


2022-04-06 22:07:28 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:86

英语翻译 、

No hate ,No lovernrnCold and warm oneself knowrnrnThatx27s enoughrnrnNot only escapernrnHave fled to the unknown placernrnrn求翻译,详细的。
No hate ,No love 不忧不狂

Cold and warm oneself know 冷暖自知

That's enough 够了

Not only escape 躲开了

Have fled to the unknown place 到了一个无名之地




No hate ,No love

Cold and warm oneself know

That's enough

Nwww.rixia.ccot only escape

Have fled to the unknown place


现在几点? What is the time now?
天气怎样? How is the weather today?
汤姆的日夏养花网妈妈是干什么的? What does Tom's mother do?
你们会说什么语言? What language can they speak?
他的英语老师来自哪里? Where is their English teacher from?
谁正在读故事书? Who is reading the story book?
你的学校在哪里? Where is your school?
你的书包里有几本书? How many books are there in your bag?
你父亲的生日是几月几日?What is your father's birthday?
what time is it today
How is the weather like today
what is Tom's mother
which language do you speak
where does his English teacher come from
whatt time is it today
what is the weather like today
what is Tom's mother
which language do you speak
where does his English tea
who is reading the story book
where is your school
how many books are in your bag
what date is your father birthday
what `s the time
what`s the waether like


词组 rn遍及全国 rn财政报道 rn签名 rn皇室 rn集中精力于 rn为某事像某人祝贺 rn总共 rn给。。。照相 rn把。。。分成。。 rn起飞 rn在他的飞行过程中 rn祝愿中国继续取得成功 rn包括史密斯先生 rn示意我 rnrn单词 rn政治家 rn成功 rn取代 rn祝贺 rnrn句子 rn既然你已经得到了机会,你最好充分利用它 now that rn中国日报不仅仅是一份报纸,他还能帮助我们学英语 more than rn希望我们的解释或多或少有些帮助 more or less rn宽大的裤子是最新的时髦服装 fashion rn我相信他的话但是不信任他 believe
遍及全国 throughout the country
财政报道 financial reports
签名 signature/autograph
皇室 royalty
集中精力于 be focused on something
为某事像某人祝贺 congratulate somebody for something
总共 in total
给。。。照相 take pictures/photos for somebody
把。。。分成。。 divide ... into ...
起飞 take off
在他的飞行过程中 during his flight
祝愿中国继续取得成功 May China continue her/the success.
包括史密斯先生 including Mr. Smith
示意我 notify me

政治家 politician
成功 名词success/动词 succeed
取代 replace/substitute
祝贺 congratulate

既然你已经得到了机会,你最好充分利用它 now that
Now that you have already gotten the chance, you had better use it to the fullest.

中国日报不仅仅是一份报纸,他还能帮助我们学英语 more than
China Daily is more than a newspaper. It can even help us to learn English.

希望我们的解释或多或少有些帮助 more or less
Hope our explanations can more or less help a bit.

宽大的裤子是最新的时髦服装 fashion
Fat pants are the latest fashion style.

我相信他的话但是不信任他 believe
I believe his words but I don't believe in him.
spread all over the country
finance report
focus on
congratulation sb on sth
in all
take picture of sb
take off
in the course of his flight

wish china will still be high up in pictures

Smith included
give me a hint

success n
replace vt
congratulate vt

Now that you have had the chance ,you had better take full advantage of it .
China Daily is more than a newspaper ,it can help us learn English.
Wish our explanation can give some help more or less.
Wide trousers are the latest fashions .
I believe his words but I do not trust him.


翻译题Why don’t you do sth? / Why not do sth…?rnrn 1 干嘛不尝试一下呢? (have a try)rn 2,天气真好!为什么我们不出去散步呢?(go out for a walk) rn 3,你太累了。为何不去休息一下呢?(have a rest)rn 4,他的朋友很多。干嘛不请他们帮个忙呢?(ask for )rn 5,你的优点很多。为什么不好好的利用呢?(make use of )rn 6. 今天我的朋友要去参加一个英语夏令营。rn 7. 我喜欢看电影这个项目。rn 8. 从中可以了解世界各地的风俗以及历史。rn 9. 当然还可以结识志同道合的朋友。rn 10.在去之前,我建议她带一些材料。
1 干嘛不尝试一下呢? (have a try)
Why don’t you have a try?/Why not have a try?
2,天气真好!为什么我们不出去散步呢?(gwww.rixia.cco out for a walk)
The weather is fine!Why don’t we go out for a walk?/Why not go out for a walk?
3,你太累了。为何不去休息一下呢?(have a rest)
You are too tired.Why don’t you have a rest?/Why not have a rest?
4,他的朋友很多。干嘛不日夏养花网请他们帮个忙呢?(ask for )
He has many friends.Why don’t you ask them for help?/Why not ask them for help?
5,你的优点很多。为什么不好好的利用呢?(make use of )
You have many advantages.Why don’t you make use of them?/Why not make use of them?
6. 今天我的朋友要去参加一个英语夏令营。
One of my friends is going to take part in a English summer camp today.
7. 我喜欢看电影这个项目。
I like the item of watching movies.
8. 从中可以了解世界各地的风俗以及历史。
We can have a knowledge of the custom and history all over the world.
9. 当然还可以结识志同道合的朋友。
It is certain that we can get to know some friends in common.
Before she went there,I advised her to take some materiels .
1.Why not have a try?
2.what good weather it is,why not go out for a walk?
3.you are so tired,why don't you have a rest?
4.he has many friends,why not ask him for help?
5.you has many merits,why don't you make use of them?
6.Today my friend will take part in a English Summer training.
7.I like going for a film.
8.We may learn the custom and history over the world from it.
9.Certainly we can get in touch with commen friends.
10.I suggest him bringging some material before going to there.
1.Why don't you have a try?
2.The weather is so good! Why not go out for a walk?
3.You're too tired. Why not have a rest?
4.He has many friends, why not ask them for help?
5.You have many advantanges. Why not make good use of them?
6.My friend will take part in a summer camp today.
7.I like watching TV.
8.We can know the costom and history of all the places in the world.
9.Of course, we can know some friends who have the same interests with us.
10.I suggested her take some material before going there.

1 干嘛不尝试一下呢? (have a try)
Why don’t you have a try?/Why not have a try?
2,天气真好!为什么我们不出去散步呢?(go out for a walk)
The weather is fine!Why don’t we go out for a walk?/Why not go out for a walk?
3,你太累了。为何不去休息一下呢?(have a rest)
You are too tired.Why don’t you have a rest?/Why not have a rest?
4,他的朋友很多。干嘛不请他们帮个忙呢?(ask for )
He has many friends.Why don’t you ask them for help?/Why not ask them for help?
5,你的优点很多。为什么不好好的利用呢?(make use of )
You have many advantages.Why don’t you make use of them?/Why not make use of them?
6. 今天我的朋友要去参加一个英语夏令营。
One of my friends is going to take part in a English summer camp today.
7. 我喜欢看电影这个项目。
I like the item of watching movies.
8. 从中可以了解世界各地的风俗以及历史。
We can have a knowledge of the custom and history all over the world.
9. 当然还可以结识志同道合的朋友。
It is certain that we can get to know some friends in common.
Before she went there,I advised her to take some materiels
或1.Why not have a try?
2.what good weather it is,why not go out for a walk?
3.you are so tired,why don't you have a rest?
4.he has many friends,why not ask him for help?
5.you has many merits,why don't you make use of them?
6.Today my friend will take part in a English Summer training.
7.I like going for a film.
8.We may learn the custom and history over the world from it.
9.Certainly we can get in touch with commen friends.
10.I suggest him bringging some material before going to therwww.rixia.cce.


本文标题: 英语翻译、
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/233743.html





