

请那位高人帮翻译一下 不胜感激

2022-01-05 01:00:42 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:140

哪位高人帮我翻译一下 不胜感激

The implementation of renewable wind and solar energy sources instead of fossil fuels to produce such energy carriers asrnelectricity and hydrogen facilitates reductions in air pollution emissions. Unlike from traditional fossil fuel technologies,rnair pollution emissions from renewable technologies are associated mainly with the construction of facilities. With present costs of wind and solar electricity, it is shown that, when electricity from renewable sources replaces electricity from natural gas, the cost of air pollution emission abatement is more than ten times less than the cost if hydrogen from renewable sources replaces hydrogen produced from natural gas. When renewable-based hydrogen is used instead of gasoline in a fuel cell vehicle, the cost of air pollution emissions reduction approaches the same value as for renewable-based electricity onlyrnif the fuel cell vehicle efficiency exceeds significantly (i.e., by about two times) that of an internal combustion vehicle. Thernresults provide the basis for a useful approach to an optimal strategy for air pollution mitigation.

给你翻译翻译吧 反正晚上不忙



Albany International is a global advanced textiles and materials processing company with approximately 4,300 employees worldwide and plants strategically located to serve its global customers. The company’s core business is the world’s leading producer of custom designed fabrics and belts essential to the production of paper and paperboard. Albany’s family of growth business extends its advanced textiles and materials capabilities into a variety of other industries, most notably aerospace composites, nonwovens, building products, and high-performance insulation and yarn.
Albany International is a global advanced textiles and materials processing company with approximately 4,300 employees worldwide and plants strategically located to serve its global customers. The company’s core business is the world’s leading producer of custom designed fabrics and belts essential to the production of paper and paperboard. Albany’s family of growth business extends its advanced textiles and materials capabilities into a variety of other industries, most notably aerospace composites, nonwovens, building products, and high-performance insulation and yarn.



最 难 忘 的 人rn(The most memorable person)rn我想会使人最难忘的人,应该是对你最好的或对你最不好的,不然就是做出让你想都没办法想到的事。rn我最难忘的人是我的爷爷。在我的记忆中爷爷个头不高,头发花白,脸上爬满了皱纹。爷爷身体很硬朗,而且有个令我们全家都不喜欢的爱好——捡破烂。他每天早晨出门晚上背着一些他视为宝贝的破烂回家,他也常教导我不能浪费。爷爷是个善良的老人,他常会把家里完好的东西送给拾荒者、乞丐,而自己却用已经破旧的东西。爷爷的口头禅是:“吃亏不算痴,吃亏等于赚便宜”。当时的我心里觉得爷爷真傻,可是我随着年龄和经历的增长越来越能体会爷爷的这句话。爷爷离开我们已多年,可每个人提起他时给他的评价都是两个字——好人。rn爷爷,我想你。你在天堂过的好吗?rnrnOUTLINErnTHESIS:爷爷的勤俭和善良影响着我的人生观和价值观rnCONCLUSION:难忘的爷爷

The most memorable person

I think the most memorable person of my life should be someone who trades me best or worst, otherwise it will be someone did something that you could never think about.

My most memorable person is my grandpa. In my memory, he was not tall, and he had white hairs on his head, his face covered with wrinkles. Grandpa was a tough old man, but his hobbies is collecting ragged which is every family member hated. He went out in the morning, always came back with bunch of ragged which are all his precious. He told me that is not good to waste. Grandpa was a kindly man; he took the completely good stuff from home and gave them to junkman and beggars, but he used the stuff which already broken. “It’s not stupid to be stuffer looses, it’s actually gain extra advantage”, he always said so. I was thinking how dump is he, but I can understand the meaning more and more with my age and experience growth. Grandpa already left us for many years, but every time when someone mentions him, they said that he was a great man.

Grandpa, I miss you. How have you been in heaven?
题目:The most unforgettable people
I want to may use the most unforgettable people of person , ought to be that not the case is to do
the thing selling you wanting to think of no way out best or most no kind with you to you. My most
unforgettable person is KzSsZLVTsmy grandfather. Grandfather size is not high , grey-haired in my memory,
have been covered all over with a wrinkle in the face. The grandfather body forceful, and have
hobby making our whole family dislike to search worthless stuff very much. He goes out in the
morning in every day in the evening unlucky a few he look upon as baby's junk goes home , he
teaches me to be able to not be extravagant also often. But grandfather is an old people good a日夏养花网nd
honest , his common meeting is presented intact thing of home to glean and collect scraps person ,
beggar, self uses the already dilapidated thing but. Grandfather's pet phrase is: "Suffer losses
not guessing that stupid , equal to suffering losses profit is cheap ". That time's I feel
grandfather is really stupid in the heart , I can experience this grandfather's words but with age
and the increase Yue Lai Yue experiencing. Grandfather leaves us already may are two characters
good person for his valuation when everyone mentions him for many years. Grandfather, I miss yowww.rixia.ccu.
Your regards living with in Heaven?

文章标签: 生石花

本文标题: 请那位高人帮翻译一下 不胜感激
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/198764.html





