


2022-04-13 14:18:37 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:117


Dear all,rnrnPlease be informed that the proposed prices at Sipis Cafe are being discussed and approved.FBM should follow up promptly with the new Executive Chef regarding the food preparation of all buffets.About the selected main course of lunch buffet,I would recommend 6-8 dishes for guestx27s choice(half oriental & half European).Regarding the discount policy for hotel registered guest and the promotion plan for buffet dinner package,we should hold a seperate meeting in early April before we take further action.DGM,please follow up and thanks.rnrnVincent Chan
关于Sipis Cafe 的报价我们进行了讨论并且已经通过。在自助餐的食物准备方面,FBM会很快与新日夏养花网的行政大厨一起跟进。关于自助午餐的主菜问题,我认为应该推出6-8道主菜供客人挑选(东方菜式与欧洲菜式各占一半)。至于酒店协议客人的优惠政策和自助餐的推广套餐,我们会在四月另外召开一个会议进行讨论,之后再采取下一步措施。DGM,请跟进。谢谢!

Vincent Chan
Executive 除了行政,还有主管的意思。
∴Executive Chef→厨师长


房屋出售独家委托书rnrn委托方: (以下简称“甲方”) 电话: rn受托方: (以下简称“乙方”) 电话: rnrn依据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他相关法律,双方在协商一致的基础上,达成委托协议如下:rn一、委托事项:甲方委托乙方独家代理出售其位于 的房屋(以下简称“该房地产”),委托期限为三个月,自 年 月 日至 年 月 日,委托出售价格为 元,此价格为 价格。rn二、佣金与费用:甲方通过乙方居间介绍成功出售该房地产后,应向乙方支付成交价 %的居间费,该居间费应在甲方与买受方签定房屋买卖合同当日支付。甲方通过乙方服务与他方签订房屋买卖合同后,若因甲方原因导致交易无法完成,不影响甲方支付居间费。rn三、乙方权利义务:rn1.代甲方寻找适合的需求信息,在乙方的相关系统以及传媒上刊登甲方的该房地产信息,与非独家委托的房地产同等条件下,优先推荐该房地产。rn2.促成甲方与相关客户达成交易,提供并协助签署房屋买卖合同。rn3.在甲方的要求下有偿提供贷款、过户等代办业务。rn4.如需要时,乙方可以与第三方共同为甲方推荐客户。rn四、甲方权利义务:rn 1.保证向乙方提供的该房地产信息真实有效,房屋产权明晰,并且甲方出售该房地产的行为符合国家及 市相关法律、行政法规、规章的规定,否则由此引起的法律责任由甲方承担。rn 2.甲方应向乙方提供并由乙方在委托期限内保存下列物品:rn①该房屋的权属证明复印件(包括但不限于房地产权证、房屋所有权证、房屋租赁合同 、商品房买卖合同);rn②产权人或承租人的身份证复印件;rn 3.在委托期限内,仅通过乙方出售该房地产。如甲方在委托期限内,有下列行为之一的,均应向乙方支付成交价格 %的居间费:rn①未经乙方同意,单方面解除本委托协议;rn②自行出售或通过其亲属等关系人或其他经纪公司出售该房地产,在委托期限中或委托期限届满后通过各种途径直接或间接成交。rn 4.不得提高该房地产的出售价格。rn 5.委托期限内不得将该房地产赠与、出租于他人。委托期限终止前,不得以任何形式停止出售该房地产。rn 6.在与乙方介绍的客户签订房地产买卖合同时,提供产权人的身份证原件和该房地产的产权证明的原件供客户验看。rn五、委托期限届满时,甲方可选择继续委托乙方独家代理或收回独家代理权,唯甲方不得进一步向乙方追究。rn六、本协议一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等的法律效力。rn七、本协议自甲乙双方签字或盖章之日起生效。rnrn甲 方: 乙 方: rn证件号码: 经 办 人:rn联系地址: 联系地址: rn日 期: 日 期:
Housing for sale exclusively commissioned instructions : (hereafter referred to as the "two parties") : Trustee side : (hereinafter referred to as "B") Telephone : According to the "Contract Law" and other relevant laws. on the basis of consensus, the commission reached agreement are as follows : 1. commission : B commissioned buyer at the exclusive agent to sell their housing (hereinafter "the property"), commissioned a period of three months. Since the year 2000 to year 2000, commissioned for the sale price, the price for this price. Second, commissions and expenses : buyer acted on the successful sale of the property to B, B% of the price should be paid through a fee, the intermediary fees should be bought by side with the buyer signed a contract for the sale of housing payment date. B services with the other two parties to sign a contract for the sale of housing, because the transaction could not be completed because of the two parties. not accountable to pay an intermediary fee. Third, the rights and obligations B : 1. Behalf of the two parties to find a suitable demand information, B system and the media in the relevant publication buyer for the real estate information, exclusive and non-commissioned real estate under the same conditions, the first priority of the real estate. 2. Contributed to the two parties entered into a transaction with the customer, providing housing and facilitating the signing of a contract for the sale. 3. At the request of the buyer paid for loans, transfer agents and other businesses. 4. If necessary, B can be shared with a third party buyer to recommend clients. Fourth, the rights and obligations of the two parties : 1. B to guarantee the authenticity and validity of information provided by the real estate, property rights and housing. and the sale of the property had been leased to the city and act in conformity with the relevant state laws, regulations, rules, Otherwise, the legal liability arising from the buyer to bear. 2. B B shall provide the commission with the buyer to keep the period following items : ① prove ownership of a copy of the housing (including, but not limYUlvdited to, real estate E, E all housing, the Housing lease contract house Sale); ② copies of the identity cards of the owner or lessee; 3. the commissioning period. B only through the sale of the property. If the two parties in commissioning period, one of the following acts shall be paid to B% of the transaction price intermediary fees : ① B without consent, unilaterally terminated the agreement on the commission; Second, the sale of their own or through their relatives or other ties to sell the real estate brokerage company. commissioned or commissioned in the period after the expiration of transactions, directly or indirectly, through various ways. 4. The property and the selling price should not be increased. 5. Commissioned period shall not include real estate gift, letting others. Commissioned before the end of the period, which shall not in any way stop the sale of real estate. 6. B clients signed on with the sale of real estate, Original owner and the provision of identity cards to prove ownership of real estate orig日夏养花网inals for inspection by customers. Five commissioned expiration of the notice period, the buyer can choose to continue to entrust B exclusive or exclusive rights to recover. B accountable not only to pursue further. 6, a duplicate of the agreement, both armed with a B has the same legal effect. 7, consists of the two sides since the signing of the agreement will come into force on the day or sealed. A side : B side :
document numbers : Office :
Contact : Contact :
Date : Date :
这么多 HOHYUlvdO 而且那么专业 小生财学尚浅 相比不是一般的浅了


要用到括号里的词组啊rn1,这家公司开始显得很有希望,但不久便负债累累。(run into)rn2,尽管他们年龄差别很大,却成了好朋友。(despite)rn3,他对这个问题思考了整整一星期之后,最终解决了它。(turn over in onex27s mind)rn4,工人用榔头把玻璃瓶敲碎了。(smash)rn5,你对我的要求过高了.(ask)
1, the company began to appear very promising, but soon in debt. 6 (they)
2, although they age difference is very big, but became good friends. Despite (),
3 and he was thinking about this question for a week later, finally solved it. (in one 's will over there),
4 the glass with a hammer, workers break. (smash)
5 you to my request too. (we)
1, the company has begun to show promising, but will soon be heavily in debt. (Run into) 2, despite their age differences, they became good friends. (Despite) 3, his thinking on this issue after a full week to finally resolve it. (Turn over in one's mind) 4, workers used a hammer to crack a glass. (Smash) 5, you have too much of my request. (Ask)
1.The company has begun to show promising, but will soon be heavily in debt. (Run into)
2 Despite their age differences, they became good friends. (Despite)
3 His thinking on this issue after a full week to finally resolve it. (Turn over in one's mind)
4 Workers used a hammer to crack a glass. (Smash)=crack
5 You are too much of my request. (Ask)要求=request


1.the little yellow banana
2.the delicious orange juice
3.the red cloth over there, is that your sister's?
4.this is a good teacher
5.are those Jenny's skirts?
6.this teacher are in the office now
Little yellow banana
Delicious orange juice
Is this your sister's red clothes?
He/She is a good teacher.
Are those Jenny's dresses?
The teacher is in office.


本文标题: 请大家帮我翻译一下这几句话!帮帮忙呀各位!(汉译英)多谢大家!很急的!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/237116.html





