


2021-10-21 00:01:04 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:71


在二战至今不到六十年的时间里,世界经济格局却发生了三次重大演变,每一次演变都给世界产生了巨大的影响。 一.第一次:美国成为资本主义世界经济霸主(战后初期至70年代) 原因: 二战使西欧各国遭到严重削弱, 美国远离战场,没有受到战争的破坏,在战争中通过贷款、出卖武器、后勤物资等,获取了大量财富。 战后,美国大力拓展世界市场,应用最新科学技术成果,革新生产技术,发展新兴工业,促进了经济的稳定发展。美国资产阶级还向世界各地输出资本,扩大海外市场,赚取高额利润。 表现: 美国拥有最雄厚的工业实力,到50年代中期,全世界一半以上的商品是美国生产的。黄金储备也最丰富。在战后传统的以英镑为中心的资本主义世界货币体系难以维持的情况下,美国将美元与黄金挂钩,其他资本主义国家货币与美元挂钩,建立了以美元为中心的资本主义世界货币制度——“布雷顿森林体系”。此外,美国还倡导和成立了关税与贸易总协定。 影响: 美国利用其强大的经济势力,不断对世界各国特别是西欧各国、日本等进行渗透,企图控制这些国家。通过“布雷顿森林体系”和关税与贸易总协定控制国际金融和世界市场,使西欧、日本等国不得不唯美国马首是瞻。美国还凭借其经济势力,大肆推行强权主义政策,使整日夏养花网个世界动荡不安,难以稳定。 二.第二次:世界经济向多极化方向演变(70年代前期至80年代后期) 原因: 经过短暂的恢复后,主要资本主义国家在加强国际经济联系的同时,充分利用现代科学技术的先进成果,提高劳动生产率,发展新兴产业。各国政府还纷纷加强对经济的宏观指导,积极发展国家垄断资本主义,利用国家的力量推动资本主义经济的发展。西欧国家凭借原有的经济技术基础,大力发展本国经济。1973年,中东产油国大幅度提高石油价格,引发了资本主义世界战后最严重的一次经济危机。经济危机使美国经济出现衰退,危机结束以后,又进入“滞涨”阶段。资本主义国家经济发展不平衡,欧洲共同体国家和日本在许多领域赶上和超过美国。 表现: 日本和欧洲共同体同美国在世界市场上展开激烈的竞争。以美元为中心的资本主义世界货币体系——布雷顿森林体系解体。西欧国家和日本的崛起,逐渐形成了资本主义世界美、日、西欧三足鼎立的局面。美国由世界上最大的债权国变为最大的债务国。 影响: 西欧国家和日本的崛起,严重动摇了美国的世界霸主地位,使美国即使在美苏争霸中也一度处于守势。美、日、西欧三足鼎立局面的出现,冲击了美苏两极的世界格局,使世界政治经济格局朝着多极化方向发展。 同时,发展中国家与发达国家的差距进一步拉大,其利益冲突,甚至对抗不断发生。 三、世界经济呈现经济全球化和区域经济集团化趋势(90年代至今) 原因: 1、在以信息技术为基础的新技术革命的推动下,世界经济得到极大发展。市场经济制度在全球范围内得到普遍认可和接受。冷战的结束为经济全球化创造了有利的国际环境,国际协调机制不断加强,成为经济全球化发展的必要条件,而国际金融和跨国公司的发展,又加快了经济全球化趋势的出现。在经济全球化趋势日益增强的情况下,为维护自身利益,增强国家在世界贸易中的竞争力,区域经济集团化趋势出现。 表现: 世界各国的经济合作进一步加深,联系日益紧密,跨国公司控制着世界生产总值的三分之一,成为世界经济领域的重要特征。1997年,东南亚爆发金融危机,使许多国家遭受巨大损失,1995年世界贸易组织正式运转,欧洲联盟、北美自由贸易区和亚太经济合作组织等三大区域经济集团出现,都是世界经济新变化的有力证据。 影响: 经济全球化使发达资本主义国家在全球范围内开始了新一轮扩展。它一方面给发展中国家带来了发展的机遇,但另一方面也使发展中国家面临空前压力和挑战,其经营风险也越来越大。同时,还给一些国家的社会稳定、地区和平带来了威胁。 区域经济集团化则促进了参加国经济发展,将进一步推动贸易自由化,也有利于世界政治、经济多极化的形成。但区域经济集团化的发展也使新的贸易保护主义有所抬头,同时也加剧了地区间的不平衡发展。 经济科技领域的国际竞争加快了知识经济的兴起和发展,知识经济的兴起和发展是经济全球化的产物,反过来又进一步推动经济全球化进程。


from three stagern1.the gold standard systemrn2.the bretton wood systemrn3.the flating syswww.rixia.cctem-now
国际经济的发展史表明,一种货币在国际货币体系中的位置ZwOYUexOky重要,经济实力强,币值稳定性好,外汇储备的依存度就低,反之...众所周知,美元霸主地位的确立,是因国际货币体系变迁的缘故。美元霸权,是建立在稳定发展的经济实力之上的。(The international economy history indicated,One kind of currency is important in international currency system position,Economic potentiality,The currency value stability is good,The foreign exchange reserve degree of dependency is low,Otherwise...It is well known,US dollar hegemonic position establishment,Is bwww.rixia.ccecause the international currency system vicissitude reason. US dollar hegemony,Is the establishment in above the stable development economic potentiality.)



(Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Vice Committee Chief Cheng Siwei believed that, the world currency system changes US dollar which brings with the gold to get unhooked, the exchange rate free fluctuation, the information technology rapid development, the financial tool and the financial system innovation and the development, is the financial stock superior development three big impetuses factor.

"Along with the financial globalization unceasing development, the financial risk propagation velocity is more and more quick, might speak of has pulled round but to move the whole body the situation. In this kind of situation, China's financial system faced with the huge challenge, "Cheng Siwei said. He believed that, this challenge mainly displays in the financial system efficiency and should to the risk ability in, "we in are specially take refuge from danger on the tool using the financial tool to lack the experience, this has created our country directly in on international financial competitive power weakness."

In fact, in the Chinese inland capital market history never has appeared the financial growing form by no means. The last century 90's, the exchange rate stock, the national debt stock and the stock referred to the stock once separately "enters the political arena" in Shanghai and Hainan. However, because the stock market is not mature, the supervising and managing main body is not clear about, between the exchange the malignant competition, the company controls from the inside the mechanism to lack, as well as the legal laws and regulations are not perfect and so on the reason, these attempts finally all by is defeated comes to an end.)



也就是 金本位制 》 布雷顿森林体系 》 牙买加体系


The History of Money

Money is anything that is commonly accepted by a group of people for the exchange of goods, services, or resources. Every country has its own system of coins and paper money.
Bartering and Commodity Money
In the beginning, people bartered. Barter is the exchange of a good or service for another good or service, a bag of rice for a bag of beans. However, what if you couldn't agree what somethihttp://www.rixia.ccng was worth in exchange or you didn't want what the other person had. To solve that problem humans developed what is called commodity money.
A commodity is a basic item used by almost everyone. In the past, salt, tea, tobacco, cattle and seeds were commodities and therefore were once used as money. However, using commodities as money had other problems. Carrying bags of salt and other commodities was hard, and commodities were difficult to store or were perishable.

Coins and Paper Money
Metals objects were introduced as money around 5000 B.C. By 700 BC, the Lydians became the first in the Western world to make coins. Countries were soon minting their own series of coins with specific values. Metal was used because it was readily available, easy to work with and could be recycled. Since coins were given a certain value, it became easier to compare the cost of items people wanted.
Some of the earliest known paper money dates back to China, where the issue of paper money became common from about AD 960 onwards.

Representative Money
With the introduction of paper currency and non-precious coinage, commodity money evolved into representative money. This meant that what money itself was made of no longer had to be very valuable.
Representative money was backed by a government or bank's promise to exchange it for a certain amount of silver or gold. For example, the old British Pound bill or Pound Sterling was once guaranteed to be redeemable for a pound of sterling silver.

For most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the majority of currencies were based on representative money through the use of the gold standard.

Fiat Money
Representative money has now been replaced by fiat money. Fiat is the Latin word for "let it be done". Money is now given value by a government fiat or decree, in other words enforceable legal tender laws were made. By law the refusal of "legal tender" money in favor of some other form of payment is illegal.

The origin of the "$" money sign is not certain. Many historians trace the $ money sign to either the Mexican or Spanish "P's" for pesos, or piastres, or pieces of eight. The study of old manuscripts shows that the "S," gradually came to be written over the "P," looking very much like the "$" mark.

U.S. Money Trivia
On March 10, 1862 the first United States paper money was issued. The denominations were $5, $10, and $20. They became legal tender by Act of March 17, 1862. The inclusion of "In God We Trust" on all currency was required by law in 1955. The national motto first appeared on paper money in 1957 on $1 Silver Certificates, and on all Federal Reserve Notes beginning with Series 1963.

Electronic Banking
ERMA began as a project for the Bank of America in an effort to computerize the banking industry. MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) was part of ERMA. MICR allowed computers to read special numbers at the bottom of checks that allowed computerized tracking and accounting of check transactions.


本文标题: 有谁能找到一篇关于货币体系的发展历史的英文文章啊
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