

英文高手请帮忙看文章 帮帮我 十五分 (part 2 ) (可以再加分喔)

2022-02-13 04:19:02 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:76

(非常紧急) 中文翻英文 请高手进来帮帮我 可再大加分 拜托了 (禁止翻译软件) part 2

用中文又写了篇文章rn希望有会英语的可以尽量帮我翻成简单二要的 句子 不必要太艰深 rn 请帮帮我rn太谢谢 rn我愿意再多送分rnrn非常需要帮助rnrn以下rn在宝宝入睡前的那一刻,最好陪在他身边,给予其安全、放心之感rn【婴儿睡眠与成长】rn婴儿在睡眠中能恢复所消耗的体力,而与生长所需有关的生长激素,在睡眠沉睡阶段时分泌最多,婴幼儿于睡眠时所释出的生长激素较清醒时高达3倍或以上,有了睡眠中提供足够的生长激素才能促进神经系统和脑部发育。此外,睡眠能加强释放肌肉生长与修复的主要激素,生长激素能帮助婴幼儿燃烧脂肪,并转化成肌肉能量,帮助身体强化韧带与肌腱,加强蛋白质合成等,因此,睡眠与宝宝的发育成长及健康,可说是密不可分。rnrn【婴儿睡眠影响认知】rn婴儿在睡觉时,有一半的时间脑部在进行整理、重整与认知日间接收的资料。提醒家长应注意宝宝的睡眠品质,不要无谓吵醒宝宝,以养成良好的睡眠习惯。研究报告显示,睡眠不足的宝宝,专注及集中力都会较差。rn【婴儿睡眠与免疫抵抗力】  rn睡眠减少或睡眠被剥夺,会造成免疫细胞功能降低,使得免疫力降低。婴儿睡眠不仅是为了休息,睡眠时可同时刺激大脑不同的部位,对于学习非常重要。认知功能的维持与记忆力发展与睡眠的品质有直接关联。rnrnrn小宝宝要睡多久,怎么睡才算正常?rn每个宝宝各有不同的体质,不同的睡眠需求,不同的睡眠模式。吃饱睡,睡饱吃,是初生婴儿的典型作息,他们的吃睡周期是没有昼夜分别的。大约要到六个月大之后,自主活动能力逐渐增加,开始试着探索周遭的世界,同时较有能力和大人互动之后,才逐渐呈现x27白天活动、晚上睡觉x27的作息模式。平均来说,新生儿的一天大约有2/3以上的时间是在睡梦中,一直到三岁大的小儿一天仍需要睡到12小时左右。rn宝宝生理发展多在睡眠中进行。一般而言,生长激素分泌高峰期多在晚上,这段时间睡得好,宝宝更见快高长大。rn婴儿大脑并未发育成熟,很小的剌激也会使他感到疲劳。睡眠正是宝宝一个重要的休息及恢复过程。rn睡眠时,大脑会分泌出促进生长的荷尔蒙,令宝宝生长速度比清醒状态时更快。所以,宝宝如能睡得好,对成长健康绝对有益
In the baby to fall asleep the moment before, the best to be with him, given its security, rest assured sense [growth] baby baby sleep and sleep in the recovery of consumption of physical strength, and related with the growth of the growth hormone secretion during sleep, most sleep stage, growth hormone in the infant sleep release is waking up to 3 times or more, have enough growth hormone can promote the nervous system and brain development in sleep. In addition, sleep can strengthen the main hormone releasing muscle growth and repair, growth hormone can help the baby fat burning, and transformed into muscle energy, help the body to strengthen the ligaments and tendons, strengthen protein synthesis, therefore, growth and healthy sleep and the baby, can be said to be inseparable. [cognitive] baby infant sleep in bed, half the time the brain in order, reforming and cognitive day received data. Remind parents should pay attention to the baby's sleep quality, don't wake the baby, to develop good sleep habits. Research Report, lack of sleep baby, focus and concentration will be poor. [the baby sleep and immune resistance] reduced sleep or sleep deprivation, will cause the immune cell function decreased, the decrease of immunity. Baby sleep is not only to rest, sleep can also stimulate the different parts of the brain, the study is very important. Maintenance and development is directly related to memory and cognitive function of the quality of sleep. The baby to sleep, how sleep is normal? Every baby is different body, different sleep needs, different sleep mode. Eat sleep, sleep eating, is typical of the rest of the newborn babies, they eat sleep cycle is not day and night, respectively. After abouwww.rixia.cct six months old, ability of independent activity increased gradually, begin to try to explore the world around them, at thehttp://www.rixia.cc same time, more capacity and adult interaction, it gradually presents' activities during the day, sleep at night 'sleep mode. On average, the newborn's Day is about 2/3 more time in sleep, until the three year old children's day still need to sleep 12 hours. The baby to sleep in the physiological development. In general, the secretion of growth hormone peak at night, this time to have a good sleep, baby more grow up soon. The baby's brain is not mature, very small stimulus would make him feel tired. Sleep is the baby a important rest and recovery process. During sleep, the brain will secrete growth hormone, make the baby grow faster than awake faster. So, if the baby can sleep well, definitely beneficial to the healthy growth of

英文高手 请帮帮我这个问题 >< 奉上十分 (会再加分)

我又一个英文功课 是看图表回答问题rnrn但完全不懂这个 图片 我大略解释一下图表里有些什麼rnrn希望有英文高手可以帮帮我这两个问题rnrn题目:rnrnrnhealth , wealth , happiness,rnfinancial stability , retirementrnrn阶梯上面rnrnthe laddre o f successrn(这里sSDju画著阶梯)rnrngovernmental programrnrn rn welfare , parental assistance , disability insurance , bankruptcy protection rnrn employment insurance , old age pension rn ( the safety net) rnrnrnrn(阶梯下面)rnillness , poverty , unemplyment,rndisasters , war rnrn问题:rnrnwho provides this socialx27 safety net and why ?rnrnrnhow does society benefit from the net ?

所以问题一:Government provide social safety net, as the safety net is a governmental program.
问题二:The social safety net prevent problems such as illness, proverty etc., so t日夏养花网he society can enjoy health, wealth, etc.
健康、财务、幸福 经济稳定,退休



福利, 父母援助, 残疾人保障 , 破产保护、帮助就业,养老金
( 安全网)

who provides this social' safety net and why ?谁提供社会保障网,为什么?
The government provides the social safety net.
Because the government can get much money from the taxes to provide the social safety net.
how does society benefit from the net ?(社会如何从中受益?)
When illness , poverty , unemplyment,disasters or war was happened,the safety net will provide assistance.

英文高手请帮忙看文章 帮帮我 十五分

以下这篇英文文章 请帮我用英文 briefly summarize.. rnrn(我英文不好 希望有英文高手帮帮我) >
















“打电话给维多利亚时代-他们希望他们的资本主义。 “


一个经济学家的sSDju女儿,和一个投资银行家的妹妹,沼泽一直被教导,银行帮助人们。“像在”这是一个美好的生活“吉米史都华 - 你的钱与其他人的钱,如果有人需要贷款,以启动一个药店,他们可以得到它。”


“我们建立一个从了很多人后的第二届世界战争基于一些具体的,硬的工作健康的经济 - 市场和欲望和需求,确定什么我们作出更多的和少的运动现在它的赌博 - 它的一个赌场,它的操纵。“

“我生活资本主义 -但我一直认为这是社会主义几杯最好的论据是,如何许多杯现在的系统是没有杯子总是如此 。“


“我已经告诉我的孩子们下车,他们的计算机上,并与世界接轨,而当他们终于站起来,表明我们S - 。对他们的吨我出来支持我的孩子和那些”肮脏的嬉皮士“在的状态。“



1174078006 的翻译完全正确

阅读高手 英文高手 请帮帮我 >< 二十分 (不是要翻译 可以再加分用英文回答)

我英文不好 有一篇阅读问题 看不懂rn不晓得有没有人可以帮我解决一下 以下英文问题 rnrn这里是文章 请google搜寻 rnGeorge Orwell - You and the Atomic Bombrnrn就是了rnrn以下是问题 rnrn1. what is the guiding question of Orwellx27s essay ? what is his main concern in his introductory paragraph ?rnrn2. according to Orwell , what is the great x27x27rulex27x27 that describe the relationship of weapons to democracy ?rnrn3. what did Orwell predict would happen to the balance of power in the world in the 20th century ? who did he say would rule the world as long as atomic weapons were in the hands of a few states ?rnrn4. knowing now that atomic weapons are in the hands of many more countries , what would Orwell predict would happen to our world and the balance of power ? how does this connect to the current war on Terrosism ?
找个原文链接先吧,我google了下,- -,没找到。

奉上二十分(可以再加分) 请会英文的高手帮帮忙!! (不要翻译喔)

因为这篇英文文章 对我而言很困难 (看不懂)rnrn希望有英文高手 帮帮我看文章 回答以下问题 谢谢各位 ><]rnrn以下是文章:rnrnhttp://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/09/failing-nations/draper-text/1rnrn(还有 contunue 喔)
1、the title is failing nation. yes,
2、Somalia's civil war, natural disaster, or brutal takeover
3、against judgment。
the question of whether a country is failing may best be answered by its own people.and (在这个问题上作者的立场是反对强权统治反对别国的审批,结论一个国家命运要让自己的人民决定)
4、Iraq and Afghanistan currently rank as the sixth and seventh most precarious states on the planet.



本文标题: 英文高手请帮忙看文章 帮帮我 十五分 (part 2 ) (可以再加分喔)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/211566.html


