谁能帮我把下面专业名字翻译成英文rnrn零钱袋 rn公文包 rnCD包 rn登山背包rn文件袋 rn购物袋 rn洗衣袋 rn化妆袋 rn旅行袋 rn背包 rn书包 rn腰包 rn手提电脑袋 rnPVC袋rn冰袋 rn眼罩 rn拉杆袋rn盒子套rn胶袋 rn工具袋rn高尔夫球包 rn女装包楼上的太不用心了
零钱袋 purse
公文包 briefcase
CD包 cd package
登山背包 mountain-climbing backpack
文件袋 file packet
购物袋 shopping bag
洗衣袋 washing Bag
化妆袋 beauty case
旅行袋 travel bag
背包 backpack
书包 school bag
腰包 waist pack
手提电脑袋 handbook bag
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 goggles
拉杆袋 Trolley
盒子套 box coverage
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tools kit
高尔夫球包 golf package
女装包 lady's bag
零钱袋 purse
公文包 briefcase
CD包 cd package
登山背包 mountain-climbing backpack
文件袋 file packet
购物袋 shopping bag
洗衣袋 washing Bag
化妆袋 beauty case
旅行袋 travel bag
背包 backpack
书包 school bag
腰包 waist pack
手提电脑袋 handbook bag
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 goggles
拉杆袋 Trolley
盒子套 box coverage
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tools kit
高尔夫球包 golf package
女装包 lady's bag
零钱袋 Zero Purse
公文包 Briefcase
CD包 CD package
登山背包 Mountaineering knapsack
文件袋 Dispatch case
购物袋 Shopping bag
洗衣袋 Washes the pocket
化妆袋 Puts on make-up the bag
旅行袋 Travel bag
背包 Knapsack
书包 Book bag
腰包 Belt-bag
手提电脑袋 Portable electricity head
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 Blinkers eyeshade
拉杆袋 Tension bar bag
盒子套 box set of
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tool bag
高尔夫球包 Golf package of
女装包 female packaging
公文包 Briefcase
CD包 CD package
登山背包 Mountaineering knapsack
文件袋 Dispatch case
购物袋 Shopping bag
洗衣袋 Washes the pocket
化妆袋 Puts on make-up the bag
旅行袋 Travel bag
背包 Knapsack
书包 Book bag
腰包 Belt-bag
手提电脑袋 Portable electricity head
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 Blinkers eyeshade
拉杆袋 Tension bar bag
盒子套 box set of
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tool bag
高尔夫球包 Golf package of
女装包 female packaging
零钱袋 Zero Purse
公文包 Briefcase
CD包 CD package
登山背包 Mountaineering knapsack
文件袋 Dispatch case
购物袋 Shopping bag
洗衣袋 Washes the pocket
化妆袋 Puts on make-up the bag
旅行袋 Travel bag
背包 Knapsack
书包 Book bag
腰包 Belt-bag
手提电脑袋 Portable electricity head
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 Blinkers eyeshade
拉杆袋 Tension bar bag
盒子套 box set of
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tool bag
高尔夫球包 Golf package of
女装包 female packaging
公文包 Briefcase
CD包 CD package
登山背包 Mountaineering knapsack
文件袋 Dispatch case
购物袋 Shopping bag
洗衣袋 Washes the pocket
化妆袋 Puts on make-up the bag
旅行袋 Travel bag
背包 Knapsack
书包 Book bag
腰包 Belt-bag
手提电脑袋 Portable electricity head
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 Blinkers eyeshade
拉杆袋 Tension bar bag
盒子套 box set of
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tool bag
高尔夫球包 Golf package of
女装包 female packaging
零钱袋 Zero Purse
公文包 Briefcase
CD包 CD package
登山背包 Mountaineering knapsack
文件袋 DiQOZMhASpVYspatch case
购物袋 Shopping bag
洗衣袋 Washes the pocket
化妆袋 Puts on make-up the bag
旅行袋 Travel bag
背包 Knapsack
书包 Book bag
腰包 Belt-bag
手提电脑袋 Portable electricity head
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 Blinkers eyeshade
拉杆袋 Tension bar bag
盒子套 box set of
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tool bag
高尔夫球包 Golf package of
公文包 Briefcase
CD包 CD package
登山背包 Mountaineering knapsack
文件袋 DiQOZMhASpVYspatch case
购物袋 Shopping bag
洗衣袋 Washes the pocket
化妆袋 Puts on make-up the bag
旅行袋 Travel bag
背包 Knapsack
书包 Book bag
腰包 Belt-bag
手提电脑袋 Portable electricity head
PVC袋 PVC bag
冰袋 Ice bag
眼罩 Blinkers eyeshade
拉杆袋 Tension bar bag
盒子套 box set of
胶袋 plastic bag
工具袋 tool bag
高尔夫球包 Golf package of
老板不愿透露姓名所以称为‘Q’。老板是一位中年的职业女性。性格开朗,做事谨慎并且很有头脑。老板为了让孩子和老人有舒适的生活,所以投资(具体投资数据不祥)开了这家公司。有了这家公司后,就越来越喜欢这一行业了。Q is a middle-aged career woman.She is pleasant, cautious and smart.In order to make a better life for her kids and parents, she invested and established this company.( specific investment is unavailable), with this company, she has beQOZMhASpVYcome increasingly interested in this industry.
Boss not to be named so called 'Q'. The owner is a middle-aged career women. Open person doing things very carefully and minds. Boss To allow children and the elderly have a comfortable life, so investment (specific investment data ominous) opened this company. With this company, it is more like the industry.
We called the boss as "Q", for she do not want to unveil her name. She is a middle aged vocational woman with a broad, discreet and clever mind. Because she wanted that her children and old men have a cozy日夏养花网 life, she invested the company(the specifhttp://www.rixia.ccic investment data do not know). After owned the company, she became more and more fond of the work.
Boss is not willing to disclose the name therefore is called ' Q '. Boss is a middle-aged professional female. Is cheerful, works discretely and has the brains very much. Boss in order to let the child and the old person has the comfortable life, therefore the investment (concrete investment data was unlucky) has had this family company. After had this family company, more and more liked this profession.
Friends how long can stayWhy you just leaveIn the end is not the result of a loveI also would like him?sad to live with Recalled toreplace missing Secret love missed in waiting Ten years ago years laterLoneliness that I am tried If I was a boyI lost my loveI lost my heartI lost my happinessI lost myselfthe only thrown away only memoriesI do not understand many of the original originalI will learn to give you because I love you rn rn就是这个,如果翻译对的话追加40分朋友可以维持多久,最后你离开的原因并不是不喜欢他。10年前,悲伤的生活,在等待中迷失自己,十年后孤独,我试着如果我还是个小男孩时,我失去了我的心灵。失去了我的快乐,失去了自己。唯一扔掉只有记忆。不懂最初该给你什么,因为我爱你
本文标题: 谁能帮忙翻译一下,英文翻译
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/168998.html