


2022-04-22 00:39:13 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:157


Hi Ankow, my favourate food is fish and chips, what is a hotpot? What are the keys on a Chineese keyboard, are they all symbols? I live in Cheddar,its a small town, and it is known for its gorge and cheese.



您好Ankow ,我最喜欢的食物是鱼和薯条,什么是火锅?中文键盘上有什么?他们都是符号?我住在切德,它是一个小镇,它以峡谷和奶酪而著称。


这是我发给别人的关于模型制作的要求。是有些专业性的东西,有些难,请高手仔细的帮我翻译一下。多谢多谢(下面是内容)rn-------------------------------------------------------------------rnrn很抱歉很晚才发这个图纸,我目前正在一边制作角色的模型,一边画场景的设计图,所以进度缓慢,请见谅。rn这次我先把短片中要出现的外景设计图发给你,请先开始制作,我会不断的把内景和道具部分的图纸发给你。rn这次我做的两个主角模型的大小约为25CM。所以发给你的图纸上的数据也是根据这个估计的。rn下面是我这次给你发送的图纸列表:rn1. 家的远景rn2. 家的近景rn3. 宫殿的远景rn4. 宫殿的近景rn5. 井rn6. 井的里面(仰视和俯视角度各一个)rn7. 山和树rnrn下面我对每个场景的细节解释一下:rn1. 家的远景:这个场景会在镜头(1、113、116、118、122、124)里出现。因为是远景,所以不需要做的太大,只需按照我标注的尺寸做即可,如果场地有限制,还可以适当的缩小一些。需要强调的是,关于材质,我希望云彩能做的可爱和饱满些,像棉花糖一样。详细的材质请参考图纸上的标注。rn2. 家的近景:这个场景会在镜头(87、88、90、114、)里出现。这个场景是家的局部。因为镜头只会拍到两面墙,所以只需做前面和侧面的墙即可。rn3. 宫殿的远景:这个场景会在镜头(64、65、)里出现。这个与家的远景一样,不需要做的太大。因为只会看到宫殿的前面,所以只需做前面即可。另外上面出现的云彩请做的大些。rn4. 宫殿的近景:这个场景会在镜头(66、67、68、69、70)里出现。请将一扇门做成可以推开的。rn5. 井:这个场景会在镜头(83、84)里出现。rn6. 井的里面:这是两个模型,一个是井口,一个是井底,分别出现在镜头85和86里 。井底的水可以用蓝色的玻璃做,上面出现的水纹,可以做出来,然后放上去,做成动画的效果。rn7. 山和树:这个是我最苦恼的场景,因为我没有实际去的制作场景,所以很难去估计应该做多大的山,所以我只画了一个草图,希望你们参考分镜制作,大约做3个大小不同的山即可,拍摄时可以重复使用。树可以做成我所画的那两种样子,大的小的都要有些,并且请做成能拔下来的。rnrn如果有不明白的地方,请随时问我。另外,由于我的护照大约要在月底才能申请下来,所以我只能在月底时候才能把护照号码发给你,好让你发送邀请函。所以,抱歉!
I am sorry issued late this drawing, I am currently making the side of the role models, while painting the design scene, so slow, please forgive me. <br>This time, I should first video to appear in the exterior design sent to you, please start production, I will keep the interior and props part of thhttp://www.rixia.cce drawings sent to you. <br>This time I do is about the size of the two main protagonists model 25CM. So, your drawings sent to the data is the basis of this estimate. <br>Here I send you the drawings in this list: <br>1. Home vision <br>2. Family close - <br>3. Palace long-term <br>4. Palace of the close - <br>5. Well <br>6. Well inside (look up and bird's-eye view each one) <br>7. Mountains and trees <br> <br>Here I explain the details of each scene: <br>1. Home vision: This scene will be shot (1,113,116,118,122,124) where there. Because it is vision, so do not need to do too much, just as I do can be the size of mark, if the venue is limited, you can also reduce the number of properly. Needs to be emphasized, on the material, I hope that the clouds can do some lovely and plump, like cotton candy like. Detailed material p日夏养花网lease refer to drawing on the mark. <br>2. Close-family: This scene will be shot (87,88,90,114,) where there. This scenario is a local family. Because the camera will take pictures of both sides of the wall, so just do the front and side walls can be. <br>3. Palace long-term: This scene will be the lens (64,65,) where there. This is contrary to the vision o日夏养花网f the same family do not need to do too much. Because this will only see the front of the palace, so you can only do so in front. Another cloud appears above please do bigger. <br>4. Close-ups of the palace: This scene will be the lens (66,67,68,69,70) where there. Please open the door can be made of. <br>5. Well: This scene will be the lens (83,84) where there. <br>6. Well inside: These are two models, one is the well-head, one bottom, respectively, in the lens 85 and 86 years. Bottom of the water can be blue glass, the above appears Watermark, you can make out, and then put up, made into animated effects. <br>7. Mountains and trees: This is my most troublesome scenario, because I did not actually go to the production scene, it is difficult to estimate how much of the mountain should be doing, so I just drew a sketch, I hope you will refer to sub-mirror production, about to do three different sizes of the mountains can be, shooting can be reused. Trees can be made that these two paintings that I like, big small, must be some, and please made to pull down. <br> <br>If there is not understand, please feel free to ask me. In addition, because my passport before they can apply at the end of approximately down, so I can only end when the passport number can be sent to you so that you send the invitation. So, sorry!

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1.他们经过重重努力终于杀死女巫,成为了纳尼亚的国王和女王,纳尼亚从此一片宁静n2.作为反派角色的女巫,同样拥有强大的兽人军团,她曾经想通过埃德蒙来得知其他三人的消息,因为她绝对不会允许有人类出现在纳尼亚中,这样会威胁到她的统治n3.纳尼亚传奇目前一共有3部,这是其中的第一部,如果有兴趣,可以去看看其他两部n4.电视广告中的一个男孩身穿铠甲,高举着剑,大声喊道“Let‘s movie”的场景就是从纳尼亚传奇节选出来的,让我们来看一看n(请认真翻译啊!!!)
1. They've been all efforts finally kill the witch, became the king of narnia and the queen, the narnia and quiet
2. As a negative role witch, also has a strong army of orcs, she ever wanted to Edmund through three other people to know the news, because she would never allow a human appeared in narnia, it will threaten her reign
3. A total of narnia currently part 3, this is one of the first, if have interesting, you can go and look at the other two
4. The TV advertising a boy with armor, and lifted up with sword, shouted "Let 's movie&www.rixia.ccquot; scene is a narnia snippets from, Let's take a look
1. They've been all efforts finally kill the witch, became the king of narnia and the queen, the narnia and quiet
2. As a negative role witch, also has a strong army of orcs, she ever wanted to Edmund through three other people to know the news, because she would never allow a human appeared in narnia, it will threaten her reign
3. A total of narnia currently part 3, this is one of the first,日夏养花网 if have interesting, you can go and look at the other two
4. The TV advertising a boy with armor, and lifted up with sword, shouted "Let 's movie" scene is a narnia snippets from, Let's take a look

1. They've been all efforts finally kill the witch, became the king of narnia and the queen, the narnia and quiet
2. As a negative role witch, also has a strong army of orcs, she ever wanted to Edmund through three other people to know the news, because she would never allow a human appeared in narnia, it will threaten her reign
3. A total of narnia currently part 3, this is one of the first, if have interesting, you can go and look at the other two
4. The TV advertising a boy with armor, and lifted up with sword, shouted "Let 's movie" scene is a narnia snippets from, Let's take a look
1 of them after many efforts to finally kill the witch, became Nani's kings and queens, Nani has a quiet

2 as the villain of the witch, also has a powerful Orc army, she wanted to learn about other people by Edmund three news, because she would never allow a human appears in Nani in Asia, this will pose a threat to her rule

3 Nani of Narnia is currently a total of 3, this is one of the first, if interested, can go to have a look the other two Department

4 TV ad in a boy dressed in armor, holding aloft a sword, shouted" Let ' s movie" scene from Nani's Narnia excerpts out, let us take a look at the


本文标题: 【求救】请帮我用英文翻译这段写桂花的文字。
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/241542.html





