


2022-01-04 14:00:34 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: [db:作者] 阅读:114

谁能帮我把下面的歌词翻译成英文啊? 求专业人士帮忙。感激。。。

Peace dream lyrics
Dove in the sky, dove, doves
Please fast ah ah fly quickly, send message to the world
Line leader, prime minister of great love, and peace for the task
To save is true love, missile into the olive branch, a sword into plough hoe sickle
The battlefield into harvest beautiful paradise
Praise the relatives cry tears into laughter
To rehabilitate and war, god's love is full of the world
We are working together to pray for the 日夏养花网maintenance of world peace
Seeks the welfare for the people let the world people share the peace

满意请采纳 谢谢!


1.People-oriented, lead technology
2.shared information makes a brillant future
3.All rivers run into sea ; the company soar into sky
4.Let's set our blueprint together
5.strict management, state-of-the-art technology, high quality
6.We pursue the prestige and first-class service
7.All is for customers and for all of the customers
8.Build the furture together in good faith
1. Putting people first, and lead with technology
2. www.rixia.ccGreat information sharing to create great future
3. Like an ocean incorporating hundred rivers, let industries grow quickly
4. Let us jointly create the perfect blueprint
5. Effective managemeMHfqIDnt, excellent technology, and proven quality
6. Our mission: credibility first, and excellent service
7. We do everything for the customer, and to serve our cutomers in every aspect
8. Building trust, building future!

1.以人为本,科技领先 people-oriented,be advanced in science & technology/ science & technology advanced
2.信息畅享,辉煌未来 sharing the information openly,splendid future
3.海纳百川,让企业腾飞the diversity spirit ,to fly up company
4.与我们一起规划美好蓝图 to draw up a blue print with us
5.严格的管理,精湛的技术,创过硬的品质strict management and top technology brings top quality
6.我们的追求,信誉至上,服务一流:our ambition,Reputation first,service best
7.一切为了客户,为了客户的一切;all for customer, for all of customer
8.至诚至信,共创未来! gowww.rixia.ccod faith to the letter,create our future along with uswww.rixia.cc
1. The people-oriented, technology leading

2. Information transparence service, brilliant future

3. Rivers, make enterprise takeoff

4. Together with us planning the wonderful future

5. Strict management, exquisite technology, and excellent quality

6. Our pursuit, the prestige supreme, the first-class service

7. Everything for customers, for all the customers

8. Whole-hearty, create future!
1. humanist, the science and technology is in the lead the
2. information to enjoy smoothly, magnificent future
3. Hiner hundred Sichuan, will let the enterprise soar
4. to plan happy blueprint together with us the
5. strict management, the exquisite technology, will create perfect quality
6. our pursue, the prestige is supreme, service first-class
7. all for the customer, for customer all
8. to the letter, will create the future most sincerely!


风吹rn吹动花蕾rn曼陀铃花rn随风飘坠rnrn鲜花rn在你墓前rn已经悄悄rn悄悄落满...rnrn那朵曼陀铃rn没有能盛开rn就已被吹散rn永远枯萎了rnrn明年rn这个时候 rn我会再来rn轻声唱起rnrn音乐 rn缓缓流淌rn另一世界rn你可听见rnrn一道山泉水rn流过你墓前rn阴影却永远rn留在我身边rnrn什么在我眼前rn谁会在你身边rn另一个世界里rn你已经睡着了么..rnrn请不要用百度翻译等 会翻译得很不准确
Blowing wind
Blow bud
Mandolin flowers
Flow the wind..

In your grave
Has quietly
Quietly covered with ...

The Mandolin
Failed to bloom
Had to be blown
Never wither

Next year
This time
I will come back
Sing softly

Slowly flowing
Another World
You can hear

A mountain spring water
Flow through your grave
Shadow has always
Stay with me

What is in front of me
Who in your side
Another world
Did you fall to sleep?..


本文标题: 谁能帮我把下面的歌词翻译成英文
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/198655.html





