


2022-03-26 17:18:48 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:106

英语翻译 看了其他参赛者的表现后,他对自己得一等奖很有信心 用confidence做.

After viewing other candidates' performances,he was full of confidence to get the first prize.

一句英语翻译 不管遇到什么困难,我们都有信心战胜他们(用confidence)

No matter what kink of difficult we meet,we should have confidence to over come it.
肯定 对哦



翻译如下:She told me that everyone shoud have selfo-confidence.It is very important for us to have self-confidence.We can't get any possibility of success if we lost our confidence.


She told me that everyone should have confidence, confidence is very important to us, if we lost confidence
She told me that everyone needs self-confidence, which is very important for us. If we lost confidence
She told me that every need confidence,which is important for us ,if we lose our confidence……感觉你这话好像NFOIuUqMg没说完。
She told me that evehttp://www.rixia.ccryone should have confidence, confidence is very important to us, if we lost confidence。
She told me that everyone should have self-confidence, because self-confidence is very important to us,.And,if we lose confidence,.........


1.他对即将到来的期末考试很有信心。(confident)rn2.教授昨天推荐的那篇文章值得一看。(recommend)rn3.我认为没有必要提前订票。(reserve)rn4.经过激烈的讨论,他们找到了处理了这些垃圾的更好方法。(deal with)rn5.经理把职员要做的事都列出来,以便他们能各司其职。(list)
1.He is confident about the coming final exam.
2. The article recommended by the professor yesterday is worth reading.
3. I don't think it is necessary to reserve a ticket.
4. After a hot discussion, they found a better way to deal with the garbage.
5. The manage has listed what the staff need to do so that they can do their corresponding jobs.
1 he is very confident of the forthcoming final exam
2, the article,which was recommhttp://www.rixia.ccended by the professor yesterday ,is worth reading
3,i think there is no need to reserve the ticket in advance
4 through hot discussion, they found a better way to deal with these trash
5 the manager makes a list of wh日夏养花网at the clerks should do ,so that they can perform their duties
或,the manager lists everything the clerks should do
He is confident about the coming final examination
The article that the professor recommend yesterday is worth reading
1.He's confident in the final examination.
2.The article which was recommended by professor is worth seeing.
3.I don't think it's necessary for reserving the tickets in advance.
4.We've found a better way of dealing with thr rubbish after the discussion.
5.The manager lists what the office workers need to do so as to do their own jobs.


本文标题: 英语翻译:他对于成功很有信心(confident)因为他对于自己的英语水平很有自信(confidence)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/229033.html





