


2022-03-25 06:38:46 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:68


1. 要申请工作,就得做好面世的准备,倒是常常得回答一些棘手的问题。(interview)rnrn2. 作为总统,林肯对政敌宽容大度,不少有关他慎重处理南方叛州首领的故事流传至今。(generous)rnrn3. 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交,可是大部分学生却至今几乎没有进展。(deadline)rnrn4. 研究人员建议每天留出几分钟用于白日做梦。这样做,可以改善你的身心健康。(physical)rnrn5. 我们想进一步探究一下这篇文章中出现的问题。(follow up)rnrn6.我曾经走过一系列的工作,可都为期很短,有些是我愤然辞去不干的,有时则是由于我的态度、我的言辞或是我的眼神而被解雇的。 我那攒足钱远走他乡的目标仍是那么遥不可及,有时我简直怀疑自己到底能不能达到目标。
Want to apply for a job, you have to be available, you often have to answer some difficult questions. (interview日夏养花网)

2 as President Lincoln of generosity, many opponents handled cautiously about his southern state 日夏养花网leaders stories revolted. (generous)

3 term paper is due in next Tuesday, but most students have almost no progress. (deadline)

4. Researchers suggest every set aside a few minutes for daydreaming. To do so, can improve your health. (physical)

5. We'd like to further explore the problems in the article. (follow up),

6 I trod a series of work, can have a very short, some is my way not quit, sometimes is due to my attitude, my words or my eyes and fired. I save the money away goal is still elusive, sometimes I doubt you can achieve.
翻译的很累的 用我的谢谢
interview 访问
generous 慷慨
deadline 期限
physical 物理
follow up 跟进

帮忙翻译一下英语(要用到括号里的词) 谢www.rixia.cc谢啦!!

1,由于天气好,他们才能及时赶到会议现场(due to)rn2,即使再失败,我也决不放弃(even if/though)rn3,自从那时起,他们就再也没进过学堂了(ever since)rn4,除了几个错别字,你的这篇文章还是蛮好的(except for)rn5.那场战争以失败而告终(end up)
1.Due to the good weather,they arrived the meeting place in time.
2.Even if I face failure again,I won't give up.
3.They haven't entered school ever since that time.
4.Except for a few wrong words,your position is good.
5.That war ended up with failure.
1.Due to good weather, they arrived on time for the meeting.

2.Even if there's a chance for another failure, I still don't give up though

3. Ever since that time, they didn't go to school.

4. Your article is good except for some misspelled words

5.That war ended up in failure
1. They arrived at the meeting on time due to the good weather.

2. Even if I fail again, I would not give up.

3. Ever since that time, they have not received any more education.

4www.rixia.cc. Except for a few spelling mistakes, your essay is pretty good.

5. That war ended up in defeat.
1,Due to the good weather,they can get conference site in time .
2,Even if I fail again, I will never give up.
3,Ever since that time, they h日夏养花网ad never entered the school.
4,Except for several mispelling ,your article is all right.
5,That war ended up with failure .
1. They came to the meeting in time due to the fine day.
2. I will not give up even if failed one more time.
3. Even since then, they never attended school.
4. Your article is very good except for some wrongly written words.
5. That war end up failure.
1.we can actually get in the meeting,due to the weather was pretty good.
2.eventhough i will be failed more times, i m not going to give it up.
3. they dont come to the school anymore, eversince that time.
4 your essay is awesome, except for a few mistakes of words.
5.this war was failed by ending up



Hear the news that held in Beijing in 2008 Olympic Games, people ecstatic
Burn not only food here is very good, but also provide free cake
Young people should be encouraged to pursue careers according to their own abilities.
学渣,错了 误怪


本文标题: 求翻译,要用到括号里面的词语,谢谢了
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/228358.html





