


2022-03-10 22:39:00 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:102


1 警方救出了被大雨隔离在小山村中的四个学生rn2最后,我们选择了那家提供免费饮料的餐厅rn3布满落叶(fallen leaves)的学校显得更美丽了rn4我们完成了这些和语法相关的练习rn5大家都知道木头可以浮在水面上的原因rn6老人们在公园欣赏了叶子直径长到2米多的王莲
1. The police saved four students who were prevented in the village by the heavy rain.
2. After class we went to the restaurant where the free drink is provided.
3. The school which was covered with fallen leaves looks more beautiful.
4. We have finished the exercises which are relative with the grammar.
5. Everyone knows the reason why the wood can float on the water.
6. The old piople appreciated the lotus king whose diameter is reach to 2 more metres.



1.we must find the person who stealed a bag.
2.you must tell me the reason why you did it in that way.
3.the teacher who teaches our English is John.
4.He is the man I met with yesterday.
5.His father died in the year when he was born.
6.This is the viliage where I lived last year.
7.He can't find the place where he lived 40years ago.
8.The movements which Micheal dances in is great.
9.Shanghai is a city where only by hard work,do you win.
10.In the ecnomic system of America,those customers whose income is about 4000dollars get angry about the way in which the goverment saves the economy.
1. We must trace the person whose bag was stolen.
2. You have to tell me the reason that you did it that way.
3. John is our foreign language teacher.
4. He is the man whom I met with yesterday.
5. He was born in the year when his father passed away.
6. This is the mountain village where I had stayed last year.
7. He couldn't find the place where he had lived forty years ago.
8. Michael Jackson's dancing manner is excellent.
9.Shanghai is a place where you could succeed
as long as you struggle hard.
10,Among the America's economic system, those consumers with an income of about USD4000 are very angry with the government's ways of saving the economy.
1. We must find the person who lost his bag/ whose bag was stolen.
2. You must tell me the reason that you do for.
3. It is John who taught us English.
4. It`s him who I met yesterday.
5. His father died in the year he born.
6. It`s the village that I lived in last year.
7. He can`t find the place that he has been lived for 40 years.
8. Machical Jackson`s dance is greatful.
9. Shanghai is a place that you`ll win if you try your best.
10.The customers whose salary is above 4,000 dollors a year are very angry with the way the United States Government do in the American economic system.
你好,翻译为:“1. We must find out, the package was stolen people

2. You have told me that the reason you do

3. Told us to foreign language tehttp://www.rixia.ccachers are John

4. He is a person I met yesterday

5. His father in that year he was born, died

6. This is what I lived in the Village last year

7. He could not find 40 years ago he lived in a place

8. Michael Jackson dancing like great

9. Shanghai is a struggle as long as you, you will succeed where

10. In the United States economy are those with an income of around 1000 U.S. dollars in 4 consumers, the Government rescue economy

Very angry manner.”。
1 昨天参加学校的人来自伦敦 People who visiyed the school yesterday were from London.
2 你知道汤姆昨天为什么没来吗Do you know why Tom didn't come yesterday?
3 在哪边擦地板的女士是谁 Who is the madam cleaning the floor there?
4 正在护士谈话的医生夏雨人要离开这里去伦敦The doctor talking with nurses is leaving for London this afternoon.
5你读完我借你的书了吗Have you finished read the book that I lent you?
6水稻是一种生长在南方的植物Rice is a kind of plant which grows in the south.
7我昨天读的小说很有趣 The novel I read yesterday is very intresting.
8这就是父亲是工程师的女孩 This is the girl whose father is a engineer.
9 小明住的房子不大 The house that Li Ming live in is not big.
10 不要忘记你入党的那天 Don't forget the day on which you joined the Party.
11 上周我参加了一场晚会 在那里我玩得很痛快 I took part in a evening party last week,at which I had a good time.
12这个女孩和父亲住在一起 他的母亲一年前去世了 This girlhttp://www.rixia.cc lived with her father,for which her mother passed away one year ago.
13这个老人有三个儿子 他们都在二战中死去 This old man has three sons,all of whom died during the World War Two.
14 我丢了一本书 他的名字我现在不记得了 I lost a book,of which I now don't remember the name.
15 这就是他在会上解释的原因 This is the reason that he explained in the meeting.
16我们买了一张地图 没有地图我们会迷路 We bought a mat,without which we will lose our way.
17 最使我感兴趣的地方是少年宫 The place that made me most intrested in was the children's palace.
18这就是我们上月住过的旅馆 This is the hotel in which we lived last month.
19 在我们工作工厂正在发生巨大变化 Great chages are taking place in the factory in which we are working.
20 他谈到了许多我们在学校记得的人和事 He talked many people and things that we remember at school.


一,这本书没有包含有用的内容rn二,有一些男人无法做好的工作rn三,这是自从我来到这里看的第一部电影rn四,我们参观过的那些老师和学校给我们留下了深刻的印象rn五,他就是警察正在寻找的那个小偷(人)rn六,我不再是三年前的那个男孩了rn七,汤姆昨晚很晚回家,这使他妈妈很生气rn八,刚才在天空划过(flawww.rixia.ccsh the sky )的东西是什么rn九,让我们讨论下我们所有人都关心的问题rn十,你可以借我你上午买的那支笔吗?rn十一,你可以借我你上午买的那样的笔吗。rn就这些句子了,都要翻译成定语从句,我英语不好啊
六、I no longer what it was three years ago that boy
七、Tom returned home very late last night, which made his mother very angry
八、Just across the sky (flash the sky) what is the thing
九、Let us discuss what we all concern
十、Can you lend me your morning buy that pen?
十一、Can you lend me your morning buy that pen
1 this book has nothing that is useful.
2 there have some men that cannot do their work well.
3 this is the first movie since i have come here
4 these teachers and schools that we have visited imprees us deeply.
5 that man is the one that the polices are looking for .
6 i am not the boy that the th three years ago
7 tom went home very late yeasday this made his mather very angry
8 what it was that flash the sky a minute ago
9 let us discuss the issuses that we all be care of
10 could you lend me the pen that you bought yeastday afternoon?
11 could you lend me the pen that like you have bought yeastday afternoon?
the content this book contains is not useful

there is some work that men can not finish very well

this is the first film that I have seen since I came here

the teachers and school we visited left us a deep impression

he is that thief who the polices are looking for




1.They felt surprised at the people and experience that/which they had met in the US.
2.Who can come up with an occasion in which this word can be used?
3.Is the copany the one which/that you visited last Saturday?
4.She had to get some training for the machine which/that she couldn't manipulate.
5.I didn't regret the choice which/that I'd made.
6.They won the last three coTOGQSVQMmpetitions,which I thought it was a little surprising.
7.My friend is so kind that she showed me around the little town which/that I was looking forward to being able to visit.
8.The products manufactured in the factory which/that they built in secret would cause pollution.
9.I often call up the days when we studied together.
10.Those who break the rules and regulations of the school willwww.rixia.cc get punished.
11.Those who turn a blind eye to this matter will have to pay a painful price.

翻完了 全都是定语从句 自己翻译的
累死了 LZ一下子提出这么多翻译来,要给分哦 15分外 再追加5分吧
One of them in the United States, they met and feel very surprised
2, who can come up with a can use this word context.
Three, you are the last visited is the company?
4, she must accept training because she doesn't operate the machine
5 and I don't regret the choice I made
6 and they won their last three games, I think this is a bit of a surprise
Seven, my friend and she brought me in that I have been looking forward to visiting town has a circle
8 and they built the factory's products could cause pollution
9 and I often recall the day we studied together
10 and those who violate the provisions school students will be punished
11 for the blind, any people will pay a painful price


the sport meeting which we've look forward to for a lomg time starts after all.
the sport meeting which inspired everyone lasted for 2 days.
there're 56 classmates of which mostly took part in the sport meeting in our class.
i speak highly of the people who try their best to do things.
after the sport meeting,we took pictures with the athletes who achieved medals.
The sports meeting that we expected for long finally begins/starts.

The sports meeting which was inspiring lasted for two days' long.

There are 56 students in our class, most of whom took part in the sports meeting.

I praise those who always try their best to do things.

After the sports meeting, we took photographs with the athletes who won medels in the games.

这里sports meeting可以换成games,如果楼主觉得麻烦的话!
The sports meeting which we have expected for a long time is finally launched.

The sports meeting which lasted for two days was inspiring.
或者:The sports meeting which was inspiring lasted for two days.

In our class there are 56 students, most of who participated the sports meeting.

I commend those people who always try their best.

After the sports meeting, we took photos with the athletes who won the medals.
Sports meeting which we have been expecting for a long time began.
The sports meeting which is inspiring lasted for two days.
There are 56 students in my class, most of which take part in Sports meeting.
I praise those who try their best to the last moment.
After the sports meeting, we took a photo of ourselves with those athletes who won a medal.
The sports meeting which we had expected for a long time finally started.
The sports meeting which lasted for two days was quite inspiring.
There are 56 students in my class, most of whom took part in the sports meeting.
I always spoke highly of those people who spared no effort.
After the sports meeting, we took photos with the athletes who won the awards.
The sports-meeting which have been expecting for a long time began at last.
The sports-meeting which inspires our spirits lasted for 2 days.
There are 56 students in my class, most of which take part in the sports-meeting.
I always speak highly of those who spare no efforts to do things.
We took photos with the players who won a medal after the meeting.


本文标题: 句子翻译(定语从句)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/221394.html





