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基于JDK1.6环境的J2EE WEB技术,为开发功能强大的动态网站提供了一种简单、高效的途径。该系统以J2EE WEB为开发技术,使用JAVA为开发语言,实现了网站的动态管理,使得对信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。同时对系统的背景需求、系统的功能特点和设计方案进行了介绍。该文还以资产管理为例,对JDK1.6环境下的MVC开发模式进行了简单的介绍。.
关键字 J2EE WEB;JAVA;系统;数据库
Based on JDK1.6 frame, The J2EE WEB provides a simple, efficient way to develop a dynamic web site . The system takes J2EE WEB as the development technology, uses JAVA as the development language, has realized the website dynamic management, caused to the information management even more prompt, to be highly effective, enhanced the working efficiency. Meanwhile , They take an introduction on the system background demand, the system function characteristic and the design project . This article also introduces the MVC pattern under JDK1.6 environment by taking an example for the users’ property management.
The system goal is to achieve put in storage, inventory management and a unified database to help enterprises achieve product information management. Through unified management, enterprises put in storage, inventory and logistics flows from the various links clear that the orders can grasp the dynamics of the implementation of the existing stock can keep abreast of information, thereby reducing blind procurement, inventory stockpiling avoid. In addition the system using java language development, the system has good compatibility, speed and great features.
Keywords J2EE WEB, JAVA, System, DataBase
基于JDK1.6环境的J2EE WEB技术,为开发功能强大的动态网站提供了一种简单、高效的途径。该系统以J2EE WEB为开发技术,使用JAVA为开发语言,实现了网站的动态管理,使得对信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。同时对系统的背景需求、系统的功能特点和设计方案进行了介绍。该文还以资产管理为例,对JDK1.6环境下的MVC开发模式进行了简单的介绍。.
关键字 J2EE WEB;JAVA;系统;数据库
Based on JDK1.6 frame, The J2EE WEB provides a simple, efficient way to develop a dynamic web site . The system takes J2EE WEB as the development technology, uses JAVA as the development language, has realized the website dynamic management, caused to the information management even more prompt, to be highly effective, enhanced the working efficiency. Meanwhile , They take an introduction on the system background demand, the system function characteristic and the design project . This article also introduces the MVC pattern under JDK1.6 environment by taking an example for the users’ property management.
The system goal is to achieve put in storage, inventory management and a unified database to help enterprises achieve product information management. Through unified management, enterprises put in storage, inventory and logistics flows from the various links clear that the orders can grasp the dynamics of the implementation of the existing stock can keep abreast of information, thereby reducing blind procurement, inventory stockpiling avoid. In addition the system using java language development, the system has good compatibility, speed and great features.
Keywords J2EE WEB, JAVA, System, DataBase
求一篇关于‘图像处理‘的英语文献的翻译,特别满意的 在加送50财富值
要求:原创的 直接100财富值rn 1.翻译出来的汉字不少于2500字,绝对2500字以上 只能多 不能少rn 2.最好是原创 提供 英文文献的出处就原文 与 翻译后的汉文;rn 3.提取关键词 rn说明:我这个是用于毕业设计的外国文献的翻译,切记注意格式 及关键词第一讲-概述
HD Cheng, XH Jiang, Y Sun, Jingli Wang. Color image segmentation: advances and prospects. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 34, No. 12. pp. 2259-2281, Dec. 2001
C.W.Nog, T.C.Pong, and R.T.Chin. Vid日夏养花网eo Partition by Temporal Slice Coherency. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Aug. 2001.
Smith, A.R. Color Gamut Transform Pairs. Proc. SIGGRAPH' 78, published as Computer Graphics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 12-19, 1978.
MacAdam, D.L. Visual Sensitivities to Color Differences in Daylight. J. Opt. Soc. Am., vol. 32, pp. 247-274, 1942.
Liu, J., and Yang, Y.-H. multiresolution color image segmentation. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 647-661, 1994.
Shafarenko, L., Petrou, M., and Kittler, J. histogram-based segmentation in a perceptually uniform color space. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 1354-1358, 1998.
Y. Rubner, C. Tomasi and L. J. Guibas. The Earth Mover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval. International Journal of Computer Vision 40(2), 99-121, 2000.
J.-L. Shih and L.-H. Chen Colour image retrieval based on primitives of colour moments. IEEE Proc. Vision Image Signal Process, 2002.
B.S. Manjunath and W.Y. Ma. Texture Feature for Browsing and Retrieval of Image Data. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence., vol. 18, no. 8, August 1996.
N. Dalal and Bill Triggs. Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005.
Hui Yu, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Jufu Feng. Color Texture Moments for Content-based Image Retrieval. International Conference on Image Processing, 2002.
Bakir, T., and Reeves, J. S. A Filter Design for Minimizing Ringing in a Region of Interest in MR Spectroscopic Images. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 585-600, 2000.
Cooley, J. W. and Tukey, J. W. An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series. Math. of Comput., vol. 19, pp. 297-301, 1965.
Cooley, J. W., Lewis, P. A. W, and Welch, P. D. The Fast Fourier Transform and Its applications. IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. E-12, no. 1. pp 27-34, 1969.
S. G. Mallat. A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1989.
D. J. Heeger, J. R. Bergen. Pyramid-Based Texture Analysis/Synthesis. International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, 1995.
R. L. Claypoole, G. M. Davis, Wim Sweldens, and R. G. Baraniuk. Nonlinear Wavelet Transforms for Image Coding via Lifting. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 12, Dec 2003.
Hwng, H. , and Haddad, R. A. Adaptive Median Filter: New Algorighms and Results. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 499-502, 1995.
Giannakis, G. B., and Heath, R. W., Jr. Blind Identification of Multichannel FIR Blurs and Perfect Image Restoration. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1877-1896, 2000.
Eng, H.-L., and Ma, K.-K. Noise Adaptive Soft-Switching Median Filter. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 242-251, 2001.
Shannon, C. E. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. The bell Sys. Tech. J., pp. 379-423, 1948.
Ziv, J., and Lempel, A. A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression. IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, vol. IT-23, no. 3, pp. 337-343, 1977.
Ziv, J., and Lempel, A. Compression of Individual Sequences Via Variable-Rate Coding. IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, vol IT-24, no. 5, pp. 530-536, 1978.
Boulgouris, N. V., Tzovaras, D., and Strintzis, M. G. Lossless Image Compression Based on Optimal Prediction, Adaptive Lifting, and Conditional Arithmetic Coding. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2001
Martin, M. B., and Bell, A. E. New image compression techniques using multiwavelets and multiwavelet packets. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 500-510, 2001
Jones, R., and Svalbe, I. Algorithms for the Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphological Operations. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 16, nblFdqIsWSo. 6, pp. 581-588, 1994.
Park, H., and Chin, R. T. Decomposition of Arbitrarily-Shaped Morphological Structuring. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 2-15, 1995.
Sussner, P., and Ritter, G. X. Decomposition of Gray-Sc日夏养花网ale Morphological Templates Using the Rank Method. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 649-658, 1997.
Canny, J. A Computational Approach for Edge Detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 679-698, 1986.
Qian, R. J., and Huang, T. S. Optimal Edge Detection in Two-Dimensional Images. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 1215-1220, 1996.
Carson, C. Belonqie, S. Greenspan, H. and Malik, J. Blobworld: image segmentation using expectation-maximization and its application to image querying. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 24, pp. 1026-1038, 2002
Saif Zahir and Kal Dhou. A New Chain Coding Based Method for Binary Image Compression and Reconstruction. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2007.
Bengtsson, A., and Eklundh. Shape Representation by Multiscale Contour Approximation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell, 1991.
Cheung, K. K. T., and Teoh, E. K. Symmetry Detection by Generalized Complex Moments: A Closed-Form Solution. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 466-476,1999 第一讲 - 概述
高清程,黄腐酚江Ÿ孙竞立王。彩色图像分割:进展和前景。模式识别,卷。 34,第12号。页。2259年至2281年,2001年12月
第二讲 - 空间域图像增强
第三讲 - 彩色图像处理
史密斯,A.R.色域转换成对。触发。 SIGGRAPH的'78,作为计算机图形学,第一卷出版。 12,没有。 3,页。12-19,1978。
麦克亚当,D.L.视觉敏感性在日光颜色的差异。 j的选项。片上系统。上午。火山。 32,页。247-274,1942。
刘,J.和杨,Y.-H.多分辨率彩色图像分割。 IEEE期刊模式的肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 26,没有。 5,页。647-661,1994。
Shafarenko湖,彼得鲁,M.和基特勒,j的直方图为基础的一个感知均匀颜色空间的分割。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 7,没有。 9页。1354年至1358年,1998年。
第四讲 - 基于内容的图像检索
B.S. Manjunath和W.Y.马。纹理特征图像的浏览和检索数据。电机及电子学工程师联合会模式分析与机器智能交易。火山。 18,没有。八,1996年8月。
注达拉尔和比尔特里格斯。直方图的人体检测方向梯度。 IEEE计算机计算机视觉与模式识别,2005年会会议。
第五讲 - 傅立叶变换
巴克尔,T.和里夫斯,js中的一个最小化的MR光谱图像感兴趣区域铃声阿滤波器的设计。 IEEE期刊。医学影像,第一卷。 19,没有。 6,页。585-600,2000。
库利,JW和Tukey,JW一种复杂的傅立叶系列机器计算算法。数学。对Comput。,第一卷。 19页。297-301,1965。
库利,1995,刘易斯,美国宾夕法尼亚W和韦尔奇,PD的快速傅里叶变换及其应用。 IEEE期刊。语言的。火山。 - 12,没有。 1。 27-34页,1969。
第六讲 - 频率域图像增强
汤顿克莱浦尔,通用戴维斯于一身的图像压缩和RG Baraniuk。非线性小波变换的图像编码通过提升。在图像处理中,估计模型参数。 12,第12号,2003年12月。
第七讲 - 图像复原
Hwng,H.和,RA的自适应中值滤波哈达德:新Algorighms与结果。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 4,没有。 4,页。499-502,1995。
Giannakis,GB和希思,RW和小盲识别区的多通道模糊图像复原和完善。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 9,没有。 11页。1877年至1896年,2000年。
工程,H.-L.,马,K.-K.噪声自适应软开关中值滤波。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 10,没有。 2,页。242-251,2001。
第八讲 - 图像压缩
香农,行政长官通信的数学理论。钟Sys。技术。 j的页。379-423,1948。
谢夫,J.和伦佩尔,答:一个顺序数据压缩的通用算法。 IEEE期刊。信息。理论,第一卷。资讯- 23,没有。 3,页。337-343,1977。
谢夫,J.和伦佩尔,个人序列答:通过压缩可变编码率。 IEEE期刊。信息。理论,第一卷的IT - 24,没有。 5,页。530-536,1978。
Boulgouris,内华达州,Tzovaras,D.和Strintzis,镁无损图像压缩的最优预测,自适应提升的基础上,算术编码和条件。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 10,没有。 1页。1-14,2001
马丁,MB和贝尔,新的图像压缩技术,声发射使用的多小波和多小波包。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 10,没有。 4,页。500-510,2001
第十讲 - 形态学图像处理
琼斯河,和Svalbe,一算法的灰度形态学运算分解。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 16,没有。 6,页。581-588,1994。
公园,H.和金,任意形形态构建逆转录分解。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 17,没有。 1页。2-15,1995。
Sussner,P.和里特,GX的的灰度形态分解模板使用秩方法。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 19,没有。 6,页。649-658,1997。
第十一讲 - 图像分割
精明,2004,新的边缘检测计算方法。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 8,没有。 6,页。679-698,1986。
钱,RJ和黄的TS在二维图像边缘检测最优。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 5,没有。 7页。1215至1220年,1996年。
卡森角Belonqie,第格林斯潘,H.和马利克,j的Blobworld:图像分割期望最大化及其应用图象查询。 IEEE期刊。肛门模式。机械诉讼事件。火山。 24页。1026年至1038年,2002年
第十二讲 - 表示与描述
2065 A.和Eklundh。通过多尺度轮廓形状表示逼近。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件,1991年。
张的KKT和Teoh,由广义复杂的时刻:封闭形式解克朗的对称性检测。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 21,没有。 5,页。466-476,1999
HD Cheng, XH Jiang, Y Sun, Jingli Wang. Color image segmentation: advances and prospects. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 34, No. 12. pp. 2259-2281, Dec. 2001
C.W.Nog, T.C.Pong, and R.T.Chin. Vid日夏养花网eo Partition by Temporal Slice Coherency. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Aug. 2001.
Smith, A.R. Color Gamut Transform Pairs. Proc. SIGGRAPH' 78, published as Computer Graphics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 12-19, 1978.
MacAdam, D.L. Visual Sensitivities to Color Differences in Daylight. J. Opt. Soc. Am., vol. 32, pp. 247-274, 1942.
Liu, J., and Yang, Y.-H. multiresolution color image segmentation. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 647-661, 1994.
Shafarenko, L., Petrou, M., and Kittler, J. histogram-based segmentation in a perceptually uniform color space. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 1354-1358, 1998.
Y. Rubner, C. Tomasi and L. J. Guibas. The Earth Mover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval. International Journal of Computer Vision 40(2), 99-121, 2000.
J.-L. Shih and L.-H. Chen Colour image retrieval based on primitives of colour moments. IEEE Proc. Vision Image Signal Process, 2002.
B.S. Manjunath and W.Y. Ma. Texture Feature for Browsing and Retrieval of Image Data. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence., vol. 18, no. 8, August 1996.
N. Dalal and Bill Triggs. Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005.
Hui Yu, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Jufu Feng. Color Texture Moments for Content-based Image Retrieval. International Conference on Image Processing, 2002.
Bakir, T., and Reeves, J. S. A Filter Design for Minimizing Ringing in a Region of Interest in MR Spectroscopic Images. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 585-600, 2000.
Cooley, J. W. and Tukey, J. W. An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series. Math. of Comput., vol. 19, pp. 297-301, 1965.
Cooley, J. W., Lewis, P. A. W, and Welch, P. D. The Fast Fourier Transform and Its applications. IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. E-12, no. 1. pp 27-34, 1969.
S. G. Mallat. A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1989.
D. J. Heeger, J. R. Bergen. Pyramid-Based Texture Analysis/Synthesis. International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, 1995.
R. L. Claypoole, G. M. Davis, Wim Sweldens, and R. G. Baraniuk. Nonlinear Wavelet Transforms for Image Coding via Lifting. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 12, Dec 2003.
Hwng, H. , and Haddad, R. A. Adaptive Median Filter: New Algorighms and Results. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 499-502, 1995.
Giannakis, G. B., and Heath, R. W., Jr. Blind Identification of Multichannel FIR Blurs and Perfect Image Restoration. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1877-1896, 2000.
Eng, H.-L., and Ma, K.-K. Noise Adaptive Soft-Switching Median Filter. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 242-251, 2001.
Shannon, C. E. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. The bell Sys. Tech. J., pp. 379-423, 1948.
Ziv, J., and Lempel, A. A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression. IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, vol. IT-23, no. 3, pp. 337-343, 1977.
Ziv, J., and Lempel, A. Compression of Individual Sequences Via Variable-Rate Coding. IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, vol IT-24, no. 5, pp. 530-536, 1978.
Boulgouris, N. V., Tzovaras, D., and Strintzis, M. G. Lossless Image Compression Based on Optimal Prediction, Adaptive Lifting, and Conditional Arithmetic Coding. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2001
Martin, M. B., and Bell, A. E. New image compression techniques using multiwavelets and multiwavelet packets. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 500-510, 2001
Jones, R., and Svalbe, I. Algorithms for the Decomposition of Gray-Scale Morphological Operations. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 16, nblFdqIsWSo. 6, pp. 581-588, 1994.
Park, H., and Chin, R. T. Decomposition of Arbitrarily-Shaped Morphological Structuring. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 2-15, 1995.
Sussner, P., and Ritter, G. X. Decomposition of Gray-Sc日夏养花网ale Morphological Templates Using the Rank Method. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 649-658, 1997.
Canny, J. A Computational Approach for Edge Detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 679-698, 1986.
Qian, R. J., and Huang, T. S. Optimal Edge Detection in Two-Dimensional Images. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 1215-1220, 1996.
Carson, C. Belonqie, S. Greenspan, H. and Malik, J. Blobworld: image segmentation using expectation-maximization and its application to image querying. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 24, pp. 1026-1038, 2002
Saif Zahir and Kal Dhou. A New Chain Coding Based Method for Binary Image Compression and Reconstruction. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2007.
Bengtsson, A., and Eklundh. Shape Representation by Multiscale Contour Approximation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell, 1991.
Cheung, K. K. T., and Teoh, E. K. Symmetry Detection by Generalized Complex Moments: A Closed-Form Solution. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 466-476,1999 第一讲 - 概述
高清程,黄腐酚江Ÿ孙竞立王。彩色图像分割:进展和前景。模式识别,卷。 34,第12号。页。2259年至2281年,2001年12月
第二讲 - 空间域图像增强
第三讲 - 彩色图像处理
史密斯,A.R.色域转换成对。触发。 SIGGRAPH的'78,作为计算机图形学,第一卷出版。 12,没有。 3,页。12-19,1978。
麦克亚当,D.L.视觉敏感性在日光颜色的差异。 j的选项。片上系统。上午。火山。 32,页。247-274,1942。
刘,J.和杨,Y.-H.多分辨率彩色图像分割。 IEEE期刊模式的肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 26,没有。 5,页。647-661,1994。
Shafarenko湖,彼得鲁,M.和基特勒,j的直方图为基础的一个感知均匀颜色空间的分割。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 7,没有。 9页。1354年至1358年,1998年。
第四讲 - 基于内容的图像检索
B.S. Manjunath和W.Y.马。纹理特征图像的浏览和检索数据。电机及电子学工程师联合会模式分析与机器智能交易。火山。 18,没有。八,1996年8月。
注达拉尔和比尔特里格斯。直方图的人体检测方向梯度。 IEEE计算机计算机视觉与模式识别,2005年会会议。
第五讲 - 傅立叶变换
巴克尔,T.和里夫斯,js中的一个最小化的MR光谱图像感兴趣区域铃声阿滤波器的设计。 IEEE期刊。医学影像,第一卷。 19,没有。 6,页。585-600,2000。
库利,JW和Tukey,JW一种复杂的傅立叶系列机器计算算法。数学。对Comput。,第一卷。 19页。297-301,1965。
库利,1995,刘易斯,美国宾夕法尼亚W和韦尔奇,PD的快速傅里叶变换及其应用。 IEEE期刊。语言的。火山。 - 12,没有。 1。 27-34页,1969。
第六讲 - 频率域图像增强
汤顿克莱浦尔,通用戴维斯于一身的图像压缩和RG Baraniuk。非线性小波变换的图像编码通过提升。在图像处理中,估计模型参数。 12,第12号,2003年12月。
第七讲 - 图像复原
Hwng,H.和,RA的自适应中值滤波哈达德:新Algorighms与结果。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 4,没有。 4,页。499-502,1995。
Giannakis,GB和希思,RW和小盲识别区的多通道模糊图像复原和完善。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 9,没有。 11页。1877年至1896年,2000年。
工程,H.-L.,马,K.-K.噪声自适应软开关中值滤波。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 10,没有。 2,页。242-251,2001。
第八讲 - 图像压缩
香农,行政长官通信的数学理论。钟Sys。技术。 j的页。379-423,1948。
谢夫,J.和伦佩尔,答:一个顺序数据压缩的通用算法。 IEEE期刊。信息。理论,第一卷。资讯- 23,没有。 3,页。337-343,1977。
谢夫,J.和伦佩尔,个人序列答:通过压缩可变编码率。 IEEE期刊。信息。理论,第一卷的IT - 24,没有。 5,页。530-536,1978。
Boulgouris,内华达州,Tzovaras,D.和Strintzis,镁无损图像压缩的最优预测,自适应提升的基础上,算术编码和条件。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 10,没有。 1页。1-14,2001
马丁,MB和贝尔,新的图像压缩技术,声发射使用的多小波和多小波包。 IEEE期刊。图像处理,第一卷。 10,没有。 4,页。500-510,2001
第十讲 - 形态学图像处理
琼斯河,和Svalbe,一算法的灰度形态学运算分解。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 16,没有。 6,页。581-588,1994。
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第十一讲 - 图像分割
精明,2004,新的边缘检测计算方法。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件。火山。 8,没有。 6,页。679-698,1986。
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卡森角Belonqie,第格林斯潘,H.和马利克,j的Blobworld:图像分割期望最大化及其应用图象查询。 IEEE期刊。肛门模式。机械诉讼事件。火山。 24页。1026年至1038年,2002年
第十二讲 - 表示与描述
2065 A.和Eklundh。通过多尺度轮廓形状表示逼近。 IEEE期刊。模式肛门。机械诉讼事件,1991年。
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急用,好的话我会加分的。一定。先谢谢啦 化学的论文,有中文和英文对照的就行。 国内国外的都行。你可以找某本国外教材的原版书或者影印本,再找到他的中文译本看,挺不错的,要你是学生的话好好利用一下图书馆吧,很不错的,还有,下载一个Lingoes翻译家,下几本化学专业的专业字典,很好用
ANIMATED STORIES-APPRECIATION OF ANIMATION ARTrn5 day Design Workshoprn18-22 February 2008rnIntroductionrnThere is an animation boom in the country. Today, animation is not just restricted to a fewrncommercials. The global industry has come a long way since Jungle Book. However, Indianrnanimation film audience is still not very mature. It is easier for cinema audience to criticizerna movie for its direction, cinematography and other aspects of film-making. But animationrnfilm audience may not be able know a copy from an original one. Indian animation movies arernyet to have something completely original.rnIn India till early 90’s production of animation films were not so easy. Apart from therneconomic factors that have limited the scope of expansion, an essential link has beenrnmissing to convert inputs into quality output. There is absence of a strong philosophy torndefine animation in India.rnWhat we need to understand is that radical thinking is extremely important in animation andrnfilm designing. It is a matter of pride that we have animated films that are based onrncharacters in folklore and mythology but it is easy to spot elements of Bambi, Shrek orrnsome Disney works in Indian productions. What we lack is better professional training inrnthis field. Training must encourage original and out-of-the-box thinking. Only when we havernmore original thinkers can we expect the industry to reach newer heights in global scenario.rnAnd at the same time what is most important for us is learn to appreciate the art ofrnanimated storytelling as it is one the most powerful tool of STORYTELLING.rnThis Workshop intends to share with the participants the art of appreciating this minorityrnart and also discover the storyteller within and apply it as a short exercise to experiencernthe art.rnRationalernWith the boom of animation industry in India, the demand for good professionals is alsornhigh but due to various factors we are not able to cope with the global standards ofrnanimation work. Here in this workshop we try to explore those ‘WHY’ and touch upon thern360 degree approach of animation to understand ‘quality animation’.ANIMATED STORIES-APPRECIATION OF ANIMATION ART
5 day Design Workshop 为期5天设计研讨会
18-22 February 2008 2008年2月18-22日
There is an animation boom in the country. Today, animation is not just restricted to a few
commercials. The global industry has come a long way since Jungle Book. However, Indian
animation film audience is still not very mature. It is easier for cinema audience to criticize
a movie for its direction, cinematography and other aspects of film-making.But animation
film audience may not be able know a copy from an original one.
Indian animation movies are
yet to have something completely original.In India till early 90’s production of animation films were not so easy.Apart from the
economic factors that have limited the scope of expansion, an essential link has been
missing to convert inputs into quality output. There is absence of a strong philosophy to
define animation in India.
What we need to understand is that radical thinking is extremely important in animation and
film designing.It is a matter of pride that we have animated films that are based on
characters in folklore and mythology but it is easy to spot elements of Bambi, Shrek or
some Disney works in Indian productions.
What we lack is better professional training in
this field.Training must encourage original and out-of-the-box thinking.Only when we have
more original thinkers can we expect the industry to reach newer heights in global scenario. And at the same time what is most important for us is learn to appreciate the art of
animated storytelling as it is one the most powerful tool of STORYTELLING.This Workshop intends to share with the participants the art of appreciating this minority
art and also discover the storyteller within and apply it as a short exercise to experience
the art.
With the boom of animation industry in India, the demand for good professionals is also
high but due to various factors 日夏养花网we are not able to cope with the global standards of
animation work. Here in this workshop we try to explore those ‘WHY’ and touch upon the
360 degree approach of animation to understand ‘quality animation’
5 day Design Workshop 为期5天设计研讨会
18-22 February 2008 2008年2月18-22日
There is an animation boom in the country. Today, animation is not just restricted to a few
commercials. The global industry has come a long way since Jungle Book. However, Indian
animation film audience is still not very mature. It is easier for cinema audience to criticize
a movie for its direction, cinematography and other aspects of film-making.But animation
film audience may not be able know a copy from an original one.
Indian animation movies are
yet to have something completely original.In India till early 90’s production of animation films were not so easy.Apart from the
economic factors that have limited the scope of expansion, an essential link has been
missing to convert inputs into quality output. There is absence of a strong philosophy to
define animation in India.
What we need to understand is that radical thinking is extremely important in animation and
film designing.It is a matter of pride that we have animated films that are based on
characters in folklore and mythology but it is easy to spot elements of Bambi, Shrek or
some Disney works in Indian productions.
What we lack is better professional training in
this field.Training must encourage original and out-of-the-box thinking.Only when we have
more original thinkers can we expect the industry to reach newer heights in global scenario. And at the same time what is most important for us is learn to appreciate the art of
animated storytelling as it is one the most powerful tool of STORYTELLING.This Workshop intends to share with the participants the art of appreciating this minority
art and also discover the storyteller within and apply it as a short exercise to experience
the art.
With the boom of animation industry in India, the demand for good professionals is also
high but due to various factors 日夏养花网we are not able to cope with the global standards of
animation work. Here in this workshop we try to explore those ‘WHY’ and touch upon the
360 degree approach of animation to understand ‘quality animation’
18-www.rixia.cc22 2008年2月
电影观众可能无法知道的副本,从原先的1 。印度动画电影
这方面的工作。培训要鼓励原始和列- - -方块思想。只有当我们
360度的做法,动画,了解'质量动画' 。
18-www.rixia.cc22 2008年2月
电影观众可能无法知道的副本,从原先的1 。印度动画电影
这方面的工作。培训要鼓励原始和列- - -方块思想。只有当我们
360度的做法,动画,了解'质量动画' 。
动画故事-欣赏动画艺术五天设计研讨会18-22 2008年2月引进是有动画的繁荣国家。今天,动画,不只是局限于几个商业广告。全球工业已走过了漫长的道路,自丛林中的书。不过,印度的动画电影的观众还不很成熟。它是比较容易电影院观众批评一部电影为方向,摄影和其他方面的电影制作。但动画电影的观众可能无法知道的副本,从原先的1 。印度动画电影尚未有完全的原。在印度,直至90年代初生产的动画电影人,也不那么容易。除了经济因素有有限的范围扩大,一个重要的联系一直下落不明,转换的投入,高质量的输出。有没有一个强有力的哲学.我们需要理解的是,激进的思想是非常重要的,在动画和电影的设计。这是一件值得骄傲,我们的动画电影是基于字符的民间传说和神话,但它是容易被发现的要素小鹿斑比,史瑞克或一些迪士尼工程在印度制作。我们缺乏的是更好的专业训练,在这一领域。培训要鼓励原始和列- - -方块思想。只有当我们有更多的原创的思想家,我们能期望业达到新的高度,在全球的情况。并在同一时间,什么是最重要的是我们是学会欣赏艺术的动画故事,因为这是一个最强大的工具的故事。这次研讨会的打算与大家分享参加者的艺术欣赏,这少数人的艺术,也发现故事内部和运用它作为短期工作经验的艺术。理与蓬勃发展的动画产业在印度,需求良好的专业人士也很高,但由于各种因素,我们无法以应付全球标准的动画工作。在这里,在这次研讨会我们努力探索这些'为什么'和触摸后, 360度的做法,动画,了解'质量动画' 。
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