

请问gel-cell batteries和flooded-cell batteries是什么意思,请专业人士帮忙解答!

2021-08-23 16:59:01 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:189

deep cell batteries 是什么意思? 不要说是深电池额,不懂,求翻译求解释

Lead acid batteries come in two basic types. The cranking (or starter) battery, such as the ones found in automobiles, delivers a strong initial charge, while the deep cycle or deep cell battery puts out an efficient, long-term charge.
deep cell 是肾小球间质细胞,battery有一组、一系列的意思。
deep cycle batteries 深循环蓄电池


1 这附近有给手机充话费的地方吗?rn2 请给我的手机充50元话费rn3 我的车轮胎 没气了/ 气不足,请给充点气rn4 我的手机没电了,放在你的房间充一下电吧rn5 今天我一个在家,打算去外面吃饭了 / 打算叫外卖来吃 。rn rn英语翻译 谢谢
1. Is there any place near here where I can charge phone credit?

2. Please charge 50 Yuan of credit to my cellphone.

3. My car tires are flat / almost flat, please pump some air into them.

4. My cellphone is out of batteries, let me charge it in your room for a while.

5. I'm home alone today, so I'm going to [eat out / call for take-out].

周末咯,这个周末有什么 plans?
This is near to the mobile phone recharge place? 2 please give my mobile phone charge 50 yuan fee 3 my car had a flat tire. / gas shortage, please give full point gas 4 my mobile phone is out of power, put in your room to renew your energy bar 5 today I am alone at home, ...

电子吊秤的正确使用方法 英文翻译,各位大虾,感激涕零!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

电子吊秤的正确使用方法rn  (1)电子吊秤在使用前,应将相应的电池装入秤体和手持器中   安装或更换电池时,需拧紧电池夹锁定螺丝,检查电池夹是否牢固地固定在秤体上,然后把吊秤门关好锁住,以防事故。当仪表显示欠压,应立即更换电池组,并及时对换下的电池进行充电,以防电池损坏。电池组长期不用时,应隔一定时间进行一次充电,电池应存放在干燥通风和温度适宜的环境,并且避免与有腐蚀性的物质接触。装卸电池组连接线航空插座时,不要用手抓住夹紧导线的夹线帽,而应抓紧底座,另一边发射机上的电源连接上航空插头也不要抓住夹线帽,应抓住头部的可转动帽进行装卸,防止电源连接松动,引起故障。发射装置在接通电源之前,必须将天线及其馈线连接可靠,否则要损坏发射装置。   (2)避免电子吊秤受剧烈扳动和碰撞   电子吊秤内部许多电子元器件,如集成电路、石英晶体、传感器、显示器等,当电子吊秤受到剧烈碰撞时,可能会损坏这些元器件,造成电子秤故障,影响准确度以致影响正常使用,要避免秤体和其他物品碰撞或从高空中摔下,仪表要轻拿轻放,不要随意放置,以防不必要的损失,仪表固定在起重机上使用时要采取减振措施,以免影响可靠性。   (3)不得随意拆却电子吊秤上的零部件   在电子吊秤正常使用时,不要随意拆卸电子秤上的零部件,更不要打开传感器上的密封口,拆卸仪表上的集成电路等元器件,必要的维修,必须在有关技术人员指导下或具备一定的维修知识后进行,以防故障扩大。
The correct use method of electronic Hanging Scale

(1) electronic Hanging Scale before use, should the corresponding batteries into the scale body and handheld device installation or replacement of the battery, to tighten the battery clamp locking screws, check the battery clamp is firmly fixed on the scale, and then hanging close doors l日夏养花网ocked, to prevent accidents. When the meter display undervoltage, should be replaced immediately and timely exchange of batteries, battery charging, to prevent cell damage. Battery is not a long time, should be at a certain time for a charging, the battery should be stored in dry and ventilated and appropriate temperature environment, and avoid contact with corrosive substances. Loading and unloading battery cable air outlet, do not use the hand to hold the clamping wire clamp cap, but should pay close attention to the base, the other side transmitter on the power connection aviation plug is also don't hold the line clamping cap, should seize the head rotatable cap for loading and unloading, prevent the power connection loosening, caused by fault. Transmitting device in the power supply is switched on before, must be antenna and feeder reliable connection, or to damage the emission device. (2) avoid electronic hanging scale by violent wrenching and collision electronic hanging scale internal many electronic components, such as integrated circuits, quartz crystal, sensor, display, when the electronic hanging scale by the intense collision, may damage caused by these components, electronic scale failures, affect the accuracy that affect the normal use, to avoid the scale body and other items collision or fromhttp://www.rixia.cc high in the sky falls, instrument to light-light, do not arbitrarily placed, to avoid unnecessary losses, the instrument is fixed on the crane when used to take measures of vibration damping, so as not to affect the reliability of. (3) should not be removed but electronic hanging scale electronic hanging scale components in normal use, do not disassemble the electronic scale on the parts, do not open the sensor on the seal, remove instrument on the integrated circuit components, the necessary repair, must be in the relevant technical staff under the guidance of or have a certain repair knowledge in order to prevent the expansion of the fault.

求教:flooded-type lead acid batteries是什么样的蓄电池?



本人毕业后由于对无线移动通信的喜爱,通过培训掌握了手机等移动通信工具的基本构成、工作原理、故障产生原因和处理办法,通过一段时间的社会实践对一些市场主流机型所产生的故障问题有了一定的认识和处理办法,我在哈尔滨长城通信公司做售后服务工作,主要负责一般故障的检测和处理,在维修过程中主要面对的问题是:不开机、进水、由于外力对机器的损害和一些软硬件方面的问题,如在开不了机的情况下,首先判断是否电池触方虚接,电源三极管是否击穿可利用可调电源夹方接触主板触片正负极,无反应则为电源问题或三极管击穿,有反应但电源指针回打应为主板漏电或集成IC块有虚接断路现象,通过 方框图找到集成块负责电源的一脚,使用低压烙铁拿下电源三极管或用风枪对集成块进行有目的的热扫或通过显微镜找到虚接点加以处理,对于机器进水应在最短时间拿下电池,利用处理液冲洗,对于自动关机性况应该考虑电池触片和软连带是否老化,对于常见的LCD显示屏无显示或缺字应用压屏烙铁对屏幕与主板接触点进行处理或更换屏幕连带甚至主屏幕,对于手机通话掉线,网络差等故障,通过检测本振电路利用频谱仪对集成块附近电阻进行检测,阻值不符及时更换,对于CPU、内存、码片等软硬件问题,如出现乱码等现象,可通过电脑软件对CPU、码片等程序重新编写,其它问题要在工作中具体情况具体分析。
After I graduated from the love of wireless mobile communication, through a mobile phone with training tools such as mobile communications basic composition, operating principles, and the reasons for the failure of the approach, through a period of social practice of some market failure arising from the mainstream models have a certain understanding of issues and approaches I Harbin Great Wall communications companies doing after-sale, primarily responsible for the general failure of 日夏养花网detection and treatment, in the course of major maintenance problem is : do not switch on the machine, get flooded, due to machinery outside force damage and some software and hardware aspects, such as the fact that the plane of the first judge whether any side empty cells Next, Puncture power triode is the use of maximum power bewww.rixia.cctween parties may contact the Main Board with films being cathode, the reaction was no power or triode puncture, but a reaction to fight for power for the Main Board leakage or integrated IC blocks to open circuit phenomena are empty, find Jichengkuai through block diagram for the kick power, Use low voltage soldering iron down wind power triode or use a gun for the purpose of Jichengkuai heat up or through microscopes to find a way to deal with connections to machines get flooded batteries should be taken in the shortest possible time, the use of liquid water processing, automatic machines for sexual battery status should consider whether it is associated with aging film and soft, For common LCD monitors showed no missing words or pressure applied to the screen soldering iron screen with the Main Board point of contact for dealing with the replacement of screens or even the associated screen for the phone calls Diaoxian, poor network fault detection through the use of the spectrum -- circuit-to Jichengkuai near resistance testing, resistance value with the timely replacement of the CPU, memory, films such as software code, such as a mis-coding and other phenomena through computer software to the CPU, code rewriting procedures films, the work of other issues in a case by case analysis.
After I graduated from the love of wireless mobile communication, through a mobile phone with training tools such as mobile communications basic composition, operating principles, and the reasons for the failure of the approach, through a period of social practice of some market failure arising from the mainstream models have a certain understanding of issues and approaches I Harbin Great Wall communications companies doing after-sale, primarily responsible for the general failure of detection and treatment, in the course of major maintenance problem is : do not switch on the machine, get flooded, due to machinery outside force damage and some software and hardware aspects, such as the fact that the plane of the first judge whether any side empty cells Next, Puncture power triode is the use of maximum power between parties may contact the Main Board with films being cathode, the reaction was no power or triode puncture, but a reaction to fight for power for the Main Board leakage or integrated IC blocks to open circuit phenomena are empty, find Jichengkuai through block diagram for the kick power, Use low voltage soldering iron down wind power triode or use a gun for the purpose of Jichengkuai heat up or through microscopes to find a way to deal with connections to machines get flooded batteries should be taken in the shortest possible time, the use of liquid water processing, automatic machines for sexual battery status should consider whether it is associated with aging film and soft, For common LCD monitors showed no missing words or pressure applied to the screen soldering iron screen with the Main Board point of contact for dealing with the replacement of screens or even the associated screen for the phone calls Diaoxian, poor network fault detection through the use of the spectrum -- circuit-to Jichengkuai near resistance testing, resistance value with the timely replacement of the CPU, memory, films such as software code, such as a mis-coding and other phenomena through computer software to the CPU, code rewriting procedures films, the work of other issues in a case by case analysis.
After myself graduate because to the wireless mobile communication affection, grasped mobile communication tool the and so on the handset through training basic constitution, the principle of work, the breakdown has had the reason and the processing means, the breakdown question which produced to some market mainstream types had the certain understanding and the processing means through period of time social practices, I did the post-sale service work in the Harbin Great Wall correspondence company, the primary cognizance general breakdown examination and processing, the question which mainly faced in the service process is: Opening machine, does not enter the water, as a result of the external force to the machine harm and some software and hardware aspects questions, if in cannot open machine in the situation, first judges whether the battery does touch Fang Xujie, whether the power source triode does penetrate may use may adjust the power source to clamp the side contact motherboard to touch the piece cathode, does not have the responswww.rixia.cce penetrates for the power source question or the triode, has the response but the power source indicator to return hits should or integrates the IC block for the motherboard leakage to have empty meets shuts the phenomenon, found the integrated block through the block diagram to be responsible for the power source a foot, The use low pressure iron takes the power source triode either carries on with the air gun to the integrated block has the goal the heat to sweep or found the empty contact through the microscope to perform to process, enters the water regarding the machine to be supposed to take the battery in the shortest time, the use processing fluid flushing, regarding automatic Guan Jixing the situation should consider the battery touches the piece and the soft association whether do get older, does not have the demonstration regarding the common LCD display monitor either lacks the character application to press the screen iron carries on processing or the replacement screen association to the screen and the motherboard contact point even advocates the screen, falls the line regarding the handset telephone conversation, the network inferior breakdown, inspires the electric circuit through the examination book to integrate nearby the block using the spectrometer the resistance to carry on the examination, The resistance number symbol prompt replacement, regarding software and hardware question and so on the CPU, memory, code piece, like does not appear phenomenon and so on additive device, passable computer software to procedure and so on CPU, code piece rehas compiled, other questions must in the work the special details concrete analysis.


本文标题: 请问gel-cell batteries和flooded-cell batteries是什么意思,请专业人士帮忙解答!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/155256.html





