


2021-09-05 06:38:55 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:89

帮忙翻译一下,很急 在线等的!!!!

他竟然会说日语真是奇怪rn在这么短的时间内让我们完成这么多作业是不可能的rn你昨天没去参加他的生日聚会真是遗憾rn他们在20天内建成一座大楼真是个奇迹rn他迟到的原因是错过了早班车rn这就是我们喜欢他的原因rn这就是他来这的方法rn时间是我们最想得到的东西rn问题是谁将在猫的脖子上系铃rn问题是他是否能准时到达 rn(用表语从句)
It is relly strange that he can speak Japanese.
It is not possible for me to finish my homework.
It is a pity that you didn't go out for his birthday party.
The reason of being late is that he missed the early bus.
That is why i like him.
It is the way he got here.
Time is what we want badly.
The question is who tied the bell on the cat's neck.
The question is if he can arrive on time.
It is so strange that he can speak Japanese.
It is impossible for us to finish so many work in such a short time.
It was a pity that you didn't go to his birthday party.
It was a miracle that they built a building within 20 days.
The reason he was late was that he had missed the early bus.
This is the reason that(why) we like him.
This is how(the way) he came here.
Time is what we want the most.
The problem is who will tie a bell to the neck of the cat.
The problem is whether he can arive on time.
He can speak japanese is really strange.
In so short a time, let us finish so much homework is not possible.
You yesterday, didn't go to his birthday party I'm sorry to hear that .
they were 20 days to build a building is a miracle.
He was late was missed the early bus.

This is why we like him
This is the way he.

Time we'd like to get.

The problem is who will the bell the cat's neck.
The question is whether he will arrive on time


背诵课文;记忆有用的词语或句子便于养成用英语思维的习惯 rn掌握所学的语法 ;掌握语法是规范使用英语的前提 rn多听多说; 可培养自己的说听能力也有助于掌握所学知识. rn写日记 ;可训练自己的写作能力
Reciting texts and keeping some useful words or sentences in mind will help us develop the habit of thinking in English.

Have a good command of the grammar we have learned; Having a good command of grammar is the prerequisite for using English properly.

Listen and speak more frequently,and it'll enhance our listening and speaking ability anhttp://www.rixia.ccd help us master what we have learned.

Writing diary can practise oneself's writing ability.



This experiment takes basic functions of Michelson interferometer as example, to test the wavelength of laser and homochromy light, the influehttp://www.rixia.ccnce of spectrum distribution on interference, as well as the refractive index of measuringwww.rixia.cc substantial by interferential light theory.
This experiment exceeds the basic function of the lousy interference instrument of the gram 尔 as example, measuring the wave-length of the laser and the monochrome light, the spectrum distribute to the influence of the interference and with the interference light principle measures the material of refractive index.
The basic function of this experiment Michelson interferometer for example, the measurement of laser wavelength and monochromatic light. spectral distribution of the impact and interference with the laser interferometer to measure the refractive index material.
This experiment takes Michelson interferometer as example to measure the wavelength of laser and monochromatic light, the effect of spectrum distribution on interference, and the refraction index of measuring substance by the interference light theory .


秉烛夜游,良有以也。”若以己美于潘安,则出无伤;否则,以如吾之容现于当衢,则恐惊人。故自当以书卷为伴,效“挟泰山以超北海”之豪,慕“拥火以入深穴”之勇,醉“木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流”之美……rn畅游书海以极夫天地之乐,如此,以帝位予我,亦弃之也, 岂以一冕之故而弃心神之逸?rn吾虽以康熙六年至京师,然终未以权贵交,以上乃吾心之剖白,希汝能察之,故不必有“贤不见用,忠不见以”之叹。
BingZhu rides, good at all. "If PanAn, it has beautiful in a no hurt; otherwise, if we let now with the, the fear of being 180km is surprising. Therefore, effective to scroll hereunder companion with super beihai taishan" controls "Howe, admires" hold fire from the deep hole "yong, drunk" wood yan yan, springs to begin gracilely toward the beauty of flow "...

Read more with extremely regards heaven and earth swim with the joy of kingship over human beings, so, to me, also abandon also with a crown, or abandon the mind in yixian the orphan?

Though the kangxi six years


Each one of us in the love of others, from friends, family.
At the same time we should learn to return and pay. We love the heavy responsibility to日夏养花网 those who need our help and help our people, so that our life will be worthwhile ..


本文标题: 帮忙翻译一下啊!很急!!在线等!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/158765.html





