


2022-01-22 20:19:08 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:113


Part One: The definition of advertisement
Part Two: The present advertisement
Part Three: The best advedrtisement I think
Paragraph One: The main idea of this advertisement
Paragraph Two: The reason why I think it best

Section http://www.rixia.ccone: advertising defined
section two:The present advertisement
section three:The best advedrtisement
in my opinion
part one:the main matter of this
part two:the reason why i think this
advertisement is the best
Chapter I: The definition of advertisement
Chapter II: The present-day advertisement
Chapter III: The best advertisement in my opinion
Section I: The summary of this advertisement
Section II: The reason why I think this advertisement is the best

Section 1: the definition of advertising

Section II: Today's Ad

Section 3: I think the best ads

The first paragraph: the general context of this ad

In the second paragraph: Why do I think this will be the best


请帮忙翻译成英文,急 拜托了

。。。。楼上滴孩只太有才了 完全中国式英语= =||
I finally figured out when my birthday really is. It's September 25th, it's October 29th. September 25th is just for Chinese lunar calendar, which only applies within China. But October 29th is the ture date, according to the solar calendar.
I finally find out when is my birthday. It is not 25th September but 29th September. 25th September is according to Chinese lunar calendar, which is applied to China only. 29th September is international date ( that is solar calendar )


This article focuses on the growth of China's foreign trade dependence of the reasons why the analysis, and the corresponding view. With China's reform and opening up of the rapid economic development, China's dependency on foreign trade has constantly increased. WTO accession has been a trend over, in order to solve this problem, we must optimize China's industrial structure, increase the competitiveness of their products and to open up our markets to these three area. And through their own efforts, to balance our dependence on appearance; Let the faster, deeper integration into the international economy to globalization
This article emphatKRTmTTically depended on for ex日夏养花网istence on the our countryforeign trade the growth reason to carry on the analysis, and proposedthe corresponding view. Along with the China reform and open policyeconomy swift and violent development, the our country foreign tradedepends on for existence also unceasingly to advance. From enters theworld until now to assume the high tendency, in order to solve thisproblem, we must liberally melt our country industrial structure, thepromotion product competitive ability as well as develop under the ourcountry market these three big aspects the free time. And through ownendeavor, the balanced our country appearance depends on forexistence; Let the motherland be quicker, deeply melts into to theinternational economy globalization in.
This article focuses on the growth of China's foreign trade dependence of the reasons why the analysis, and the corresponding view. With China's reform and opening up of the rapid economic development, China's dependency on foreign trade has constantly increased. WTO accession has been a trend over, in order to solve this problem, we must optimize China's industrial structure, increase the competitiveness of their products and to open up our markets to these three area. And through their own efforts, to balance our dependence on appearance; Let the faster, deeper integration into the international economy to globalization


本文标题: 请帮忙翻译成英文,急
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/205272.html





