


2021-12-31 05:40:37 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: [db:作者] 阅读:101

定语从句 翻译句子

定语从句 翻译句子rn 悬赏分:0 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 21 小时 rn1 昨天参加学校的人来自伦敦 rn2 你知道汤姆昨天为什么没来吗rn3 在哪边擦地板的女士是谁rn4 正在护士谈话的医生夏雨人要离开这里去伦敦rn5你读完我借你的书了吗rn6水稻是一种生长在南方的植物rn7我昨天读的小说很有趣rn8这就是父亲是工程师的女孩rn9 小明住的房子不大rn10 不要忘记你入党的那天rn11 上周我参加了一场晚会 在那里我玩得很痛快rn12这个女孩和父亲住在一起 他的母亲一年前去世了rn13这个老人有三个儿子 他们都在二战中死去rn14 我丢了一本书 他的名字我现在不记得了rn15 这就是他在会上解释的原因rn16我们买了一张地图 没有地图我们会迷路rn17 最使我感兴趣的地方是少年宫rn18这就是我们上月住过的旅馆rn19 在我们工作工厂正在发生巨大变化rn20 他谈到了许多我们在学校记得的人和事
1 昨天参加学校的人来自伦敦 People who visiye日夏养花网d the school yesterday were from London.
2 你知道汤姆昨天为什么没来吗Do you know why Tom didn't come yesterday?
3 在哪边擦地板的女士是谁 Who is the madam cleaning the floor there?
4 正在护士谈话的医生夏雨人要离开这里去伦敦The doctor talking with nurses is leaving for London this afternoon.
5你读完我借你的书了吗Have you finished read the book that I lent you?
6水稻是一种生长在南方的植物Rice is a kind of plant which grows in the south.
7我昨天读的小说很有趣 The novel I read yesterday is very intresting.
8这就是父亲是工程师的女孩 This is the girl whose father is a engineer.
9 小明住的房子不大 The house that Li Ming live in is not big.
10 不要忘记你入党的那天 Don't forget the day on which you joined the Party.
11 上周我参加了一场晚会 日夏养花网在那里我玩得很痛快 I took part in a evening party last week,at which I had a good time.
12这个女孩和父亲住在一起 他的母亲一年前去世了 This girl lived with her father,for which her mother passed away one year ago.
13这个老人有三个儿子 他们都在二战中死去 This old man has three sons,all of whom died during the World War Two.
14 我丢了一本书 他的名字我现在不记得了 I lost a book,of which I now don't remember the name.
15 这就是他在会上解释的原因 This is the reason that he explained in the meeting.
16我们买了一张地图 没有地图我们会迷路 We bought a mat,without which we will lose our way.
17 最使我感兴趣的地方是少年宫 The place that made me most intrested in was the children's palace.
18这就是我们上月住过的旅馆 This is the hotel in which we lived last month.
19 在我们工作工厂正在发生巨大变化 Great chages are taking place in the factory in which we are working.
20 他谈到了许多我们在学校记得的人和事 He talked many people and things that we remember at school.
yesterday, the school two men from london yesterday.
you know why tom didn't come to?
which way is to wipe the floor
women who is four is the nurse of the summer rain will leave for london
you have finished reading the book i lent you?
rice is grown in the south of the
yesterday i read the novel very interesting
this is the father is an engineer girl
xiaoming lives in a little house
don't forget you join the party that
last week i took part in a party where i had a good
the girl and her father lives in his mother died
the old man had three sons of them died in world war ii
i lost a book of his name but i don't remember him at the meeting this is explained the reasons for the
we bought a map with no map, we'll be lost in the way
the interest me is the children's palace
this is our last month in the
in our work is undergoing great changes of the factory is
he talked a lot of us can remember in school people and affairs
To school yesterday. the two men from london yesterday. you know why tom didn't come to? which way is to wipe the floor three women who is four is the nurse of the summer rain will leave for london at 5 you have finished reading the book i lent you? six rice is grown in the south of the seven yesterday i read the novel very interesting: this is the father is an engineer girl nine bob lives in the house ten don't forget you to join the party on the eleven last week i took part in a party where i had
1 in the school yesterday from London
2 do you know Tom, why didn't come yesterday
3 where the lady who wipe the floor
4 are nurses to the doctor when talking to London leave here
5 you finish reading the book I lent you
6 rice is a growth in southern plants
7 I read yesterday's novel is very interesting
This is the girl's father is an engineer
9 Ming house
10 don't forget you the day when I joined the party
11 last week I attended a party where I had a good time
12 this girl and father live together his mother died a year ago
And the old man had three sons, they all died in world war ii
14 I lost a book of his name, I can't r日夏养花网emember it now
This is the reason he explained at the meeting
16 we bought a map, we would have lost map
17 what I am interested in the place is children's palace
This is our last month at the hotel
19 we work in the factory is changed
20 and he spoke many in our school and remember
people who visited te school yesterday were from london


I have two teachers who are both beauties.

both 两个都
定语从句翻译器在线?英语中,定语从句分成限制性从句与非限制性从句两种。他们在英语中的位置一般是在其所修饰的先行词后面。限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句的其别只是在于限制意义的强弱。而汉语中定语作为修饰语通常在其所修饰的词前面,并且没有限制意义的强弱之分,因此,限制与非限制在翻译中并不起十分重要的作用。英语中多用结构复杂的定语从句,而汉语中修饰语则不宜臃肿。所以,在翻译定语从句时,一定要考虑到汉语的表达习惯。如果英语的定语从句太长,无论是限制性的或非限制性的,都不宜译成汉语中的定语,而应用其他方法处理。常见的定语从句翻译有以下几种方法。一、前置法:把定语从句翻译到所修饰的先行词前面,可以用“的”来连接。既然定语从句的意义是作定语修饰语,所以在翻译的时候,通常把较短的定语从句译成带“的”的前置定语,翻译在定语从句的先行词前面。二、后置法:把定语从句翻译在所修饰的先行词后面,翻译为并列分句。英语的英语从句结构常常比较复杂,如果翻译在其修饰的先行词前面的话,会显得定语太臃肿,而无法叙述清楚。这时,可以把定语从句翻译在先行词后面,译成并列分句。翻译时可以用两种方法来处理。(一)重复先行词。由于定语从句的先行词通常在定语从句中充当句子成分,如果单独把定语从句翻译出来的话,常常需要重复先行词,还可以用代词代替先行词来重复。他虽然经验不足,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领域获得成功的关键。(二)省略先行词。如果把定语从句翻译在先行词后面,在“通顺、完整”的前提下,有时候可以不用重复先行词。It is he who received the letter that announced the death of your uncle.是他接到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了。They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.他们制定出一种新方案,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night.饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜。三、融合法:把定语从句和它所修饰的先行词结合在一起翻译。融合法是指翻译时把主句和定语从句融合成一句简单句,其中的定语从句译成单句中的谓语部分。由于限制性定语从句与主句关系较紧密,所以,融合法多用于翻译限制性定语从句,尤其是“there be ”结构带有定语从句的句型。There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.楼下有人要见你。(原句中的主句部分there is a man翻译成“有人”,然后将定语从句译成句子的谓语部分。)In our factory, there are many people who are much interested in the new invention.在我们工厂里,许多人对这项新发明很感兴趣。(原句中的主句部分there are many people翻译成“许多人”,作译文的主语,然后将定语从句译成句子的谓语部分。)We used a plane of which almost every part carried some indication of national identity.我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有一些国籍标志。(原句的主句较简单,整句句子的重点是在定语从句中,因此,翻译时将主句译成主语,而将定语从句译成句子的谓语部分。)She had a balance at her banker’s which would have made her beloved anywhere.她在银行里的存款足以使她到处受到欢迎。(原句的主句较简单,整句句子的重点是在定语从句中,因此,翻译时将主句译成主语,而将定语从句译成句子的谓语部分。)四、状译法英语的定语从句与汉语中的定语还有一个不同的地方,那就是,英语中有些定语从句和主句关系不密切,它从语法上看是修饰定语从句的先行词的,但实际上限定作用不强,而是修饰主句的谓语或全句的,起状语作用。也就是说,有些定语从句兼有状语从句的职能,在意义上与主句有状语关系,表明原因、结果、目的、让步、假设等关系。在这种情况下,需要灵活处理,在准确理解英语原文的基础上,弄清楚逻辑关系,然后把英语中的这些定语从句翻译成各种相应的分句。(一)译成表示“时间”的分句(二)译成表示“原因”的分句(三)译成表示“条件”的分句 (四)译成表示“让步”的分句(五)译成表示“目的”的分句(六)译成表示“结果”的分句(七)译成表示“转折”的分句
I also have two teachers who are both beautiful

定语从句句子翻译 定语从句句子翻译

I like my hometown,which is a beautiful town in South China.There are many trees which were planted last year in the east.There is a 300 hundred-metre-wide river behinhttp://www.rixia.ccd it.There are about 200 engineers from America,Britain and Canada working there.People in the town produce many products every year,which are sold in Europe and America.
我喜欢我的家乡.I love my hometown.

她是一个位于中国南部的美丽小镇。It's a beautiful town in south of China.

在镇子的东面有许多去年栽的树。There are many last planted tree in the east of the town.

小镇的后面有一条300米宽的河。And there is a 300 meters widCULyJYqye river behind the town.

大约200位来自美国,英国和加拿大的工程师在镇里工作。There are about 200 American, English and Canadian engineers work in the town.

镇里的人们每年生产好多种销往欧洲和美洲的产品The town is a good many people are exported to Europe and America
I love my hometown,which is a beautiful town in South China.East of the town are a lot of trees that were planted last year.Behind the town is a river ,which is 3000 metres wide.About 200 engineers ,who come from America,England and Canada,work in the town.People in the town produce many kinds of products every year,which are sold to Europe and America.


本文标题: 定语从句~~句子+翻译
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/197703.html





