


2021-08-04 11:41:32 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:104


We were looking to raise $300,000 approximately for the first year to draw on for various expenses that we will outline in detail from B&C. The amount would not be needed all at one time. Each year we would have an operating budget and plan. Since the company will be mutually owned there will be expenses shared or funded through investment unless profit from sales can accomplish the needs without. Once we determine the finalized line plan we can put together multi year projections. This should be sufficient requirement and donx27t anticipate additional need for the first year unless there is a mutually agreed upon strategic decision for a specific purpose ie...license etc. B&C could receive 100% of the profits until the amount is paid back to fund the company start up. From what we know and Sam experienced with N&K it should take around 12-16 months to get everything going and produce volume sales. rnrnMark also discussed with Tonny on the phone having a logistics partner in the Corporation as well. This company is interested in participating and partnering with us. He wants to meet you, Tonny and us to discuss this. There responsibility would be warehousing, distribution, shipping, and billing (EDI) similar to that of an operation of the old N&K in Pacoima. This company imports and distributes a variety of products unrelated to most consumer electronics or video game accessories that we would sell but sells to many of the same channel customers we would reach. They have been in business for years. They are based near Baltimore Maryland on the East Coast not to far from Washington DC. This is a conversation point at this time however, we would need warehousing for accounts that donx27t want to buy direct import. There is also an option of using outside contract warehousing with a company like Ditan that does video game software distribution for most of the publishers if we donx27t want to relinquish shares. You may have another idea.....
我们正在寻找提高300000美元大约为第一年借鉴,为各种开支,我们将概述详细由B &长这一数额并不需要全部在同一时间。我们每一年都会有经营预算和计划。由于该公司将相互国有会有费用分担或资金通过投资,除非利润由销售部门可以完成的需要,无需。一旦我们确定定稿线的计划,我们可以放在一起多一年的预测。这应该是足够的规定,并没有预料到的额外需要的第一年,除非有一个双方商定的战略决策,为某一特定目的,即...执照等B和C可以得到100 %的利润,直至金额退回以基金公司开始了。从我们所知道的和萨姆经验的n & k应该约需12-16个月内获得的一切去和生产量的销售。

马克还讨论了与tonny对手机有一个物流伙伴,在公司以及。这家公司有兴趣参与和建立伙伴关系,与我们的。他要和大家见面, tonny和我们讨论这个问题。有责任,将仓储,配送,运输,帐单交换( EDI )相似,即一个行动的日夏养花网旧氮,钾pacoima 。这家公司的进口和销售的各种产品无关的大多数消费电子产品或电子游戏配件,我们愿意出售,但日夏养花网出售www.rixia.cc给许多相同的渠道客户,我们会达到。他们已经在业务多年。它们是根据附近的马里兰州巴尔的摩市对东海岸并不远从美国华盛顿。这是一个会话点在这个时候,但我们将需要仓储为账户不想购买直接进口。此外,还有一个选择利用境外合同仓储与公司一样,涤痰但这视频游戏软件分配大部分的出版商,如果我们不想放弃他的股份。您可能有另一个想法… … 。


someone who see like a child . give like a giant . feel like a angel never mind the broken wings . speak like a picture . cry like the rain . shins like the star as long as the fire reminds
Someone who see like a child 这些塬则像小孩子一样
Give like a saint 像圣人一样慷慨给予
Feel like an angel 像天使一样去感觉
Never mind the broken wings and 不会去介意破碎的羽翼
Speak like a picture 表达像一幅画
Cry like the rain 像下雨一样的哭泣
Shine like the star 像星星一样闪耀
As long as the fire remains 只要心中的热情犹在
有的人看起来像个小孩子 付出的时候像个巨人 像一个天使http://www.rixia.cc从不在乎受伤的翅膀 说的话像图画 哭起来像下雨 只要火焰想起就会像明星一样闪耀

里面有拼错的 shines 不是 shins
是不是remain 不是remind?
如果是remain最后一句话是 只要还留有一丝火焰 就会像明星一样闪耀

英语高手 请进来帮忙翻译下句子

It is also possible for a student to move beteen one univhttp://www.rixia.ccersity and another durling his degree course,though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.


本文标题: 英语高手请进来!!!!帮忙修改一段英文,直接翻译也行..
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/149750.html





