

英文高手请帮忙 (不是要翻译) 奉上两百分 ><

2021-07-29 12:19:11 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:99

英文高手请帮帮我 >< 奉上三十分 (可以再加分)

我需要看这个短片 回答问题 rnrn看不懂 也听不懂 有没有英文高手可以帮我 看短片 回答以下英文问题 >< rnrn(我真的看不懂影片内容 也看不懂问题 )rnrn不是要翻译喔 !!!!!!!rnrn影片 请去 youtubernrn搜寻 CS Lewis#1 就是了rn还有CS Lewis#2rnrn以下是题目rnrnrn1. How does Lewis describe ‘’ joy ‘’ and what/if have you ever experienced this joy ?rnrn2. How does our worldview influence our lives ?rnrn3. Why discuss Sigmund Freud and C.S Lewis ? are their worldviews mutually exclusive ?
为什么看视频? 最好读全文!

拜托 请帮助我 英文高手请帮忙 (不是要翻译) 奉上150分 >< 可以再加分喔

最近我在上一门课 要蒐集资料 写东西rnrn我选的主题 ( issue )是 joseph kony 2012 rnrn有没有人可以给我 几个 英文 paragraph - conclusionrnrn英文帮我写出rnrn- why this is an important conflict that should be the next issue to be resolved by an international committee.rnrn- your argument is opinion basedrnrn我要 own words ..不要复制网路上的资料!!!!!rnrnrn(请给我 2到3个 段落 )
我稍微知道Kony2012 。。不晓得您认为写得如何。

Joseph Kony is 日夏养花网the captain of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a Ugandan guerrilla group. While the strong public support is coming up, he started to abuse his authority. His treachery started at 1986, 66000 of children had been abducted and forced to join the army, which made the result of 2,000 thousands of population lost. Kony was indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, in 2005 but has evaded capture.

(part2) 拜托 请帮助我 英文高手请帮忙 (不是要翻译) 奉上150分 >< 可以再加分喔

最近我在上一门课 要蒐集资料 写东西rnrn我选的主题 ( issue )是 joseph kony 2012 rnrn有没有人可以给我 几个 英文 paragraph - explanationrnrn英文帮我写出 both perspectives of joseph kony ( 政府和公民 对kony 的观点 ) rnrnan explaination of the opposing perspectives !!rnrn我要 own words ..不要复制网路上的资料!!!!!rnrnrn(请给我 2到3个 段落 )
KONY 2012 is a short film released by the organization--Invisible Children. The video is recorded to overt Joseph Kony's evil treatment of children soldiers and advocate people around the world to fight with Invisible Children against Kony and his rebel group LRA( Lord's Resistance Army ).

There are both positive and negative opinions from various individuals and organizations.

People, especially Americans, who support Invible Children say that the film "Kony 2012" should be praised for reapUEIljhMAching tens of millions of people who probably nev日夏养花网er previously heard of Joseph Kony. They also state that since Joseph Kony totally distroys human rights and justice, great efforts should be made to arrest Joseph Kony and emancipate thousands of miserable children.

However, many foreign media point out that Invisible Children has added unnecessary fame to Joseph Kony and it's rather dangerous for a terrorist to become known by more people. The Uganda media also criticized that Invible Children has 日夏养花网exaggregated and distorted the current situation and has left a false impression on foreigners that Uganda is still in conflict as depicted by the film.

Personally, I virtually hate Joseph Kony for he has kidnapped innocent children and forced them to become child-sex slaves and child soldiers, which shows his disregard for humanity. Yet it&#pUEIljhMA39;s also not appropriate for Invisible Children to twist the truth and publicize Joseph Kony.
Anyway, I am looking foward to seeing practical actions be taken to arrest the criminal Kony and call for humanity and justice in the whole human society.


本文标题: 英文高手请帮忙 (不是要翻译) 奉上两百分 &gt;&lt;
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/147249.html





