

英语翻译 作为一个十岁的孩子,他并没有足够的判断力

2021-07-31 13:19:04 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:116


作为一个标准的外贸业务员,在近一年半的外贸业务处理中,我有着十分丰富的外贸业务经验,熟悉T/T、L/C等的各种外贸交易流程,除了每天不定时在阿里巴巴上发表公司信息,修改公司内容和产品信息,并及时对反馈信息进行一一回复外,我还负责公司客户的跟单处理,主动与客户联系,知道客户的需求,计算产品价格并报价,考虑风险,等客户确认样品后讨论合作细节,包括交货期,付款方式等。同时也是核销操作员,办理核销的事务。rnrn自我评价:rn 1,英语听、说、读、写能力强,并通过CET-6,能能熟练运用英语跟国外客户进行各种谈rn判。(邮件,MSN,电话, 面谈)。rn 2,一年半外贸工作经验,熟悉外贸业务及跟单的整个流程,可以利用电子商务平台独立开rn展外贸业务; 一年多的工厂外贸实习经验,熟悉工厂各部门的运作流程。rn 3,了解如何在国内进行资源开发及项目的跟进,对供应商有敏锐的洞察力及判断力。rn 4,本人性格开朗, 沟通协调能力强,具有独挡一面的沟通能力。rn 5,熟悉各国市场,发展了波兰,澳大利亚,荷兰等客户。rn 6,电子商务专业毕业,具有理科思维,熟悉多方面的理论知识,能尽快熟悉掌握产品。
As a standard Export Business Rep,I have accumulated abundant experience during my nearly one and a half years'work dealing with international trades.I am profecient with variety kinds of international trade processes,like T/T,L/C and so on。I am responsible for placing orders and communicating with corporatecustomers,taking a positive attitude to get
touch with corporatecustomers,getting to know the acquirement from customers,calculating negotiate the price of products and taking risks into account,talking about details of cooperation after customers refining the model,including date for delivery,methods for purchase and so on。
Self assessment:
1, Owning excellent capability of listening, speaking, reading and writingEnglish, and having passed CET-6,being able to negotiate with foreign customers in fluent English by E-mails, MSN, telephone or interview 。
2 Owning one and a half years' working experience in foreign trade, and being familiar with foreign trade business and documentary,and the whole process, being able to use e-commerce platform independently to deal with trade business,Owning more than a year of trade practice experience in factory, being familiar with the operation process in every department.
3, Knowing how to develop domestic resources and to keep pace with the project ,having a keen insight and judgment for suppliers。
4, Having a character of optimistic and cheerful, having strong ability of communication and coordination, Being capable of independent communication 。
5, Being familiar with various national markets, having developed customers from the Netherlands, Poland, Australia, etc.
6, Being a graduate of electronic commerce Major, having a science mind, Being familiar with various aspects of theories knowledge, Being able to know and master a new product as soon as possible 。
As a standard of foreign trade agent, in the past year and a half of the foreign trade business process, I have very rich experience, familiar with foreign trade business of T/T, L/C etc. Various foreign trade process, but not every company information on alibaba, published by modifying its content and product information, and timely feedback information are to reply, I am also responsible for the company's customers, active and documentary customer contact, know the needs of customers, product price quotation and calculated risks, such as customers, consider to confirm sample after discussion cooperation details, including delivery, payment, etc. Also for verification of the operator, cancel after verification.

Self assessment:
1, English listening, speaking, reading and writing capability is strong, and CET 6, fluent English can talk with foreign customers various
Convicted. (E-mail, MSN, telephone, interview).
2 year working experience in foreign trade, and foreign trade business and documentary, familiar with the whole process, can use e-commerce platform independence
Fair trade business, More than a year of factory trade practice experience, familiar with the operation process factory departments.
3, how in domestic resources development and follow up the supplier, the project is keen insight and judgment.
4, cheerful personality, strong ability of communication and coordination, communication ability can show their capabilities.
5, familiar with national market, the development of the Netherlands, Poland, Australia, etc.
6, electronic commerce specialized graduation, the science thinking, familiar with various theory knowledge, master as soon as possible
As a standard foreign trade salesman, in the past year and a half dealing with foreign trade business, I have a very rich experience in foreign trade business, familiar with T / T, L / C, etc. all kinds of foreign trade transaction process, in addition to a day from time to time in the Alibaba published company information, modify the company's content and product information, and timely feedback information 11 reply, I was also responsible for corporate customers with a single treatment, active contact with our customers know that our customers demand, calculate prices and quotes , consider risks, and other customers to discuss cooperation after the sample confirmed the details, including delivery, payment methods. Is also a write-off operator, handling write-off affairs.


 1, English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability and, through the CET-6, can be fluent in English with foreign customers for various talks

Sentence. (E-mail, MSN, phone interviews).

 2, one and a half of foreign trade working experience, familiar with foreign trade business, and with a single whole process can take advantage of e-commerce platform-independent open -

Fair trade business; one-year internship experience in many factories in foreign trade, familiar with the operation of process plants various departments.

 3, learn how to in-country resource development and project follow-up, the supplier has a keen insight and common sense.

 4, I have a cheerful disposition, communication and coordination ability, with Dudangyimian communication skills.

 5, are familiar with their markets, development of Poland, Australia, the Netherlands and other clients.

 6, e-commerce graduate with a science of thinking is familiar with a wide range of theoretical knowledge, the mastery of product as soon as possible.

(加油,希望得分 O(∩_∩)O~ )
As a standard foreign trade salesman, in the past year and a half dealing with foreign trade business, I have a very rich experience in foreign trade business, familiar with T / T, L / C, etc. all kinds of foreign trade transaction process, in addition to a day from time to time in the Alibaba published company information, modify the company's content and product information, and timely feedback information 11 reply, I was also responsible for corporate customers with a single treatment, active contact with our customers know that our customers demand, calculate prices and quotes , consider risks, and other customers to discuss cooperation after the sample confirmed the details, including delivery, payment methods. Is also a write-off operator, handling write-off affairs.


1, English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability and, through the CET-6, can be fluent in English with foreign customers for various talks

Sentence. (E-mail, MSN, phone interviews).

2, one and a half of foreign trade working experience, familiar with foreign trade business, and with a single whole process can take advantage of e-commerce platform-independent open -

Fair trade business; one-year internship experience in many factories in foreign trade, familiar with the operation of process plants various departments.

3, learn how to in-country resource development and project follow-up, the supplier has a keen insight and common sense.

4, I have a cheerful disposition, communication and coordination ability, with Dudangyimian communication skills.

5, are familiar with their markets, development of Poland, Australia, the Netherlands and other clients.

6, e-commerce graduate with a science of thinking is familiar with a wide range of theoretical knowledge and mastery of products as soon as possible.


1. William like that girl very much, so he tried his best to ingratiate her, and very confident to win her heart
2.He is creative, also have very good judgment in future ,but he like do it himselves.
3.They came from a poorgZcBLbS mountain village, where people are far from the modern civilization.
4.We shuold work hard to achieve our order and the target.
5.We should meet to us all,don't too picky to the things around .
6.They often represent our shool to attend the debating contest, So tonight we will party to celebrate their success.
7.Through reading, he not only widened the field of vision, but also learned to constantly improve their personality.
8.In order to resue the girl from the fire, two policemen were sacrificed their lives.
9.People all over the world are all opposed to war.
11.You should take good care of the patient.
12.Their experiments have ended.
13.Studied medical science is very hard,and become a doctor takes a long time.
14.I opened the window to let fresh air in.


Each country has a single veto, however, none of the decisions taken by the General Assembly are binding. Nevertheless, the Assemblyx27s decisions become resolutions that carry the weight of world governmental opinion.
每个国家都有单一的否决权,但是,决定大会都具有约束力. 不过,大会的决定成为决议背上世界政府舆论


第一段:Musician to RememberrnrnWith MusicTeachers.co.uk, Jonathan Evans-Jones looks at his varied career as a violinist, actor and arranger for the Hollywood blockbuster film, Titanic. rn rnAlthough the release of James Cameronx27s film, Titanic, turned the attentions of the teeny-bopper brigade to the boyish good looks and charming smile of Leonardo diCaprio, it was interesting to make the acquaintance of another member of the film on a recent tour of North Wales by the Welsh Chamber Orchestra. Leader and soloist, Jonathan Evans-Jones (pictured above) had a short, but significant, part in this reconstruction of one of the worldx27s most tragic maritime disasters. To many in the audience, he is instantly recognisable as the actor who played doomed bandleader, Wallace Hartley, and concerts often ended with countless youngsters asking for his autograph. x27Some have seen the film nine or ten timesx27 he says, x27and recognise just about everyone in the cast.x27 He admits that the film was an important part of his career, something his publicity exploits, but he nevertheless plays it down when amongst musician colleagues: Evans-Jones is a quiet and sensitive man whose modesty somehow seems to conflict with his chosen career as a musician.rnrnrnrn第二段:I used to cry when my grandmother played "Danny Boy" on the piano... rn rn Born in South Wales, he claims that his immediate family is not particularly musically literate, but always remembers having music around him. x27I used to cry when my grandmother played Danny Boy on the piano, on which I used also to experiment when I went to her house.x27 At about the age of eight, like many youngstersrnrn有点长希望大家能帮帮忙.
在铁达尼号电影里,有一个沉船时还坚持演奏的小提琴家,他的名字叫华莱士哈特利(Wallace Hartley),而扮演这个角色的是大名鼎鼎的小提琴家乔纳森 埃文斯-琼斯(Jonathan Evans-Jones),此文就是介绍乔纳森 埃文斯-琼斯的,百度上还找不到他的中文介绍。



Musician to Remember

With MusicTeachers.co.uk, Jonathan Evans-Jones looks at his varied career as a violinist, actor and arranger for the Hollywood blockbuster film, Titanic.

在英国MusicTeachers网站看来(本文是该网站对其的专访),乔纳森 埃文斯-琼斯具有不同的职业,他是一个小提琴家,一个演员,而且还是好莱坞大片铁达尼号的编曲。

Although the release of James Cameron's film, Titanic, turned the attentions of the teeny-bopper brigade to the boyish good looks and charming smile of Leonardo diCaprio, it was interesting to make the acquaintance of another member of the film on a recent tour of North Wales by the Welsh Chamber Orchestra.

尽管詹姆斯卡梅隆的电影,铁达尼号的全球发行使李奥纳多 狄卡皮欧的俊俏外表和迷人笑容吸引了无数少男少女的注意力,但威尔士室内管弦乐队最近的一次北威尔士巡演中让观众们对电影里的另一个演员产生了极大兴趣。

Leader and soloist, Jonathan Evans-Jones (pictured above) had a short, but significant, part in this reconstruction of one of the world's most tragic maritime disasters.
作为领队和独奏,乔纳森 埃文斯-琼斯(上图)在重现这场世界上最悲惨的海难的影片中扮演了一个出场非常短暂但又非常重要的角色。

To many in the audience, he is instantly recognisable as the actor who played doomed bandleader, Wallace Hartley, and concerts often ended with countless youngsters asking for his autograph.
他由于自己所扮演的角色,一个注定要随船共亡的乐队领队华莱士哈特利,而不断被很多观众认出,音乐会也经常在结束后有很多年轻人索取其签名 。

'Some have seen the film nine or ten times' he says, 'and recognise just about everyone in the cast.'

He admits that the film was an important part of his career, something his publicity exploits, but he nevertheless plays it down when amongst musician colleagues:

Evans-Jones is a quiet and sensitive man whose modesty somehow seems to conflict with his chosen career as a musician
乔纳森 埃文斯-琼斯就是这样一个喜欢安静以及审慎敏感的人,他的谦逊看起来和他所选择的音乐家的职业好像有点冲突。

(段落1 I used to cry when my grandmother played "Danny Boy" on the piano...

Born in South Wales, he claims that his immediate family is not particularly musically literate, but always remembers having music around him.'I used to cry when my grandmother played Danny Boy on the piano, on which I used also to experiment when I went to her house.'

At about the age of eight, like many youngsters, he wanted to emulate his pop music heroes by playing the guitar, and despite his parents' reservations, was 'quietly persistent' in trying to get them to buy him an instrument.

Eventually they conceded, but only after he had shown musical promise by taking up the violin at school.

'I quite took to the violin, so the guitar never really went further than the usual four-chord trick. At home, I was never under any pressure to practise, and have been told that I made a decent sound: well at least my parents never complained!'

As usually happens with school tuition, he was taught in a group and, as children dropped out, received an increasing amount of individual time.School lessons were ultimately to become private lessons at the home of his teacher, Sidney Jones.
就像学校教育经常出现的那样,他一开始在一个小组里学习,随着不断有孩子退出,他越来越拥有更多的单独教受的时间。最后,学校课变成了个人课,他开始在 他的老师Sidney Jones的家里学习了。

'We would play things together - even exercises; he never seemed to have a fixed methodology but just loved the violin. I had a fair amount of success locally and was even asked by the headmaster at my school if I could be put forward for a television programme about kids' hobbies: I auditioned and appeared.

At about the same time, however, I had reached the point where I needed a teacher who could take me further.Sid suggested that I try for the Menuhin School, which in those days was still in its infancy.

In the audition, I had to play to a group of internationally distinguished musicians - Menuhin was there, along with Nadia Boulanger and Robert Masters.

I had taken a large pile of pieces with me, played through some of them and was later awarded one of the four places they were offering.'

(段落2...when I got to the Menuhin School, the atmosphere changed.The first lesson was like a doctor's consultation...

For Jonathan, the change was 'a hugely catastrophic culture-sho日夏养花网ck'. There was no bridging his South Wales experiences with those of the school, which he admits threw up a lot of questions and 'inner turmoil' about his own identity and, in particular, competition
对乔纳森来说,这个改变是巨大的激烈性的文化冲击。在他以前南威尔士的学习经历和新学校之间并无联系可言,他承认在这里解决了很多问题,如他自己个性的 ”五内俱乱“,特别是,竞争问题。

'Stories coming out at the time were of an Utopian musical experiment in Surrey that was churning out wonderful musicians. It did, but at what cost to the individual? Many who were there lost confidence, because suddenly being confronted with very talented people, and having to develop a sort of self-esteem within that peer group, was very hard.

One of the things that struck me after my first lesson in Wales was that learning was in the atmosphere - Sid and I just played together and there was never a feeling of having to do it a particular way.Today, the older I get, the more I appreciate what I was taught in those early days, because, when I got to the Menuhin School, the atmosphere changed.The first lesson was like a doctor's consultation; I had to play only a three-octave G minor scale with what I felt to be a terribly critical presence looming in the room.
“我在这里的第一节课里最令我记忆犹新的一件事就是这里的学习气氛---以前是Sid和我一起弹奏,而这里从来没有应该这样做的那种感觉。今天,我越来越感激 我在这里学习的那段早期岁月,因为,当我去梅纽因学校时,(学习)气氛完全改变了。第一课就像是医生的会诊那样,我不得不只弹奏一些三音阶的G小调的曲子 ,而这就让我感觉到教室里始终有一种可怕的批评隐约存在。

I didn't have the space to express myself in the way that I had been used to before I went to the school, and, for me, to take away that connection between expression and the development of a means of expression was a dangerous thing to do.'

At sixteen, Jonathan had to leave the Menuhin School since then their academic programme taught students only to O-level standard.

Many of his friends went on to the Royal Academy of Music, but, having lost much self-confidence, Jonathan decided to do his A-levels at Norwich, where his parents now lived

He took lessons from the distinguished violinist and teacher Frederick Grinke, and, by virtue of that relationship, was assured a place at the Academy. That line he decided not to pursue and instead opted to go to King's College, Cambridge
他师从于杰出的小提琴家Frederick Grinke教授。靠着这层关系,他被保送进入了Academy学院。但他决定不去走这条路,而是选择进入了剑桥国王学院。

'I have always been attracted to trying less-obvious routes; temperamentally, an artist's life should not be institutionalised, either in the way it was at the Menuhin School, or later when I worked for the BBC. What was attractive about Cambridge was that it valued independent spirit: one could develop one's life in a personally appropriate way.'

(段落3 I always felt that I had a solo capability, and having to suppress that so regularly was difficult to cope with

On graduation, in 1978, he moved to Freiburg to study. 'Although I wanted to make a break with England and English culture for a while, I was really interested in finding a way of prolonging student life!

There I studied with Wolfgang Marchner, who was a wonderful pedagogue, and still managed to hang out with other students.
在这里,我跟从Wolfgang Marchner学习,他是一个非同寻常的老师,和其他学生们居住在一起。

I was due to spend two years there, but only completed one - I think I was still smarting a little from my experiences at the Menuhin School and after beginning the second year realised that this sort of institutionalised study was something I no longer wanted.So I came back.
“本来我是预计要在这里呆两年,但实际上只完成了一年的学业,--我认为我仍对我在梅纽因学校的经历感到少许痛苦,在第二学年开始后,我意识到这种制度化 的学习已经不再是我所想要的了。因此我又回去了。”

Although not knowing clearly what he wanted to do, he saw a job advertised for the Associate Leader's post with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, for which he applied,Since his experience of orchestral playing was limited, he was unsuccessful, but was nevertheless offered co-principal second violin.

'I couldn't believe that the orchestra, still in its early days, was so poor, and although I did play with them on a few occasions, declined their offer of a permanent place and instead moved to London.'

Through Grinke, he auditioned for the English Chamber Orchestra, and became a very regular fixture for the next six years.

'That was extremely good experience and we worked with wonderful artists such as Kremer, Barenboim and Ashkenazy. The ECO was like an extended family - I valued it not only for its culture and camaraderie, but also for the fact that it gave me experience of working at a high level. On top of that, it was a tremendous way of seeing the world.'
“那真实非常完美的经历,我们与最出名的艺术家比如Kremer, Barenboim 和 Ashkenazy等一起工作。ECO(英国室内管弦乐队)就像是一个扩大了的家庭。--我非常珍惜它,不仅是因为它的www.rixia.cc文化性和同事间的非常友谊。而且还是因为一个事实,那就是它提供给我更高水准的工作经验。另外,你能以最好的方式去接触世界”

But playing with the orchestra had its down side: 'A lot of the time, it was quite a difficult existence. We toured abroad a lot, sometimes as much as two weeks in every six, and I didn't always have time for my own development. On top of that, touring is quite taxing. Because of all the travelling and the emotional input in concerts, it becomes easy to pick up all sorts of viruses and colds since your immune system takes such a pounding. In the end, I found that such a nomadic existence often conflicted with the other freelance work I did.'

Always on the lookout for 'new directions' in his career, perhaps something that is a throwback to his Menuhin days, he auditioned for the position of principal first violin with the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

'This was a chance to be in one place, which would give me a contract, a salary and a little more financial security. But when playing with orchestras, you find that the social structure is very much 19th-century, with an extreme hierarchy of command and behaviour.

In other jobs, it is rare to be in such an infantilising situation: you have one person who says "start playing" and you start, and "stop playing" and you stop! For anyone with a modicum of individuality or creativity, it is a very difficult situation to cope with. I always felt that I had a solo capability, and having to suppress that so regularly was difficult to cope with.'


He stayed with the BBC for three years, but, feeling that his life as a musician was becoming stale, decided to leave to become a freelance player.

'I felt that I had earned my spurs in orchestral music, had worked with some extremely good bands and really wanted something else. I suppose you could say that my decision to leave was reactive - again, I wanted something different and so took the opportunity. I started to guest-lead some very fine orchestras, such as Glyndebourne Touring, but also in the commercial session scene.'

He also joined with cellist Paul Watkins and harpist Hugh Webb to form the critically acclaimed chamber trio, Harfenspiel.
他还与大提琴演奏家Paul Watkins,竖琴家Hugh Webb组成了一个被广为赞誉的室内三重奏演出小组--Harfenspiel(这好像是个德语名)


(段落4 The film raised my profile in all kinds of respects...It feels as though I've been in "Gone with the Wind!"

1997 saw the release of Titanic and Jonathan's career took a slightly different direction. 'My work on Titanic as the bandleader Wallace Hartley, came through an ex-girlfriend who runs a theatrical agency.Her assistant was talking to agents in London who were involved with the casting of the film and were looking for an actor who knew something about playing the violin. They mentioned my name as one who had done some acting during his school career, and who actually knew how to play the instrument. To start with, I thought it was going to be only background music, but soon realised that the part was more significant.'

He did a couple of screen tests and eventually was chosen for the part. Initially a job that was to last only ten weeks, he was there for three
and a half months, spread out over a five-month period.

'I didn't really meet Kate Winslet or Leonardo diCaprio, except one night when he burst into my dressing room thinking it to be empty. I was dozing and he apologised profusely.

The film raised my profile in all kinds of respects - I don't think that anyone working on it thought that it was going to be quite such a
global success. It feels as though I've been in Gone with the Wind!

I am recognised quite a lot, and I've had quite a kick from that - when the media hype was at its highest, I did wonder if I was going to be able to get on public transport ever again! Nevertheless, I am glad I did it, it was something different and a very interesting experience.' Press plaudits were extremely encouraging on both sides of the Atlantic.
我的表演得到了认可,我也从这次经历中得到了极大的乐趣---当媒体宣传达到最高潮的时候,我确实疑惑我是否能再一次受到公众的欢迎,不过我很高兴我这样做了,这是一次不同寻常而且令人愉快的经历。" 大西洋两岸舆论的赞誉极大地鼓舞了我。

'I enjoyed the acting very much and would love the chance to do other roles.' He admits to using the high profile the film gave him as a platform for other musical projects and solo work, which includes his work in the critically acclaimed chamber trio, Harfenspiel, with cellist Paul Watkins and harpist Hugh Webb. Together, they present a variety of programmes of which one, A Night to Remember, includes music that might well have been played on the Titanic.
”我非常喜欢这个角色,也将期待着扮演其他角色的机会。”他承认应该利用电影给他带来的好形象当作一个平台向其他的音乐项目以及独奏方面发展。其中就包括他在室内三重奏演出小组与大提琴演奏家Paul Watkins,竖琴家Hugh Webb合作的工作。他们一起演出了很多节目,其中一个是“值得记忆的夜晚”,包括了在泰坦尼克号上演奏的音乐。

He seems to take it all in his stride. Critically acclaimed as a violinist, and now as an actor, the many facets to Jonathan Evans-Jones's career prove how colourful a musician's life can be. With an unblinkered outlook and a refreshing attitude that will try anything once, but which will never allow anything to get the better of him, Jonathan's future career looks set to continue being varied and interesting.
他看来已经取得了很大进步,作为小提琴家广受赞誉,现在作为演员同样也是。乔纳森 埃文斯-琼斯的职业生涯的很多方面证明了一个音乐家的多彩人生,有着闪光的观点和求新的态度,这将使他能尝试一次不同的东西,而也没有什么东西能阻碍他的前进,乔纳森 埃文斯-琼斯的未来之路看来将是继续着多样化和充满乐趣!

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With MusicTeachers.co.uk, Jonathan Evans-Jones looks at his varied career as a violinist, actor and arranger for the Hollywood blockbust日夏养花网er film, Titanic. Although the release of James Cameron's film, Titanic, turned the attentions of the teeny-bopper brigade to the boyish good looks and charming smile of Leonardo diCaprio, it was interesting to make the acquaintance of another member of the film on a recent tour of North Wales by the Welsh Chamber Orchestra. Leader and soloist, Jonathan Evans-Jones (pictured above) had a short, but significant, part in this reconstruction of one of the world's most tragic maritime disasters. To many in the audience, he is instantly recognisable as the actor who played doomed bandleader, Wallace Hartley, and concerts often ended with countless youngsters asking for his autograph. 'Some have seen the film nine or ten times' he says, 'and recognise just about everyone in the cast.' He admits that the film was an important part of his career, something his publicity exploits, but he nevertheless plays it down when amongst musician colleagues: Evans-Jones is a quiet and sensitive man whose modesty somehow seems to conflict with his chosen career as a musician. 第二段:I used to cry when my grandmother played "Danny Boy" on the piano... Born in South Wales, he claims that his immediate family is not particularly musically literate, but always remembers having music around him. 'I used to cry when my grandmother played Danny Boy on the piano, on which I used also to experiment when I went to her house.' At about the age of eight, like many youngsters
与musicteachers.co.uk ,乔纳森埃文斯-琼斯在他看来,不同的职业生涯作为一个小提琴家,演员及编曲为好莱坞大片的电影,铁达尼号。

虽然释放詹姆斯卡梅隆的电影,铁达尼号,把注意的teeny - bopper旅向好男孩气的外表和迷人的微笑李奥纳多狄卡皮欧,很有意思,使结识了另一名成员电影在最近参观了北威尔斯由威尔士室乐团。领导人和独奏,乔纳森埃文斯-琼斯(合照以上)进行了短,但意义重大,在这部分的重建之一,是世界上最悲惨的海洋灾害。在许多观众,他是即时辨认作为演员,谁发挥注定 bandleader ,华莱士哈特利,及演唱会结束,往往与无数青少年的要求,他的亲笔签名。一些看过电影9或10倍, '他说, '和承认只是每个人都在现浇。他承认电影是一个重要组成部分,他的职业生涯,他的一些宣传利用,但尽管如此,他扮演下来时,同事之间的音乐家:埃文斯-琼斯是一个安静的和敏感的男子,其谦虚,似乎有点冲突,他所选择的职业作为一个音乐家。


出生在南威尔士,他声称,他的直系家庭是不识字,特别是音乐,但始终记得,有音乐身边。 '我用哭时,我的祖母发挥丹尼男孩在钢琴上,我也用于实验时,我去她家。昨晚约8岁,像许多青少年
大概看了一下,可以翻,但是第一句看不懂,你确定没打错? MusicTeachers.co.uk是一个公司的名字吗??明天有时间翻一下.


With MusicTeachers.co.uk,乔纳森埃文斯-琼斯把自己看成是一个小提琴家,一个演员,也是好莱坞大片铁达尼号的编曲者。
虽然由詹姆斯卡梅隆制作的电影铁达尼号的放映把流行音乐迷们的注意力转向了莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥那张帅气的脸庞和迷人的微笑,有趣的是人们在最近的由威尔士室内乐团进行的北威尔士之旅中认识了电影里另一位成员。作为乐团的领队和独奏者,乔纳森埃文斯-琼斯(上图)在世上最大的海上船运灾难之一的重建中起了一个短而重大的作用。提到他的时候,很多观众马上就把他认成了那个遭遇厄运的乐队的领队者华莱士哈特利,而且音乐会通常会以数不尽的年轻人向他索要照片的局面而结束。“有些人看这部电影看了九次或者十次了。”他说,“他们能够认出电影角色里的每一个人。”他承认那部电影是他职业中很重要的一部分,给他带来了名声,但是在与他同行的音乐人中,他却贬低这部影片。埃文斯-琼斯是个文静而敏感的人,他的谦虚有时不知怎地与他所选择的职业——音乐家, 有所冲突。


With MusicTeachers.co.uk,乔纳森伊万斯琼斯看他各种各样的事业作为小提琴手、演员和编排者为好莱坞巨型炸弹影片,力大无比。

Although詹姆斯・卡梅伦的影片发行,力大无比,转移了极小的bopper旅团的注意力对男孩样好神色,并且迷人的微笑Leonardo diCaprio,做相识影片的另一名成员在北部威尔士的一次最近游览由威尔士乐队是有趣的。 领导和独奏者,乔纳森伊万斯琼斯(被生动描述以上)有短小,但是重大,部分在这重建其中一个世界的最悲剧的海灾害。 对许多在观众,他立即是可认识的作为演奏以不计其数的年轻人经常结束的被注定的领队、华莱士Hartley和音乐会请求他的题名的演员。 ‘一些看见影片九或十次’他说, ‘和认出关于大家在塑象’。 他承认然而影片是他的事业的一个重要部分,某事他的宣传盘剥,但是他贬低它,当在音乐家同事之中: 伊万斯琼斯是谦逊莫名其妙地似乎相冲突与他选上的事业作为音乐家的一个安静和敏感人。

Born在南威尔士,他声称他的直系亲属不是特别音乐有文化修养的,但是总是记得有音乐在他附近。 ‘我曾经哭泣,当我的祖母演奏了钢琴的Danny男孩,我也使用试验,当我去她的房子’。 在大约年龄的八,象许多年轻人


英语翻译 急用 谢谢~

发现自己翻译的意思全错了````帮帮忙,准确的翻译,谢谢~rnConsistency relates to an individualx27s reliability,predictability,and good judgment in handling situations.Inconsistencies between words and actions decrease trust.rnNothing is noticed more quickly...than a discrepancy between what executives preach and what they expect their associates to practice.rnTrust appears to be a primary attribute associated with leadership.rnPart of the leaderx27s task has been,and continues to be,working with people to find and solve problems,but whether leaders gain access to the knowledge and creative thinking they need to solve problems depends on how much people trust them.rnIf people are going to follow someone willingly,whether it be into battle or into the boardroom,they first want to assure themselves that the person is worthy of their trust.rnMore than ever,managerial and leadership effectiveness depends on the ability to gain the trust of followers.








本文标题: 英语翻译 作为一个十岁的孩子,他并没有足够的判断力
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/148107.html





