蜜汁小排 锦绣鸡丝 蒜泥白肉 镇江肴肉 棒棒鸡丝 酱汁门腔 西芹伴鸭盹 咸草鸡 回锅肉 宫爆鸡丁 腊味菌菇 茶叶蛋 咖喱伊面 酱肉佛手瓜 酒酿园子 烧卖 银丝鱼冻Honeydew Pork Steak Assorted chicken silk Cold Pork with Garlic Sauce Zhenjiang Cold Pork bon bon chicken silk Sauce Men Qiang
山楂汁 rn西式面包 rn中式点心 rn火腿炒米粉 rn美式牛里脊 rnBBQ烤鸡腿 rn香辣鸡翅 rn水煮肥牛 rn骨肉相连 rn红熘鸡段 rn什锦角瓜 rn肉丁炒黄豆芽 rn爆炒时蔬 rn熘肝尖山楂汁 hawtrorn juice
西式面包 western bread
中式点心 chinese dim sum
火腿炒米粉 ham fried rice noodle
美式牛里脊 american beef fillet
BBQ烤鸡腿 barbecued chicken legs
香辣鸡翅 spicy chicken wings
水煮肥牛 oil boiled fatty beef
骨肉相连 roasted gristle
红熘鸡段 braised chicken cubes
什锦角瓜 mixed zucchini
肉丁炒黄豆芽 fried soy bean sprouts with diced pork
爆炒时蔬 sauteed seasonal vegetable
熘肝尖 fried pdBSUJork liver
西式面包 western bread
中式点心 chinese dim sum
火腿炒米粉 ham fried rice noodle
美式牛里脊 american beef fillet
BBQ烤鸡腿 barbecued chicken legs
香辣鸡翅 spicy chicken wings
水煮肥牛 oil boiled fatty beef
骨肉相连 roasted gristle
红熘鸡段 braised chicken cubes
什锦角瓜 mixed zucchini
肉丁炒黄豆芽 fried soy bean sprouts with diced pork
爆炒时蔬 sauteed seasonal vegetable
熘肝尖 fried pdBSUJork liver
Hawthorn juice
Western-style bread
Chinese dim sum
Ham fried rice
American beef loin
BBQ grilled chicken leg
Spicy chicken wings
Boiled Cephalomappa
Linked to blood
熘chicken red paragraph
Assorted angle de
Diced meat fried bean sprouts
When vegetables爆炒
Western-style bread
Chinese dim sum
Ham fried rice
American beef loin
BBQ grilled chicken leg
Spicy chicken wings
Boiled Cephalomappa
Linked to blood
熘chicken red paragraph
Assorted angle de
Diced meat fried bean sprouts
When vegetables爆炒
精致凉菜rn口水鸡 22rnCold chicken rn筋子肉 26rnYak tendonrn笔筒沙拉 16rnGarden salad rn怪味长生果 18rnFunny fruit rn风味椒麻鸡 22rnSpicy chicken rn牦牛肉刺身 18rnRaw Yak meatrn桂花山药 18rnFlowery yamrn川北凉粉 18rnCold powderrn麻酱油麦菜 16rnSauced potherb rn香菜拌金旋耳 28rnCaraway &Agaric rn麻辣牦牛肉28rnSpicy yak charquirn五香牦牛肉 28rnFragrant yak charquirn藏香山蕨菜 20rnTibetan bracken rn鲜果沙拉 28rnFruit salad rn泡椒风爪 28rnPepper & calw rn藏式特色rn石渠特色烤羊排 88rnHouse roasted muttonchopsrn酥油人参果 35rnTibetan Zhuoma fruitrn山南孜然羊肉 36rnCumin muttonrn孜然香猪排 40rnCumin pork choprnrn炒原味松茸 168rnStir-fry costful agarics rn糌粑牦牛肉酱 38rnRoasted barley flourrn高原土豆泥 26rnPlateau potato catsuprn康巴手抓羊肉 58rnKham muttonchopsrn麻辣牦牛肉串 大 38 小22 rnSpicy yak kebab big /small rn本店特色rn香酥樟茶鸭 48rnrn水煮牦牛肉 36rnPoached yak meat rn水煮沸腾鱼 48rnPoached fish rn剁辣鱼头 58 rnFestive fish headrn歌乐山辣子鸡 38rnSpicy tender chicken rn铁板爆两样 46rnrn干锅鸡 46rnSavory chicken rnrn葱油三脆 42rnrn泡椒肚片 46rnPepper Paunch flakernrn孔雀酱香鸭 40rnFlowery duckrn沙西咖喱素菜 30rnCurry vegetablern锅巴果味虾 48rnCrispy rice & shrimp rn豆鼓凌鱼浸时蔬 26rnGreengrocery & rn香辣毛肚 42rnSpicy paunch flake rnrnrn芋儿牦牛肉 38rnPoi & yak meat rn荷兰豆炒腊肉 26rnHorsebean &salty meatrn脆皮炸香蕉 28rnFried bananarn橙汁凤尾虾 46rnOrange shrimp rn馋嘴蛙 48rnAgrestal frog meat rn茶树菇干锅虾 68rnMushroom & shrimprn酸菜鱼 38rnPickled cabbage & weeverrn纸包鸡中翅 56 rnFried chicken wingdrn香辣虾 68rnSpicy lobsterrn铁板黑椒汁扇贝 42rnPepper fried Scalloprn风味飘香羊排 58rnFlavor muttonchopsrn椰汁咖喱鸡 38rnCurry chicken rn西蜀菊花鱼 48rnFlavorful fish rn腊肉娃娃菜 28rnChinese cabbage rn香菠咕噜肉 32rnHomely meat rnrn铁板烧汁茄子 36rnFavored eggplant rn巴渝牛肉粉 32rnBeef powderrn鱼香茄子 22rnFragrant eggplant rn玉米烙 22rnCorn cookyrn新鲜时蔬rn蜂窝玉米26rnBeehive style cornrnrn西芹腰果 18rnCashew & celeryrn清炒荷兰豆 16rnStir-fry horsebeanrn蒜泥菠菜 15rnSpinachrn炝炒莴笋 16rnFried lettucern黄瓜溜野生木耳 18rnCucumber & agaricrn清炒西兰花 16rnStir-fry orchisrnrn罗汉上素 16rnrn清炒生菜 15rnLettucern清炒芥兰 22rnAgrestal orchisrn靓汤rn松茸山菌汤 68rnCostful agarics souprn西红柿牛肉汤 28rnTomato beef soup rn花生羹 28rnThick Peanut Souprn雪莲花养生汤 68rnSnow lotus soup rn酸辣蛋花汤 18rnAcetous egg souprn汤圆水果美 26rnFruity glutinous dumplingrnrn藏点rn特色牛肉饼 20rnLhasa yak pizzarn土豆包子 28rnSteam Potato Dumpling rn安多面片 20rnHomely flour flakern香米饭 5rnFragrant ricern玛尔森 30rnTibetan cheese cake rn脆皮炸酸奶 28rnYoghourt chiprn香果黄油炒饭 20rnButter cashew ricern藏式子春卷 20rnTibetan spring rollrnrn圣吉康瑞,扎西德勒!请帮忙翻译以下英文菜名。
悬赏分:5 - 离问题结束还有 10 天 19 小时
口水鸡 22
Cold chicken
筋子肉 26
Yak tendon
笔筒沙拉 http://www.rixia.cc16
Garden salad
怪味长生果 18
Funny fruit
风味椒麻鸡 22
Spicy chicken
牦牛肉刺身 18
Raw Yak meat
桂花山药 18
Flowery yam
川北凉粉 18
Cold powder
麻酱油麦菜 16
Sauced potherb
香菜拌金旋耳 28
Caraway &Agaric
Spicy yak charqui
五香牦牛肉 28
Fragrant yak charqui
藏香山蕨菜 20
Tibetan bracken
鲜果沙拉 28
Fruit salad
泡椒风爪 28
Pepper & calw
石渠特色烤羊排 88
House roasted muttonchops
酥油人参果 35
Tibetan Zhuoma fruit
山南孜然羊肉 36
Cumin mutton
孜然香猪排 40
Cumin pork chop
炒原味松茸 168
Stir-fry costful agarics
糌粑牦牛肉酱 38
Roasted barley flour
高原土豆泥 26
Plateau potato catsup
康巴手抓羊肉 58
Kham muttonchops
麻辣牦牛肉串 大 38 小22
Spicy yak kebab big /small
香酥樟茶鸭 48
水煮牦牛肉 36
Poached yak meat
水煮沸腾鱼 48
Poached fish
剁辣鱼头 58
Festive fish head
歌乐山辣子鸡 38
Spicy tender chicken
铁板爆两样 46
干锅鸡 46
Savory chicken
葱油三脆 42
泡椒肚片 46
Pepper Paunch flake
孔雀酱香鸭 40
Flowery duck
沙西咖喱素菜 30
Curry vegetable
锅巴果味虾 48
Crispy rice & shrimp
豆鼓凌鱼浸时蔬 26
Greengrocery &
香辣毛肚 42
Spicy paunch flake
芋儿牦牛肉 38
Poi & yak meat
荷兰豆炒腊肉 26
Horsebean &salty meat
脆皮炸香蕉 28
Fried banana
橙汁凤尾虾 46
Orange shrimp
馋嘴蛙 48
Agrestal frog meat
茶树菇干锅虾 68
Mushroom & shrimp
酸菜鱼 38
Pickled cabbage & weever
纸包鸡中翅 56
Fried chicken wingd
香辣虾 68
Spicy lobster
铁板黑椒汁扇贝 42
Pepper fried Scallop
风味飘香羊排 58
Flavor muttonchops
椰汁咖喱鸡 38
Curry chicken
西蜀菊花鱼 48
Flavorful fish
腊肉娃娃菜 28
Chinese cabbage
香菠咕噜肉 32
Homely meat
铁板烧汁茄子 36
Favored eggplant
巴渝牛肉粉 32
Beef powder
鱼香茄子 22
Fragrant eggplant
玉米烙 22
Corn cooky
Beehive style corn
西芹腰果 18
Cashew & celery
清炒荷兰豆 16
Stir-fry horsebean
蒜泥菠菜 15
炝炒莴笋 16
Fried lettuce
黄瓜溜野生木耳 18
Cucumber & agaric
清炒西兰花 16
Stir-fry orchis
罗汉上素 16
清炒生菜 15
清炒芥兰 22
Agrestal orchis
松茸山菌汤 68
Costful agarics soup
西红柿牛肉汤 28
Tomato beef soup
花生羹 28
Thick Peanut Soup
雪莲花养生汤 68
Snow lotus soup
酸辣蛋花汤 18
Acetous egg soup
汤圆水果美 26
Fruity glutinous dumpling
特色牛肉饼 20
Lhasa yak pizza
土豆包子 28
Steam Potato Dumpling
安多面片 20
Homely flour flake
香米饭 5
Fragrant rice
玛尔森 30
Tibetan cheese cake
脆皮炸酸奶 28
Yoghourt chip
香果黄油炒饭 20
Butter cashew rice
藏式子春卷 20
Tibetan spring roll
问题补充:我要的不是中国式翻译,其次,不会让外国人看了这个菜单觉得不可思意(比如直接翻译唾液鸡,Saliva chicken ,让我自己都想吐)。第三,不需要强调美味,因为好不好吃客人说了算,第四,一定不要把中国人的思维强加到外国人的思维上,因为不能按字面意思翻译)。请大家帮忙完善这份菜单翻译。
提问者:wesleywolf - 试用期 一级
答复共 3 条
Saliva chicken 22
Cold chicken
Tendons meat-26
Yak tendon
16 salad mold
Garden salad
Variations bear 18
Funny fruit
Chicken Flavor Law 22
Spicy chicken
Yak meat sashimi 18
Raw Yak meat
Osmanthus Yam 18
Flowery yam
Jelly 18 pocess
Cold powder
Vegetarian Lettuce Plant 16
Sauced potherb
Mix the parsley rotating ears 28
Caraway & Agaric
Yak meat spiciness 28
Spicy ydBSUJak charqui
Yak meat strips 28
Fragrant yak charqui
Bracken possession 86 20
Tibetan Bracken
Fresh fruit salad 28
Fruit salad
Wind claws 1,690 28
Pepper & Calw
Tibetan characteristics
Shiqu characteristics, doctors Pai 88
House roasted muttonchops
Butter Ginseng 35
Tibetan Zhuoma fruit
Shannan cumin mutton 36
Cumin mutton
Cumin 40 incense thick pork chops
Cumin pork chop
The best speculation matsutake 168
Stir-fry costful agarics
Yak meat zanba 38
Roasted barley flour
Highland mashed potatoes 26
Plateau potato catsup
Grasping mutton 58 Kangba
Kham muttonchops
Spiciness Yak 38 small skewer big 22
Spicy yak kebab big / small
Shop characteristics
Crisps camphor tea duck 48
Yak meat boiled 36
Poached yak meat
Fish boiling water and boil 48
Poached fish
The head chopped spicy 58
Festive fish head
Dorm chicken Geleshan 38
Spicy chicken tender
Burglary two monolithic 46
46 chickens to end the year
Savory chicken
Pour three crisp 42
Belly-46 1,690
Pepper Paunch FLAKE
Peacock Maotai Ap 40
Flowery duck
Gunshots rang almost immediately curry vegetables 30
Vegetable Curry
48 shrimp flavored rice crust]
Crispy rice & shrimp
Ling dressing fish at the center Baptist 26
Greengrocery &
Spice Extract 42
Spicy paunch FLAKE
Yak meat abuse line 38
Poi & yak meat
Speculation meat pea pods 26
Horsebean & salty meat
Inside fried bananas 28
Fried banana
Orange juice Plumosa shrimp 46
Orange shrimp
Chanzui Rana 48
Agrestal frog meat
Shrimp 68 to end the year on tea mushroom
Mushroom & shrimp
Sauerkraut fish 38
Pickled cabbage & Wever
Chicken chicken wings 56
Fried chicken wingd
Spicy shrimp 68
Spicy lobster
Stuffed pepper sauce scallop 42
Pepper fried Scallop
The flavor fragrance Scotland 58
Flavor muttonchops
38 coconut milk curry chicken
Chicken Curry
Xishu Chrysanthemum fish 48
Flavorful fish
Meat dishes 28 dolls
Chinese cabbage
Hong Bo Sweet and sour pork 32
Homely meat
Add eggplant juice 36
Favored eggplant
Bayu beef powder 32
Beef powder
Stir eggplant 22
Fragrant eggplant
Corn bake 22
Corn cooky
When fresh vegetables
Cellular Maize 26
Beehive style corn
Celery cashew 18
Cashew & celery
16-fried pea pods
Stir-fry 823-0129
Mashed garlic spinach 15
Speculation up its 16 Lettuce
Fried lettuce
Cucumber wandering wild fungus 18
Cucumber & agaric
Fried Broccoli 16
Stir-fry ties
Rohan on the 16 -
15-fried lettuce
Put the 22-fried
Agrestal ties
Strain soup matsutake Hill 68
Costful agarics soup
Beef tomato soup 28
Tomato beef soup
28 peanut soup
Thick Peanut Soup
Health snow lotus soup 68
Snow lotus soup
Hot and sour soup 18
Acetous egg soup
Cookouts fruits US 26
Fruity glutinous dumpling
Possession Point
Characteristics beef cake 20
Lhasa yak pizza
28 potato dumplings
Steam Potato Dumpling
On many facets 20
Homely flour FLAKE
Rice 5 incense
Fragrant rice
Maersen 30
Tibetan cheese cake
Inside 28 bombing yogurt
Yoghourt chip
Incense fruit butter fried rice 20
Butter cashew rice
Tibetan-spring rolls 20
Tibetan spring roll
回答者:a5778203 - 魔法学徒 一级 8-31 18:06
Dead people
Skills casting magic spells death from school
Mental health
Better use of energy potions
Double hand.bl.mastery
Mastery school blunt weapons handed in the fighting: Precision
Nosferatu face
Through this attack, surrounded by opponents
Color terror
This halo temporarily weaken your offensive statistics
Attack your opponent perforation soundwaves
Second nature
Changes grim reaper
Slavery your enemy slightest negative energy
悬赏分:5 - 离问题结束还有 10 天 19 小时
口水鸡 22
Cold chicken
筋子肉 26
Yak tendon
笔筒沙拉 http://www.rixia.cc16
Garden salad
怪味长生果 18
Funny fruit
风味椒麻鸡 22
Spicy chicken
牦牛肉刺身 18
Raw Yak meat
桂花山药 18
Flowery yam
川北凉粉 18
Cold powder
麻酱油麦菜 16
Sauced potherb
香菜拌金旋耳 28
Caraway &Agaric
Spicy yak charqui
五香牦牛肉 28
Fragrant yak charqui
藏香山蕨菜 20
Tibetan bracken
鲜果沙拉 28
Fruit salad
泡椒风爪 28
Pepper & calw
石渠特色烤羊排 88
House roasted muttonchops
酥油人参果 35
Tibetan Zhuoma fruit
山南孜然羊肉 36
Cumin mutton
孜然香猪排 40
Cumin pork chop
炒原味松茸 168
Stir-fry costful agarics
糌粑牦牛肉酱 38
Roasted barley flour
高原土豆泥 26
Plateau potato catsup
康巴手抓羊肉 58
Kham muttonchops
麻辣牦牛肉串 大 38 小22
Spicy yak kebab big /small
香酥樟茶鸭 48
水煮牦牛肉 36
Poached yak meat
水煮沸腾鱼 48
Poached fish
剁辣鱼头 58
Festive fish head
歌乐山辣子鸡 38
Spicy tender chicken
铁板爆两样 46
干锅鸡 46
Savory chicken
葱油三脆 42
泡椒肚片 46
Pepper Paunch flake
孔雀酱香鸭 40
Flowery duck
沙西咖喱素菜 30
Curry vegetable
锅巴果味虾 48
Crispy rice & shrimp
豆鼓凌鱼浸时蔬 26
Greengrocery &
香辣毛肚 42
Spicy paunch flake
芋儿牦牛肉 38
Poi & yak meat
荷兰豆炒腊肉 26
Horsebean &salty meat
脆皮炸香蕉 28
Fried banana
橙汁凤尾虾 46
Orange shrimp
馋嘴蛙 48
Agrestal frog meat
茶树菇干锅虾 68
Mushroom & shrimp
酸菜鱼 38
Pickled cabbage & weever
纸包鸡中翅 56
Fried chicken wingd
香辣虾 68
Spicy lobster
铁板黑椒汁扇贝 42
Pepper fried Scallop
风味飘香羊排 58
Flavor muttonchops
椰汁咖喱鸡 38
Curry chicken
西蜀菊花鱼 48
Flavorful fish
腊肉娃娃菜 28
Chinese cabbage
香菠咕噜肉 32
Homely meat
铁板烧汁茄子 36
Favored eggplant
巴渝牛肉粉 32
Beef powder
鱼香茄子 22
Fragrant eggplant
玉米烙 22
Corn cooky
Beehive style corn
西芹腰果 18
Cashew & celery
清炒荷兰豆 16
Stir-fry horsebean
蒜泥菠菜 15
炝炒莴笋 16
Fried lettuce
黄瓜溜野生木耳 18
Cucumber & agaric
清炒西兰花 16
Stir-fry orchis
罗汉上素 16
清炒生菜 15
清炒芥兰 22
Agrestal orchis
松茸山菌汤 68
Costful agarics soup
西红柿牛肉汤 28
Tomato beef soup
花生羹 28
Thick Peanut Soup
雪莲花养生汤 68
Snow lotus soup
酸辣蛋花汤 18
Acetous egg soup
汤圆水果美 26
Fruity glutinous dumpling
特色牛肉饼 20
Lhasa yak pizza
土豆包子 28
Steam Potato Dumpling
安多面片 20
Homely flour flake
香米饭 5
Fragrant rice
玛尔森 30
Tibetan cheese cake
脆皮炸酸奶 28
Yoghourt chip
香果黄油炒饭 20
Butter cashew rice
藏式子春卷 20
Tibetan spring roll
问题补充:我要的不是中国式翻译,其次,不会让外国人看了这个菜单觉得不可思意(比如直接翻译唾液鸡,Saliva chicken ,让我自己都想吐)。第三,不需要强调美味,因为好不好吃客人说了算,第四,一定不要把中国人的思维强加到外国人的思维上,因为不能按字面意思翻译)。请大家帮忙完善这份菜单翻译。
提问者:wesleywolf - 试用期 一级
答复共 3 条
Saliva chicken 22
Cold chicken
Tendons meat-26
Yak tendon
16 salad mold
Garden salad
Variations bear 18
Funny fruit
Chicken Flavor Law 22
Spicy chicken
Yak meat sashimi 18
Raw Yak meat
Osmanthus Yam 18
Flowery yam
Jelly 18 pocess
Cold powder
Vegetarian Lettuce Plant 16
Sauced potherb
Mix the parsley rotating ears 28
Caraway & Agaric
Yak meat spiciness 28
Spicy ydBSUJak charqui
Yak meat strips 28
Fragrant yak charqui
Bracken possession 86 20
Tibetan Bracken
Fresh fruit salad 28
Fruit salad
Wind claws 1,690 28
Pepper & Calw
Tibetan characteristics
Shiqu characteristics, doctors Pai 88
House roasted muttonchops
Butter Ginseng 35
Tibetan Zhuoma fruit
Shannan cumin mutton 36
Cumin mutton
Cumin 40 incense thick pork chops
Cumin pork chop
The best speculation matsutake 168
Stir-fry costful agarics
Yak meat zanba 38
Roasted barley flour
Highland mashed potatoes 26
Plateau potato catsup
Grasping mutton 58 Kangba
Kham muttonchops
Spiciness Yak 38 small skewer big 22
Spicy yak kebab big / small
Shop characteristics
Crisps camphor tea duck 48
Yak meat boiled 36
Poached yak meat
Fish boiling water and boil 48
Poached fish
The head chopped spicy 58
Festive fish head
Dorm chicken Geleshan 38
Spicy chicken tender
Burglary two monolithic 46
46 chickens to end the year
Savory chicken
Pour three crisp 42
Belly-46 1,690
Pepper Paunch FLAKE
Peacock Maotai Ap 40
Flowery duck
Gunshots rang almost immediately curry vegetables 30
Vegetable Curry
48 shrimp flavored rice crust]
Crispy rice & shrimp
Ling dressing fish at the center Baptist 26
Greengrocery &
Spice Extract 42
Spicy paunch FLAKE
Yak meat abuse line 38
Poi & yak meat
Speculation meat pea pods 26
Horsebean & salty meat
Inside fried bananas 28
Fried banana
Orange juice Plumosa shrimp 46
Orange shrimp
Chanzui Rana 48
Agrestal frog meat
Shrimp 68 to end the year on tea mushroom
Mushroom & shrimp
Sauerkraut fish 38
Pickled cabbage & Wever
Chicken chicken wings 56
Fried chicken wingd
Spicy shrimp 68
Spicy lobster
Stuffed pepper sauce scallop 42
Pepper fried Scallop
The flavor fragrance Scotland 58
Flavor muttonchops
38 coconut milk curry chicken
Chicken Curry
Xishu Chrysanthemum fish 48
Flavorful fish
Meat dishes 28 dolls
Chinese cabbage
Hong Bo Sweet and sour pork 32
Homely meat
Add eggplant juice 36
Favored eggplant
Bayu beef powder 32
Beef powder
Stir eggplant 22
Fragrant eggplant
Corn bake 22
Corn cooky
When fresh vegetables
Cellular Maize 26
Beehive style corn
Celery cashew 18
Cashew & celery
16-fried pea pods
Stir-fry 823-0129
Mashed garlic spinach 15
Speculation up its 16 Lettuce
Fried lettuce
Cucumber wandering wild fungus 18
Cucumber & agaric
Fried Broccoli 16
Stir-fry ties
Rohan on the 16 -
15-fried lettuce
Put the 22-fried
Agrestal ties
Strain soup matsutake Hill 68
Costful agarics soup
Beef tomato soup 28
Tomato beef soup
28 peanut soup
Thick Peanut Soup
Health snow lotus soup 68
Snow lotus soup
Hot and sour soup 18
Acetous egg soup
Cookouts fruits US 26
Fruity glutinous dumpling
Possession Point
Characteristics beef cake 20
Lhasa yak pizza
28 potato dumplings
Steam Potato Dumpling
On many facets 20
Homely flour FLAKE
Rice 5 incense
Fragrant rice
Maersen 30
Tibetan cheese cake
Inside 28 bombing yogurt
Yoghourt chip
Incense fruit butter fried rice 20
Butter cashew rice
Tibetan-spring rolls 20
Tibetan spring roll
回答者:a5778203 - 魔法学徒 一级 8-31 18:06
Dead people
Skills casting magic spells death from school
Mental health
Better use of energy potions
Double hand.bl.mastery
Mastery school blunt weapons handed in the fighting: Precision
Nosferatu face
Through this attack, surrounded by opponents
Color terror
This halo temporarily weaken your offensive statistics
Attack your opponent perforation soundwaves
Second nature
Changes grim reaper
Slavery your enemy slightest negative energy
Saliva chicken 22
Cold chicken
Tendons meat-26
Yak tendon
16 salad mold
Garden salad
Variations bear 18
Funny fruit
Chicken Flavor Law 22
Spicy chicken
Yak meat sashimi 18
Raw Yak meat
Osmanthus Yam 18
Flowery yam
Jelly 18 pocess
Cold powder
Vegetarian Lettuce Plant 16
Sauced potherb
Mix the parsley rotating ears 28
Caraway & Agaric
Yak meat spiciness 28
Spicy yak charqui
Yak meat strips 28
Fragrant yak charqui
Bracken possession 86 20
Tibetan Bracken
Fresh fruit salad 28
Fruit salad
Wind claws 1,690 28
Pepper & Calw
Tibetan characteristics
Shiqu characteristics, doctors Pai 88
House roasted muttonchops
Butter Ginseng 35
Tibetan Zhuoma fruit
Shannan cumin mutton 36
Cumin mutton
Cumin 40 incense thick pork chops
Cumin pork chop
The best speculation matsutake 168
Stir-fry costful agarics
Yak meat zanba 38
Roasted barley flour
Highland mashed potatoes 26
Plateau potato catsup
Grasping mutton 58 Kangba
Kham muttonchops
Spiciness Yak 38 small skewer big 22
Spicy yak kebab big / small
Shop characteristics
Crisps camphor tea duck 48
Yak meat boiled 36
Poached yak meat
Fish boiling water and boil 48
Poached fish
The head chopped spicy 58
Festive fish head
Dorm chicken Geleshan 38
Spicy chicken tender
Burglary two monolithic 46
46 chickens to end the year
Savory chicken
Pour three crisp 42
Belly-46 1,690
Pepper Paunch FLAKE
Peacock Maotai Ap 40
Flowery duck
Gunshots rang almost immediately curry vegetables 30
Vegetable Curry
48 shrimp flavored rice crust]
Crispy rice & shrimp
Ling dressing fish at the center Baptist 26
Greengrocery &
Spice Extract 42
Spicy paunch FLAKE
Yak meat abuse line 38
Poi & yak meat
Speculation meat pea pods 26
Horsebean & salty meat
Inside fried bananas 28
Fried banana
Orange juice Plumosa shrimp 46
Orange shrimp
Chanzui Rana 48
Agrestal frog meat
Shrimp 68 to end the year on tea mushroom
Mushroom & shrimp
Sauerkraut fish 38
Pickled cabbage & Wever
Chicken chicken wings 56
Fried chicken wingd
Spicy shrimp 68
Spicy lobster
Stuffed pepper sauce scallop 42
Pepper fried Scallop
The flavor fragrance Scotland 58
Flavor muttonchops
38 coconut milk curry chicken
Chicken Curry
Xishu Chrysanthemum fish 48
Flavorful fish
Meat dishes 28 dolls
Chinese cabbage
Hong Bo Sweet and sour pork 32
Homely meat
Add eggplant juice 36
Favored eggplant
Bayu beef powder 32
Beef powder
Stir eggplant 22
Fragrant eggplant
Corn bake 22
Corn cooky
When fresh vegetables
Cellular Maize 26
Beehive style corn
Celery cashew 18
Cashew & celery
16-fried pea pods
Stir-fry 823-0129
Mashed garlic spinach 15
Speculation up its 16 Lettuce
Fried lettuce
Cucumber wandering wild fungus 18
Cucumber & agaric
Fried Broccoli 16
Stir-fry ties
Rohan on the 16 -
15-fried lettuce
Put the 22-fried
Agrestal ties
Strain soup matsutake Hill 68
Costful agarics soup
Beef tomato soup 28
Tomato beef soup
28 peanut soup
Thick Peanut Soup
Health snow lotus soup 68
Snow lotus soup
Hot and sour soup 18
Acetous egg soup
Cookouts fruits US 26
Fruity glutinous dumpling
Possession Point
Characteristics beef cake 20
Lhasa yak pizza
28 potato dumplings
Steam Potato Dumpling
On many facets 20
Homely flour FLAKE
Rice 5 incense
Fragrant rice
Maersen 30
Tibetan cheese cake
Inside 28 bombing yogurt
Yoghourt chip
Incense fruit butter fried rice 20
Butter cashew rice
Tibetan-spring rolls 20
Tibetan spring roll
Cold chicken
Tendons meat-26
Yak tendon
16 salad mold
Garden salad
Variations bear 18
Funny fruit
Chicken Flavor Law 22
Spicy chicken
Yak meat sashimi 18
Raw Yak meat
Osmanthus Yam 18
Flowery yam
Jelly 18 pocess
Cold powder
Vegetarian Lettuce Plant 16
Sauced potherb
Mix the parsley rotating ears 28
Caraway & Agaric
Yak meat spiciness 28
Spicy yak charqui
Yak meat strips 28
Fragrant yak charqui
Bracken possession 86 20
Tibetan Bracken
Fresh fruit salad 28
Fruit salad
Wind claws 1,690 28
Pepper & Calw
Tibetan characteristics
Shiqu characteristics, doctors Pai 88
House roasted muttonchops
Butter Ginseng 35
Tibetan Zhuoma fruit
Shannan cumin mutton 36
Cumin mutton
Cumin 40 incense thick pork chops
Cumin pork chop
The best speculation matsutake 168
Stir-fry costful agarics
Yak meat zanba 38
Roasted barley flour
Highland mashed potatoes 26
Plateau potato catsup
Grasping mutton 58 Kangba
Kham muttonchops
Spiciness Yak 38 small skewer big 22
Spicy yak kebab big / small
Shop characteristics
Crisps camphor tea duck 48
Yak meat boiled 36
Poached yak meat
Fish boiling water and boil 48
Poached fish
The head chopped spicy 58
Festive fish head
Dorm chicken Geleshan 38
Spicy chicken tender
Burglary two monolithic 46
46 chickens to end the year
Savory chicken
Pour three crisp 42
Belly-46 1,690
Pepper Paunch FLAKE
Peacock Maotai Ap 40
Flowery duck
Gunshots rang almost immediately curry vegetables 30
Vegetable Curry
48 shrimp flavored rice crust]
Crispy rice & shrimp
Ling dressing fish at the center Baptist 26
Greengrocery &
Spice Extract 42
Spicy paunch FLAKE
Yak meat abuse line 38
Poi & yak meat
Speculation meat pea pods 26
Horsebean & salty meat
Inside fried bananas 28
Fried banana
Orange juice Plumosa shrimp 46
Orange shrimp
Chanzui Rana 48
Agrestal frog meat
Shrimp 68 to end the year on tea mushroom
Mushroom & shrimp
Sauerkraut fish 38
Pickled cabbage & Wever
Chicken chicken wings 56
Fried chicken wingd
Spicy shrimp 68
Spicy lobster
Stuffed pepper sauce scallop 42
Pepper fried Scallop
The flavor fragrance Scotland 58
Flavor muttonchops
38 coconut milk curry chicken
Chicken Curry
Xishu Chrysanthemum fish 48
Flavorful fish
Meat dishes 28 dolls
Chinese cabbage
Hong Bo Sweet and sour pork 32
Homely meat
Add eggplant juice 36
Favored eggplant
Bayu beef powder 32
Beef powder
Stir eggplant 22
Fragrant eggplant
Corn bake 22
Corn cooky
When fresh vegetables
Cellular Maize 26
Beehive style corn
Celery cashew 18
Cashew & celery
16-fried pea pods
Stir-fry 823-0129
Mashed garlic spinach 15
Speculation up its 16 Lettuce
Fried lettuce
Cucumber wandering wild fungus 18
Cucumber & agaric
Fried Broccoli 16
Stir-fry ties
Rohan on the 16 -
15-fried lettuce
Put the 22-fried
Agrestal ties
Strain soup matsutake Hill 68
Costful agarics soup
Beef tomato soup 28
Tomato beef soup
28 peanut soup
Thick Peanut Soup
Health snow lotus soup 68
Snow lotus soup
Hot and sour soup 18
Acetous egg soup
Cookouts fruits US 26
Fruity glutinous dumpling
Possession Point
Characteristics beef cake 20
Lhasa yak pizza
28 potato dumplings
Steam Potato Dumpling
On many facets 20
Homely flour FLAKE
Rice 5 incense
Fragrant rice
Maersen 30
Tibetan cheese cake
Inside 28 bombing yogurt
Yoghourt chip
Incense fruit butter fried rice 20
Butter cashew rice
Tibetan-spring rolls 20
Tibetan spring roll
Dead people
Skills casting magic spells death from school
Mental health
Better use of energy potions
Double hand.bl.mastery
Mastery school blunt weapons handed in the fighting: Precision
Nosferatu face
Through this attack, surrounded by opponents
Color terror
This halo temporarily weaken your offensive statistics
Attack your opponent perforation soundwaves
Second nature
Changes grim reaper
S日夏养花网lavery your enemy slightest negative energy
Skills casting magic spells death from school
Mental health
Better use of energy potions
Double hand.bl.mastery
Mastery school blunt weapons handed in the fighting: Precision
Nosferatu face
Through this attack, surrounded by opponents
Color terror
This halo temporarily weaken your offensive statistics
Attack your opponent perforation soundwaves
Second nature
Changes grim reaper
S日夏养花网lavery your enemy slightest negative energy
孜然牛肉 凉拌西芹 西红柿鸡蛋汤 肉肠炒青椒rn谢谢~beef with cumin
Celery salad
soup with tomato and egg
fried sausage and green pep日夏养花网per
Celery salad
soup with tomato and egg
fried sausage and green pep日夏养花网per
Grilled Beef with Cumin
cold mixed celery
Tomato and egg soup
sausage with green papper
cold mixed celery
Tomato and egg soup
sausage with green papper
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本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/226058.html