


2022-03-06 04:58:52 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:71


我写文要用哎rn希望各位英文达人们可以帮帮我这个忙rnrn歌名:《心里有鬼》rn歌词:rn你爱谁你不爱谁rn就算信基督也爱自己大过于教会rn你陶醉自己香味rn别人偶尔的点缀无所谓也无所日夏养花网畏rn展翅不一定高飞 rn十全不一定十美rn再站得住脚的原则也可能会残废rn心里有鬼 rn你心里有鬼rn喜欢哪个谁想必有什么在支配rn亲吻不过是一时贪嘴rn心灵的沉醉 rn才是最光荣的序对rn心里有鬼 rn你心里有鬼rn留下的安慰不一定浪费或完美rn感情滋味你自己调配rn再平淡也甜过于水用不着暧昧rn想展翅高飞 rn想十全十美rn就别让鬼魅紧紧跟随 rn才能活过天黑
You love who you do not love who
Even if the letter itself greater than the love of Christ Church
You are intoxicated with their own flavor
Others are also occasional embellishment does not matter nothing to fear
Youth Pre-employment does not fly
Shi Quan is not necessarily 10-US
And then the principle may also be valid disabled
You ulterior
Which must have what is like Who wants to dominate
Kissing is only temporary gluttonous
Intoxicated soul
Is the most honorable order of the
You ulterior
Left comfort is not necessarily a waste or perfect
Deployment of the feelings of your own taste
Plain water and then also do not need to be too sweet, ambiguous
Like wings
Would like to be perfect
Do not let the ghosts follow closely on the
In order to survive the dark 。
You love who you do not love who
Even if the letter itself greater than the love of Christ Church
You are intoxicated with their own flavor
Others are also occasional embellishment does not matter nothing to fear
Youth Pre-employment does not fly
Shi Quan is not necessarily 10-US
And then the principle may also be valid disabled
You ulterior
Which must have what is like Who wants to dominate
Kissing is only temporary gluttonous
Intoxicated soul
Is the most honorable order of the
You ulterior
Left comfort is not necessarily a waste or perfect
Deployment of the feelings of your own taste
Plain water and then also do not need to be too sweet, ambiguous
Like wings
Would like to be perfect
Do not let the ghosts follow closely on the
In order to survive the dark
Who you love your love
Even my love and faith in Christ church too
You enchanted oneself fragrance
People sometimes ornament matter also fear
Not fly wings
Everythings great.you necessarily
The principle of supernaturalism again also may be disabled
Ghost in your heart
Like what in which who must dominate
A kiss is TanZui
The drunk heart
Is the most glorious sequence
Ghost in your heart
Leave the waste or not perfect comfort
Your own feelings taste deployment
We can also sweet too. Don't water
Want to fly
To perfect
Don't let ghosts followed closely
To survive after dark
Song: "ulterior"
You love who you do not love who
Even if the letter itself greater than the love of Christ Church
You are intoxicated with their own flavor
Others are also occasional embellishment does not matter nothing to fear
Youth Pre-employment does not fly
Shi Quan is not necessarily 10-US
And then the principle may also be valid disabled
You ulterior
Which must have what is like Who wants to dominate
Kissing is only temporary gluttonous
Intoxicated soul
Is the most honorable order of the
You ulterior
Left comfort is not necessarily a waste or perfect
Deployment of the feelings of your own taste
Plain water and then also do not need to be too sweet, ambiguous
Like wings
Would like to be perfect
Do not let the ghosts follow closely on the
In order to survive the dark

谁能帮忙翻译一句歌词~ 中文变英文的

看这里放声嘶吼 谁也不舍得沉默rn翻译成英文~~谢谢
See here aloud situation, no one is http://www.rixia.ccwilling to be silent
See here aloud stories, no one is willing to silence
See here aloud situation, no one is willing to be silent


Meets you to need the luck to fall in love with you to need how many courage tiny me only to be loyal to the person on one's own side actually in society to allow not to get down section of legendary some people actually to say should forget your me rather to forget I lost you to flatter this world ignorantly to have any to be worth being great I to let the time stop reckless also having to trade your one to persist the life the result did not gather is the separation finally has also left behind the trace which fell in love

Some people said my this giving up must renege on a promise compared to ability which persists errors 日夏养花网easily also most difficult is loses loves leads a befuddlhttp://www.rixia.cced life as if drunk or dreaming I in lonely to let the time stop reckless also having to trade your one to persist the life the result did not gather is the separation also finally leaves behind the trace world which fell in love all to wait for me to think you let me kiss fall in love with you


本文标题: 求助,谁能帮忙把这篇汉语歌词翻译成英文?
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/218966.html





