


2021-10-08 16:58:57 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:125

哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下啊 急急!!

The impact of addition chrysanthemum powder over egg use species cock crop , cecum content thing and middle excrement pH value adds different thickness chrysanthemum powder in fodder grain in egg use species cock daily ration, by the fact that the analytical admeasurement tries chicken crop content thing , cecum content thing and chicken excrement pH value and their change law, basis choosing the pink feed additive of right thickness chrysanthemum as the hen for egg laying in feeding providing idea. The experiment selects and uses 29 brown species of 40 Zhou Ling Highland cock , the random divides 5 set, experiment 1 ~ 4 group , 6 per set, collation forms 5. Collation group fodder feeds with the basis daily ration , tests that chrysanthemum adding 0.5% , 1.0% , 1.5% and 2.0% respectively in the daily ration in basis of group turns to powder , tests the scheduled time 25 day. Study fodder grain is hit by an impact of addition chrysanthemum powder over egg use species cock crop , cecum content thing and middle excrement pH value. Result is indicated: Pink chrysanthemum pair of hens for egg laying crop pH effect is not obvious, 0.155 0.247 , 5.667 +/-1.060 , 4.767 +/-0.576 , 4.117 +/-sum testing that the group and collation form chicken crop pH difference for 4.285 +/-4.545 +/-0.219; The hen for egg laying adds chrysanthemum powder in the daily ration , can make the cecum pH notable cominglDVacuaXSe down, the cecum pH comes down when pink chrysanthemum addition amounts are 1.5% being most notable , the pH testing 1 ~ 4 group and contrasting a cecum is 7.457 +/-respectively 0.412 , 7.450 +/-0.261 , 7.173 +/-0.310 , 7.450 +/-0.370 and 8.120 +/-0.148; Add chrysanthemum powder in the daily ration , can make the chicken excrement pH be worth coming down as a whole, the excrement pH adding thickness especially in order 2.0% pink chrysanthemum fodder grain fodder feeds with 10 climatic condition is worth obvious lessening. Conclusion: In hen for egg laying daily ration, proper pink chrysanthemum additive amounts are 1.5%. Hen for egg laying; The chrysanthemum turns to powder; Crop; Cecum content thing; PH value is sure not to use translation implement , is reading be entangled with


Our findings point toward two general conclusions. One is that portraits of a malpractice system that is stricken with frivolous litigation are overblown. Although one third of the claims we examined did not involve errors, most of these went unpaid. The costs of defending against them were not trivial. Nevertheless, eliminating the claims that did not involve errors would have decreased the direct system costs by no more than 13 percent (excluding close calls) to 16 percent (including close calls). In other words, disputing and paying for errors account for the lionx27s share of malpractice costs. A second conclusion is that the malpractice system performs reasonably well in its function of separating claims without merit from those with merit and compensating the latter. In a sense, our findings lend support to this view: three quarters of the litigation outcomes were concordant with the merits of the claim.rnHowever, both of these general conclusions obscure several troubling aspects of the systemx27s performance. Although the number of claims without merit that resulted in compensation was fairly small, the converse form of inaccuracy ― claims associated with error and injury that did not result in compensation ― was substantially more common. One in six claims involved errors and received no payment. The plaintiffs behind such unrequited claims must shoulder the substantial economic and noneconomic burdens that flow from preventable injury.33,34 Moreover, failure to pay claims involving error adds to a larger phenomenon of underpayment generated by the vast number of negligent injuries that never surface as claims.10,11rnIn addition, enthusiasm about the precision of the malpractice system must be tempered by recognition of its costs. Among the claims we examined, the average time between injury and resolution was five years, and one in three claims took six years or more to resolve. These are long periods for plaintiffs to await decisions about compensation and for defendants to endure the uncertainty, acrimony, and time away from patient care that litigation entails.rnIn monetary terms, the systemx27s overhead costs are exorbitant. The combination of defense costs and standard contingency fees charged by plaintiffsx27 attorneys (35 percent of the indemnity payment) brought the total costs of litigating the claims in our sample to 54 percent of the compensation paid to plaintiffs. The fact that nearly 80 percent of these administrative expenses were absorbed in the resolution of claims that involved harmful errors suggests that moves to combat frivolous litigation will have a limited effect on total costs. Substantial savings depend on reforms that improve the systemx27s efficiency in the handling of reasonable claims for compensation.






我司需要在德国法兰克福投资成立分公司,名称为:XXXXX. rn在德国公司的注册过程中,我司向德方提供了中国工商局出具的营业执照、法人身份证明等相关文件(已加盖惠州工商局印章的复印件),rn但对方同时要求德国驻中国领事馆对以上文件及公司法人(持新加坡护照)身份进行证明。rn rn请协助!rnrnrn翻译好后再多加分。。万分感谢啊!!
Our company requires setting up a branch company in Frankfurt, German. The name is XXXXX.
In the middle of the company registration procedure in German, we provided the business license issued by China Industry and Commerce Bureau, identity certification of legal representative, and other related documents (the copies with the seals of Huizhou Industry and Commerce Bureau).
However, German Staffs require that the German Consulate in China shall provide certification for those documents and identity of the lewww.rixia.ccgal representative (who has Singapore passport).
Thanks for your cooperation.
P.S. 楼主文中表述的“法人”一词似乎有误。法人是指“依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织”,并非独立的个人。按楼主的意思,持有新加坡护照的必是自然人,故应称为“法人代表”。


我朋友过几天要来英国, 因为她办的是个人旅游签证, 没有跟团。她又不会说英文。 所以我需要写一些信息让她入境的时候给海关看。方便她入境! 请大家帮忙专业的翻译一下。 亲爱的先生/女士: 这位女士(***)是我的好朋友, ... 我朋友过几天要来英国, 因为她办的是个人旅游签证, 没有跟团。她又不会说英文。 所以我需要写一些信息让她入境的时候给海关看。方便她入境! 请大家帮忙专业的翻译一下。 亲爱的先生/女士: 这位女士(***)是我的好朋友, 因为她的英文不好,所以我附上这张说明。 她在英国旅游的期间行程会由我安排, 她会和我住在一起并有我照顾她. 以下是我的联系方式 地址:*** 电话:*** 谢谢.(这边要写谢谢还是要写其他的?麻烦请顺便翻译) 展开 请问最后的慰问语写Best regards合适吗? 因为是给海关人员看的,如果不妥当应该写什么?


只有三个人的四人宿舍rn第一幕:三个人的谈论rn旁白:一个炎热的深夜,一个女生四人宿舍关了灯,3个女生都睡不着,兴致勃勃的谈论起故事。rnA:好热啊,你们睡了吗?rnB:没有,太热了。rnC:不如我们聊天吧。rnA:好啊!我们来讲鬼故事吧!rnB:说道这个,我想起来了,你们听说过这个宿舍闹过鬼吗?rnC:啊!不会吧?rnA:好像我也听说过,听说她是因www.rixia.cc为失恋才自杀的,具体的情况我不是很清楚。她望了望那张空床,指着它继续说:不过还真奇怪,为什么我们住进来这么久,那张床都始终空着,学校为什么不安排人进来住呢?rnB:听说是跟她玩的很好的一个朋友抢了她男朋友,她受不了打击自杀了。难道~~~~?rn旁白:突然一阵微风吹过,吓得C缩成了一团:不要讲啦,睡觉吧。rn另外两个女生大笑:你真胆小。rn旁白:C扯过被子盖着头,不敢吱声,A,B轻笑。三人进入了梦乡。旁边那张空床仍然没有人。rn 第二幕 鬼的出现rn旁白:午夜时分,天空一阵惊雷,一阵风呼啸而过,窗外开始下起大雨。三个女生被惊醒了。突然放假的灯自动打开了,一会又自动熄灭了。宿舍的空气开始漂浮着不安的气氛,大家都似乎在强顶着心上发毛的异样感都不敢吱声。rnD(鬼):还是自己的床比较舒服。那张空床摇晃了一下,发出刺耳的陌生的声音。rnB,C啊的一声缩成了一团。rnA:谁?谁在讲话?你是谁?rnD:我是这张床的主人,哼哼哼哼~~~没想到出去巡游了一阵还有人在。你们好大胆,这里都几年没有人住了,没想到学校还是不舍得荒废这间宿舍,还要安排学生进来住。rnA:大声道:莫非你就是那个曾经住在这个宿舍的后来自杀的那个女生?rnD:没错。B,C大叫:啊~~~~~~声音开始嘶哑。D接着说:但你们不要害怕。开始悲伤的哭泣道:我只是想让你们帮我个忙。帮完之后我就永远不再出现。这么多年了,都没有人能帮到我,我不甘心离去。rnA:要怎么帮你呢?rnD越哭越伤心:你们说我是自杀的饿,其实我是被她杀的。那天,她来到我宿舍,拿了一瓶牛奶给我,说是给我赔礼,她退出。但你们知道吗?她的牛奶有毒。rnA:我怎么相信你。rnD:太像了饿,她也是这么说的。rn旁白:一阵风吹过,雨停了。屋里窗外一片寂静。三人又慢慢进入梦乡。、rn 第三幕 结局rn旁白:天亮了,B,C同时睁开眼睛起床,突然发现A的床边和身上满是血迹,血印中放着一张相片。rn谢幕:一起说:请注意:白天不要说人,晚上不要说鬼。
Only three of the four quarters
The first scene: three people talk about
Narrator: a hot night, a girl dormitory off four lights, three girls can't sleep, cheerfully about the story.
A: well, you slept heat?
B: no, it's too hot.
C: why don't we talk.
A: good! We tell a ghost story!
B: well, I want to say, you heard the dormitory a ghost seen?
C: ah! Can't?
A: as I also heard that she was brokenhearted, only suicide, specific situation I am not very clear. She peered at the empty bed, as it is to say: true oddness, but also why we live in so long, the bed is always empty, why don't arrange people in school?
B: that's good to play with her friend rob her boyfriend, she can't stand against himself. Don't ~ ~ ~ ~?
Narrator: all of a sudden breeze, frighten C shrinkage one regiment: do not speak, sleep.
Two other girls laughed: you really shy.
Narrator: C pulled over his head, quilt www.rixia.cccover, A, B into light laugh. Three asleep. Beside the bed still empty no one.
The second meeting of the ghost
Narrator: the midnight sky, a JingLei, wind roared, lDVacuaXSewindow began to rain. Three girls were awakened. Suddenly the lights turned off, and automatic out. Dormitory air floating unrest began in the atmosphere, everyone seems strong braved the strange feeling all heart wool into.
D (ghost) : still own bed is comfortable. The empty bed a jolt, harsh strange voice.
B, C o a shrink one regiment.
A: who? Who in the speech? Who are you?
D: I am the master of beds, hem hum ~ ~ ~ thought out there in a parade. Hello, here are a few, but no man living is not willing to waste this school dormitory, arrange students to live in.
A: have you loudly way: is that once lived in the dormitory later suicide that girl?
D: that's right. B, C shout loudly: oh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hoarse voice. D: but then said, have no fear. Start sad cry: I just want to let you do me a favor. Help, I would never finished. So many years, no one can help to me, I am not ready.
A: how can I help you?
D: the more sad cry ye say I was hungry, I actually committed suicide by her death is. On that day, she came to my room and took a bottle of milk to me, saying, give me an exit. But you know what? Her milk toxic.
A: how can I believe you.
D: that's like a hungry, she say so.
Narrator: the wind blowing, the rain stopped. The window was silent. Three again slowly falling asleep. ,
The end curtain
Narrator: morning, B, C and opened his eyes, and suddenly found A up on the bed and full blood, put the XieYin photo.
Fixed: say together: please note: don't say one day, night don't say ghosts.
The first scene: three people talk about
Narrator: a hot night, a girl dormitory off four lights, three girls can't sleep, cheerfully about the story.
A: well, you slept heat?
B: no, it's too hot.
C: why don't we talk.
A: good! We tell a ghost story!
B: well, I want to say, you heard the dormitory a ghost seen?
C: ah! Can't?
A: as I also heard that she was brokenhearted, only suicide, specific situation I am not very clear. She peered at the empty bed, as it is to say: true oddness, but also why we live in so long, the bed is always empty, why don't arrange people in school?
B: that's good to play with her friend rob her boyfriend, she can't stand against himself. Don't ~ ~ ~ ~?
Narrator: all of a sudden breeze, frighten C shrinkage one regiment: do not speak, sleep.
Two other girls laughed: you really shy.
Narrator: C pulled over his head, quilt cover, A, B into light laugh. Three asleep. Beside the bed still empty no one.
The second meeting of the ghost
Narrator: the midnight sky, a JingLei, wind roared, window began to rain. Three girls were awakened. Suddenly the lights turned off, and automatic out. Dormitory air floating unrest began in the atmosphere, everyone seems strong braved the strange feeling all heart wool into.
D (ghost) : still own bed is comfortable. The empty bed a jolt, harsh strange voice.
B, C o a shrink one regiment.
A: who? Who in the speech? Who are you?
D: I am the master of beds, hem hum ~ ~ ~ thought out there in a parade. Hello, here are a few, but no man living is not willing to waste this school dormitory, arrange students to live in.
A: have you loudly way: is that once lived in the dormitory later suicide that girl?
D: that's right. B, C shout loudly: oh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hoarse voice. D: but then said, have no fear. Start sad cry: I just want to let you do me a favor. Help, I would never finished. So many years, no one can help to me, I am not ready.
A: how can I help you?
D: the more sad cry ye say I was hungry, I actually committed suicide by her death is. On that day, she came to my room and took a bottle of milk to me, saying, give me an exit. But you know what? Her milk toxic.
A: how can I believe you.
D: that's like a hungry, she say so.
Narrator: the wind blowing, the rain stopped. The window was silent. Three again slowly falling asleep. ,
The end curtain
Narrator: morning, B, C and opened his eyes, and suddenly found A up on the bed and full blood, put the XieYin photo.
Fixed: say together: please note: don't say one day, night don't say ghosts.

文章标签: 生石花

本文标题: 请教英语高手帮帮给我翻译一下!急急急急急!!!!!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/172814.html





