


2021-09-09 19:39:00 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:158

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其中 责任承担:Taking charge 进谏:Voice 工作绩效:job performance 任务内绩效:task performance 利他:Altruismn谢谢各位英语高手了n你们权当练习英语了n有多少写多少nn随着中国改革开放的持续深入,整个国家也越来越与国际接轨。我国的各类企业与世界一流企业在国内甚至是国际舞台上短兵相接,我们的很多企业都经受住了考验,接近甚至超越其国外的竞争对手。但是,另一些企业却在竞争中处于下风,这固然是诸多因素叠加引起的结果,但这些公司在组织上的先天缺陷却是不可忽视的一大原因。这种缺陷主要是由于我国传统文化中倡导三纲五常衍化成的威权文化以及计划经济体制残余两方面因素形成,其主要表现是企业领导者对企业过度掌控,并且固步自封造成机制僵化,最终的后果就是对环境的适应力不足,应对市场变化迟缓,最终丧失掉竞争力。n而很多优秀的企业其中一个共同点表现就是领导者果断而不专断,关键时刻拥有果敢而坚毅的决策力;但其优秀的品质更表现在培育一种民主、创新的组织氛围,使得组织对环境的反应力空前提升,从而提升了竞争力。但这种民主、创新气氛对组织的影响只是很多理论学者的逻辑推理,假设,还鲜见实证性的研究,缺乏确凿的证据表明其能够切实地影响到组织。n在这样的背景下,进行相关的实证性研究就显得很有必要。n本文在回顾了以往研究的基础上,采用实证研究的方式考察了责任承担与进谏对组织中员工的工作绩效(即任务内绩效)和利他行为的关系。研究主要探究了责任承担对工作绩效的影响、进谏对工作绩效的影响、责任承担对利他的影响、进谏对利他的影响以及进谏对责任承担与工作绩效关系的调节作用和进谏对责任承担与利他关系的调节作用。n本研究首先在回顾了相关文献资料的基础上提出了研究架构及研究假设;然后选取了上海市数家高科技型企业作为研究样本进行问卷调查,并获206份有效数据;在此基础上采用SPSS17.0统计分析工具进行分析并获得结论;最后对结论进行分析讨论。n主要结论如下:n1.责任承担对员工工作绩效有个正向的促进作用,即表现出更多责任承担行为的个体,其工作绩效水平也更高;n2.责任承担对员工组织公民行为有个正向的促进作用,即表现出更多责任承担行为的个体,其利他水平也更高;n3.进谏行为对员工工作绩效有个正向的促进作用,即表现出更多进谏行为的个体,其工作绩效水平也更高;n4.进谏行为对员工的利他没有影响。n5.进谏行为对责任承担与工作绩效的关系有负向调节作用,即表现出更多进谏行为的个体,其责任承担对工作绩效的影响也更低;n6.进谏行为对责任承担与组织公民行为的关系有负向调节作用,即表现出更多进谏行为的个体,其责任承担对利他的影响也更低;n 本研究深化了对责任承担、进谏概念的理解以及探究了他们在组织中的实际作用。有助于管理者认识到责任承担、进谏以及类似行为的对一个组织的重要作用,从而营造一个开放、和谐的工作氛围,建设富有创新性的组织环境。最终在市场竞争中能够脱颖而出。
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With the continued deepening of China's reform and opening up, more and more throughout the country and international standards.Corporations in China and the world's leading enterprises in hand-to-hand combat on the national stage, or even on the international stage,many of our companies have stood the test, close to or even exceeded its foreign competitors.However, other companies are in competition in a downwind, this is the result of overlay the many factors causing, but these companies ahttp://www.rixia.ccre in the Organization of a large cause of birth defect, which can't be neglected.This defect is mainly due to China's traditional culture advocate in the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues - derived into authoritarian culture and formation of residual planned economic system to two factors, its main manifestation is the leader on excessive control over the enterprise, and stand still causing rigid mechanism, the ultimate consequence is the lack of adaptation to the environment, respond to market changes slowly, and eventually lose competitiveness.
And a lot of good business one of the leader have in common is decisive and not arbitrary, with bold and determined decisions at a crucial time.but its excellent quality performance in nurturing a democracy, innovation, organizational climate, makes the reaction force unprecedented promotion of organization on the environment, thus improving competitiveness.but this democratic, innovative atmosphere on microstructure of only logical inferences and assumptions of the theory of many scholars, still uncommon for empirical studies, the lack of conclusive evidence of the effective impact on organization.
In this context, the associated empirical research is necessary.
Review on the basis of past research in this article, the use of empirical research investigation of the taking charge and voice on job performance(or task performance) of employees in your organization and relationship between altruism behavior.study the effects of major research on the taking charge on job performance、voice impact on job performance、Impact of taking charge on altruism、voice effect on altruism and voice on regulation of relations and taking charge and job performance voice role in the regulation of the relationship between taking charge and altruism.
First of all, in the present study reviews the relevant literature on the basis of a research study on the structure and assumptions;and then select several high - tech enterprises in Shanghai as a study on sample survey and were 206 valid data;on this basis with SPSS17.0 statistical analysis tools for analysis and the conclusions and finally analysis and discussion on the conclusions to be.
The main conclusions are as follows :
1.Taking charge on individual job performance had a positive role in promoting, behavior of individuals is showing more taking charge , more high level of its job performance ;
2. Responsibility on organizational citizenship behavior has a positive role in promoting, that show more taking charge behavior of individuals, their level of altruism or higher ;
3.Voice acts on individual job performance h日夏养花网ad a positive role in promoting, that is,showed more voice behavior of individual, more high level of its job performance ;
4.Voice behavior does not affect employees of altruism.
5.Voice to relationship taking charge and job performance have a negative effect, that exhibit more voice behavior of individuals,their taking charge on job performance and lower ;
6.Voice behavior on taking charge and negative regulation of relationship between organizational citizenship behavior, that exhibit more voice behavior of individuals, effect on altruism and lower its taking charge ;
Study on deepening the understanding of the concept of taking charge、voice and explore their actual role in the Organization.help managers recognize that taking charge、voice and similar behavior on an organization's important role,to create an open and harmonious work atmosphere,construction of innovative organization environment.in the final competition in the market to come to the fore.
With China's reform and opening up continuously, the whole nation is also more and more in line with international standards. China's various types of enterprises and the world first-class enterprises in domestic and international arena to fight hand to hand with, many of our enterprises have withstood the test, close to or even exceed their foreign competitors. However, some enterprises are in the competition at a disadvantage, it is the result of many factors are superimposed, but these companies in the tissue of congenital defects are not negligible, a big reason. This defect is mainly due to China's traditional culture advocates in the three cardinal guides derived into authoritarianism and planned economy system residual two factors, the main performance is the enterprise leader to excessive control, and immobility caused by the rigid mechanism, the final result is lack of adaptation to the environment, to respond to market changes slowly, finally loses competition ability.

While many excellent enterprises one of the common point of performance is the leader decisive and not arbitrary, critical moment has bold and resolute decision making; but the excellent quality is more manifest in the cultivation of a democracy, innovation of organization atmosphere, so that the organization 's response to the environment force unprecedented promotion, thereby enhancing the competitiveness. But this kind of democracy, innovation climate impact on organizations but many theorists logic, hypothesis, also uncommon for empirical research, a lack of conclusive evidence that it can actually affect the organization.

In this context, to carry out the relevant research is very necessary.

This paper reviewed on the basis of previous research, using empirical study examines how responsibility and voice on the organization of employees job performance ( i.e. task performance ) and altruistic behavior relationship. Study on liability effects on job performance, voice effects on job performance, responsibility for effects of Ritalin, voice of altruism and the influence of the change of responsibility and job performance of the regulating effect and voice of responsibility and altruism, moderating effect.

This study first reviewed the related literatures are put forward on the basis of the research framework and hypotheses; then chose Shanghai city a number of high-tech enterprise as the research sample questionnaire survey was conducted, and obtained 206 valid data; based on the SPSS17.0 statistical analysis tools for analysis and conclusion; finally the conclusion is discuss日夏养花网ed.

The main conclusions are as follows:

1 responsibility on the job performance of employees has a positive role in promoting, which showed more individual responsibility behavior, job performance level is higher also;

2 liability on employee's organizational citizenship behavior has a positive role in promoting, which showed more individual responsibility behavior, their altruistic level is higher also;

3 voice behavior on employees' job performance has a positive role in promoting, which showed more voice behavior of individual, job performance level is higher;

4 voice behavior on employee altruism has no effect.

5 voice behavior of responsibility relationship with job performance have negative moderating effect, namely, show more voice behavior of individual responsibility, its effect on job performance is lower;

6 voice behavior of responsibility and orwww.rixia.ccganizational citizenship behavior have negative moderating effect, namely, show more voice behavior of individual, its liability to effects of Ritalin is lower;

This study further the responsibility, voice concept understanding as well as probes into their organizations in the actual role. Helps managers to understand the responsibility, voice and similar to an organization's important role, so as to create an open, harmonious working atmosphere, construction of innovative organization environment. Finally in the market competition to the talent showing itself

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与众不同是成功者的第一思维模式 rn跟在别人的后面跑,就只能吃别人的剩饭;要想胜人一筹,就要另辟蹊径。与众不同是成功者的第一思维模式。rn成功并非你想成功就可以达到,还要有迥异于他人的智慧和思想才行。rn 美国钢铁大王卡内基小的时候家里很穷,有一天,他放学回家时经过一个工地,看到一个穿着华丽、像老板模样的人在那儿指挥。rn “请问你们在盖什么?”他走上前去问那位老板模样的人。rn “要盖个摩天大楼,给我的百货公司和其他公司使用。”那人说道。rn “我长大后要怎样才能像你这样?”卡内基以羡慕的口吻说道。rn “第一要勤奋工作……”rn “这我早知道,那第二呢?”rn “买件红衣服穿!”rn 聪明的卡内基满脸狐疑:“这……这和成功有关?”rn “有啊!”那人顺手指了指前面的工人道,“你看他们都是我的手下,但都穿着清一色的蓝衣服,所以我一个人也不认识……”说完他又特别指向其中一位工人:“但你看那个穿红衬衫的工人,我长时间注意到他,他的身手和其他人差不多,但是我认识他,所以过几天我会请他做我的副手。”rn卡内基凭借自己对“与众不同”四个字的理解,并适时运用,终于成为名震全球的一代钢铁大王。rn绝大多数人都有从众心理和习惯,而成功的人却永远是少数,那些少数的成功者为什么成功?有人以为,他们比其他人各方面都很优秀,别人做到的他们能做到,别人做不到的他们也能做到。其实不然。如果你认识他们,或者研究一下他们的成功过程,就不难发现,他们并没有三头六臂,他们所做的你几乎也能做到,当初他们未必比你强。只是他们与你有些不同的想法、认识、胆量、野心。rn有人问世界首富比尔?盖茨成功的秘密,他说没有,人家不信,后来他说:非要说有的话,就是我的眼光比较好。25年前,我在技术、资金、市场、影响等各方面没法和IBM和苹果公司相比,但是,我看到了计算机在向微型化发展,未来每个办公桌和家庭书桌都会有电脑,而电脑是靠软件工作的,所以我就致力于开发微型计算机软件(微软)。rn从这些故事中,不难发现成功者的与众不同。你一定联想到很多。rn我们再想想自己和身边的人和事。你有没有错过很多机会?当发现别人成功后,有没有觉得他并不比你优秀。很多事情如果你当初也去做,会比他更成功,有些创意你比他更好。当自己想做某些事情的时候,是不是很在意别人怎么说?分析利弊以后,觉得成功的把握很大,还要问自己,万一失败了……很多关心你的人也会这样提醒你。是否曾想到任何事情都是要冒险的?不敢冒险的人永远不会出人头地!rn哪个成功者不曾摔倒过?只有失败者从来没有摔倒过,失败是成功之母。rn成功没有想象的那么难,成功不是成功者的专利。只要你想,只要你行动,只要你坚持到底,人人都能成功!rn为什么多数人不成功?因为有些人不敢想;在敢想的人中有很多人不行动;在行动的人当中,很多人不能坚持到底;所以剩下的人很少。这或许就是少数人成功的秘密,因为他们——与众不同!
Difference is the first mode of thinking of successful.
Running back with others,only can eat other people's leftovers;To one-upmanship, we should open a new path. Difference is thwww.rixia.cce first mode of thinking of successful.
Successful is not you think you can achieve,also have quite different from the wisdom and thought of others do.
The United States iron and steel magnate Carnegie was in a poor home when he was a child, one day,He go through a construction site
when go home after school,He saw a man with gorgeous dress、like the boss who was command there.
“Excuse me,what are you to buliding at?”He approached and asked the people who looked like the boss.
“Want to build a skyscraper for my department Stores and other companies to use。”said that man.
“How can I like you after i grew up?”carnegie said with admire the tone.
“First, work hard……”
“I know this,what's the second?”
“Buy a red clothes to wear!”
Clever carnegie suspicion:“Is……is this related to success?”
“Yes!”The man pointed to the front of the worker smoothly,said “You see they are my hands,but wearing all-blue clothing,so,I don't know anyone……”Then He points particularly to one of the workers:“But you see the man with red shirt,I noticed him long time,His skills is similar to others,however,I know him, so i will ask him to do my assistant after few days.”
carnegie rely on his own understanding of the word "different",and timely use,Has finally become the famous town of world's iron and steel magnate.
The vast majority of people have the sheep mentality and habits, but success will always be a minority, Why those small number of them success? Some people think that they are all more excellent than others. what others can do, they can ; what others can't do, they also can do. it's not true, If you know them, or look at the process of their success, it is not difficult to find, they do not have a man of bionic strength, they have done little you can do, they may not be strong than you. Only some of them have different ideas, knowledge, courage, ambition with you.
Someone asked the world's richest man Bill●Gates the secrets of success,he said no, they do not believe,then he said: If have to say, that is I have a better vision. 25 years ago,at my technical, financial, markets, the impact of various aspects and can not be compared to IBM and Apple, but I saw at the micro-computer development,Each official desk and home desk will have computers in the futrue, and computers worked depended on software,so I committed to the development of micro-computer software (Microsoft).
From this stories,It is not difficult to discover the success unique.You must associate so much.
We try to think of ourselves and the people and things around them. Is there a lot of opportunities that you miss ? When you find out the success of others,Have you feel they are no better than you ? If you had a lot of things to do also would be more successful than him, and some creativity you better than him. Whether we cared about how others to say, when we want certain to do something, Analysis of the pros and cons of the future that a lot of success, Also asked ourselves,in case of failure of the ... ... A lot of people who cared about you will be reminded of you. Whether or not think of anything have to risky? The people did not dare take the risk will never get ahead!
Which success did not fall down ? Only a loser has never been down before,failure is the mother of success.
Successful not so difficult to imagine, successful patent is not successful. As long as you want, as long as you up, as long as you insist in the end, everyone can Succeed!
Why do most people fail? Because some people dare to think; in the brave people who do not have a lot of action; people in the action a lot of people which could not insist to the end ; so few people remaining. Perhaps this is the secret of the success of a small number of people, because they are —— DIFFERENT!
想法要创新就OK 也不能轻易放弃你的观念


1古英语与我们今天所说的英语有很大的不同2有时很难确定到底该选用哪些单词或词组 it is certain that we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today
1 the English and we said today's English is quite different
2. Sometimes makes it difficult to know exactly what the chosen words or phrases
1 there is a big difference between ancient english and morden english.
2 it is hard to decide which words or phrases to be used.


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