

请高手帮我翻译下这个文章 不要机器翻~!!!谢谢!急用

2022-03-13 22:38:52 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:156


High-technology, or high-tech products, as we normally call them, have in the recent years became a large part of everyday life. In my opinion, there are many positive things about high-tech products. Computers, many of us use on a regular basis, whether PC(Personal Computer) or laptop, and now even handheld. They help us retrieve information easier and faster, or stay in touch with friends. MP3 players, MP4 players, a big portion of the popularity own and use and like. These tiny gadgets now play a big role in the lives of many teenagers and adults alike. Cellphones, large or small, thick or thin, they make it possible to alert family memebers or friends of an emergency, or just for chatting. These are only a few high-tech gadgets of modern day society, and there are many more that aid us daily.
高技术或者高技术产品,我们通常叫他们,有在最近岁月成为了日常生活的一个大部分。 以我所见,有许多正面事关于高技术产品。 计算机,多数人的我们经常用途,个人计算机(个人计算机)或膝上计算机,和是否现在平衡手扶。 他们帮助我们检索信息更加容易和更加快速或者停留和朋友保持联系。 MP3播放器, MP4球员,大众化的一个大部分拥有并且使用并且喜欢。 这些微小的小配件在许多少年和成人生活现在扮演一个大角色。ZfWaG Cellphones,大或者小,浓厚或变薄,他们使成为可能使家庭紧急状态的memebers或朋友警觉或者为聊天。 这些是现代天社会仅几个高科技机件,并且有帮助我们日报的许多。
高科技,或高科技产品,因为我们通常称他们已在近年成为大日常生活中的一部分。在我看来,也有许多正面的东西约高科技产品等。电脑,我们很多人使用一种定期的基础上,无论PC机(个人电脑)或笔记型电脑,现在连掌上电脑。他们帮助我们翻查资料的方便,最快捷的,还是留在接触到的朋友。 MP3播放器的MP4播放器,大部份的普及,拥有及使用和喜欢。这些微小的小玩意,现在发挥了巨大作用,在许多人的生活,青少年和成年人。手机,或大或小的,厚或薄,他们使人们有可能以提醒承包商,家人或朋友的紧急情况下,或者只是为了聊天。这些都是只有少数高科技产品的现代社会中,还有很多的援助,我们每天的。


In daily life and study, we can be in casual exposed his own flaws.
For example, in learning aspect, whenever I get good grades, I will always be thankful for superior a burst of, I think it is pay should get reward, but actually, than my outstanding person still has a lot of, I should not satisfy the present situation in the self, I should go more outstanding person study, such ability can have been progress.
Life, I am a pursuit of the people, and because of this, sometimes because someone has done because I don't like things and offend, this may be with me is the singleton female parents dote on reasons about, let me become very self, so often just to consider his own ideas, actually, I'm leaving hurt others.
This is my summarized some for his shortcoming, need to correct it. Of course, I will not deny yourself completely, I also have their own advantages. I am an optimistic progress...
In our daily life, we sometimes expose our defects without noticing it.
For instance, in the aspect of study, when i receive an excellent grade, I will be joyful for quite a long time. I constantly believe that payment of effort should receive rewards. But as a matter of fact, there are a lot more people that are better than me, and I definitely shouldn’t limit myself in my egotism. I must learn from those that behave better than me, and this is the method how I am going to progress.
In my life, I am a man who pursues details. And because of that, I would offend others if they have done something that I am not comfortable with. Maybe it is because I am the only child in my family, and my parents are so doting of me that my ego is growing bigger and bigger. Thus, I would always consider on myself regardless of what others are thinking, however, I don’t intend to hurt others emotion.
These are the epitome of my defects, and I do have space to improve. Of course, these disadvantages are not leading me to believe that I am a useless person, I also remain some advantages. I am a sanguine man and my favorite hobbies are reading and outdoor activities. Reading offers me assistance in doing everything, because the advantage of me loving reading, I can now receive more information about my neighborhood, and obtain what is currently going on in the society. I absolutely like outdoor activities because the sport makes me feel energetic, and this ameliorates my conditions to face challenges from both my study and life.
In my future study, I will command myself to study harder, learn from those who are better than me, and force myself to become more powerful and intelligent while keep progressing and mending my drawbacks. In my future life, I would learn to respect others, listen to others opinions and ideas while communicating well with other people. I also need to learn forgiveness not just for me but for others too, and comprehend other people’s thoughts. Meanwhile, I will keep strive for continuing to expand my goodness, and develop myself comprehensively.
I consistently believe that by improving myself step-by-step, I am able to gradually fix my shortcomings, and further exert the power of my fortes.


Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness..rnrn This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attenhttp://www.rixia.ccd the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion about their teachers’ effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students’ rating forms. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers’ colleagues.rnrnI think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead of rating the teachers’ knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or her ability to arouse students’ interest in the subject.

请高手帮我尽量翻译这段话,很急!!谢谢了 不要机器翻的。

Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel (�0�6�0�6�0�3�0�4�0�4�0�6 �0�6�0�2�0�5�0�5�0�6�0�1�0�8 �0�0�0�6�0�5 �0�1�0�8�0�6�0�0�0�2�0�4) is a college located in the Jezreel Valley (Galilee region) of Israel, between the cities Afula and Nazareth, and next to Kfar Gidx27on, Tel Adashim and Mizra.Founded in 1965 as Emek Yezreel College, Max Stern College later served as a regional branch of Hebrew University from 1973 to 1994. In 1994 the Israel Council for Higher Education gave accreditation to Max Stern College as an independent academic institution capable or granting bachelorx27s degrees. The college offers BA degrees to some 4000 students in a diverse array of fields, including Behavioral sciences, Social Sciences, Communications, Human Services, Health Administration, Nursing Studies and General Studies.The college is named after Max Stern, whox27s son Leonard N. Stern gave a monetary gift in his name when he died. 其中有些非英语的不用翻了。我知道很难,请尽力帮忙。谢谢!!!!
Emek Yezreel 的Max Stern专科学院位于伊朗Galilee地区的Jezreel 山谷,处于Afula和Nazareth城之间,紧邻Kfar Gid'on,Tel Adashim 和Mizra地名翻译不了,先看一眼吧,也许这样翻译不合你意,不行我就不翻了
Emek Yezreel的Max Stern学院位于以色列的Jezreel谷,地处Afula城和Nazareth城之间,邻近Kfar Gid'on,Tel Adashim和Mizra。建立于1965年,开始命名为Emek Yezreel学院,后改名为Max Stern学院。1973年至1994年之间,该学院作为希伯来大学的一间地区性分校运作。1994年,以色列高等教育委员会审核该学院是否有资格成为一间独立的学术机构或者授予学士学位。该学院已经授予过约4000名学生各种领域中的学士学位,包括行为学,社会学,交流,公共事业,卫生管理,护理学以及普通学科。该学院根据Max Stern的名字命名,在Max Stern死后,他的儿子Leonard N. Stern以他的名义赠了一笔钱作为礼物。(这段,找过了,是在外国维基上面登记的Max Stern学院的资料,LZ打算去那间大学留学么?是的话,你强啊,楼主。部分翻译是意译的,因为直译的感觉会很别扭……觉得奇怪的话请原谅。最后补充,如果有遗漏的话会补上,还有如果LZ有问题的话欢迎随时提出~)


Training My日夏养花网 Cat-Ben rnBen was a great deal of fun to train. He liked the food treats very much, which made it simple to direct and reward him. He already had complete trust in me, so fear didn’t get in our way. rnTypically, he learned quickly. Cats are very bright, and as long as you ask them to work with you and not for you, things can move along quite well. The only behavior he had any real problem with was "Down." He wasn’t interested in that position, but we worked it out with some time, patience, love and rewards. rnThe side benefits of working with him were great. He became more people-oriented in general and more me-oriented in particular. He was a bit aloof before, now he insiswww.rixia.ccts on curling up on my belly during TV times, and even gets himself involved. rnThe only problem we had was that Ben took his training quite seriously. He saw it not as degrading but more like higher education. It became immediately clear that laughter was not allowed in the training area. Anyone who ignored this rule was met with a cold stare. Then Ben lay down, closed his eyes in a slow blink, and refused to participate any longer. It was hard for me not to laugh the first time this happened! Now I give strict orders to all the people who watch the training that this is to be viewed with respect and no laughter.

Ben是训练的很多乐趣。 他喜欢食物款待非常,使简单指挥和奖励他。 他已经有完全信任在我,因此恐惧didn’t得到用我们的方式。
Typically,他迅速学会了。 猫是非常明亮的,并且,只要您请求他们运作与您和不为您,事可能相当很好移动。 他有所有现实的问题与的唯一的行为“下降”。 他对那个位置感兴趣的wasn’t,但是我们它与一些时刻、耐心、爱和奖励一起使用。 工作的The附加福利与他是伟大的。 他一般来说变得更加面向人和特别是更我安置了。 他无动于衷地是位前面,在电视时间,他现在坚持卷曲在我的腹部和报复自己包含。 我们有仅的The问题是本相当认真采取了他的训练。 他看见了它没有作为贬低,但是更多象高等教育。 变得立刻清晰,笑声在训练区域不允许。 忽略这个规则的人与冷的凝视回面。 然后本放下,关闭他的在缓慢的眨眼的眼睛和拒绝其中任一长期参与。 第一次这发生了,不笑我是难! 现在我发布严密的命令观看训练的所有人民这将用尊敬和没有笑声观看。
通常情况下,他学得很快。猫是非常光明的,只要你问他们同你一起工作,而不是为了你,事情可以沿着相当不错的。唯一的行为,他没有任何实际问题,是“打倒。 ”他是不感兴趣的这一立场,但我们努力出来的一些时间,耐心,爱心和奖励。


本文标题: 请高手帮我翻译下这个文章 不要机器翻~!!!谢谢!急用
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/222919.html





