论文摘要翻译,来一个英语大神。人工翻译,不要机器软件的,谢谢。 随着国际贸易的发展,知识产权对国际
With the development of international trade, intellectual property imposes a more and more impact on international competitiveness. Particularly, the effect of patent barrier on China's foreign trade is larger and larger, and becomes an important issue that must be paid attention. The core of this paper is to analyses the effect and reasons of patent barrier on China's foreign trade, and focuses on seeking the measures to break the restriction of patent barrier on China's for日夏养花网eign trade.
With the development of international trade, intellectual property imposes a more and more impact on international competitiveness. Particularly, the effect of patent barrier on China's foreign trade is larger and larger, and becomes an important issue that must be paid attention. The core of this paper is to analyses the effect and reasons of patent barrier on China's foreign trade, and focuses on seeking the measures to break the restriction of patent barrier on China's for日夏养花网eign trade.
商场智能灯光控制系统设计rn摘要rn无可否认电在现代社会里占据着越来越重要的角色,不管是在工业、农业还是日常生活中。而本论文主要研究商场智能灯光控制系统设计,这是电的高级应用。照明是商店卖场中必不可少的一环,良好舒适的商业照明环境以及重点突出的照明设计更能吸引消费者目光并刺激消费。好的灯光http://www.rixia.cc设计不仅在于能够吸引顾客进入商店,将商品完美呈现,而且更加智能化,绿色节能。rn本论文主要从智能照明的基本概念、照明质量、照度标准、照明方式和种类、电光源的选择、照明系统的智能控制等方面论述了现代化商场的照明方式。本文的智能照明灯光控制系统是基于应用GAMMA instabus KNX/EIB—西门子楼宇智能控制系统来设计的,它能实现照明的远程控制、光线感应控日夏养花网制、移动感应控制,电动窗帘控制等,以便减少工作人员在日常工作中的繁琐操作,提高照明效率,降低照明能耗,延长灯具的使日夏养花网用寿命。实现了灯光的智能控制,并且最终达到了绿色节能的目的。阐述近年来视情维修在国内应用和发展情况;在分析了军用工程机械使用特点、康明斯MTA11-C225型柴油机结构与维护特点的基础上,探讨了对该型柴油机实行视情维修的可行性;提出对该型柴油机进行视情维修,需要开展柴油机的故障规律、确定视情维修监测指标和指标参数判定标准、指标参数测点设置、嵌入式监测系统设计等方面的研究。
跪求翻译,网上翻译的都不行太烂套了,求英语大神帮忙翻译一下,字数不多,小弟把财富都拿出来了!rn湖南省临湘市桃林镇刘家坪地面塌陷位于临湘市南约20km,属临湘市桃林镇金盆村管辖。2012年3月发生了地面塌陷,给当地居民的生产生活环境带来影响。本文研究了刘家坪地面塌陷及该地区的自然地理与地质环境概况、地面塌陷原因以及破坏特征,采取现场测量,地面、地质调查等方法,查明了地面塌陷的诱发原因和不同因素的影响程度,对矿山采空区稳定性给予了相应评价,并为塌陷的预防及治理提出了几点建议。研究结果表明,采空区是导致塌陷区地面下沉和变形开裂的主要因素,大气降水是直接引发因素。千万别给我发机器翻译的,我要人工的!机器的一看就看出来了!语句不通The earth sinking, happening in the Liujiaping Taolin county, located in about 20 kilometers to the south of Linxiang city Hunan province, which governed by Jinpen village. The earth sinking in March 2012 influenced the liviing environment of the local. This paper studies the physical 日夏养花网geography and the geology environment of this area, the reason and the failure characteristics of this sinking by using methods as field measurements, geologic investigation. After identifing the triggers and the impact of different factors, the paper appropriately evaluates the stability of the mined-out areas and puts forward some suggestions in the sinking precaution and treatment. This study result shows that mined-out area is the principle factor of the surface deformation craze, the atmospheric precipitation is the direct cause.
本文标题: 请大神帮忙翻译一下论文摘要,不要机器软件翻译的,求英语大神人工
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/197990.html