


2021-09-01 03:18:52 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:173


I'm exausted today! I kept on working from 1 o'clock pm till now and can hardly catch my breath.I have never been so tired and suddenly felt lots of pressure.I don't think I can conquer it,so I decided to quit my job.Maybe I'll resign next month!Next month,I'll be a housewife and depend on my husband.
Today, I tired! From 13:00 busy now never ceased, a quick breath, never so tired, Suddenly feelin日夏养花网g the pressure too much work, a bit much, I do not want to work. Next month will likely resign next month wait! a husband to feed.

How exausted I am today! I kept on working from 1 o'clock pm till now and now I can hardly catch my breath.Having never been so tired ,I suddenly felt so much pressure.Sometimes I don't think I can conquer it ,so I decided to quit my job.Maybe I'll resign next month!Next month,I'll be a housewife and depend on my husband.

英语高手帮帮忙! 帮忙翻译一下, 满意有赏分.快!!!!

翻译文章如下:rn 有一群特殊的人,他们叫巫师.有一个神奇的世界,它叫魔法世界.我相信日夏养花网魔法存在,你相信吗?就像哈利波特中所说,霍格沃茨魔法学校可以教我们许多咒语,例如"Wingardium Leviosa",使物体上升.也有可怕的咒语,例如Avada Kedavra,索命咒.但霍格沃茨的生活总是有趣的.有三种方法接触魔法.1,拨打62442,魔法部电话.2,站在抽水马桶上拉一下抽水键.3,凭运气.祝你好运,早日成为巫师.
There is a special group of people, they are called wizards. There is a world of magic, it is called the magic world. I believe the existence of magic, you believe that? Like Harry Potter said, the Hogwarts magic school can teach us many spells, such as "Wingardium Leviosa", makes things up. Also have a terrible spell, for example Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse. But the Hogwarts life is always interesting. There are three ways to contact the magic 1, dial 62442, the Ministry of magic number 2, standing in the toilet bowl to pull the keys 3, by luck. I wish you good luck, soon to become the wizard. 应该是这样吧。
There is a special group of people, they called the shaman. A magical world called magic world. I believe that magic exists, you believe that? Said, like the Harry Potter Hogwarts School can teach us manyspell, for example, "Wingardium Leviosa" to make the object rise. terrible spell, Avada Kedavra, Suoming curse. Hogwarts life is always interesting. there are three ways to contact magic .1, call 62442, magicTel .2, standing on the toilet to pull pumping key .3, relying on luck. wish you good luck, would become a shaman.
There is a special group of people, they call wizard. Have a magical world, it is called magic world. I believe in magic exists, do you believe that? Like harry potter said, hogwarts school can teach us many spells, such as "Wingardium Leviosa", make thewww.rixia.cc object rise. Also have terrible curse, for example Avada Kedavra,, the killing curse. But the life of the hogwarts is always interesting. There are three methods of contact magic. 1, call 62442, the ministry of magic phone. 2, standing in the toilet bowl pull pumping key. 3, and, with luck. I wish you good luck, soon will become a wizard.
There is a special group of people, they are cahttp://www.rixia.cclled wizards. There is a world of magic, it is called the magic world. I believe the existence of magic, you believe that? Like Harry Potter said, the Hogwarts magic school can teach us many spells, such as "Wingardium Leviosa", makes things up. Also have a terrible spell, for example Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse. But the Hogwarts life is always interesting. There are three ways to contact the magic 1, dial 62442, the Ministry of magic number 2, standing in the toilet bowl to pull the keys 3, by luck. I wish you good luck, soon to become the wizard.

会英语的大大们,帮我翻译卡下面七个句子,有赏分哦 成功将属于诚实...

会英语的大大们,帮我翻译卡下面七个句子,有赏分哦n成功将属于诚实而勤奋的人 n他就是昨天我在公园里见到的那个人n我们昨天参观的那个农场坐落于上海郊区n这是今年在这个城市上映的最好的电影n我永远不会忘记我们在一起度过的那些日子n他是我尊重其意见的人n我谨向那些帮助我的老师致谢

Success will belong to him who is honest and diligent

He was yesterday that I met in the park the man

Yesterday we visited the farm is located in the suburb of Shanghai

This is this year in this city is shown the best movie

I will never forget the days that we spent together

He is a man whose opinion I respect

I would like to thank those who helped me.
Success will belong to him who is honest and diligent.
He is the man whom I met in park yesterday.
The farm we visited yesterday is located the suburb of shanghai.
This film is the best one shown in our city this year.
I will never forget those days we have had together.
He is the one I respect for good advice.
I would like to thank those who helped me.
The one who is being honest and hard working will achieve success.
He is the one I met yesterday in the park
The farm we visited yesterday is located in ShaTBzoxHfkCrnghai's rural area
This movie is the best one shown in our city
I would never forget the moments and days we had shared and being together
He is the person I respect for splendid advice
I would love to thank teachers that once had helped me


There are 357 languages whose everyday users are less than 50 people.
There are 357 languages regular users of not more than 50 people.
The number of people who often speak 357 kinds of language are less than 50。


本文标题: 英语翻译下,,帮帮忙..给赏分哦!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/157490.html

上一篇:圆柏(柏科 圆柏属)栽培技术是怎么样的?




