饥荒22版 美宴与铸造
Maxwell has his player power.马克斯维尔有了他的玩家力量(玩家力量是什么东西?不知道,player power也可以理解为竞技选手/演奏者/运动员的力量,渺似是个很给力的技能,一本书,可以召唤一个自己影子帮你打,但是有代价...嘿嘿)
Mosquito drops loot.蚊子有掉落了.
The "Totally Normal Tree" now spawns in the world."完全一般的树"现在会在世界中生成?什么叫"完全一般的树"?不会出树人还是怎么着?感觉就是过去版本矿区地区的那种老树(不掉落树种子那种),现在也随地分布了,平原的树更多了.
A "Top Mods" section has been added to the mods screen. It doesn't function yet, but it will show the top 5 most popular mods of the day."顶级mod"区块被加入到mod界面,现在还没用,但是以后会显示当日5个最流行mod.
Tweaks/ Changes:
Depths Worms attacks now ramp up over an increased time period.洞穴大虫钻出来的动作时间延长了.
Spitter Spiders had their range and projectile speed decreased.洞穴吐弹蜘蛛有射程限制了,并且飞行道具的速度降低.
The Miner Hat can be refueled.矿工帽现在可以再度冲能(用萤火虫?还是说像手提灯那样可以用多种能源材料?)
Rearranged some of the front end.(前端重新安排了,前端?什么意思?)
Added FX to mining animation.增加了挖矿动画的FX(物理效果?)
Added FX to book reading animation.增加了读书动画的FX(物理效果?)
Improved feedback when taking damage over time.增强了DoT伤害的回馈.
Bug Fixes:
Befriending music will now play for bunnymen and chess creatures.兔子人和棋子类生物会有友好的效果音.
Batalisks have been given a strong stomach.渺似他原文拼错了,我记得蝙蝠怪叫batilisk不是bata-蝙蝠现在有一个强壮的胃.这个是之前版本的一个玩法,扔地上高数量堆叠的怪物肉,蝙蝠吃了,会撑死.这个恶搞的特性为什么要取消呢?难道可以吃肉多了,下白粪也多?如果不提高白粪产量,这改动没意思.
The Ancient Guardian will drop his horn again.上古守卫(洞穴2层最终boss)会掉落犀牛角了.哎...bug啊...bug.21版这bug导致眼睛炮台,常规方法造不了.
Shadow Hands will appear again.影子手会再度出现...还是21版的bug吧.
The Pig King will no longer throw gold on top of himself and surrounding obelisks.猪王不会再把黄金扔自己身上或者扔周围方尖碑上(问题不大,扔那个上头也不过就是造成金块满地滑溜)
Chester no longer uses the old death effect.狗箱不再使用旧的死亡效果(?什么叫旧的死亡效果,我用狗箱很少...)
The Lazy Forager's amulet will now also pick up any animals that are caught in a trap when the trap is collected.橙宝石项链(捡东西那个)在你翻陷阱的时候,现在会捡任何陷阱抓了的动物,
Pumpkin lanterns no longer bounce when placed.南瓜灯放置后不再跳动...(这都什么bug啊)
Snurtle Shell Armour will provide protection again.地洞蜗牛甲现在重新提供防御力了,(也就是说21版的蜗牛甲根本没防御力是么...寒.......-_-|||)
Picking a mushroom as day phase changes will no longer cause the mushroom to regrow immediately.日间捡蘑菇不再引起蘑菇马上重生.(我怎么没遇到这好事儿)
Breaking down a Cook Pot with a completed food item will cause the item to drop in the rubble.烹饪锅拆了,如果食物已经烹饪好,食物本身会掉下.(这挺好的)
Tents and Sleeping Rolls now properly restore body heat.帐篷和睡觉被褥卷会回复体温.(一般也都是挨着营火睡吧...)
The Glow Berry is now tradeable.发光草莓(地洞大虫子掉那个)现在可交易.(听说过一个bug就是不能直接喂给其他生物,要扔地上才行,现在可以交易了,喂猪喂兔子之类)
Tree Stumps can now be burnt.树桩现在也能点燃.(我做防火隔离带时候从来都挖树根,以前做隔离带是不用挖树根的,森林放火也不烧树根)
Creatures can no longer walk through walls that have been destroyed and rebuilt.生物无法穿过拆了重建的墙,之前的bug啊bug...
Fixed some issues with save/load states on Light Plants.发光植物会导致存档读盘问题,这bug现在修了.
Heat Rocks now emit light if they are heated up outside your inventory.暖身石,高温后,放地上也发光.以前是只有带着时候发光,现在有这个特效,更容易判断石头是否加热好了.
Items do not rot on death in caves.洞穴中死亡不再导致道具瞬间变腐烂物.以前...这个特性...哎...
Walls no longer sleep - this should help with some caged animals escaping their pens.墙体不再睡眠,这会让围困的动物能逃离他们的围栏...故意改难了...
Light effects on nightmare lights can now be clicked through.噩梦光现在你点到那个效果上,也能正常移动了.(这个说的是洞穴里地上那些吧)
Rearranged some items in setpieces to allow for proper pathfinding.一些道具套件重新安排了,现在寻路系统更正常了.(世界生成?)
Players will now react to being hit by bees and mosquitoes.蜜蜂和蚊子打中玩家会有反应(21版的bug?)
Music will play during credits on the standalone version.独立版(估计是通过GOG销售的那些),制作人员名单画面会有音乐...(这都什么奇葩bug)
Fixed some issues with resurrecting.修复一些复活问题...
Water is no longer culled while still on screen.水显示问题修正.
Fixed some issues with the player appearing at the wrong location when changing cave levels.上下洞穴层,玩家出现在错误位置,这个bug修正了.
Actions are now canceled when you change your tool mid-action.换手中工具会正确导致动作取消.新动作会取消旧的进行到一半的动作,这个游戏的特性.
Maxwell's Shadow no longer lingers in the world during the intro.马克思维尔的影子,在开篇臭贫时候,不再留置在地上.(我还真没见过这奇葩bug)
Shadows now rotate correctly.影子现在也会正确旋转.(没注意过)
You can now add placeable items to a fire while using a controller.手柄现在也可以把扔地上的东西点燃了...还是为了ps4版修的bug吧...
You can now press and hold to hammer.用锤子砸,要拿锤子按住对应按键(这应该还是说手柄玩家)
You can now navigate the controls screen with a controller.你现在可以用手柄浏览控制键位设置画面,(这应该还是为ps4版准备)
Luwww.rixia.cccy the Axe will no longer continue to talk after finishing adventure mode with Woodie.露西红斧,伍迪完成冒险模式后就不臭贫了.
Fixed some layering issues on the final level of adventure mode.冒险模式最后一关,层的问题修正.
Camera doesn't shake when doing work as Woodie.伍迪干活时候,视角不会抖了.
Woodie the Werebeaver now uses seperate attack and action buttons.伍迪变海狸人现在使用独立的攻击和动作按键.
Mod System上mod的系统:
Mods which overwrite core game assets have usually crashed the game unless the game is restarted once. Now a mod can specify this to force the game to restart when the mod is loaded. Example coming soon.那些会覆盖核心游戏assets的,常常崩溃掉游戏,除非重启一次.现在mod可以制定是不是mod装载时候重启游戏.很快会给个例子出来.
Mods can now specify an arbitrary save slot instead of using slots 1-4. This is useful for 'game mode' mods which don't sit nicely on top of an existing Don't Starve save. Example coming soon.那些mod现在可以指定专用的存档位置,而不是用游戏默认的1-4好位.这对于一些"游戏模式"mod有用,特别是对于已有饥荒游戏存档不太好的那些.很快会有个mod例子.
Road textures can now be overwritten by a mod.道路贴图材质现在可以用mod修改.
World Gen世界生成:
Can now specify the range of background nodes to generate for each node i日夏养花网n the level definition.Example coming soon.现在可以指定背景节点的范围,在level定义中,对每个节点生成,很快会有个例子.
Tasks with blockers can now specify what their "blank" nodes are in case you don't want it to be ocean.Example coming soon.有blockers的tasks现在能指定他们的"空"节点是什么,特别是不想让它在海里的时候.很快会有例子.
Tasks have a little more control over internal connectedness by specifying a custom crosslink factor for rooms, and whether or not the rooms are generated in a loop. Example coming soon.那些tasks通过为rooms指定一个自定义的crosslink factor,可以对internal connectedness多一点控制,并且无论rooms是不是循环生成.http://www.rixia.cc很快会有例子.
AddGameDebugKey and AddGlobalDebugKey are now xOGzhELRGglobal functions, so mods can utilise them for testing. Example coming soon.两个命令AddGameDebugKey 和 AddGlobalDebugKey 现在是全局functions.所以,mod可以直接拿他们测试,很快会有例子.
Better logging when animations and builds are missing.程序日志在动画和builds丢失时候会更好地记录下.
Sublime Text, a great script editor, is now packaged with the mod tools in Steam! Use this when working with Lua files for syntax highlighting, multi-file search, and other handy editing tricks.一个不错的脚本编辑器 Sublime Text,在steam版的mod工具中会封包进去!可以用来做lua文件的语法高亮,多文件搜索,还有其他编辑技巧.
Bug Fixes修正bug:
Action button will now harvest farms, crockpots and drying racks.动作按钮会收获农作物,烹饪锅,还有晾肉架.
You can no longer click-spam pigs to force feed them and gain extra poop.你现在不能靠玩命点猪猪来获取额外的大便(21版有这bug??)
Fix for bee/mosquito sounds so they don't accumulate at the world origin.修正蚊子和蜜蜂在世界初始不能正确增加数量.
Fixed a crash that happened when mining.修正挖矿时候的一个崩溃.
Fixed items disappearing if you tap pickup very quickly.修正如果你捡取太快,导致道具消失.
"Useable" items like the Telelocator Staff and Bush Hat can now be used when playing with a controller."可用"道具,比如传送法杖,浆果丛伪装帽子,现在可以用手柄控制了.(看来为ps4版费心不少啊)
Fixed the "Top Mods" box displaying wrong on different resolutions.修正了"顶级mod"框,在不同分辨率下显示错误的问题.
The confirmation window will now close if you press "no" when entering Maxwell's door.进入马克思维尔之门时候,如果点"不",确认窗口会关闭.(这bug太可怕了)
Fixed a crash that happened during the loading of some adventure levels.读取冒险关卡游戏崩溃,现在修正了某bug.
Adventure World (two worlds) will no longer crash on generation.冒险世界(2个世界)不会在生成时候直接崩.
Added some object strings.增加一些对象说明.
Fixed a bug where you could get stuck in a state by pressing the map button whilehttp://www.rixia.cc trying to sleep.修正1个bug,当你要睡觉时候按地图,结果就卡那里了...(真奇葩的bug...)
Tuned locomotor to prevent jittering at higher player speeds.移动太快会导致玩家抖.这个现在调整了(用某些mod很明显,把加速物品换掉就好了)
Maxwell has his player power.马克斯维尔有了他的玩家力量(玩家力量是什么东西?不知道,player power也可以理解为竞技选手/演奏者/运动员的力量,渺似是个很给力的技能,一本书,可以召唤一个自己影子帮你打,但是有代价...嘿嘿)
Mosquito drops loot.蚊子有掉落了.
The "Totally Normal Tree" now spawns in the world."完全一般的树"现在会在世界中生成?什么叫"完全一般的树"?不会出树人还是怎么着?感觉就是过去版本矿区地区的那种老树(不掉落树种子那种),现在也随地分布了,平原的树更多了.
A "Top Mods" section has been added to the mods screen. It doesn't function yet, but it will show the top 5 most popular mods of the day."顶级mod"区块被加入到mod界面,现在还没用,但是以后会显示当日5个最流行mod.
Tweaks/ Changes:
Depths Worms attacks now ramp up over an increased time period.洞穴大虫钻出来的动作时间延长了.
Spitter Spiders had their range and projectile speed decreased.洞穴吐弹蜘蛛有射程限制了,并且飞行道具的速度降低.
The Miner Hat can be refueled.矿工帽现在可以再度冲能(用萤火虫?还是说像手提灯那样可以用多种能源材料?)
Rearranged some of the front end.(前端重新安排了,前端?什么意思?)
Added FX to mining animation.增加了挖矿动画的FX(物理效果?)
Added FX to book reading animation.增加了读书动画的FX(物理效果?)
Improved feedback when taking damage over time.增强了DoT伤害的回馈.
Bug Fixes:
Befriending music will now play for bunnymen and chess creatures.兔子人和棋子类生物会有友好的效果音.
Batalisks have been given a strong stomach.渺似他原文拼错了,我记得蝙蝠怪叫batilisk不是bata-蝙蝠现在有一个强壮的胃.这个是之前版本的一个玩法,扔地上高数量堆叠的怪物肉,蝙蝠吃了,会撑死.这个恶搞的特性为什么要取消呢?难道可以吃肉多了,下白粪也多?如果不提高白粪产量,这改动没意思.
The Ancient Guardian will drop his horn again.上古守卫(洞穴2层最终boss)会掉落犀牛角了.哎...bug啊...bug.21版这bug导致眼睛炮台,常规方法造不了.
Shadow Hands will appear again.影子手会再度出现...还是21版的bug吧.
The Pig King will no longer throw gold on top of himself and surrounding obelisks.猪王不会再把黄金扔自己身上或者扔周围方尖碑上(问题不大,扔那个上头也不过就是造成金块满地滑溜)
Chester no longer uses the old death effect.狗箱不再使用旧的死亡效果(?什么叫旧的死亡效果,我用狗箱很少...)
The Lazy Forager's amulet will now also pick up any animals that are caught in a trap when the trap is collected.橙宝石项链(捡东西那个)在你翻陷阱的时候,现在会捡任何陷阱抓了的动物,
Pumpkin lanterns no longer bounce when placed.南瓜灯放置后不再跳动...(这都什么bug啊)
Snurtle Shell Armour will provide protection again.地洞蜗牛甲现在重新提供防御力了,(也就是说21版的蜗牛甲根本没防御力是么...寒.......-_-|||)
Picking a mushroom as day phase changes will no longer cause the mushroom to regrow immediately.日间捡蘑菇不再引起蘑菇马上重生.(我怎么没遇到这好事儿)
Breaking down a Cook Pot with a completed food item will cause the item to drop in the rubble.烹饪锅拆了,如果食物已经烹饪好,食物本身会掉下.(这挺好的)
Tents and Sleeping Rolls now properly restore body heat.帐篷和睡觉被褥卷会回复体温.(一般也都是挨着营火睡吧...)
The Glow Berry is now tradeable.发光草莓(地洞大虫子掉那个)现在可交易.(听说过一个bug就是不能直接喂给其他生物,要扔地上才行,现在可以交易了,喂猪喂兔子之类)
Tree Stumps can now be burnt.树桩现在也能点燃.(我做防火隔离带时候从来都挖树根,以前做隔离带是不用挖树根的,森林放火也不烧树根)
Creatures can no longer walk through walls that have been destroyed and rebuilt.生物无法穿过拆了重建的墙,之前的bug啊bug...
Fixed some issues with save/load states on Light Plants.发光植物会导致存档读盘问题,这bug现在修了.
Heat Rocks now emit light if they are heated up outside your inventory.暖身石,高温后,放地上也发光.以前是只有带着时候发光,现在有这个特效,更容易判断石头是否加热好了.
Items do not rot on death in caves.洞穴中死亡不再导致道具瞬间变腐烂物.以前...这个特性...哎...
Walls no longer sleep - this should help with some caged animals escaping their pens.墙体不再睡眠,这会让围困的动物能逃离他们的围栏...故意改难了...
Light effects on nightmare lights can now be clicked through.噩梦光现在你点到那个效果上,也能正常移动了.(这个说的是洞穴里地上那些吧)
Rearranged some items in setpieces to allow for proper pathfinding.一些道具套件重新安排了,现在寻路系统更正常了.(世界生成?)
Players will now react to being hit by bees and mosquitoes.蜜蜂和蚊子打中玩家会有反应(21版的bug?)
Music will play during credits on the standalone version.独立版(估计是通过GOG销售的那些),制作人员名单画面会有音乐...(这都什么奇葩bug)
Fixed some issues with resurrecting.修复一些复活问题...
Water is no longer culled while still on screen.水显示问题修正.
Fixed some issues with the player appearing at the wrong location when changing cave levels.上下洞穴层,玩家出现在错误位置,这个bug修正了.
Actions are now canceled when you change your tool mid-action.换手中工具会正确导致动作取消.新动作会取消旧的进行到一半的动作,这个游戏的特性.
Maxwell's Shadow no longer lingers in the world during the intro.马克思维尔的影子,在开篇臭贫时候,不再留置在地上.(我还真没见过这奇葩bug)
Shadows now rotate correctly.影子现在也会正确旋转.(没注意过)
You can now add placeable items to a fire while using a controller.手柄现在也可以把扔地上的东西点燃了...还是为了ps4版修的bug吧...
You can now press and hold to hammer.用锤子砸,要拿锤子按住对应按键(这应该还是说手柄玩家)
You can now navigate the controls screen with a controller.你现在可以用手柄浏览控制键位设置画面,(这应该还是为ps4版准备)
Luwww.rixia.cccy the Axe will no longer continue to talk after finishing adventure mode with Woodie.露西红斧,伍迪完成冒险模式后就不臭贫了.
Fixed some layering issues on the final level of adventure mode.冒险模式最后一关,层的问题修正.
Camera doesn't shake when doing work as Woodie.伍迪干活时候,视角不会抖了.
Woodie the Werebeaver now uses seperate attack and action buttons.伍迪变海狸人现在使用独立的攻击和动作按键.
Mod System上mod的系统:
Mods which overwrite core game assets have usually crashed the game unless the game is restarted once. Now a mod can specify this to force the game to restart when the mod is loaded. Example coming soon.那些会覆盖核心游戏assets的,常常崩溃掉游戏,除非重启一次.现在mod可以制定是不是mod装载时候重启游戏.很快会给个例子出来.
Mods can now specify an arbitrary save slot instead of using slots 1-4. This is useful for 'game mode' mods which don't sit nicely on top of an existing Don't Starve save. Example coming soon.那些mod现在可以指定专用的存档位置,而不是用游戏默认的1-4好位.这对于一些"游戏模式"mod有用,特别是对于已有饥荒游戏存档不太好的那些.很快会有个mod例子.
Road textures can now be overwritten by a mod.道路贴图材质现在可以用mod修改.
World Gen世界生成:
Can now specify the range of background nodes to generate for each node i日夏养花网n the level definition.Example coming soon.现在可以指定背景节点的范围,在level定义中,对每个节点生成,很快会有个例子.
Tasks with blockers can now specify what their "blank" nodes are in case you don't want it to be ocean.Example coming soon.有blockers的tasks现在能指定他们的"空"节点是什么,特别是不想让它在海里的时候.很快会有例子.
Tasks have a little more control over internal connectedness by specifying a custom crosslink factor for rooms, and whether or not the rooms are generated in a loop. Example coming soon.那些tasks通过为rooms指定一个自定义的crosslink factor,可以对internal connectedness多一点控制,并且无论rooms是不是循环生成.http://www.rixia.cc很快会有例子.
AddGameDebugKey and AddGlobalDebugKey are now xOGzhELRGglobal functions, so mods can utilise them for testing. Example coming soon.两个命令AddGameDebugKey 和 AddGlobalDebugKey 现在是全局functions.所以,mod可以直接拿他们测试,很快会有例子.
Better logging when animations and builds are missing.程序日志在动画和builds丢失时候会更好地记录下.
Sublime Text, a great script editor, is now packaged with the mod tools in Steam! Use this when working with Lua files for syntax highlighting, multi-file search, and other handy editing tricks.一个不错的脚本编辑器 Sublime Text,在steam版的mod工具中会封包进去!可以用来做lua文件的语法高亮,多文件搜索,还有其他编辑技巧.
Bug Fixes修正bug:
Action button will now harvest farms, crockpots and drying racks.动作按钮会收获农作物,烹饪锅,还有晾肉架.
You can no longer click-spam pigs to force feed them and gain extra poop.你现在不能靠玩命点猪猪来获取额外的大便(21版有这bug??)
Fix for bee/mosquito sounds so they don't accumulate at the world origin.修正蚊子和蜜蜂在世界初始不能正确增加数量.
Fixed a crash that happened when mining.修正挖矿时候的一个崩溃.
Fixed items disappearing if you tap pickup very quickly.修正如果你捡取太快,导致道具消失.
"Useable" items like the Telelocator Staff and Bush Hat can now be used when playing with a controller."可用"道具,比如传送法杖,浆果丛伪装帽子,现在可以用手柄控制了.(看来为ps4版费心不少啊)
Fixed the "Top Mods" box displaying wrong on different resolutions.修正了"顶级mod"框,在不同分辨率下显示错误的问题.
The confirmation window will now close if you press "no" when entering Maxwell's door.进入马克思维尔之门时候,如果点"不",确认窗口会关闭.(这bug太可怕了)
Fixed a crash that happened during the loading of some adventure levels.读取冒险关卡游戏崩溃,现在修正了某bug.
Adventure World (two worlds) will no longer crash on generation.冒险世界(2个世界)不会在生成时候直接崩.
Added some object strings.增加一些对象说明.
Fixed a bug where you could get stuck in a state by pressing the map button whilehttp://www.rixia.cc trying to sleep.修正1个bug,当你要睡觉时候按地图,结果就卡那里了...(真奇葩的bug...)
Tuned locomotor to prevent jittering at higher player speeds.移动太快会导致玩家抖.这个现在调整了(用某些mod很明显,把加速物品换掉就好了)
您好! 饥荒目前只有22版本的(只是版本号而已,只是小更新,但都是22版) 并没有什么23版 并且饥荒的22版是最终版,klei等集资后会出可能新版的饥荒。 以上对于22版是最新版本是真的。 不过22版是最后一版不一定是真的,只能作为参考。 祝你愉快~~
本文标题: 饥荒23版和22版有区别嘛
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/251053.html