s shoulder.

2、 She goes to work not because of her own will, but necessity.

3、She splashed water on my picture, as the result the picture is ruined.

4、 The children went to explore in the forest.

5、 He's so curious about what happened.

6、The weather at present日夏养花网 is favorable for our sailing.

7、The Social scientist conjectured that almost all of our behaviors were from learning.

8、He has the conviction that the Lakers will win the match.

9、One thing shocks me most is that he doesn’t know how to speak English.

10、 You can stop worry about that we can’t prepare all of things until Monday.

11、 It’s still haven’t decision that when the spots meet will hold.

12、 He was late for school because of that his mother was sick.



本文标题: 求一大神帮忙翻译成英文,希望翻译顺畅,不要翻译软件翻译出来的。如果翻译的好会追加悬赏的。
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