


2022-04-17 04:58:30 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:76


1979年2月9日出生于中国北京, 从1998年到2008年他完成了15部电影 ,十年, 从中央戏剧学院学生到国际巨星, 她是最年轻的戛纳电影节评委, 2000年凭借《尖峰时刻》打入国际影坛, 2002年5月2日, 旧金山将这一天设立为“章子怡日”, 章子怡是中国人的骄傲
Zhang Ziyi was born in Beijing on Feb.9th,1979. She starred 15 films from 1998 to 2008. During the ten years, she experinced different roles respectively from the student of China Central Academy of Drama to the international star. Now she is the youngest judge in Cannes Film Festival. In 2000, Zhang Ziyi pushed herself into international film stage by the movie Rush Hour. May 2rd, 2002 is settled as Zhang Ziyi's Day in San Francisco. For many Chinese, Zhang Ziyi is the pride.
February 1979 9 Born in Beijing, China from 1998 to 2008, he completed 15 films, ten years, from the Central Academy of Drama students to international star, she is the youngest of the Cannes Film Festival jury in 2000, by virtue of " Rush Hour, "to enter the international cinema, May 2, 2002, San Francisco, the establishment of this day as" Zhang Ziyi Day, "Zhang Ziyi is the pride of Chinese people
She was born in Beijing China on February 9,1979 and he completed 15 films from 1998 to 2008. During ten years, he becomes an international star from a Central Academy of Drama student. She is the youngest judge of the Cannes Film Festival. She entered the international cinema by the "Rush Hour " in 2000. The day of the May 2nd,2002 was called Ziyi Zhang's Day by San Francisco. Ziyi Zhang is the pride of all the Chinese People.

Born in BeiJing on 9th Feburuary 1979, she took part in 15 movies from 1998 to 2008. it took 10 years for him to become a internation star from a student in Central Academy of Drama. She was the youngest judge in Cannes Film Festival . in the year 2000 she won her own role in international movie world. On May 2nd 2002, San Francisco acknowleged this date as "Chang ZiYi " day. ZiYi Chang is the proud of Chinese people.


远处维苏威火山(Vesuvius)偶尔冒出的轻烟,仍然傲视着现代文明,没人知道这座活火山下一次的雷霆震怒将会是何时。   坐船从海上来到苏莲托。迎面而来的是几十米高类似城墙的垂直防御体,显见当初的战略功能。而今上面则是豪华酒店俯视海面上的过往船只。沿途蜿蜒曲折,不下数百个转弯。白色的地中海式建筑依山势而建,很多都建在俯视地中海的悬崖上。春天奋放的鲜花姹紫嫣红,阳光下的地中海蓝的让人陶醉。而五颜六色的小船静静地点缀其中。不时有豪华游艇在平静的海面翻出白色的水花。   苏莲托以柠檬著称于世。果园面积不大,也是就着山势搭建。令人惊奇的是柠檬的个头,大到柚子的尺寸,绝无夸张。虽然早已有耳闻,但亲见仍然要和当地人确认到底是柠檬(lemon)还是柚子(grapefruit),被告知却为柠檬。lemoncello虽在这个地区都有酿造,却以苏莲托出品的最为正宗和著名。除了酿酒,柠檬被用在几乎任何场合:巧克力,香水,香皂,甜品等等。通常超市买的柠檬,味道酸涩,通常无法直接使用。而这里的柠檬,皮厚滋甜,本地人直接食用,切成条块,洒点盐和胡椒,就是一盘柠檬沙拉。而鲜榨柠檬汁加点糖就和鲜榨橙汁一样普遍。rn rn rn在线翻译的不要!!我试过的,不行!!
The distance Vesuvius (Vesuvius) occasionally come out light smoke, still leads the modern civilization, and no one knew the active volcano next thunder wrath will be when.
From the sea by ship to SuLian holder.
But I found there are dozens of meters high walls similar vertical defense body, obvious original strategy function.
Now it is luxury hotel look down at the sea of ships passing.
Winding along the way, not hundreds of turn.
White Mediterranean building built according to the mountain, and many were built look down in the Mediterranean cliff.
Spring Vincent putoanXQX flowers very beautiful flowers, the sun of the Mediterranean blue intoxicated with the people.
And colorful boats silently adorned among them.
From time to time have luxury yacht in the calm sea rout out white spray.
SuLian holder with lemon known to the world.
Orchard area is not large, is also the landform of structures.
Surprisingly lemon head, big to grapefruit size, no exaggeration.
Although already have ears, but see still and locals confirm exactly is lemon (lemon) or grapefruit (grapefruit), was told but for lemon.
Although lemoncello in this area are brewing, but with SuLian product has the most authentic and famous.
In addition to brew, lemon is used in almost any occasion: chocolate, perfume, soap, dessert and so on.
Usually the supermarket to buy lemon, taste acor, usually cannot be used directly.
And here's a lemon, skin thickness zi sweet, native direct edible, cut into stick, sprinkle some salt and pepper, is a plate of lemon salad.
Fresh lemon juice and some sugar and fresh-squeezed orange juice as universal.


1度过愉快的暑假后,科学家们继续投入研究工作。(GET DOWN TO)rn2smith教授做的关于诗歌的讲座给听众留下了很深刻的印象(MAKE A ……IMPRESSION ON)rn3年轻人喜欢去露营胜于在家看电视(PREFER)rn4TOM看了信封一眼,马上认出了他父亲的签名(GLANCE AT)rn5电话已经成为人们互相沟通最方便的方式COMMUNICATE)rn6暴风雪导致了和海上船只的所有联系中断(LEAD TO)rn7如果你遇到困难,不要犹豫找我帮忙(HESITATION)rn8你在街上盯着残疾人看是不礼貌的(STARE AT)
1度过愉快的暑假后,科学家们继续投入研究工作。(GET DOWN TO)
After the happy summer holiday, the scientist got down to research again.
2smith教授做的关于诗歌的讲座给听众留下了很深刻的印象(MAKE A ……IMPRESSION ON)
Doctor Smith's lecture about poesy made a deep impression on the audience.
Young people prefer camping oanXQXto wathing TV at home.
4TOM看了信封一眼,马上认出了他父亲的签名(GLANCE AT)
Glancing at the envelop, Tom recognized the signature of his father.
Telephone becomes the most convenient way for people to communicate.
6暴风雪导致了和海上船只的所有联系中断(LEAD TO)
Storm leaded to the interruption of the communication with the ships at sea.
If you have any trouble, please turn to mehttp://www.rixia.cc without hesitation.
8你在街上盯着残疾人看是不礼貌的(STARE AT)
It is impolite for you to stare at the disabled person on the street.
After 1 passed the happy summer vacation, the scientists continue to invest the research work. (GET DOWN TO) Professor 2smith did has made the very profound impression about the poetry course to the audience (MAKE A... ... IMPRESSION ON) 3 young people like camping out win to in the home looked the television (PREFER) 4TOM looked at envelope, recognized his father's signature (GLANCE AT) 5 telephones already to become the people immediately mutually to link up most convenient way COMMUNICATE) 6 snowstorms to cause and the marine ships all relations severance (LEAD TO) 7 if you encountered the difficulty, did not have to hesitate asks me to help (HESITATION) 8 you to stare at the disabled person on the street to look was not politeness (STARE AT)
1 After the pleasant summer vacation, scientists get down to the reseach .
2 The leture Prof.Smith has made on poems made a deep impression on the audience.
3.The young prefer camping rather than watching TV at home.
4 Glanced oanXQXat the envelope, Tom recognized his father's signature at once.
4.Telephone has been the most convenient way for p日夏养花网eople to communicate.
6.The blizzard lead to the blackout of the connection with the ships at sea
6.If you get some troubles, don't hesitate to turn to me for help
7It's not polite for you to stare at the disable person in the open street
1 The scientists get down to the research after a delightful summer vacation.
2 Mr smith's lecture about poesy made a strong impression on the audience.
3 The young prefer camping to watching TV at home.
4 Tom recoginzed his daddy's signature in a second by glancing at the evelope.
5 The telephone has become the most convenient way of communication.
6 The snowstorm leads to the interrupt of transportation on sea.
7 Please come to me without hesitation when there is a difficulty.
8 It is impolite to stare at the disable when on streets.


随着计算机科学的不断发展和网络的迅速普及,Internet的应用已经涉及到人们生活的方方面面,商业系统信息的收集与处理、流动与共享。好的网站就是要有好的创意风格,创意是引人入胜,精彩万分,出奇不意的;创意是捕捉出来的点子,是创作出来的奇招。rn 论文主要阐述红旗渠网站具体的界面设计,排版布局和视觉要素设计。具体论文内容包括:网站LOGO设计、栏目布局、文字运用、色彩搭配、动画设计风格等。
With the continuous development of computer science and the rapid spread of Internet, our application has been involves all aspects of people's lives, commercial system, information collection and processing, the flow and sharing. Good web site is to have a good creative style, creativity and compelling is a surprisingly, discussion, Creativity is the idea, is the capture of creation.
This paper mainly red flag canal website specific interface design, layout design layout and visual elements. Specific paper includes: LOGO design, layout, the text columns, colours and anima

With the continuous development of computer science and the rapidly growing popularity of the Internet, Internet applications have been involved in every aspect of people's lives, business information system for the collection and processing, the flow and sharing. Web site is good to have a good style of creativity, innovation is attractive, very exciting, the element of surprise; creative idea is to catch up, is created out of Anything.

Papers on the main interface of Hongqiqu site specific design, typesetting and layout design of visual elements. Specific papers include: LOGO Web site design, layout program, the use of text, with color, animation design, and so on.
With the continuous development of computer science and the rapid spread of Internet, our application has been involves all aspects of people's lives, commercial system, information collection and processing, the flow and sharing. Good web site is to have a good creative style, creativity and compelling is a surprisingly, discussion, Creativity is the idea, is the capture of creation.
This paper mainly red flag canal website specific interface design, layout design layout and visual elements. Specific paper includes: LOGO design, layout, the text columns, colours and animation design style, etc.
With the continuous development of computer science and the rapidly growing popularity of the Internet, Internet applications have been involved in every aspect of people's lives, business information system for the collection and processing, the flow and sharing. Web site is good to have a good style of creativity, innovation is attractive, very exciting, the element of surprise; creative idea is to catch up, is created out of Anything.
Papers on the main interface of Hongqiqu site specific design, typesetting and layout design of visual elements. Specific papers include: LOGO Web site design, layout program, the use of text, with color, animation design, and so on.


本文标题: 急需英语翻译。
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/239001.html





