


2021-08-24 15:19:24 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:78


service industry offers both visible products and invisible survice, while survice is more emphasized. survice is not a formal procedure but the communication between employees and clients. employees should understand the clients and their personal orientation rapidly, offer survice before the clients need anything and want anything, then the clients can minimize their in convenience.

Service industry is refers to provide tangible products and service industry. And in the service industry to service. Service is the program but not f日夏养花网orm of communication between the staff and customers. Understand customer's meaning, quick grasping each customer's personal preferences. Customers in need, want what to first before staff offer customers. Customers can minimize the inconvenience.
Service industry is also providing tangible products and intangible services industry. And the service industry, service-oriented. Service is not in form but in the process of communication between staff and customers. Understand the meaning of the customer, you quickly grasp the customer's personal preferences. Customers what they need, what you want before the staff should be the first to provide to customers. Customers will be able to minimize the inconvenience
1.Service industry is refers to provide tangible products and srvice industry.


2.And in the service industry to service.


3.Service is the program but not form of communication between the staff and customers.


4.Understand customer's meaning, quick grasping each customer's personal preferences.


5.Customers in need, want what to first before staff offer customers.


6.Customers can minimize the inconvenience


Service industry is refers towww.rixia.cc provide tangible products and service industry. And in the service industry to service. Service is the program but not form of communication between the staff and customers. Understand customer's meaning, quick grasping each customer's personal preferences. Customers in need, want what to first before staff offer customers. Customers can minimize the inconvenience


I spent my summer at home. Which mountain did you go to? So what's different about your family in Kentucky? Is it any different from SF? Were you a software engineer before, or were you a teacher? Are you developing software and doing substituion teaching at the same time now? What software are you developing? I want to be a software enginner too. You are awesome! I think we will meet again as well.


请帮我把这段话翻译成英文生活在北极地区的爱斯基摩人名称的由来是“吃生肉的人”。因为北极地区气候严寒,鲜有植物生长,生活于此的爱斯基摩人想要摄取足够的维生素就无法通过通常的食用植物的方式,而不得不选择去吃生肉;加之在北极地带燃料十分宝贵,大量的用于烹饪是对这种重要生存资源的浪费,长此以往爱斯基摩人便形成了爱吃生肉的习俗。这种习俗所带来的是爱斯基摩人独特的饮食文化和烹饪手段,一些他们眼中的“美味佳肴”对于我们而言可能就是难以接受的。这里要介绍的这种名为 Kiviak 食物就是其中最具特色的一种,相信你在了解后一定会和我一样感到震惊的。Kiviak,腌海雀是爱斯基摩人的一种传统饮食,是将生海雀塞进生海豹里头发酵的肉类食品。nn(不要用翻译器!)
The origin of the Eskimo 's name in the Arctic is "eating raw meat". Because the arctic climate is cold, there is little plant growth, living in this Eskimo people want to intake of enough vitamins can not be through th日夏养花网e usual way of edible plants, and had to choose to eat raw meat; coupled with the Arctic fuel is very valuable, Of cooking for this is an important waste of living resources, the long run Eskimos will form a custom of eating raw meat. This custom brings the Eskimos' unique culinary culture and culinary skills, and some of their "delicacies" may be unacceptable to us. Kiviak food is one of the most unihttp://www.rixia.ccque, I believe you will understand and I am as shock日夏养花网ed. Kiviak, a puffin is a traditional diet of the Eskimos, a raw puffer stuffed into a nutritious meat.


全世界都抛弃了我 那么我可以尽情的享受孤独rnrnrnrn把它翻译成英语 要准确无误的
The whole world has abandoned me. Then I can enjoy heartily lonelily
As the whole world has abandoned me,so there I can enjoy my loneness.
If the world let me alone ,I will enjoy my loneliness all the same.
I abandoned the whole world then I can enjoy the enjoyment of solitude
The whole whole world has abandoned me, so now I can enjoy my lonliness forever.+
The whole world has abandoned me,therefore I can fully enjoy my isolation.


本文标题: 请帮我把这段话翻译成英文
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/155502.html





