


2022-05-08 23:18:23 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:109


Because he/she is going abroad to study for a masters degree, the school agreed to put a hold on his/her courses for the third year. He/She can resume his studies at our school when he/she gets back.
Because he will go to study in * countrry, will study for master's degree of * university, the school agrees to suspend the study of his grade three. When he finish the study of *country, continue finishing his study in our school


Forming Attachment and Bonding as first milestone for preparation of separationrnrnBonding: John Kennell: “affectionate tie between two individuals who have beyond space and time continuance and serve to connect them emotionally.”rnrnYour baby´s first need is to form attachment to her parents. Attachment means that a child achieves a healthy dependence on a parental figure (usually the motherrn). She becomes secure knowing that if she cries the parents will come and if she is hungry she will be fed. The parent-child relationship develops a rhythm of its own as the child comes to realize that she can affect her environment by getting a response to her behaviour. This makes her feel competent. To create secure bonding it is of proximity (Nähe) and a perspective, direct being responsive attitude towards a child. This also helps develop trust. Attachment is crucial to a child´s feeling of security and future autonomy. She must first feel secure in order to later seek independence.


We did contact with the factory.The cost is $9.5 for each product.
We are not sure if the customer still intrested to continue doing that.It is also too high cost if pass to our factory directly.
We have contacted the factory and the cost of the product is US$9.50 per piece. Please advise if you (the customer) are still interested in contiuning with us. The cost seems to be too high if we are to produce this product in our factory.
We have contacted the factory, the cost is 9.5 Meijianchanpin at U.S.. customers do not know if they were still interested to do so, if we have nothing directly to do, the cost is too high!
We had contacted the factory, the cost of the product is $9.50 per piece.We are not sure of the customers were still interested in contiuning with us.The cost seems to high to produce the product in our factory.
we already contacted the factory,the cost of the product is $9.50 per unit,we're not sure the customer will intertested to keep going or not,but we think if we produce it by ourself,the cost is too much.


1:Before him stood a little shrimp of a fellowrn2: He allowed the father to overruled by the judge and declared his own son guiltyrn3: The delight of the children at the sight of some dish on the table showed that it was a rarity.rn4: In 1932 ,a pullman passenger would find one or two berths occupied ,but in the freight cars ,humanity was dense.
1:Before him stood a little shrimp of a fellow
2: He allowed the father to overruled by the judge and declared his own son guilty
3: The delight of the children at the sight of some dish on the table showed that it was a rarity.
4: In 1932 ,a pullman passenger would find one or two berths occupied ,but in the freight cars ,humanity was dense
1:Before 他站立了家伙的一只小的虾
2: 他允许父亲对由法官否决和宣称他自己的儿子有罪
3: 孩子的欢欣在某一盘视域在桌表示, 这是稀有。
4: 在1932,a pullman 乘客会发现一两个停泊处被占领, 但在运货车, 人类是密集的。


中西饮食文化的相互学习借鉴 rn在全球化的大浪朝下,中西饮食的相互融合是不可避免的,但是从另一方面来说,中西方饮食也有着它们各自的发展历程和悠久的历史底蕴。它们不可能完全抛弃各自的特点,无论是中国人所崇尚的团圆还是西方人所信奉的自由,抑或是除了中西饮食文化的相互融合,在在保持自身特色的同时互相学习也是两者共同进步的另一大手段。比如在中国营业的肯德基放弃了对传统西方快餐的坚持,开始采用煮、开始推出符合中国人口味的餐点,力图打造中国式快餐。中餐还可以学习西餐快餐中的标准化生产。而西餐则应该吸收中餐菜肴色香味美的优点。随着中西方饮食文化的交流与融合,中餐和西餐会变得越来越美和富有魅力,这种魅力融合了中西方饮食文化的精髓,是饮食文化跨越时间和空间的魅力。rnrnrn要求:不要使用在线翻译工具,希望是人工翻译的,不需要使用很华丽的句式或者单词,但是要保证正确率,万分感谢。如果翻译的好我会追加分数。
eastern food and western food learn from each other.
Under the circumstance of globalization, it is inevitable that the eastern and western food are combined together. But from the other side, either of them has its own developing process and the long history. They cannot abandon their own features. Not only the idea of reunion for Chinese ,but also the belief of freedom for westerners are methods that they can keep their features while learning from each other.It can be illustrated by an example that KFC in China has already got rid of the insistence of traditional western cooking styles. And they start promoting some food liked by Chinese and they aim at setting up Chinese fast food. Chinese food can learn from the standardized production of western food . For western food, they'd better have the advantage of being delicious as well as good-looking. Along with the fusion of chinses and western food, both of they will become better and better. What they are good at is the charm of combination and they connection between them.

翻译很辛苦 希望能满意吧
Chinese and Western food culture learn from each other
Because of the globalization, the combination of Chinses diet and Western diet styles can't be avoided. However, on the other hand, each of them has its own history and developing pace. Thus it is impossible to combine them together completely and each of them still maintains its features---the Reunion emphasizes by Chinese people and the Freedom emphasizes by western people. Besides, they can learn from each other without changing thier advantages. For instance,after the KFC went to China, it gave up the traditional concept of western fast food and began to cook food in boiling water, which is more acceptable by most Chinese. And it is called Chinese fast food. http://www.rixia.ccFurthermore, Chinese food restaurants can adopt standardized production as western fast food restaurants and western fast food restaurants should try to prepare food with good look and good favor as Chinese food. As they improving and developing in this way, food culture will be much more charming and fantastic, which contains the essence of both the Chinese and western food cultures across time and space.
Down in the big wave of globalizationhttp://www.rixia.cc, the mutual integration of Chinese and Western food is inevitable, but on日夏养花网 the other hand, in the Western diet also have their own development process and日夏养花网 a long historical background. They can not completely abandon their own characteristics, whether it is advocating the reunion of the Chinese people still believed in the freedom of the West, or in addition to the mutual integration of Chinese and Western food culture in its own characteristics, while maintaining mutual learning and common progress between the two is Another means. Example, the KFC business in China twww.rixia.cco give up the insistence on the traditional Western fast food, began to use boiled, tastes began to introduce in line with China's meals, trying to build Chinese-style fast food.Western fast food lunch you can also learn in the standardization of production. And Western dishes Chinese dishes should absorb the advantages of color, flavor and beauty. With the Western food culture exchange and integration of Chinese and Western food will become more beautiful and glamorous, this charm combines the essence of Western food culture is the food culture across time and space of the charm.


本文标题: 请各位高手来帮小妹我翻译下这句话,谢谢!(人工翻译)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/249343.html





