

中译英 大家帮帮忙翻译一下啊

2022-01-19 13:59:09 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:98


In fact, there are too many places are not necessarily the work of professional knowledge is used more is that we have to be patient, careful to work hard, do a good job based on fundamental work. Knowledge alone is unlikely to work, sit back and relax, to have more than professional knowledge, professional training outside of some of these capacities in order to do better work, better go and deal with others. I myself have a quite lacking is the place with people exchanges, usually at school, at home, and relatives, and friends, exchange can be very arbitrary, but to a company becomes more cautious, perhaps I did not do in the role of conversion Well, also because I do not have frequent contacts with social contacts, relations are more narrow, which resulted in the work I do not know how to and leadership, colleagues, other personnel and better communication. This is my self-comparison found a big problem, but also my life in the future need to overcome the problem of school life in the future I need to constantly exercise themselves, actively take part in some group activities, expand exchanges face, learn to better communication with others.
Actually in the work not necessarily has too many places to use the specialized knowledge, what are more is we must patient, work carefully, completes the foundation, the basic work. The only specialized knowledge impossible to have no more worries in the work, must grasp outside more specialties the knowledge, raises 日夏养花网outside the specialty some abilities, so that better does the worhttp://www.rixia.cck, better going to and others have to do. I have a quite defective place, is exchanges with the human, usually in the school, at home, with the family member, with the friend, the exchange may be very optional, but appeared quite cautious to the company, perhaps was I has not completed in the role transformation aspect, was also because I did not have to contact frequently with the society, the contact surface was narrow, this has caused when the work did not know how to go to and the leader, the colleague, other personnel carries on a better exchange. This is a oneself quite major problem which I discovered that is also the question which in my present's life needs to go to overcome, will live I in the next study also to exercise itself unceasingly, will participate in some collective positively the activity, the expanded contact surface, the academic society well and other people exchange.

In fact, there are too many places are not necessarily the work of professional knowledge is used more is that we have to be patient, careful to work hard, do a good job based on fundamental work. Knowledge alone is unlikely to work, sit back and relax, to have more than professional knowledge, professional training outside of some of these capacities in order to do better work, better go and deal with others. I myself have a quite lacking is the place with people exchanges, usually at school, at home, and relatives, and friends, exchange can be very arbitrary, but to a company becomes more cautious, perhaps I did not do in the role of conversion Well, also because I do not have frequent contacts with social contacts, relations are more narrow, which resulted in the work I do not know holCiuBGw to and leadership, colleagues, other personnel and better communication. This is my self-comparison found a big problem, but also my life in the future need to overcome the problem of school life in the future I need to constantly exercise themselves, actively take part in some group activities, expand exchanges face, learn to better communication with others. 飘过
楼上的两位大哥不会是忽悠人吧 怎么翻译的不一样呢?????

中译英 请大家帮帮忙翻译一下

Mr.XX is serving for a customer now,I(Mr.XX) will give you the price tomorrow;however,Which style do you like best?Please tell us tomorrow.
Ms.XX is receiving a customer.
The price will be available tomorrow.
Or if you take fancy on some patterns, tell us.
Ms.XX is busy with a customer, we'll tell you the price tomorrow.
Or you can tell us which products you'd like to buy anytime.

=枫's guarantee tag=


Meeting of Ms.xx Who one guest, the application for the price tomorrow to you or you like which designs, and teach to us.


一天,一个盲人带着他的导盲犬过街时,一辆大卡车失去控制,直冲过来,盲人当场被撞死,他的导盲犬为了守卫主人,也一起惨死在车轮底下。rn rn 主人和狗一起到了天堂门前。一个天使拦住他俩,为难地说:“对不起,现在天堂只剩下一个名额,你们两个中必须有一个去地狱。”主人一听,连忙问:“我的狗又不知道什么是天堂,什么是地狱,能不能让我来决定谁去天堂呢?”天使鄙视地看了这个主人一样,皱起了眉头,她想了想,说:“很抱歉,先生,每一个灵魂都是平等的,你们要通过比赛决定由谁上天堂。”主人失望地问:“哦,什么比赛呢?”天使说:“这个比赛很简单,就是赛跑,从这里跑到天堂的大门,谁先到达目的地,谁就可以上天堂。不过,你也别担心,因为你已经死了,所以不再是瞎子,而且灵魂的速度跟肉体无关,越单纯善良的人速度越快。”主人想了想,同意了。rn rn 天使让主人和狗准备好,就宣布赛跑开始。她满心以为主人为了进天堂,会拼命往前奔,谁知道主人一点也不忙,慢吞吞地往前走着。更令天使吃惊的是,那条导盲犬也没有奔跑,它配合着主人的步调在旁边慢慢跟着,一步都不肯离开主人。天使恍然大悟:原来,多年来这条导盲犬已经养成了习惯,永远跟着主人行动,在主人的前方守护着他。可恶的主人,正是利用了这一点,才胸有成竹,稳操胜券,他只要在天堂门口叫他的狗停下,就能轻轻松松赢得比赛。天使看着这条忠心耿耿的狗,心里很难过,她大声对狗说:“你已经为主人献出了生命,现在,你这个主人不再是瞎子,你也不用领着他走路了,你快跑进天堂吧!”可是,无论是主人还是他的狗,都像是没有听到天使的话一样,仍然慢吞吞地地往前走,好像在街上散步似的。果然,离终点还有几步的时候,主人发出一声口令,狗听话地坐下了,天使用鄙视的眼神看着主人。这时,主人笑了,他扭过头对天使说:“我终于把我的狗送到天堂了,我最担心的就是它根本不想上天堂,只想跟我在一起……所以我才想帮它决定,请你照顾好它。”天使愣住了。主人留恋地看着自己的狗,又说:“能够用比赛的方式决定真是太好了,只要我再让它往前走几步,它就可以上天堂了。不过它陪伴了我那么多年,这是我第一次可以用自己的眼睛看着它,所以我忍不住想要慢慢地走,多看它一会儿。如果可以的话,我真希望永远看着它走下去。不过天堂到了,那才是它该去的地方,请你照顾好它。”说完这些话,主人向狗发出了前进的命令,就在狗到达终点的一刹那,主人像一片羽毛似的落向了地狱的方向。他的狗见了,急忙掉转头,追着主人狂奔。rn rn 满心懊悔的天使张开翅膀追过去,想要抓住导盲犬,不过那是世界上最纯洁善良的灵魂,速度远比天堂所有的天使都快。所以导盲犬又跟主人在一起了,即使是在地狱,导盲犬也永远守护着它的主人。天使久久地站在那里,喃喃说道:“我一开始就错了,这两个灵魂是一体的,他们不能分开……”  
One day, a blind person with his guide dog when crossing the street, a big truck out of control, straight up, blind people were killed on the spot, and his seeing eye dog for guarding the master, but also with the tragic death at the wheels underneath.

Owner and the dog went to heaven in front of. They stopped by an an日夏养花网gel, embarrassed to say: "I beg your pardon, paradise now only one of those places you two must have a go to hell." Master heard this, he hastened to ask: "My dog does not know what is heaven, What is hell, can not let me to decide who can go heaven? "angel despise like to read this owner, frowned, she thought, and said:" I am sorry, sir, every soul is equal , you should decide who is going to match up paradise. "disappointed to question the master:" Oh, what game does? "Angel said:" This game is very simple, that is, a race from here went to the gate of heaven, who arrive at their destinations , will be on paradise. However, you also do not worry, because you would already be dead, so is no longer blind, but the speed of the soul has nothing to do with the physical, the more simple kind of people faster. "masters of thought, agree a.

Angels let the owner and dog ready for the race start on the announcement. Full of thought for her master into heaven, will be desperate to move off, who knows the master is not busy, slowly walked forward. What an angel surprise, seeing eye dog that did not run it with a master's pace along slowly in the next step are the owner refused to leave. Angel came: The original, for many years that dogs have developed a habit, always follow the master of action, at the front of the masters of guarding him. Abominable master, is the use of this point, only the answers, certain to win, as long as him at the door of heaven told him to stop the dog, you can easily win the game. Angel looked at this loyal dog, very sad heart, she shouted to the dog, said: "You are mainly people who have lost their lives, and now, you are no longer masters of the blind, you do not have led him to walk, you Run it into heaven! "Nevertheless, both the owner or his dog, have not heard like an angel, then, still slowly to move forward, it seems like a walk in the street. Sure enough, there are a few steps away from the end of time, the master password uttered, obedient dog to sit down, the days of eyes looking at the use of contempt masters. At this time, the owner smiled on him扭过头angel said: "I finally put my dog to heaven, what worries me most is that it does not want heaven I just want to with me ... ... so I want to help decide it, please take good care of it. "angel of the stand in amazement. Sticking to the owner to watch their dog, added: "be able to decide by way of competition is really good, as long as I let it go a few steps, it can be on heaven.http://www.rixia.cc But it has accompanied me for so many years, This is my first with their own eyes can look at it, so I can not help but want to go slowly, while many watch it. if I may, I wish I never watched it go. But paradise to that It is the place to go, please take good care of it. "That said, the dog owner was issued an order to move forward on the dog arrive at the end of the moment, the master like a feather-like down to the direction of hell. Met with his dog, rushed out the other way round, chasing masters running.

Full of remorse angel wings open up the past, want to seize the dogs, but that is the world's most pure and kind soul, a lot faster than all the angels of heaven faster. Seeing eye dog so the owner又跟together, even in hell, and never seeing eye dog guarding its masters. Angel stood there for a long time, muttered: "I start on the wrong one, these two souls are one, they can not be ... ..."


本文标题: 中译英 大家帮帮忙翻译一下啊
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/204141.html





