老人与孩子rn 我和妈妈经常去世纪联华,也常常看见一位老人在出口处吹笛子。我每次看见他,都会放些钱,因为他让我想起了我的爷爷。rn 一天我与妈妈出来,照例给了那老人一元钱。可是之后却直径走到旁边的肯德基去……我带着好奇的心情和妈妈说了一声便去看看他。那老爷爷竟然买了一个蛋筒和些吃的,然后慢慢转向马路边的一个小巷子里。和善的老人骗了我,我跟着她进了小巷子。rn 在巷子里,我看到了一幕让我不忍出声的情景:一个连死蜡黄的还不满周岁的小婴儿躺在破烂的小床上,衣服也又破又烂,原本白净的小手全成了黑的,嘴里还在叫着,看来已经几天没吃饭了。只见老爷爷慢慢拿着刚买的食品给孩子吃。或许这是孩子的爷爷吧,我想。但老爷爷却说:“娃呀,吃吧,我也养不活你了,你爸妈太狠心了,把你一个人丢下。”孩子见有吃的了,也停止了哭泣,用小手抱着蛋筒一点一点地吮吸着。一会儿功夫,一直小号蛋筒就被他吃完了。老爷爷又拿出其他吃的一点一点喂他吃,还说“慢点啊。”rn 我呆住了,我久久的看着,看着……英语:Old people I and mother often go to century couplet China with
the child , see that one old people plays flute in exit also
try to often. I see that he , the city put in some of money
every time, because of he has let me remember my grandfather。I and mother have come out one day , have given that old people once basic money as a rule. But, the diameter goes to the side Kendeji afterwards but go to, ... I have said one sound just visiting him with curious state of mind and mother. That grandpa actually has bought a small alley lining of a egg tube and the edge some, eating, and then changing to slowly a road. The genial old people has swindled me , I have followed her having entered the small alley.
Within the alley, I have seen one act let me can't endure the scene uttering: Young including fairly discontented dead sallow one full year of life one baby lies on ragged small bed , clothes also both break and rot, small fair and clear copy of the first edition hand entire able black's, the several day has not eaten most probably already in the mouth as early as being shouting. See that grandpa is eaten by child being holding the food just buying slowly only. This probably is that child's grandfather , I think of. But, grandpa says but: "The child ah, has had meal in , I cannot also support your, your dad mummy has been very cruel , your one people has been left behind ". The child is had eat have also stopped weeping , have used small hand to be carrying egg tube distance of 1.1 in breast being sucking. Ability a moment, the trumpet egg tube has always been over by him. Grandpa takes out to eat other 1.1 o'clock feeding with him eat, say "get slower.
I am dumbfounded, I for a long , long time be watching , be taking a look on that, ...
アウト一日私と私の母は、いつものように、高齢者のことを一元のお金です。しかし、后に行くの横にあるケンタッキー州の太さに太く… …私は人の気持ちに好奇心と彼女の母亲によるとアウトに会うことができなかった。 dantongを买うの祖父は、いくつかを食べると入力し、徐々にして马-ストリート车线ヤードです。高齢者のための私を裏切ったといい、私は彼女の狭い路地をします。
での路地に、私の一场面を见たことはできません。クマのシーンをchusheng : lahuangの死すら小さな赤ちゃんの上に寝そべって男zhousui壊れた小さなベッド、服が壊れて再び腐ったとは、元の监査院静なったのすべての小さな手に黒い、彼の口からまだ角zhe 、食事をしなかったが表示さには数日中です。ゆっくりとするだけの祖父の子供たちに食粮を购入して食べる。おそらくこれは、子供たちの祖父、私の愿いです。しかし、祖父によると: "彼女ああ、食べる、私は生きていけないご支援、ご両亲もhenxin 、 1つを落としています。 "を食べる详细については、子供たちが、泣いているとも停止し、小さなshoubao dantongで、 1.1をポイントして吸う。トランペットに向けた努力がされている间dantong后、彼は残されていました。彼の祖父や他の食品に饵を食べて1.1ポイント、追加されました: "遅い、ああ。 "
私daizhu 、私に长い时间见て、见て… …
أنا وامي في كثير من الاحيان الى umc ، وهم غالبا ما ينظرون الى خروج من كبار السن في chuidi الابن. في كل مرة ارى له ، وسوف يضع المزيد من المال لأنه يذكرني جدي.
يوم واحد انا وامي ، كالعاده ، الى ان أحد كبار السن يوان من المال. ولكن بعد ان اذهب بعد الى قطر في كنتاكي…… أخذت لمشاعر الفضول والدتها وقال انه من اصل لمقابلته. الجد كان dantong وشراء بعض لتناول الطعام ، وبعد ذلك تدريجيا الى حصان الشوارع ممرات ساحة. وجيدة للمسنين الاحتيال لي ، اتبعت لها الى زقاق صغير.
في الزقاق ، ورأيت المشهد الاول ولا يمكن ان تتحمل لchusheng المشاهد : وفاة lahuang ليست صغيرة حتى الكذب على الطفل رجل صغير zhousui كسر السرير ، والملابس الفاسده وكسر مرة اخرى ، فإن الأصل باي جينغ اصبحت كل يد قليلا الاسود ، وفمه لا يزال جياو زهي ، لا يبدو انها وجبة خلال الايام القليلة القادمة. الا ببطء مع الجد بشراء الاغذيه للاطفال الذين لتناول الطعام. ربما كان هذا هو الطفل جدي ، وأتمنى. ولكن الجد وقال : "وقالت انها آه ، وتناول الطعام ، وانا لا يعيش على دعمكم ، والديك henxin جدا ، كنت اسقطت واحدة." نرى الاطفال للأكل ، وكما توقف البكاء ، مع shoubao الصغيرة Dantong في تمتص الى 1،1 نقطة. وفي حين تم بذل جهود على البوق dantong بعد ان كان قد تم. جدة وغيرها من الاكل من اصل بلده من الغذاء لاطعام 1،1 نقطة ، واضاف : "بطيءه ، آه."
Daizhu الاول ، شاهدت منذ وقت طويل ، ومشاهدة……
中文 » 阿拉伯文 翻译
the child , see that one old people plays flute in exit also
try to often. I see that he , the city put in some of money
every time, because of he has let me remember my grandfather。I and mother have come out one day , have given that old people once basic money as a rule. But, the diameter goes to the side Kendeji afterwards but go to, ... I have said one sound just visiting him with curious state of mind and mother. That grandpa actually has bought a small alley lining of a egg tube and the edge some, eating, and then changing to slowly a road. The genial old people has swindled me , I have followed her having entered the small alley.
Within the alley, I have seen one act let me can't endure the scene uttering: Young including fairly discontented dead sallow one full year of life one baby lies on ragged small bed , clothes also both break and rot, small fair and clear copy of the first edition hand entire able black's, the several day has not eaten most probably already in the mouth as early as being shouting. See that grandpa is eaten by child being holding the food just buying slowly only. This probably is that child's grandfather , I think of. But, grandpa says but: "The child ah, has had meal in , I cannot also support your, your dad mummy has been very cruel , your one people has been left behind ". The child is had eat have also stopped weeping , have used small hand to be carrying egg tube distance of 1.1 in breast being sucking. Ability a moment, the trumpet egg tube has always been over by him. Grandpa takes out to eat other 1.1 o'clock feeding with him eat, say "get slower.
I am dumbfounded, I for a long , long time be watching , be taking a look on that, ...
アウト一日私と私の母は、いつものように、高齢者のことを一元のお金です。しかし、后に行くの横にあるケンタッキー州の太さに太く… …私は人の気持ちに好奇心と彼女の母亲によるとアウトに会うことができなかった。 dantongを买うの祖父は、いくつかを食べると入力し、徐々にして马-ストリート车线ヤードです。高齢者のための私を裏切ったといい、私は彼女の狭い路地をします。
での路地に、私の一场面を见たことはできません。クマのシーンをchusheng : lahuangの死すら小さな赤ちゃんの上に寝そべって男zhousui壊れた小さなベッド、服が壊れて再び腐ったとは、元の监査院静なったのすべての小さな手に黒い、彼の口からまだ角zhe 、食事をしなかったが表示さには数日中です。ゆっくりとするだけの祖父の子供たちに食粮を购入して食べる。おそらくこれは、子供たちの祖父、私の愿いです。しかし、祖父によると: "彼女ああ、食べる、私は生きていけないご支援、ご両亲もhenxin 、 1つを落としています。 "を食べる详细については、子供たちが、泣いているとも停止し、小さなshoubao dantongで、 1.1をポイントして吸う。トランペットに向けた努力がされている间dantong后、彼は残されていました。彼の祖父や他の食品に饵を食べて1.1ポイント、追加されました: "遅い、ああ。 "
私daizhu 、私に长い时间见て、见て… …
أنا وامي في كثير من الاحيان الى umc ، وهم غالبا ما ينظرون الى خروج من كبار السن في chuidi الابن. في كل مرة ارى له ، وسوف يضع المزيد من المال لأنه يذكرني جدي.
يوم واحد انا وامي ، كالعاده ، الى ان أحد كبار السن يوان من المال. ولكن بعد ان اذهب بعد الى قطر في كنتاكي…… أخذت لمشاعر الفضول والدتها وقال انه من اصل لمقابلته. الجد كان dantong وشراء بعض لتناول الطعام ، وبعد ذلك تدريجيا الى حصان الشوارع ممرات ساحة. وجيدة للمسنين الاحتيال لي ، اتبعت لها الى زقاق صغير.
في الزقاق ، ورأيت المشهد الاول ولا يمكن ان تتحمل لchusheng المشاهد : وفاة lahuang ليست صغيرة حتى الكذب على الطفل رجل صغير zhousui كسر السرير ، والملابس الفاسده وكسر مرة اخرى ، فإن الأصل باي جينغ اصبحت كل يد قليلا الاسود ، وفمه لا يزال جياو زهي ، لا يبدو انها وجبة خلال الايام القليلة القادمة. الا ببطء مع الجد بشراء الاغذيه للاطفال الذين لتناول الطعام. ربما كان هذا هو الطفل جدي ، وأتمنى. ولكن الجد وقال : "وقالت انها آه ، وتناول الطعام ، وانا لا يعيش على دعمكم ، والديك henxin جدا ، كنت اسقطت واحدة." نرى الاطفال للأكل ، وكما توقف البكاء ، مع shoubao الصغيرة Dantong في تمتص الى 1،1 نقطة. وفي حين تم بذل جهود على البوق dantong بعد ان كان قد تم. جدة وغيرها من الاكل من اصل بلده من الغذاء لاطعام 1،1 نقطة ، واضاف : "بطيءه ، آه."
Daizhu الاول ، شاهدت منذ وقت طويل ، ومشاهدة……
中文 » 阿拉伯文 翻译
求帮忙翻译一篇英语文章。 急!!!!高分悬赏!!!
s are now classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. This species suffered a dramatic decline during the 1950s and 1960s, mainly as a result of over-exploitation of eggs, the slaughter of adult turtles, and mortality caused by shrimp trawl fisheries, and between 1978 and 1991, only about 200 females nested each year. Kemp’s ridley nests are easily located and exploited by human collectors and natural predators alike, as the females nest in such large concentrations and dig shallow, poorly disguised nests. Although exploitation of turtle eggs has decreased somewhat as a result of conservation efforts, shrimp trawlers and oil spills remain a major threat to the survival of Kemp’s ridley turtle, with hundreds or thousands of individuals getting caught accidentally in the nets and drowning each year.nnConservationnSince the implementation of targeted conservation measures, Kemp’s ridley turtles have begun to show signs of recovery, with the nesting population currently estimated at more than 1,000 individuals. The Mexican government set up armed patrols in the 1960s to protect nesting sites during the breeding season, and Rancho Nuevo, the main nesting beach, was declared a National Reserve in 1977. These actions, in addition to other legal protections for the species, have contributed to a huge reduction in illegal trade in Kemp’s ridley turtles. A huge drive to encourage shrimp trawl fisheries worldwide to use turtle excluder devices (TEDs), which help reduce th...现在被看做严重濒危物种,被列在自然保护联盟红色名单上。这个物种的数量在20世纪50年代至60年代遭遇了戏剧性的下降,这要归因为对龟蛋的过度开采,以及对成年龟的大屠杀。也有一部分原因在于虾拖网渔业,在1978年到1991年之间,每年只有约200只雌龟筑巢。肯普氏丽龟的巢穴很容易被人类和捕食者发现,因为雌龟都集中筑巢,而且巢穴很浅,也没有很好的伪装。尽管通过保护,对龟蛋的开采已经有所减少,但是虾拖网以及石油泄漏对它们来说仍然构成威胁。每年都有成百上千的肯普氏丽龟意外地被渔网困住然后被溺死。
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满意请及时采纳 谢谢合作
今天我想说一说关于电影方面的东西。最近出的我比较感兴趣的电影呢,比如说《2012》,《刺陵》。。。。。。喜欢《刺陵》呢还是因为我是一个十足的杰迷吧,所以他的电影我一直是很喜欢的。rn提到电影呢不得不让我想到最近出的一部电影《阿凡达》,虽然我还没有看过,单身通过各种信息渠道已经了解了不少。这部影片上映四周,他继续称霸全球票房,比较史上最卖座的电影《泰坦尼克号》的票房纪录。就上周末《阿凡达>》进账1.915亿美元,全球总票房已达13亿美元。上周三正式超越《指环王:王者归来》11.2亿美元的票房纪录。成为电影史上第二卖座大片。当然,这也让喜欢嗲呀的我期待早日观赏这部如此有影响力的影片啦。rn其实最初看电影我比较喜欢搞笑类的,因为觉得看电影就是来放松自己,所以一开始很钟情星爷额的电影,大概是他那种搞笑风格吸引了我吧,他有段很经典的对白想必大家都知道吧!“曾经有一段真挚的爱情摆在我面前我没有好好去珍惜,当我失去她时才追悔莫及!人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此!如果上天再给我一次机会我会对那个女孩说:我爱你!如果非要将这份爱加上一个期限,我希望是一万年!”其实,后来发现看电影也能从中学到很多东西,某些电影是意味深http://www.rixia.cc长的,让人感悟到人生哲理。rn当然,看英文版的电影对提高自己的英语听力也是很好的。rn rnrnrn好的话,可以提高悬赏的啊~Today, I want to say something about movies. Have I'm more interested in the film, for example, the spurs by baling "... Like the sting of baling or because I'm a real fan, so he is always the movie I liked.
Mention films had recently? Let me think the film, "who reaches, although I haven't seen through various channels of information, single has learned a lot. The movie theaters around, he continued to dominate global box-office, compare in the history of the blockbuster film "Titanic" box office records. Just last weekend, all of the 1.915 > > sum total box office, global $13 billion already. Beyond the rings on official: the return of the king "11.2 billion dollar box office records. The second-highest earning film become the big. Of course, it also makes the dia! I like to watch this early so influential movies.
Actually, I prefer the original movies, because I felt funny movie is to relax yourself, so start a movie star, the elder is about his funny styles attracted me, he has long classic dialogue everybody knows! "There was a sincere love before me, I did not take to cherish, when I lost her only regret! The most painful thing of this! If the god give me another chance, I the girl say: I love you! If this is love with a deadline, I hope is 10,000 years!" Actually, then find watching movies can also learn many things, some film is meaningful, let a person feel the life philosophy.
Watching English movies, of course, to improve their English listening comprehension is very good.
Mention films had recently? Let me think the film, "who reaches, although I haven't seen through various channels of information, single has learned a lot. The movie theaters around, he continued to dominate global box-office, compare in the history of the blockbuster film "Titanic" box office records. Just last weekend, all of the 1.915 > > sum total box office, global $13 billion already. Beyond the rings on official: the return of the king "11.2 billion dollar box office records. The second-highest earning film become the big. Of course, it also makes the dia! I like to watch this early so influential movies.
Actually, I prefer the original movies, because I felt funny movie is to relax yourself, so start a movie star, the elder is about his funny styles attracted me, he has long classic dialogue everybody knows! "There was a sincere love before me, I did not take to cherish, when I lost her only regret! The most painful thing of this! If the god give me another chance, I the girl say: I love you! If this is love with a deadline, I hope is 10,000 years!" Actually, then find watching movies can also learn many things, some film is meaningful, let a person feel the life philosophy.
Watching English movies, of course, to improve their English listening comprehension is very good.
Today I want to say about the movie aspect thing. Recently left I compared am interested the movie, for example "2012", "Punctured Mausoleum". . . . . . Likes "Puncturing Mausoleum" because I am ten full outstanding fans, therefore his movie I have been like very much. mentioned that the movie can not but let me think recently left a movie "Arab League Every Reached", although I have not looked, alone already had understood through each kind of information channel many. This movie screens all aro日夏养花网und, he continues to dominate the global box office, most attracts a lot of customers compared with the history in the movie "Titanic" the box office record. "Arab League Every Reached on last weekend >" income 191,500,000 US dollars, the global total box office has amounted to 1,300,000,000 US dollars. Last Wednesday surmounted "the finger ring king officially: King return" 1,120,000,000 US dollar box office records. Becomes in the movie history second to attract a lot of customers the big piece. Certainly, this also lets likes whining me anticipate that soon will watch this so to have the influence movie. looked at first actually the movie I compare like doing smile the kind, because thought that looked the movie is relaxes itself, therefore is deeply in love very much from the very beginning the star master volume movie, was probably his that kind does smiles the style to attract me, he had the section very classical dialog to think that everybody knew! “once some section of sincere love suspended in front of me I does not have to treasure well, when I lose her only then regrets not and! Society most painful matter nothing better than this! If will ascend the sky gives me an opportunity I to say again to that girl: I love you! If must add on this love a deadline, I hoped that is 10,000 years!”Actually, afterward discovered that looked the movie can also from the middle school to many thing, certain movies be the meaning, lets the person feeling become aware the life philosophy. is natural, looked that the English edition the movie to enhances own English hearing is also very good.
Today I would like to talk about the films of things. Recently out of the film I am more interested in it, for example, "2012", "thorn-Ling." . . . . . Like "thorn hills" mean or is it because I am a fan kit full bar, so he has always been a movie I like.
That reminds me of the film it had to let out a recent film "Affan up", although I have not seen a single through various information channels already know quite a lot. The film released four weeks, he continued to dominate the global box office, compare the history of the blockbuster movie "Titanic" at the box office records. On the last weekend, "Affan up" "stand to gain by 191.5 million U.S. dollars, the world's total box office reached 1.3 billion. Last Wednesday officially go beyond the "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King," a record 1.12 billion U.S. dollars at the box office. Become the second blockbuster film history. Of course, this also made my favorite whinelook forward to watching this film so influential.
In fact, I prefer the original movie Gao Xiaolei, and because we feel that a movie that is, to relax, so the beginning I love Yeh amount of films, perhaps his kind of comedy style has attracted me, he has a very classic dialogue segment surely we all know that bar! "There was a genuine love before me I did not make a good value, and when I http://www.rixia.cclost her when a rude awakening! The most painful thing on earth than this! If God give me another chance I would say that girl : I love you! If I have to take that love with a deadline, I hope that the thousand years! "In fact, later discovered that a movie has a lot to learn from, some movies are meaningful, people insights to the philosophy of life.
Of course, wat日夏养花网ching the English version of the film right to improve their English listening is also very good.
That reminds me of the film it had to let out a recent film "Affan up", although I have not seen a single through various information channels already know quite a lot. The film released four weeks, he continued to dominate the global box office, compare the history of the blockbuster movie "Titanic" at the box office records. On the last weekend, "Affan up" "stand to gain by 191.5 million U.S. dollars, the world's total box office reached 1.3 billion. Last Wednesday officially go beyond the "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King," a record 1.12 billion U.S. dollars at the box office. Become the second blockbuster film history. Of course, this also made my favorite whinelook forward to watching this film so influential.
In fact, I prefer the original movie Gao Xiaolei, and because we feel that a movie that is, to relax, so the beginning I love Yeh amount of films, perhaps his kind of comedy style has attracted me, he has a very classic dialogue segment surely we all know that bar! "There was a genuine love before me I did not make a good value, and when I http://www.rixia.cclost her when a rude awakening! The most painful thing on earth than this! If God give me another chance I would say that girl : I love you! If I have to take that love with a deadline, I hope that the thousand years! "In fact, later discovered that a movie has a lot to learn from, some movies are meaningful, people insights to the philosophy of life.
Of course, wat日夏养花网ching the English version of the film right to improve their English listening is also very good.
Today I want to say about the movie aspect thing. Recently left I compared am interested the movie, for example "2012", "Punctured Mausoleum". . . . . . Likes "Puncturing Mausoleum" because I am ten full outstanding fans, therefore his movie I have been like very much. mentioned that the movie can not but let me think recently left a movie "Arab League Every Reached", although I have not looked, alone customers compared with the history in the movie "Titanic" the box office record. ab League Every Reached on last weekend >" income 191,500,000 US dollars, the global total box office has amounted to 1,300,000,000 US dollars Last Wednesday surmounted "the finger ring king officially: King return" 1,120,000,000 US dollar box office records. Becomes in the movie history second to attract a lot of customers the big piece. Certainly, this also lets likes whining me anticipate that soon will watch this so to have the influence movie. looked at first actually the movie I compare like doing smile the kind, because thought that looked the movie is relaxes itself, therefore is deeply in love very much from the very beginning the star master volume movie, was probably his that kind does smiles the style to attract me, he had the section very classical dialog to think that everybody knew! “once some section of sincere love suspended in front of me I does not have to treasure well, when I lose her only then regrets not and! Society most painful matter nothing better than this! If will ascend the sky gives me an opportunity I to say again to that girl: I love you! If must add on this love a deadline, I hoped that is 10,000 years!”Actually, afterward discovered that looked the movie can also from the middle school to many thing, certain movies be the meaning, lets the person feeling become aware the life philosophy. is natural, looked that the English edition the movie to enhances own English hearing is also very good.
Today I want to say about the movie aspect thing. Recently left I compared am interested the movie, for example "2012", "Punctured Mausoleum". . . . . . Likes "Puncturing Mausoleum" because I am ten full outstanding fans, therefore his movie I have been like very much. mentioned that the movie can not but let me think recently left a movie "Arab League Every Reached", although I have not looked, alone already had understood through each kind of information channel many. This movie screens all around, he continues to dominate the global box office, most attracts a lot of customers compared with the history in the movie "Titanic" the box office record. "Arab League Every Reached on last weekend >" income 191,500,000 US dollars, the global total box office has amounted to 1,300,000,000 US dollars. Last Wednesday surmounted "the finger ring king officially: King return" 1,120,000,000 US dollar box office records. Becomes in the movie history second to attract a lot of customers the big piece. Certainly, this also lets likes whining me anticipate that soon will watch this so to have the influence movie. looked at first actually the movie I compare like doing smile the kind, because thought that looked the movie is relaxes itself, therefore is deeply in love very much from the very beginning the star master volume movie, was probably his that kind does smiles the style to attract me, he had the section very classical dialog to think that everybody knew! “once some section of sincere love suspended in front of me I does not have to treasure well, when I lose her only then regrets not and! Society most painful matter nothing better than this! If will ascend the sky gives me an opportunity I to say again to that girl: I love you! If must add on this love a deadline, I hoped that is 10,000 years!”Actually, afterward discovered that looked the movie can also from the middle school to many thing, certain movies be the meaning, lets the person feeling become aware the life philosophy. is natural, looked that the English edition the movie to enhances own English hearing is also very good.
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帮忙翻译,《老人与海》的象征意义及语言特色 蔡凤鸣的 ,急需哦。不要翻译器的,谢谢啦!!一、象征意义
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net—
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net—
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net—
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net—
? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
The Symbolic Meaning and Linguistic Features in Earnest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea.
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