


2022-05-17 22:38:36 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:135

谁能帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器 ,好的话我会给财富值35分



本人性格老实稳重,乐观大方,积极向上且爱好广泛,工作踏实肯干,专业理论扎实,技术熟练,从毕业到现在的三年时间里我积累了如下技能: 一.加工方面: 1.能用数控铣床加工简单的零件 2.熟练使用Z305016摇臂钻床进行钻孔、铰孔、攻丝等操作 3.熟练使用FASTCAM软件编制数控火焰切割机 程序,并能熟练操作使其切割各种零件 4.熟练使用普通焊机、二氧化碳保护焊机等焊接中等复杂程度的零件 5.熟练操作水平臂移动式三坐标测量机测量一般的单品零件及合成部件. 二.现场装配调试方面: 1.曾担任富路车业A01焊装生产线项目的现场装配负责人,对翻转机构、SLIDE机构、自锁机构的装配调试有丰富的经验. 2.曾参与IAT(北京)BC301试制夹具项目的装配调试 3.曾参与前后保险杠、前窗玻璃检具的装配与调试. 三.设计方面: 1.能够较熟练的应用catia进行夹具3D设计,曾参与力帆轻卡侧围、顶盖的夹具设计. 2.能够较熟练的应用MDT软件进行3D设计及2D出图工作 . 3.能够用UG软件进行简单的操作,绘制简单的零件. 本以上这些经历我深知严谨的工作态度的重要性,有时候设计上一点点的疏忽,会给制造上带来很大的麻烦,另外,作为一名合格的设计人员丰富的现场经验是至关重要的,设计脱离了现场一切都是空谈,所以,我希望贵公司能给我提供一个平台,让我在三个月内无论是在设计上还是在现场方面都有一个突破性的飞跃,谢谢!
本人の性格はおとなしい落ち着いて、楽観的で気前が良くて、积极的かつ着実に趣味が幅広くて、仕事をすることを承知して、専门の理论のは坚固で、熟练、卒业から今までの三年间に次のようなスキル:私が积み重ね。加工:1。用NCフライス盤加工简単な部品2.熟练して使用してZ305016アームドリルを穴あけ、リーマ、タッピングなどの操作3.熟练して使用してソフトウェアFASTCAM编成NC炎切断机プログラムは、熟练した操作カットさせる様々な部品を使用し4.普通溶接机、二酸化炭素保护溶接机などの溶接中等复雑さの部品5.操作の熟练レベルアーム移动式3座标测定机测定のような単品部品及び合成部品。二。现场组立调整面:1.务め富路车业A01溶接ラインプロジェクトの现场组立担当者、反転机构、SLIDE机构、ビンディング机构の组立デバッグに豊富な経験がある。2.曾参とIAT(北京)BC301试作治具プロジェクトの组立调整3.関与した前後バンパー、フロントガラス検具の组み立てとデバッグ。三。デザイン面:1.が比较的に熟练の応用を3D catia治具设计、曾参力帆と軽いカード侧り、キャップの治具设计。2.が比较的に熟练の応用MDTソフトを3D设计及び2D出図仕事。3.できるUGソフトを简単な操作で简単に描くの部品。本以上のこれらの経験は私知って厳格な仕事の态度の重要性を、时々设计に少しの油断に制造上に多大なご迷惑をおかけして、また、1名の合格の设计者は豊富な现场を経験して极めて重要で、设计から离脱した现场はすべて空论で、だから、私に贵社で私が提供するプラットフォームを、私は三ヶ月以内にも、设计上も现场の方面はすべて1つの画期的な飞跃、ありがとう



Koch (figure 1.4)used the criteria proposed by his former teacher, Jacob Henle (1809–1885), to establish the relationship between Bacillus anthracis and anthrax, and published his findings in 1876. Koch injected healthy mice with material from diseased animals, and the mice became ill. After transferring anthrax by inoculation through a series of 20 mice, he incubated a piece of spleen containing the anthrax bacillus in beef serum. The bacilli grew, reproduced, and produced spores. When the isolated bacilli or spores were injected into mice, anthrax developed. His criteria for proving the causal relationship between a microorganism and a specific disease are known as Koch’s postulates and can be summarized as follows:n1. The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms.2. The suspected microorganism must be isolated and grownnin a pure culture.n3. The same disease must result when the isolatednmicroorganism is inoculated into a healthy host.n4. The same microorganism must be isolated again from thendiseased host.nAlthough Koch used the general approach described in the postulatesnduring his anthrax studies, he did not outline them fullynuntil his 1884 publication on the cause of tuberculosis .nKoch’s proof that Bacillus anthracis caused anthrax was independentlynconfirmed by Pasteur and his coworkers. They discoverednthat after burial of dead animals, anthrax spores survivednand were brought to the surface by earthworms. Healthy animalsnthen ingested the spores and became ill.














科赫 (图 1.4) 用了标准─被他的前老师,男人名 Henle(1809-1885), 计划建立杆菌 anthracis 和炭疽热之间的关系,而且在 1876 年公开他的调查结果。 科赫从生病的动物为健康老鼠注射材料了,而且老鼠生病了。 在经过一系列 20只老鼠转移接插芽的炭疽热之后,他抱了在牛肉浆液中包含炭疽热杆菌的一个脾脏。 bacilli 成长,再生,而且生产了户外运动。 当隔离的 bacilli 或户外运动被注入老鼠,炭疽热发展。 他的标准求证一个微生物和一种特定的疾病之间的原因的关系即是科赫的假定而且能依下列各项被概述:
1.微生物一定存在于疾病的每个情形但是从健康 organisms.2 缺席。 可疑的微生物一定被隔离而且生长
3. 相同的疾病一定产生当这隔离的
4. 相同的微生物一定再次被隔离从这
直到在肺结核的因素方面的他的 1884 的出版。
被引起炭疽热的科赫的证明那一杆菌 anthracis 独立地
根据巴斯德和他的同事确认。 他们发现
而且被蚯蚓带给表面了。 健康动物
谁傻了冒了 人工翻译啊 扔有道去呗


专业技能 rn具有一年网页制作与网站开发相关经验rn具有扎实的编程功底和良好的编码习惯,掌握了面向对象程序的设计和分析方法rn熟悉html、css/javascripe系统架构,熟练运用dreamweaver开发工具rn熟悉HTTP/TCP协议以及socket编程;rn具有html5开发经验,有完整的项目经历rn熟练掌握word等办公软件,了解计算机基础知识rnrn自我评价rn 1. 热爱软件事业,对软件开发和设计工作有浓厚的兴趣,能承受较大的工作压力;rn 2.具有很强的团队精神,有良好的组织、协调和沟通能力,有强烈的集体荣誉感;rn 3.自学能力强,喜欢钻研新技术,敢于面对和克服困难;rn 4.有较强的动手能力,勇于面对困难和挑战,有很好的分析问题与解决问题的能力;rn 5.工作认真负责,积极上进,能够吃苦耐劳,有良好的职业素质;rn 6.经验教会我:要从客户的角度来优化,要从技术的角度来完善,才能写出满意的程序。
professional skill:

With one year related to web development experience in web production.

Have solid skills of programming and good coding habits,Mastered the object-oriented program design and analysis method.

Familiar with the HTML/CSS javascripe system architecture.Proficient use of the dreamweaver to develop tools.

Familiar with the HTTP/TCP protocol and socket programming.
With html5 development experience and the complete project experience.

Skilled in word and other office software,Understand basic computer knowledge.


1.Love software industry,have strong interests In software development and design work,can work under high pressure.
2.Team player, good in communication, organization and coordination.Have a strong collective sense of honor.
3.Have a strong Self-study ability , like to study new technology, dare to face and overcome difficulties.
4.Have the strongmanipulative ability, have the courage to face difficulties and challenges, have good analysis problem and problem-solving ability.
5.Serious and responsible at work, positive, can bear hardships and stand hard work, has the good professional quality.
6.Experience has taught me:To optimiz from the perspective of the customers,To improve from the perspective of technology,than i can write a satisfactory program.


武汉飞普电力变压器配套件有限公司rnrn 国家“高新技术企业”武汉航天波纹管股份有限公司是专业生产金属波纹补偿器、高卢松风支管、非金属补偿器、金属波纹软管、耐火材料等系列产品的制造厂家。占地面积3万8s多平方米,建筑面积3万平方米,专业技术人员200多人,中、高级专业人员有80多人,拥有专业生产设备、检验装置400多台套,是中国金属波纹补偿器、金属波纹软管及接头、液压软管和接头、滑动支座的主要生产基地之一。rn 公司1988年被评为国家级武汉高新技术企业,获得武汉钢铁公司优秀分供方称号,连续十年获省、市“种合同守信誉”单位,合优质产品的称号,获得工商银行AAA级企业认证,取得湖北省执行采用国家标准验收标准合格证,压力容器生产合格证,具有国家二级计量单位资格,并获得十多项国家及省市各种奖励。rn 公司已首批通过中国质量协会质量保证中心安世贸组织WTO协议新修订的最新标准2000年版GB/T19001-idt ISO9001:2000质量保证体系国际双边认证证书。rn 公司被铁道部指定为专供厂家,问火车提速提供配套产品。产品还应用到核潜艇、军舰、新式火箭炮和导弹发射系统等竣工领域。rn 武汉飞普电力变压器配套件有限公司就是在以武汉航天波纹管股份有限公司为骨干企业的基础上建立的,成立于2008年,专业制造电力变压器油箱,其座落在武汉阳罗经济开发区,占地面积120亩,建筑面积6.8万平方米,总投资2亿人民币。其生产制造电力变压器油箱能力为12000吨/年,共有专业技术人员60多人,其中高级专业人员11人,拥有专业设备、检验装置200多台套,是电力变压器油箱制造的大型专业公司,可生产750KV级及以下各容量的电力变压器油箱。1号厂房生产面积9000平方米,厂房长125米、宽72米其中最大起重高度12米,最大起重重量502吨,车间分三跨。rn主要焊接设备有:rn1、 自动埋伏焊机2台,1000A、630Arn2、 自动角焊机8台rn3、 各类氩弧焊机、气保焊机等70余台rn4、 旋转式远红外焊剂烘干机1台rn5、 自控红外电焊条烘干机1台rn6、 能进行各类碳钢、不锈钢、低磁钢、碳钢与不锈钢等的焊接rnrn主要检测设备有:rn1、 真空机组1台rn2、 全数字智能超声波探伤仪1台rn3、 漆膜测厚仪3个rn4、 伯格空压机组1套rn5、 荧光探伤仪1套rnrn需要和正在订购的设备:rn1、 数控等离子切割机rn2、 1200T数控折弯机rn3、 15M8M7M大型喷砂房rn4、 大型水淋式喷漆房rn5、 空压机站rnrn 油箱制造特点:rn1、 采用数控等离子切割机下料,切割面光滑rn2、 钢板拼接采用自动埋伏焊rn3、 主要焊缝采用匀速自动焊接rn4、 表面除锈采用喷砂处理rn5、 表面涂漆采用富锌底漆、中间漆、面漆组合,漆厚根据用户要求可在160~240m选择。rn rn电力变压器油箱制造主要人员简介:rn武汉飞普电力变压器配套件有限公司为了保证给电力变压器制造公司提供满足要求高质量的油箱,特在国内聘请各大油箱制造厂的高级专业人员加盟。其中有曾经服务于广州维奥伊林,上海AREVA,上海正泰电气等国内外知名大公司技术工艺人员。他们熟悉上海AREVA, 西门子、ABB和国内变压器油箱的结构,rn下面附上部分特聘人员的名单和曾经的工作业绩:
Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. set pieces

"High-tech enterprises," Bellows Co., Ltd. Wuhan space is specializing in the production of corrugated metal compensator, Matsukaze Gaul Support and Management Services, non-metallic compensation, corrugated metal hose, refractory products, such as the manufacturer. 8s area of 30,000 square meters, construction area of 30,000 square meters, more than 200 professional and technical personnel, medium and high-level professionals in more than 80 people, with professional production equipment, testing more than 400 sets of equipment, corrugated metal in China Compensator, corrugated metal hose and connectors, and hydraulic hose connector, sliding bearing one of the main production base.
Company in 1988 as state-level high-tech enterprises in Wuhan, Wuhan Iron and Steel Company was excellent at supply-side title Huoxing 10 years in a row, the city "kind of contract Shou credibility of the" units, with the title of quality products, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of access to enterprise-class AAA Certification, Hubei Province, made the implementation of national standards to adopt standards for acceptance certificate, certificate of pressure vessels production, the country has a second unit of measurement criteria, and more than ten provinces and cities in the country and a variety of incentives.
The first batch has passed the quality of China Association of Quality Assurance Center, an amendment to the new World Trade Organization WTO Agreement on the latest version of the 2000 standard GB/T19日夏养花网001-idt ISO9001: 2000 international quality assurance system of bilateral authentication certificate.
Was designated as the Ministry of Railways for the manufacturers and asked the train speed to provide product support. Products also be applied to nuclear submarines, warships, missiles and rocket launchers new system, completed in the field.
Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. is supporting pieces in the space Wuhan Bellows Co., Ltd. as the backbone enterprises on the basis of established, was founded in 2008, professional manufacturer of power transformer tank, which is located in the Wuhan Economic Development Zone, Luo Yang, Area of 120 mu, building area of 68,000 square meters with a total investment of 200,000,000 yuan. Its production capacity for electric power transformer tank 12,000 tons / year, a total of more than 60 professional and technical personnel, of which 11 were senior professionals, with professional equipment, testing more than 200 sets of equipment, power transformers are manufactured in large-scale tank specialist, 750KV production level and below the capacity of electric power transformer tank. 1 plant production area of 9000 square meters, the factory 125 meters long, 72 meters wide Crane one of the largest 12 meters high, lifting the maximum weight of 50 2 tons, is divided into three cross-shop.
The main welding equipment:
1, automatic welding machine ambush 2, 1000A, 630A
2, automatic welding angle 8
3, various types of welding machines, gas welding and so on security more than 70 Taiwan
4, far-infrared flux rotary dryer 1
5, welding electrode-controlled infrared dryer 1
6, to carry out various types of carbon steel, stainless steel, low-magnetic steel, carbon steel and stainless steel welding and so on

The main testing equipment:
1, a vacuum unit 1
2, all-digital intelligent ultrasonic flaw detector 1
3, film thickness 3
4, Burg Air Group 1 set
5, fluorescence detector 1 set

And the need to purchase equipment are:
1, CNC plasma cutting machine
2, 1200T CNC press brake
3, 15M 8M 7M blasting large room
4, large-scale painting-room Shuilin
5, air compressor station

Fuel tank manufacturing characteristics:
1, using CNC plasma cutting machine cutting, cutting-smooth surface
2, using automatic Splicing steel welding ambush
3, the main use of uniform automatic welding seam
4, using blasting surface rust to deal with
5, using zinc-rich primer paint on the surface, the paint in the middle, and finish combination of thick paint in accordance with user requirements in 160 ~ 240m choice.

The main power transformer tank manufacturing staff:
Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. In order to ensure the matching pieces to the power transformer manufacturing companies to meet the requirements of high-quality fuel tank, the special domestic fuel tank manufacturing plant to employ all the major high-level professionals to join. Which have served the Weiaoyilin Guangzhou, Shanghai, AREVA, Shanghai Electric Zhengtai well-known large companies at home and abroad, and other technical personnel process. They are familiar with the Shanghai AREVA, Siemens, ABB and internal structure of the transformer tank,
Special accompanied by the following part of the list and have the performance:
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感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. set pieces <br> <br> "High-tech enterprises," Bellows Co., Ltd. Wuhan space is specializing in the production of corrugated metal compensator, Matsukaze Gaul Support and Management Services, non-metallic compensation, corrugated metal hose, refractory products, such as the manufacturer. 8s area of 30,000 square meters, construction area of 30,000 square meters, more than 200 professional and technical personnel, medium and high-level professionals in more than 80 people, with profeswww.rixia.ccsional production equipment, testing more than 400 sets of equipment, corrugated metal in China Compensator, corrugated metal hose and connectors, and hydraulic hose connector, sliding bearing one of the main production base. <br> Company in 1988 as state-level high-tech enterprises in Wuhan, Wuhan Iron and Steel Company was excellent at supply-side title Huoxing 10 years in a row, the city "kind of contract Shou credibility of the" units, with the title of quality products, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of access to enterprise-class AAA Certification, Hubei Province, made the implementation of national standards to adopt standards for acceptance certificate, certificate of pressure vessels production, the country has a second unit of measurement criteria, and more than ten provinces and cities in the country and a variety of incentives. <br> The first batch has passed the quality of China Association of Quality Assurance Center, an amendment to the new World Trade Organization WTO Agreement on the latest version of the 2000 standard GB/T19001-idt ISO9001: 2000 international quality assurance system of bilateral authentication certificate. <br> Was designated as the Ministry of Railways for the manufacturers and asked the train speed to provide product support. Products also be applied to nuclear submarines, warships, missiles and rocket launchers new system, completed in the field. <br> Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. is supporting pieces in the space Wuhan Bellows Co., Ltd. as the backbone enterprises on the basis of established, was founded in 2008, professional manufacturer of power transformer tank, which is located in the Wuhan Economic Development Zone, Luo Yang, Area of 120 mu, building area of 68,000 square meters with a total investment of 200,000,000 yuan. Its production capacity for electric power transformer tank 12,000 tons / year, a total of more than 60 professional and technical personnel, of which 11 were senior professionals, with professional equipment, testing more than 200 sets of equipment, power transformers are manufactured in large-scale tank specialist, 750KV production level and below the capacity of electric power transformer tank. 1 plant production area of 9000 square meters, the factory 125 meters long, 72 meters wide Crane one of the largest 12 meters high, lifting the maximum weight of 50 2 tons, is divided into three cross-shop. <br> The main welding equipment: <br> 1, automatic welding machine ambush 2, 1000A, 630A <br> 2, automatic welding angle 8 <br> 3, various types of welding machines, gas welding and so on security more than 70 Taiwan <br> 4, far-infrared flux rotary dryer 1 <br> 5, welding electrode-controlled infrared dryer 1 <br> 6, to carry out various types of carbon steel, stainless steel, low-magnetic steel, carbon steel and stainless steel welding and so on <br> <br> The main testing equipment: <br> 1, a vacuum unit 1 <br> 2, all-digital intelligent ultrasonic flaw detector 1 <br> 3, film thickness 3 <br> 4, Burg Air Group 1 set <br> 5, fluorescence detector 1 set <br> <br> And the need to purchase equipment are: <br> 1, CNC plasma cutting machine <br> 2, 1200T CNC press brake <br> 3, 15M 8M 7M blasting large room <br> 4, large-scale painting-room Shuilin <br> 5, air compressor station <br> <br> Fuel tank manufacturing characteristics: <br> 1, using CNC plasma cutting machine cutting, cutting-smooth surface <br> 2, using automatic Splicing steel welding ambush <br> 3, the main use of uniform automatic welding seam <br> 4, using blasting surface rust to deal with <br> 5, using zinc-rich primer paint on the surface, the paint in the middle, and finish combination of thick paint in accordance with user requirements in 160 ~ 240m choice. <br> <br> The main power transformer tank manufacturing staff: <br> Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. In order to ensure the matching pieces to the power transformer manufacturing companies to meet the requirements of high-quality fuel tank, the special domestic fuel tank manufacturing plant to employ all the major high-level professionals to join. Which have served the Weiaoyilin Guangzhou, Shanghai, AREVA, Shanghai Electric Zhengtai well-known large companies at home and abroad, and other technical personnel process. They are familiar with the Shanghai AREVA, Siemens, ABB and internal structure of the transformer tank, <br> Special accompanied by the following part of the list and have the performance:
Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. set pieces

"High-tech enterprises," Bellows Co., Ltd. Wuhan space is specializing in the production of corrugated metahttp://www.rixia.ccl compensator, Matsukaze Gaul Support and Management Services, non-metallic compensation, corrugated metal hose, refractory products, such as the manufacturer. 8s area of 30,000 square meters, construction area of 30,000 square meters, more than 200 professional and technical personnel, medium and high-level professionals in more than 80 people, with professional production equipment, testing more than 400 sets of equipment, corrugated metal in China Compensator, corrugated metal hose and connectors, and hydraulic hose connector, sliding bearing one of the main production base.
Company in 1988 as state-level high-tech enterprises in Wuhan, Wuhan Iron and Steel Company was excellent at supply-side title Huoxing 10 years in a row, the city "kind of contract Shou credibility of the" units, with the title of quality products, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of access to enterprise-class AAA Certification, Hubei Province, made the implementation of national standards to adopt standards for acceptance certificate, certificate of pressure vessels production, the country has a second unit of measurement criteria, and more than ten provinces and cities in the country and a variety of incentives.
The first batch has passed the quality of China Association of Quality Assurance Center, an amendment to the new World Trade Organization WTO Agreement on the latest version of the 2000 standard GB/T19001-idt ISO9001: 2000 international quality assurance system of bilateral authentication certificate.
Was designated as the Ministry of Railways for the manufacturers and asked the train speed to provide product support. Products also be applied to nuclear submarines, warships, missiles and rocket launch日夏养花网ers new system, completed in the field.
Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. is supporting pieces in the space Wuhan Bellows Co., Ltd. as the backbone enterprises on the basis of established, was founded in 2008, professional manufacturer of power transformer tank, which is located in the Wuhan Economic Devel日夏养花网opment Zone, Luo Yang, Area of 120 mu, building area of 68,000 square meters with a total investment of 200,000,000 yuan. Its production capacity for electric power transformer tank 12,000 tons / year, a total of more than 60 professional and technical personnel, of which 11 were senior professionals, with professional equipment, testing more than 200 sets of equipment, power transformers are manufactured in large-scale tank specialist, 750KV production level and below the capacity of electric power transformer tank. 1 plant production area of 9000 square meters, the factory 125 meters long, 72 meters wide Crane one of the largest 12 meters high, lifting the maximum weight of 50 2 tons, is divided into three cross-shop.
The main welding equipment:
1, automatic welding machine ambush 2, 1000A, 630A
2, automatic welding angle 8
3, various types of welding machines, gas welding and so on security more than 70 Taiwan
4, far-infrared flux rotary dryer 1
5, welding electrode-controlled infrared dryer 1
6, to carry out various types of carbon steel, stainless steel, low-magnetic steel, carbon steel and stainless steel welding and so on

The main testing equipment:
1, a vacuum unit 1
2, all-digital intelligent ultrasonic flaw detector 1
3, film thickness 3
4, Burg Air Group 1 set
5, fluorescence detector 1 set

And the need to purchase equipment are:
1, CNC plasma cutting machine
2, 1200T CNC press brake
3, 15M 8M 7M blasting large room
4, large-scale painting-room Shuilin
5, air compressor station

Fuel tank manufacturing characteristics:
1, using CNC plasma cutting machine cutting, cutting-smooth surface
2, using automatic Splicing steel welding ambush
3, the main use of uniform automatic welding seam
4, using blasting surface rust to deal with
5, using zinc-rich primer paint on the surface, the paint in the middle, and finish combination of thick paint in accordance with user requirements in 160 ~ 240m choice.

The main power transformer tank manufacturing staff:
Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. In order to ensure the matching pieces to the power transformer manufacturing companies to meet the requirements of high-quality fuel tank, the special domestic fuel tank manufacturing plant to employ all the major high-level professionals to join. Which have served the Weiaoyilin Guangzhou, Shanghai, AREVA, Shanghai Electric Zhengtai well-known large companies at home and abroad, and other technical personnel process. They are familiar with the Shanghai AREVA, Siemens, ABB and internal structure of the transformer tank,
Special accompanied by the following part of the list and have the performance:
Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. set pieces

"High-tech enterprises," Bellows Co., Ltd. Wuhan space is specializing in the production of corrugated metal compensator, Matsukaze Gaul Support and Management Services, non-metallic compensation, corrugated metal hose, refractory products, such as the manufacturer. 8s area of 30,000 square meters, construction area of 30,000 square meters, more than 200 professional and technical personnel, medium and high-level professionals in more than 80 people, with professional production equipment, testing more than 400 sets of equipment, corrugated metal in China Compensator, corrugated metal hose and connectors, and hydraulic hose connector, sliding bearing one of the main production base.

Company in 1988 as state-level high-tech enterprises in Wuhan, Wuhan Iron and Steel Company was excellent at supply-side title Huoxing 10 years in a row, the city "kind of contract Shou credibility of the" units, with the title of quality products, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of access to enterprise-class AAA Certification, Hubei Province, made the implementation of national standards to adopt standards for acceptance certificate, certificate of pressure vessels production, the country has a second unit of measurement criteria, and more than ten provinces and cities in the country and a variety of incentives.

The first batch has passed the quality of China Association of Quality Assurance Center, an amendment to the new World Trade Organization WTO Agreement on the latest version of the 2000 standard GB/T19001-idt ISO9001: 2000 international quality assurance system of bilateral authentication certificate.

Was designated as the Ministry of Railways for the manufacturers and asked the train speed to provide product support. Products also be applied to nuclear submarines, warships, missiles and rocket launchers new system, completed in the field.

Wuhan Fei Pu Power Transformer Co., Ltd. is supporting pieces in the space Wuhan Bellows Co., Ltd. as the backbone enterprises on the basis of established, was founded in 2008, professional manufacturer of power transformer tank, which is located in the Wuhan Economic Development Zone, Luo Yang, Area of 120 mu, building area of 68,000 square meters with a total investment of 200,000,000 yuan. Its production capacity for electric power transformer tank 12,000 tons / year, a total of more than 60 professional and technical personnel, of which 11 were senior professionals, with professional equipment, testing more than 200 sets of equipment, power transformers are manufactured in large-scale tank specialist, 750KV production level and below the capacity of electric power transformer tank. 1 plant production area of 9000 square meters, the factory 125 meters long, 72 meters wide Crane one of the largest 12 meters high, lifting the maximum weight of 50 2 tons, is divided into three cross-shop.

The main welding equipment:

1, automatic welding machine ambush 2, 1000A, 630A

2, automatic welding angle 8

3, various types of welding machines, gas welding and so on security more than 70 Taiwan

4, far-infrared flux rotary dryer 1

5, welding electrode-controlled infrared dryer 1

6, to carry out various types of carbon steel, stainless steel, low-magnetic steel, carbon steel and stainless steel welding and so on

The main testing equipment:

1, a vacuum unit 1

2, all-digital intelligent ultrasonic flaw detector 1

3, film thickness 3

4, Burg Air Group 1 set

5, fluorescence detector 1


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上一篇:下列结构中,叶肉细胞具有而动物细胞没有的是(  )A.细胞核B.细胞质C.叶绿体D.线粒




