

论文摘要翻译,来一个英语大神。人工翻译,不要机器软件的,谢谢。 随着国际贸易的发展,知识产权对国际

2022-04-06 20:07:02 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:147


摘要:为研究不同蛋白水平日粮加锌对仔猪生长、抗氧化作用和免疫功能的影响。将48头(212d)断奶DLY三元杂交仔猪,采用23两因子析因法设计,按体重相近原则,分为6个处理,每个处理8头猪,每2头猪为一个重复,试验期共28天。各处理分别为低锌(100mg/kg)高蛋白(23%)组、低锌(100mg/kg)中蛋白(20%)组、低锌(100mg/kg)低蛋白(17%)组、高锌(3 000 mg/kg)高蛋白(23%)组、高锌(3 000 mg/kg)中蛋白(20%)组和高锌(3 000 mg/kg)低蛋白(17%)组。日粮中不添加抗生素。试验猪自由采食与饮水,记录试验猪采食、日增重。饲养考查指标为采食量、日增重、料重比和免疫功能。rn关键词:pGRF基因质粒;仔猪;脂多糖;三联苗;免疫应激;生产性能
To study the different levels of dietary protein, zinc increases the growth of piglets, antioxidant and immune function. To 48 (21 2d) three-way cross DLY weaned piglets, using 2 3 two-factor factorial design, similar to the principle according to the weight, divided into 6 treatment, each dealing with eight pigs, two pigs for every one repeat, a total of 28 days trial period. The processing of low-zinc (100mg/kg) and high-protein (23%) group, low-zinc (100mg/kg) in protein (20%) group, low-zinc (100mg/kg) of low-protein (17%) group, high Zinc (3 000 mg / kg) and high-protein (23%) group, high zinc (3 000 mg / kg) of protein (20%) and high-zinc group (3 000 mg / kg) of low-protein (17%) group. Diet does not add antibiotics. Free trial of pig feed and water, record test pig feed intake, daily gain. Examine indicators of feeding intake, daily gain, feed ratio and immune function.


Exploring the construction of credit system of china
Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet, e-commerce has gone deep into all aspects of our lihttp://www.rixia.ccves, but with the continuous development of e-commerce, e-commerce in the credit crisis began to hit quietly. Credit crisis to become a major bottleneck in development of electronic commerce. This article on electronic commerce issues related to the credit aspect of the inquiry, and proposed the construction of associated e-commerce system, our number of specific measures.
Keywords: electro日夏养花网nic commerce; credit system; Credit rating; network letters of credit;



"Kindergarten guidelines (Trial)" pointed out: "the environment is an important educational resource, through the creation and use of the environment, effectively promote the development of children." At the present stage in our kindergarten environment although a certain development, but compared with foreign kindergarten environment still have a big gap. Especially our country rural kindergarten because there is a big gap between the city and the kindergarten, which has many problems to be solved in the creation of the environment. For example: building housing security, lack of learning game facilities, space planning iswww.rixia.cc unreasonable, children's participation is low, lack of spiritual and cultural environment etc.. This paper uses the literature method, observation method, interview method, and according to the actual needs of the development of children's education goals and, to follow the laws of physical and mental development, in-depth understanding of the situation of kindergarten environment creation of rural problems, find the creation of kindergarten environment in rural areas, to solve a series of problems existing in rural kindergarten environment creation and goals, methods the kindergarten environment creation, promote rural areas continue to improve, promote the comprehensive development of children, so as to promote the development of preschool education in china. Keywords: kindergarten environment of the rural environment; environmental education

论文摘要的因为翻译(尽量不要是软件翻译的),急要,谢谢。 随着旅

论文摘要的因为翻译(尽量不要是软件翻译的),急要,谢谢。n随着旅游业的发展,给旅游业的相关产业都带来了蓬勃发展。酒店行业随着旅游业的发展快速发展。本文通过对杭州开元名都大酒店的内部优势和劣势、外部机会和威胁的SWOT分析 ,得出开元酒店的优势与劣势同在 ,机遇与威胁并存 。也针对存在的这些问题提出一些具体解决方案,期望通过该研究的应用,为杭州开元名都更好的发展提供思路
With the growth of Tourism,it brings a booming development in the relative industry, including the hotel industry. This article based on the SWOT (Strengths Weak日夏养花网nesses Opportunities Threats) analysis of Hang Zhou New Century Grand Hotel, come to the conclusion that ……


本文标题: 论文摘要翻译,来一个英语大神。人工翻译,不要机器软件的,谢谢。 随着国际贸易的发展,知识产权对国际
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/233701.html





