


2022-04-13 12:19:05 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:139


1。.你政治阅读的这本书是关于历史的。 The book that you are reading for politics is on history.
2。来自东北的高老师是我们的英语老师。Mr Gao who comes from Dongbei is our English Teacher.
3。找到正穿着红色裙子的女孩。The girl who is wearing a red dress is found.
4。你记得昨天在火车站看上去很焦虑的女孩吗?Do you remember the girl who looked/seemed quite anxious in the railway station yesterday?
5。这是他的自行车上星期他丢了的学生。This is the student whose bike was lost last week.
6。当他50多岁的时候他面对了许多困难。He who was in his 50’s has faced plenty of difficulties.
7。所有的学生都积极加入这场讨论All of the students who are present take an active part in the discussion.
8。洪水昨天晚上冲跨了老房子。The house which was used for years was torn down last night.
9。孙中山是在1911年领导了辛亥革命的领导者。Sun Zhongshan is the leader who led Xinhai Revolution in 1911.
10。他想建立一所学校。He has a wish which is to build a school.
楼上除了 1,3,6 译的很烂,其他的都不错,建议楼主综合考虑
1. The book which you are reading now is about history.
2. The teacher who comes from the Northeast is our English teacher.
3. Look for the girl (who is) in the red skirt.
4. Do you remember the girl who looked worried yesterday?
5. This is the student whose bicycle was lost last week.
6. He faced a lot of difficulties when he was 50 years old.
7. All the students had joined this discussion actively.这句不是定语从句
8. Flood ruined the old houses last night.这句也不是..
9. Sun Zhongshan is the leader who led the revolution in 1911.
10. He wants to found a school.这句也不是定语从句
1 The book which you are reading ia about history. 应该是正在阅读 不是政治阅读吧?
2 Miss/Mr. Gao who is from northeast of China is our English teacher.
3 The girl who is in a red skirt has been found.
4 Do you remember the girl who seemed very worried in railway station yesterday?
5 日夏养花网看不太懂诶!This is his bike which was lost last week.这是他上星期丢了的自行车?
6 He who was in his fifties met with a lot of difficulties.
7 This is the discussion in which all the students are involved.
8 The flood ruined the house which was old last night.
9 Sun Yat-sen is the leader who led the Revolution of 1911.
10 He is the man who wants to build a school.
1.This book which you read is about history.
2.Teacher Gao who is from south east is our English teacher.
3.Finding the girl who is dressing the red.
4.Do you remeber the girl who looks like worried in the train station yesterday?日夏养花网
5.This is his bicycle (这句话不通吧)
6.He faced with many difficulties when he is 50 years old.
7.All students join the discussion positively.
8.Flood destoried the old house yesterday night.
9.Dr, Sun Yat-sen is the leader who is leaded XinHai Revolution.
10.He want to build the school.
1You have a political reading of this book is about history.
2The high teacher from the north-east is our English teacher
3To fiwww.rixia.ccnd a girl is wearing a red skirt.
4Do you remember yesterday, the station looked very anxious girl do?
5This is his bike last week, he lost his student
6When he was 50 years old when he faced many difficulties.
7All students to actively participate in the discussion.
8Flood last night, washed down the old houskOWwhWe.
9Sun Yat-sen in 1911 led the 1911 Revolution leader
10He wanted to build a school.


That happens a lot of good memories of the playground is still beside the teaching building, I remembered that the most beautiful spring the sunrise garden friends laugh, I miss those who spare no effort to help my teachers, I remembered that give me confidence arts festival and the light my passion of literature magazine.

Yesterday, I am proud of you, today I want to be a proud of you
That happens a lot of good memories of the playground next to the school buildings are still, I remembered that the most beautiful spring garden Xi friend's laughter, I miss those spare no teacher who helped me, I remembered that I give confident that this festival and ignited my passion for literary magazines. Yesterday I was proud of you, today I want to be a proud person you

帮我翻译下下面的句子,要用定语从句 的。

帮我翻译下下面的句子,要用定语从句 的。1 (正在参观我们学校的)那个外国人来自加拿大 2 老师给我们讲了一个(令我们非常感动的)故事3.(妈妈煮的面条)真美味4.(他爸爸工作的)工厂在这座城市的西部
1、The foreigner who is visiting our school comes from Canada.
2、The teacher told us a story which made us deeply moved.
3、The noodles which was cooked by mom was really delicious.
4、The factory where his father works lies in the west of this city.
1、The foreign who is inviting our school comes from Canada。
2、The teacher told us a story which moved us。
3、The noodles made by my mother is so delicious 。
4、The factory which his father works lies in the west of this city。
1、The foreign who is inviting our school comes from Canada。
2、The teacher told us a story which we felt so touched。
3、The noodle my mother made is so delicious。
4、The industry his father works in is in the west of this city。
1.The foreigner visiting our school is from Canda.
2.The teacher told us a story that moved us deeply.
3.The noodles made by mother was really delicious.
4.The factory in which his father works lies in the west of this city.

帮忙把下列句子翻译成英文(用定语从句)。 急用急用!!!

要用选定的词哦~。谢谢。rn1.我不知道非洲有些国家为什么不能用拖拉机取代耕牛的原因。(tractor、ox)rn2.我所在的组织计划在肯尼亚的一个边远地区建一个小诊所,来帮助改善那里孩子们的健康状况。(clinic、remote、Kenya)rn3.前几天那个裁缝收到了一家慈善机构捐赠的新缝纫机。(tailor、sewing、machine、donate)rn4.这是一个可以储存种子的罐子。(jar、store seeds)rn5.宇航员在进入太空之前,要进行几百个小时的训练。(astronaut)rn6.今天是这对夫妻的金婚纪念日,他们正举杯庆祝。(anniversary、with a toast)rn7.提出最好的经济计划的那个政党在竞选中获胜了。(political、economic、election campaign)rn8.我一打响指就表示音乐会开始。(click onex27s fingers)
I do not know that some African countries, why can not reason with a tractor to replace cattle.
I am in Kenya, where an organization plans to build a small clinic in remote areas to help improve the health of the children there.
A few days ago that the tailor has received a new sewing machines donated by charitable organizations.
This is a jar of seeds can be stored.
Astronauts into space prior to the hundreds of hours of training.
Today is the couple's golden wedding anniversary, they are toast.
The best economic plan proposed by political parties that won in the election.
I mean, says the concert started.
1. I do not know why people in some countries in Africa cannot use tractors instead of oxes.
2. The organization that I belong to planned to build a small clinic in the remote areas of Kenya, to help improve the health of the children there.
3. A few days ago that tailor received a new sewing machine donated by a charity institution.
4. This is jar capable of storing seeds.
5. The astronauts will have to receive hundreds of hours of training before they enter into the space.
6. Today is the 50th year anniversary of marriage of this couple and they are celebrating with a toast.
7. The political party which proposed the best economic plan won the election campaign.
8. The concert will start as soon as I click my fingers.
1.I don't know why can't some countries of Africa with tractors replaced ox reason(tractors\ox).
2.Where I am in Kenya plan a remote region of building a small clinic, to help improve there children's health.(Kenya\remote\clinic)
3.A few days ago, a charity donate tailor received new sewing machines.donate\tailor\sewing\machines)
4.This is a can store seeds jars.(jars\store seeds)
5.Astronauts into space before going in for the hundreds of hours of training.(Astronauts)
6.Today is the couple golden anniversary with a toast.(anniversary\with a toast)
7.The best economic plan political put forward the party in the election campaign.(economic\political\election campaign)
8.I click one's fingers this means said the concert began.(click one's fingers)
I don't know why can't some countries of Africa with tractors replaced cattle reasons.
Where I am in Kenya plan a remote region of building a small clinic, to help improve there children's health.
A few days ago that the tailor received a charity new sewing machine.
This is a can store s日夏养花网eeds cans
Astronauts into space before going in for the hundreds of hours of training.
Today is the couple golden anniversary, they are celebrates
The best economic plan put forward the party in the election
I win this means said the concert began
1.I don't know why can't some countries of Africa with tractors replaced cattle reason.
2.Where I am in Kenya plan a remote region of building a small clinic, to help improve there children's health.
3.A few days ago that the tailor received a charity new sewing machine.
4.This is a can store seeds cans.
5.Astronauts into space before going in for the hundreds of hours of training.
6.Today is the couple golden anniversary, they are celebrates.
7.The best economic plan put forward the party in the election.
8.I win this means said the concert began.


The movie that I watched last week is very interesting.
The girl who is playing the piano is Li li.
This is the same book that he is looking for.
He is the thief that was caught by the police yesterday.
1、The film which I watched last week was very interesting.
2、The girl who is playing the piano is Lili.
3、This is the book that he is looking for.
4、He is the thief who was arrested by police yesterday.
The movie which I saw last week is interesting.
The girl who is playing the piano is Lily.
This is the book which he is looking for.
He was the thief whom I caught yesterday.
1、the film which I watch last week was very interesting
2\ the girl who is playing the piano is lily
3 this is the book which he is looking for
4 he was the thief who was cought by the pliceman yesterday


本文标题: 帮忙翻译句子(定语从句)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/237074.html





