

英语翻译 急!!!

2022-04-10 05:06:23 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:77

英语翻译 急!!!

Valentina Vezzali was only six years old , but she was already different from the other litter fencers. The trainer would ask the young fencers to practise offensive and defensive actions, ten times per group , but Valentina would not shop at that and always practiced more . When the trainer would ask them to accelerate while running, she always ran faster and longer than the other children. Her sister Nathalie, who was worried she would hurt herself or become too exhausted said to her ,"You are still very young, you shouldnx27t impose this on your body or else you will end up hurting yourself ." But to this Valentina replied ,"Donx27t worry! I donx27t feel tired and training gives me such joy."rnrnAt the time , Nathalie and two other fencers of the club had alread formed the Jesi fencing team and won the gold medal in the junior national competition . One of the fencers, Giovanna Trillini , became an Olympic gold medallist in 1992 in Barcelona . Giovanna and Nathalie were Valentinax27s idols. During training, she often asked to fence with Giovanna.Valentina was too young to be a rival and she had not enough training ,and would eng up feeling like a sieve. Valentina talked about this experience when she was already champion ,"I was no match to Trillini at the time and was always hit before I had time to react.My spirits were however never dampened , on the contrary, it fuelled my determination . And I made a promise to myself that I would win it all back in the future ".Later, Vezzali fulfilled the promise she had made to herself in the Fencing World Championships and Olympic Games.
那时娜塔莉 和俱乐部里的另外两个击剑手已经组建了花剑击剑队,并且在全国中学生花剑比赛中获得了金牌。其中的一个击剑手,乔万纳特里利尼在1992巴塞罗那奥运会中成为了金牌得主。乔万纳也成为了娜塔莉和瓦伦蒂娜心中的偶像。在训练期间,瓦伦蒂娜总是请求和乔万纳练习击剑,但她太年轻了,根本不是乔万纳的对手,每次训练总像个筛子一样,漏洞百出。瓦伦蒂娜在成为冠军后曾谈到过这段经历:“那时,我根本不是特里利尼的对手,我总是还没反应过来就被击中了,但是我从没灰心丧气,相反,它更坚定了我的决心。我对自己承诺将来要把这一切赢回来。”后来,她在世界击剑锦标赛和奥林匹克运动会中履行了自己的诺言。
alentina Vezzali只是六年,但她已经是与其他废弃物击剑者不同。 教练员会要求年轻击剑者实践进攻和防御行动,每个小组十次,但Valentina不会购物在那和总没有实践更多。 当教练员会要求他们加速,当跑时,她比其他孩子快速地和长期总跑了。 她的姐妹Nathalie,担心她会受伤或成为太用尽了对她说, “您仍然是非常年轻人,您不应该强加此给您的身体或者您将导致受伤”。 但对回复的这Valentina, “不要担心! 我不感到疲乏和训练给我这样喜悦。“当时, Nathalie和俱乐部的其他二个击剑者在小辈全国竞争中有被形成Jesi击剑队的alread并且获得了金牌。 其中一个击剑者, Giovanna Trillini, 1992年成为了奥林匹克金牌奖章获得者在巴塞罗那。 Giovanna和Nathalie是Valentina的神像。 在训练期间,她经常要求操刀与Giovanna.Valentina太年轻的以至于不能是敌手,并且她没有足够的训练,并且会英语感觉象筛子。 ValennMqjvcBDnRtina谈论了这经验,当她已经是冠军, “我当时是没有比赛对Trillini和总被击中了,在我有时间起反应之前。然而我的精神未曾被挫伤,相反,它给我的决心加油。 并且我许下了诺言对我自己我会赢取它全部在将来“。以后, Vezzali履行了她许下了对她自己在操刀的世界冠军和奥林匹克运动会的诺言。
Valentina Vezzali 只有六岁,但是她已经和其他的击剑手有所不同。每次训练师让年轻击剑手练习攻击nMqjvcBDnR和防御动作时,每组动作做十次,但她每次都会多做一些练习。当训练师让他们跑步加速的时候,Valentina总是比别的孩子跑得更快,更久。她姐姐Nathalie担心她会伤到自己或把自己搞的太累,就对她说:你还很小,别总逞强,要不迟早得伤着自己。但Valentina 说:别担心,我不觉得累,我训练时很开心。
那时Nathalie 和俱乐部里的另外两个击剑手已经组建了Jesi击剑队,并且在全国中学生竞赛中获得了金牌。其中的一个击剑手,Giovanna Trillini在1992巴塞罗那奥运会中获得了金牌。从此以后,Giovanna 成为了Nathalie 和Valentina 心中的偶像。Valentina总是请求和Givonna 练习击剑,但她太年轻了,根本不是Giovanna的对手,每次训练总像个筛子一样,漏洞百出。Valentina成为冠军后曾谈到过这段经历:我那时根本不是Trillini的对手,我总是还没反应过来就被击中了,但是我从没灰心丧气,相反的,它更坚定了我的决心,我对自己承诺将来要把这一切赢回来。后来她在世界击剑锦标赛和奥林匹克运动会中履行了她的诺言。

英语翻译 急!!!!!!!!!!

1.naturex27s will bring about human affinityn2.nature affects human affairs and human behabvior finds resonse in naturen请将这两句都翻译成四个字的词,n如:Nature and man turn to one.天人合一。
翻译网 准确无误

英语翻译 急!!

1, that influential artists
2, age is still hours
3, Please give my greetings to your parents

1, his parents made him very happy things
2, a lot of houses have been built to meet the needs of the people
3, Lincoln is considered one of America's greatest president
4, in the prompt at any time, he has published two novels of the
5, to his 18-year-old, I believe that he was the university examinations into the
6, and sometimes it is hard to refuse the invitation o日夏养花网f a friend
7, can turn the radio tube smaller
8, many students shut themselves up in a room to learn
9, most of them have experienced the Second World War
10, many people patronize the Carnival
11, the number of students in this school the school in excess
12, I can not help but laugh with them
13, to hear the exciting news, I could not help but jumped up happy
14, who, as a wise leader will be remembered
15, this book belongs to you do
16, master a foreign language is very difficult to
17, I lived in a remote house, but it does not feel lonely
18, can you imagine JOHN do like fishing in the river
19, he was very hard to learn. A result, he easily passed the exam
20, due to the snow He was late
21, since he went to London I miss him very much
23 young artists who also have to take care of themselves hours
25, he said it a very good English, we all admire him
a famous artist
when(he/she/i was) young,
please say hello to your parents for me
1. a considerable artist/ a considerable master of art

2. when still young

3. please send my regard to your parent
he was thought as a famous arts master.
when sb is young.
Please give my regards to your parents.
one very influential art master

when (he/she/i was) still young

send my best regards to your parents
1. be thinked as an great effect art master

2. when I was yong...

3.Please help me say hello to your parents




The full marks for all courses are 100 points, and there are no Physics and Chemistry for the first-year students and no Chemistry for the second-year students.
Note: 100 is the best possible score for all subjects. There is no Physics and Chemistry for first year students, and second year students do not have Chemistry.

Note: All of my classes are 100, there are no physics and chemistry in Junior 1, and no chemistry in Junior 2.
Note: All courses are 100 points out, junior first-year non-physical chemistry courses, junior high school second-year chemistry course no.


本文标题: 英语翻译 急!!!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/235352.html





