


2021-09-10 04:18:40 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:109


Thank you for your help.
He pretends to be innocent.
Did you do as I told?
This river winds its way into the sea.
With many people walking through, a road has come into being in the field.
After dinner, he left in a hurry.
It rained heavily, while he was sound sleep in the tent.
I go the good news as soon as I arrived in the office.
The owner of the house is an ancient myths believer.
The woman is my teacher, whose daughter has won a prize at the Olympics.
My advise does not work for him.
Liu Qian said he can make a flower out of a stone.
On my way to work, there was something wrong with my car.
Thank you for your help.
He pretends to be innocent.
Did you do as I told you?
The river winds down to the sea.
Many people stepped on the fileds, so there comes into a road .
They left in a hurry after a dinner.
They were sleeping soundly in the tent while it was raining heavily outside.
I got good news as soon as I reached the office..
The owner of the house is a believer in ancient myths.
That woman is my teacher whose daughter has won the award in the Olympic Games.
My suggestion works no use on him.
Liu Qian said he can turn stones into flowers.
My car got some trouble on my way to office.
We thank you for your help.

He pretended he was innocent.

You are like I told you to do?

The river winds to the oceans.

Many people pass, a road formed in the field.

A dinner later, they hurried away.

They in tents slept soundly when it was raining heavily outside.

My arrival at the office, he got the news.

The owner of this house is an ancient myth believers.

That woman is my tehttp://www.rixia.ccacher, his daughter had in the Olympic Games win awards.

My advice to he doesn't have any effect.

Liu qian said he could put stones into flower.

On her way to work, my car has trouble.
你可以去 有道 在线免费翻译网
We thank you for your help.
He pretended he was innocent.
You are like I told you to do?
The river winds to the oceans.
Many people pass, a road formed in the field.
A dinner later, they hurried away.
They in tents slept soundly when it was raining heavily outside.
My arrival at the office, he got the news.
The owner of this house is an ancient myth believers.
That woman is my teacher, his daughter had in the Olympic Games win awards.
My advice to he doesn't have any effect.
Liu qian said he could put stones into flower.
On her way to work, my car has trouble.


________ you ________ the Shanghai ___________ __________ the holiday?rn你假期参观了上海博物馆吗?rn ________ LiuTao ________ his ___________ ____________ the holiday?rn刘涛假期看望了他的阿姨吗?rn________ Mike ________ a _________ __________ ________ ________ __________?rn麦克假期抓了一条大鱼吗?rn ________ you __________ _________ __________ ________ ___________ __________?rn你假期呆在家吗?rn ________ you __________ _________ __________ ________ ___________ ?rn你假期在家吗?rn _______________ ________________ your _____________ ____________?rn你国庆节假期过得怎么样日夏养花网?rn ___________ ___________ the weather today?rn 今天天气怎样?rn___________ ___________ your holiday?rn 你假期过得www.rixia.cc如火如何?rn ___________ ___________ your _____________ ?rn你父亲的身体怎样?rn ___________ do you ___________ to Shanghai?rn你怎样去上海?

Did  visit  on

Did visit  aunt  on

Did  catch a big fish on the holiday

Did   stay at home on the holiday

How was   National holiday

How about

How about

How about  father

How   go


1.I feel sorry that I can't join the farewell party.
2.I will hold my birthday party this weekend.
3.The turtle was little and slow but he won the game !
4.How do you use the microwave?
I'm sorry but I'm not available for the farewell party.
I'll hold my birthday party this weekend.
Although the little tortoise was weak and slow ,but he won the game!
How do you use the microwave oven?
1.I'm very sorry that I can't take part in this farewell party.

2.I'm going to have my birthday party this weekend.

3.The turtle has won the race although it was very small and ran very slowly.

4.How do you use the microwave?
1.I am terribly sorry that I can't attend this farewell party.
2.I will hold a birthday party this weekend.
3.Even though this turtle is small in shape and slow in running,he won!
4.How do you use the microwave machine?


9、我不能想象出没有音乐的生活。(a life without...)rn10、你知道树能产生氧气吗?(produce)rn11、我们应该与污染作斗争。(fight against)rn12、运动有益于健康。(be good for)rn13、你能从哪些伞中辨认出你的伞吗?(identify...from)rn14、所有的人都应该遵守交通规则。(obey the traffic rules)rn15、你能帮我从超市买一袋糖果吗?(buy sth for sb)rn16、那些电脑已被连接到网络上了。(be connected to)


I couldn't imagine live a life without music.

Do you know that trees produce oxygen

We should fight against pollution

Can you identify your umbrella from these umbrella

Everyone should obey the traffic rules

Would  you like to buy a packet o日夏养花网f candy for me ?

Those computers have been connected to the internet.



Don't be afraid of making mistakes, nobody will laugh at you.

BeiJing Capital Airport is 2900 meters long, 790 meters wide.

She won't mind helping us to finish the work.

I think that to keep the windows closed in winter is not good for your health.

After repeated discussions after Toni and teachers for a long time, they decided to try out this new idea.

Glad I made great progress in English.

Please you on father's day to my best wishes.

The better your diet, your body more healthy.

In order to protect environment, had better take shopping bags when we go shopping in the supermarket.

This small town in the past pollution is very serious, people can not see the blue sky and breathed in the fresh air.

dont be afrid to make mistake.no one will laugh at u


本文标题: 句子翻译成英文,快快快,急
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/161100.html

上一篇:家父坟上长了很多芦苇 生长的很茂盛,如果说是家门人丁兴旺 可我就一个女儿,还望有风水高手解答




