


2021-09-29 00:18:46 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:128

中译英 大家帮帮忙翻译一下啊

发现能让人感觉到生活的幸福与美好。一个人如果缺乏发现美的能力,那么他的生活将会是麻木的,将会看不到任何的憧憬,任何的希望。rn 发现还是人类进步的动力。神农发现了茶叶;威廉吉尔伯特发现了电;居里夫人发现了镭;亚历山大弗莱明发现了青霉素。发现推动了科学和医学的进步,造就了我们现在的高质量生活。rn 就个人来说,具有善于发日夏养花网现的能力能帮助自己走向成功。发现能让人们抓住机遇,躲避危险。就像自然界一样,狮子如果缺乏发现的能力,将会饿死;兔子、鹿、羊等动物如果缺乏发现的能力,将会被吃掉,会被弱肉强食的自然界淘汰掉。
Found that can let a person feel the happiness of life and good. If a person lack of ability to find beauty, so his life would be a numb, will see any hope, any hope.
Found in human progress or power. Shen nong discovered tea; William gilbert discovered electricity; Madame Curie discovered the radium; Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. Found that promote the progress of science and medicine, make us now of high quality life.
Personally, have good at finding ability can help yourself to success. Found to allow people to seize the opportunity, away from danger. Like nature, as if lack of the ability of a lion found, will starve to death; The rabbit, deer, sheep and other animals found if lack of ability, will be eaten, will be the law of the jungle of the natural eliminated.
Found that can let a person feel the happiness of life and good. If a person lack of ability to find beauty, so his life would be a numb, will see any hope, any hope.
Found in human progress or power. Shen nong discoverewww.rixia.ccd tea; William gilbert discovered electricity; Madame Curie discovered the radium; Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. Found that promote the progress of science and medicine, make us now of high quality life.
Personally, have good at finding ability can help yourself to success. Found to allow people to seize the opportunity, away from danger. Like nature, as if lack of the ability of a lion found, will starve to death; The rabbit, deer, sheep and other animals found if lack of ability, will ?
Found in human progress or power. Shen nong discovered tea; William gilbert discovered electricity; Madame Curie discovered the radium; Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. Found that promote the progress of science and medicine, make us now of high quality life.
Personally, have good at finding ability can help yourself to success. Found to allow people to seize the opportunity, away from danger. Like nature, as if lack of the ability of a lion found, will starve to death; The rabbit, deer, sheep and other animals found if lack of ability will ?

大家帮帮忙 翻译一下!!!!!

Mr.Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals.But first he had no enough money, and then he was married.His wife had not wanted him to leave her.At last his wife agreed日夏养花网 to the trip if he allowed her to go, too. “But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr.Jones warned her, “ It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it may be dangerous.”“I don’t care,” said his wife, “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator(电冰箱)which did not need electricity and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the middle of Africa. The first morning, before Mr.Jones took his gun and left the tent, he gave his wife a bell and explained to her , “If you fall in danger and you need me , ring this bell and I’ll come at once.” After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned quickly to the tent.“What’s the matter?” he asked.“ Nothing ” said his wife, “I was only trying the bell.” Mr.Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang again . Mr.Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “I’m sorry .I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.” Mr.Jones returned to his hunting , but soon he heard the bell once more.This time, when he got back to his camp , the tent was burning and Mrs.Jones was lying on the ground, with biood running from a big cut on her shoulder.“That’s better!” said Mrs.Jones.“This time the bell had been used correctly!x27x27


弈秋,通国之善弈者也.使弈秋诲二人弈,其一人专心致志,惟弈秋之为听;一人 虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而 射之.虽与之俱 学,弗若之矣.为是其智弗若与?曰:非然也.

Yi Qiu, the Shin-Yi country also. Autumn dubious duo to Yi Yi, one person dedicated, but Yi to listen to the autumn; Although the hearing of a person bent combined with the approach that there Che-hung, thinking arch payment assistance and thjygfAcUMee radio. Though and in both studies, mandrax if the. for its unwise and mandrax if? said: also-ran.



本文标题: 大家帮帮忙翻译一下!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/168163.html





