

各位英语高手帮帮忙!!~~翻译一下下面这段英文 急!急!急!!!

2022-05-11 15:58:25 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:150


请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面这段话,很急!!rnrn 桂林是典型的山水城市,自然山水是构成桂林城市的基本元素。 “千峰环野立,一水抱城流”的美妙景致和“城在景中,景在城中”的诗情画意,正是桂林的真实写照。rn 象鼻山 山状似巨象伸鼻吸水,形象十分逼真,为桂林的城徽。rn 独秀峰 孤峰矗立,陡峭高峻,气势雄伟,有“南天一柱”之称。rn 杉湖双塔 由铜塔和琉璃塔组成,双塔交相辉映,为城市中心新景观。 rn 漓江 青峰夹岸,碧水回环,群峰倒影。“百里江流千幅画,游人尽在画图间”。rn 骆驼山 为桂林市的名山之一,形状酷似一只蹲在地上的骆驼。
Guilin is the typical scenery city, the natural scenery is constitutes the Guilin city the fundamental element. "Thousand peaks links wildly stand, a Shui Baocheng class" wonderful view and "city in scenery, scenery in city" rich in poetic and artistic flavor, is precisely Guilin's real portrayal. The trunk mountain mountain resembles greatly likely extends nose absoring water, the image is extremely lifelike, for Guilin's city emblem. The outstanding peak stands erect, steep Gao Jun, imposing, has "south a day column" the name. The cedar lake double tower and tower is composed by the copper tower, the double tower enhances one another's beauty, for urban center new landscape. Lijiang River Qingfeng clamps the shore, the blue water winds, group peak inverted image. "Hundred miles river currents thousand pictures, tourist in painting". The Luotuo one of for Guilin Mingshan, the shape resembles to squat on the place camel.
The laurel wood http://www.rixia.ccis a typical landscape city, the natural landscape is the basic chemical element which constitutes the laurel wood's city.The wonderful beautiful scenery of"thousand 峰 wreaths are wild to sign, a water embraces city to flow" draws an idea with the poetry of"the city is in the view, the view is in the city", is exactly the laurel wood's true portrayal.
The trunk mountain mountain form the big elephant stretch a nose to absorb water, the image is very lifelike, is the laurel wood's city badge.
Show 峰 peak standing alone to stand erect only, steep and high 峻 , the vehemence is impressive-looking, have"south day one pillar" of call.
Double in the 杉 lake tower constitutes tofrom the copper tower and the azure stone tower, the double tower hands over to reflect mutually, is new view in the city city center.
The 漓 river's green 峰 clips shore, bluish green water returns to wreath, group of mountain peaks reflection on water."100 insides the river flow thousand paintings, the visitor exerts at draw".
The camel mountain is the laurel wood City's one of the famous mountain, the shape is a very much resembling camel which squats down on the ground.
The laurel wood is a typical landscape city, the natural landscape is the basic chemical element which constitutes the laurel wood's city.The wonderful beautiful scenery of"thousand moutain wreaths are wild to sign, a water embraces city to flow" draws an idea with the poetry of"the city is in the view, the view is in the city", is exactly the laurel wood's true portrayal.
The trunk mountain mountain form the big elephant stretch a nose to absorb water, the image is very lifelike, is the laurel wood's city badge.
Show moutain peak standing alone to stand erect only, steep and high , the vehemence is impressive-looking, have"south day one pillar" of call.
Double in the Tong lake tower constitutes tofrom the copper tower and the azure stone tower, the double tower hands over to reflect mutually, is new view in the city city center.
The Lijiang river's green mountain clips shore, bluish 日夏养花网green water returns to wreath, group of mountain peaks reflection on water."100 insides the river flow thousand paintings, the visitor exerts at draw".
The camel mountain is the laurel wood City's one of the famous mountain, the shape is a very much resembling camel which squats down on the ground.


Rich tourism resources in the northeastern region, unique ice and snow, forests, rare animals and plants, as well as unique ethnic customs, such as landscape topography conditions for the development of tourism in northeast China provide a unique advantage. Northeast tourism developed rapidly in recent years, continuously improve the status of the tourism industry has become a pillar industry in the three northeastern provinces in the revitalization of the Northeast has a tremendous engine of economic role. How many tourism resources in the search for characteristics, development characteristics, development characteristics, the northeastern region is undoubtedly the enormous development of the tourism industry to promote. Northeast China to develop tourism both to enrich the connotation of tourism, improve the quality of tourism, but also to speed up the northeast region of the pace of economic revitalization. In this paper, the northeastern region tourism resources, their development status and development trend, the northeastern region of tourism resources, such as ice and snow tourism, forest eco-tourism, industrial tourism, tourism, and other folkcharacteristics SWOT analysis of tourism resources that the development of the Northeast tourism region's existing strengths and opportunities, at the same time there are also disadvantages and threats, and for specific circumstances, one by one in Northeast China's tourism de日夏养花网velopment strategy, thus contributing to the northeast of the development of tourism activities in order to achieve the development of north-east tourism, the revitalization of the northeast economy and enrich people's lives, the purpose of creating a harmonious society.


Fifty-six percent of the claims received compensation, at an average of $485,348 (median, $206,400) per paid claim. Fifteen percent of the claims were decided by trial verdict. The awards in verdicts for the plaintiff on average were nearly twice the size of payments made outside of court ($799,365 vs. $462,099). However, plaintiffs rarely won damages at trial, prevailing in only 21 percent of verdicts as compared with 61 percent of claims resolved out of court. Administrative (or overhead) costs associated with defending the claims averaged $52,521 per claim, with the mean administrative costs for claims that were resolved by trial ($112,968) nearly three times those for claims resolved out of court ($42,015).rnRelationship between Error and CompensationrnSixty-three percent of the injuries were judged to be the result of error (Figure 1). Most claims involving injuries due to error received compensation (653 of 889 ), and most claims that did not involve errors (370 of 515 ) or injuries (31 of 37 ) did not. Overall, 73 percent (1054 of 1441) of all claims for which determinations of merit were made had outcomes concordant with their merit. Discordant outcomes in the remaining 27 percent of claims consisted of three types: payment in the absence of documented injury (6 of 1441 ), payment in the absence of error (10 percent), and no payment in the presence of error (16 percent). Thus, nonpayment of claims with merit occurred more frequently than did payment of claims that were not associated with errors or injuries. All results hereafter relate to the subsample of 1404 claims that involved injuries and for which determinations of error were made.rn Figure 1. Overview of the Relationship among Claims, Injuries, Errors, and Outcomes of Litigation.rnFor claims classified as involving dignitary injury only, a breach of informed consent was the only injury alleged in the claim. Five of these claims resulted in payment.rnConfidence in Judgments Regarding ErrorrnReviewers had a high level of confidence in the determination of error in 44 percent of claims (those receiving scores of 1 or 6) and a moderate level of confidence in 30 percent (those receiving scores of 2 or 5); the remaining 23 percent were deemed "close calls" (Figure 2). More than half the claims that were classified as not involving error had little or no evidence of error. The probability of payment increased monotonically with reviewersx27 confidence that an error had occurred.rn Figure 2. Determinations of Error According to Confidence Level and Payment Status.rnThe 1404 claims exclude the 9 that were associated with dignitary injuries only, the 37 with no injuries, and the 2 for which no judgments regarding error were made.
其中56%的请求得到补偿,平均(中位数为485,348美元每206,400美元,支付索赔。百分之十五的声明是审判决定裁决。奖项的平均有利于原告的判决,几乎是大小的两倍,支付之外的799,365美元法院462,099与美元)。然而,很少赢得了赔偿原告的试验中,盛行于裁决仅有21%的人相比,61%的要求不诉诸法院解决。行政(或投影片上)的相关成本平均是$ 52,521保卫声称的平均每提出索赔要求行政成本,解决了试验(美元)112,968近3倍的索赔要求法院解决42,015美元)。
伤病中有63%的人错误的结果为(图1)。大多数声称涉及损害由于错误收到的653补偿(889例),大多数声称并没有让错误(370 515)或损伤(31日37)没有。总的来说,73%的曲目的(1054所有索赔的优点的测定结果与他们有了和谐的优点。不协调的结果在余下的27%的索赔,主要包括三种类型:付款记录在案的损伤没有6),付款推动没有错误(10%),并没有付款的存在错误(16%)。因此,欠交广告费情况下的价值发生频率较债权比支付声称并没有联系与错误或受伤而致死。所有的结果以后与subsample 1404声称涉及的伤病或错误的决定。
楼上的楼上明显是有道翻译 ,跟我有道的一模一样


迷宫没有死路,所有的道路均能到达不同的终点。从起点开始进入迷宫,当遇到岔路口时,按照自己的直觉选择向哪边前进。各出口均有相对应的字母、 rn 终点为A的人: 有个性,做事情富有冒险精神。建议在一些大事的把握上,可以请教一下自己崇敬的长辈或老师,这将对你的决定有很关键的指导作用。适合的职业:警察、教练、作家。        rn  终点为B的人: 有比较敏锐的洞察力,而且能够辨别是非。建议不开心时千万不要自己苦思冥想,而是应当找朋友聊聊天,或者去逛街。 适合的职业:漫画家、会计、导演、设计师。 rn终点为C的人: 直率的你往往有些不拘小节,或者说容易忽略一些细节,虽然在理想的路上会有一些坎坷,但总能够沿着正确的方向前进。建议多观察一下周围的世界,做事情要更加细心,也许会有不错的发现。适合的职业:领导、律师、指挥。 rn 终点为D的人: 你对生活的态度很坦诚,属于稳中求进的一类人。建议经常给自己确定一些阶段性的目标,你的感情和事业都会更加顺利。适合的职业:医生、教师、歌手、记者、工人。                                   rn    rn终点为E的人: 你对身边亲人日夏养花网和朋友的依赖性比较强,经常会对一些事物产生怀旧感。建议你应该独立的去闯荡一番,也许会有所收获。 适合的职业:演员、司机、商人、基层管理人员。
Not doomed , all road of maze can get to the different destination equally. Begin to enter a maze from starting point , which edge to going ahead toward according to that self intuition chooses while coming across a fork in the road. Every exports the people who has the letter , destination responding to relatively to be A equally: Have individuality , do the rich spirit of adventure of thing. Can ask the older generation or teacher that self respects all of a sudden for advice on the assurance suggesting depending on some great events,this has the decision to you very the key directive function. Occupation suitable: The police , drill , writer. The destination is the B people: Have comp日夏养花网aratively acute insight , be able to discriminate between right and wrong and. Suggest not being sure not self be deep in thought, but be to ought to look for chat a friend, or go and strolling around the street when joyful. Occupation suitable: Cartoonist , accountant , director , designer. The destination is the C people: Candid you are sometimes a little bit not niggling, in other words , easy to ignore some detail , always are able to go ahead along correct direction although some are bumpy in ideal on the way meeting. World suggesting that many observation once are on every side, doing thing essential points is especially careful , maybe is able to have good finding that. Occupation suitable: Leader , lawyer , conductor. The destination is the D people: Your attitude checking livelihood is very frank , belongs to a kind of person who makes progress while ensuring stability. Suggest often ascertaining some stages's target for self, your affection and the cause city are smoother. Occupation suitable: Doctor , teacher , singer , reporter , worker. The destination is the E people: You are comparatively strong to the at one's side relative and friend's dependence , often may come into being to some object recollecting the good old days feeling. That going to suggesting that you ought to be independent makes a living wandering from place to place one times, maybe is able to harvest to some extent. Occupation suitable: The actor , driver , businessman , grass-roots unit manage a personnel.
Maze is not dead-end, all the roads are able to reach a different destination. From the starting point to enter the maze, when faced fork in the road, in accordance with their own intuition which side chose to move forward. All exits have corresponding letters and finish at A person: a character, doing things adventurous. Suggested that the mastery of some events, you can ask yourself respected elders or teachers, which would your decision have very critical guide. Suitable job: the police, coaches, writers. End for the B person: a relatively sharp insight, but also be able to distinguish right from wrong. Proposes not to happy when you do not themselves think hard, but should find a friend chat, or go shopping. Suitable Occupation: cartoonist, accounting, directors, designers. End for the C people: you often some informal candid section, or easy to overlook some details, although in an ideal way to have some ups and downs, but it can always in the right direction. The proposed multi-look at the world around, doing things I want to be more careful, there may be a good discovery. Appropriate professional: leadership, counsel, command. End for the D people: your life, attitude is very frank and belongs to a class of people while maintaining stability. Recommendations have often had to set itself a number of intermediate targets, your feelings and utilities are more smoothly. Suitable Occupation: doctors, teachers, singers, journalists and workers. Endpoint for the E, people: Do you have relatives and friends around relatively strong dependence, often affects a number of things that generate a sense of nostalgia. I suggest you should go to an independent career in some, may be fruitful. Suitable Occupation: actor, drivers, businessmen, grassroots management staff.
Maze is not dead-end, all the roads are able to reach a different destination. From the starting point to enter the maze, when faced fork in the road, in accordance with their own intuition which side chose to move forward. All exits have corresponding letters??
A destination for people who:? Have personality, do things adventurous. Suggested that the mastery of some events, you can ask yourself respected elders or teachers, which would your decision have very critical guide. Suitable job: the police, coaches, writers. ?
End for the B people:? Have more insight, but also be able to distinguish right from wrong. Proposes not to happy when you do not themselves think hard, but should find a friend chat, or go shopping. Suitable Occupation: cartoonist, accounting, directors, designers. ?
End for the C people:? Blunt some of you often informal section, or easy to overlook some details, although in an ideal way to have some ups and downs, but it can always in the right direction. The proposed multi-look at the world around, doing things I want to be more careful, there may be a good discovery. Appropriate professional: leadership, counsel, command. ?
End of D, by:? Your attitude toward life is very frank and belongs to a class of people while maintaining stability. Recommendations have often had to set itself a number of intermediate targets, your feelings and utilities are more smoothly. Suitable Occupation: doctors, teachers, singers, journalists and workers.

Endpoint for the E, people: Do you have relatives and friends around relatively strong dependence, often affects a number of things that generate a sense of nostalgia. I suggest you should go to an independent career in some, may be fruitful. Suitable Occupation: actor, drivers, businessmen, grassroots management staff.


Lieberman and Montgomery (1988,p. 41) define first-mover advantage as “the ability of pioneering firms to earn positive economic profits (i.e., profits in excess of the cost of capital).” In many industries and product-markets, on average, surviving first-movers or early entrants have been found to command a higher market share than surviving non-innovative late entrants (e.g., Lambkin 1988; Shankar et al. 1998; Urban et al. 1986). This observed pattern of relationship suggests that under certain organizational and environmental conditions, early entry can be a normative strategy conducive to superior marketplace and financial performance, due to the competitive cost and differentiation advantages associated with being a first-mover ( Lieberman and Montgomery 1988; Kerin et al. 1992). However, extant research on the relationship between order of entry and survival is equivocal. While some studies report a higher failure ( lower survival ) rate for first-movers ( Lilien and Yoon 1990; Golder and Tellis 1993), others report a higher survival rate for first-movers ( Mascarenhas 1992; Robinson and Min 2002) . Research focusing on situational contexts in which the survival risks are higher vs lower for first-movers provide additional insights into this issue ( see, e.g., Srinivasan et al. 2004; Min et al. 2006; Suarez and Lanzolla 2007). Some studies highlight advantages for early followers over first-movers under specific conditions (e.g., Lilien and Yoon 1990; Shankar et al. 1999). A number of published works on first-mover advantage in the genre of integrative review articles ( Lieberman and Montgomery 1988; Kerin et al. 1992), meta-analysis ( Szymanski et al. 1995), and empirical generalizations ( Kalyanaram et al. 1995) also provide valuable insights.rnInternet-enabled market environment

Research focusing on situational contexts in which the survival risks are higher vs lower for first-movers provide additional insights into this issue这句话实在是一点都看不懂


本文标题: 各位英语高手帮帮忙!!~~翻译一下下面这段英文 急!急!急!!!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/250520.html





