急需关于景观设计的英文论文,大概10000字,最好带中文翻译。毕业设计要求强一片英文学术性文章翻译成中文,最好带有标题,摘要,关键词,请好心人帮忙,不胜感激 1.引言
2.1 景观的视觉美的含义:外在人眼中的景象
景观作为城市的延伸和附属 人们最早注意到的景观是城市本身,“景观的视野随后从城市扩展到了乡村,是乡村也成为景观”。文艺复兴之前的欧洲封建领主制度将人束缚在君权之下,人被束缚在土地之中,大自然充满神秘和恐怖,且又为人类生活之母,对土地的眷恋和依赖,使得人如母亲襁褓之中的婴儿。城市资本主义的兴起使人从土地中解放出来,土地的价值从生活和生存所必须的使用价值,转变成为可以交换的商品和资源,人与土地第一次分离而成为城里人。新兴的城市贵族通过强大的资本勾画其理想的城市,同时不断的向乡村扩展,将其作为城市的附属。1420年前后发明的ts原理,使理想城市的模式成为一个完全几何、数学的围有围墙的图案。在几何中心是一个大的开放空间,被行政建筑所包围:国王的宫殿,法院的大楼,主教堂,监狱,财务大楼和军事中心。这样的理想城市是为行政办公及法律公正而设立的,是为了城市生活而设计的,是纯粹理想化的。理想城市模式与文艺复兴时期的绘画一样,遵循了严格的比例关系和美学原则。而景观作为城市的延伸,也被同样的审美标准来设计和建造,因此有了凡尔塞为代表的巴洛克造园。
景观作为城市的逃避 景观作为视觉美的含义的第二个转变,源于工业化带来的城市环境的恶化。工业化本身是文艺复兴的成果,但是至少从19世纪下半叶开始,在欧洲和美国各大城市,城市环境极度恶化。城市作为文明和高雅的形
2.2 景观的栖息地含义:内在人的生活体验
景观是人与人、人与自然关系在大地上的烙印 每一景观都是人类居住的家,或者说是潜在的家。中国古代山水画把可居性作为画境和意境的最高标准。所谓的“山水有可行者,有可望者,有可居者,有可游者……但可行可望不如可居可游之为得”(郭熙、郭思《林泉高致》)。无论是作画还是赏画,实质上都是一种卜居的过程。也就是场所概念(place)的深层含义。这便又回到哲学家海得歌尔的栖居概念。栖居的过程实际上与自然的力量与过程相互作用,以便取得和谐的过程,大地上的景观是人类为了生存和生活而对自然的适应、改造和创造的结果。同时,栖居的过程也是建立在人与人和谐相处的过程。因此,作为栖息地的景观,是人与人,人与自然关系在大地上的烙印。
景观是内在人的生活体验 景观作为人在其中生活的地方,把具体的人和具体的场所联系在一起。景观是由场所构成的,而场所的结构又是通过景观来表达的。与时间和空间的概念一样,场所是无处不在的,人离不开场所,场所是人于地球和宇宙中的立足之处,场所使无变为有,使抽象变具体,是人在冥冥之中有了一个认识和把握外界空间和认识及定位自己的出发点和终点。
2.3 景观作为系统的含义:科学、客观的解读
2.4 景观作为符号的含义:人类理想和历史的书
3.1 景观设计所涵盖的领域
2.1 景观的视觉美的含义:外在人眼中的景象
景观作为城市的延伸和附属 人们最早注意到的景观是城市本身,“景观的视野随后从城市扩展到了乡村,是乡村也成为景观”。文艺复兴之前的欧洲封建领主制度将人束缚在君权之下,人被束缚在土地之中,大自然充满神秘和恐怖,且又为人类生活之母,对土地的眷恋和依赖,使得人如母亲襁褓之中的婴儿。城市资本主义的兴起使人从土地中解放出来,土地的价值从生活和生存所必须的使用价值,转变成为可以交换的商品和资源,人与土地第一次分离而成为城里人。新兴的城市贵族通过强大的资本勾画其理想的城市,同时不断的向乡村扩展,将其作为城市的附属。1420年前后发明的ts原理,使理想城市的模式成为一个完全几何、数学的围有围墙的图案。在几何中心是一个大的开放空间,被行政建筑所包围:国王的宫殿,法院的大楼,主教堂,监狱,财务大楼和军事中心。这样的理想城市是为行政办公及法律公正而设立的,是为了城市生活而设计的,是纯粹理想化的。理想城市模式与文艺复兴时期的绘画一样,遵循了严格的比例关系和美学原则。而景观作为城市的延伸,也被同样的审美标准来设计和建造,因此有了凡尔塞为代表的巴洛克造园。
景观作为城市的逃避 景观作为视觉美的含义的第二个转变,源于工业化带来的城市环境的恶化。工业化本身是文艺复兴的成果,但是至少从19世纪下半叶开始,在欧洲和美国各大城市,城市环境极度恶化。城市作为文明和高雅的形
2.2 景观的栖息地含义:内在人的生活体验
景观是人与人、人与自然关系在大地上的烙印 每一景观都是人类居住的家,或者说是潜在的家。中国古代山水画把可居性作为画境和意境的最高标准。所谓的“山水有可行者,有可望者,有可居者,有可游者……但可行可望不如可居可游之为得”(郭熙、郭思《林泉高致》)。无论是作画还是赏画,实质上都是一种卜居的过程。也就是场所概念(place)的深层含义。这便又回到哲学家海得歌尔的栖居概念。栖居的过程实际上与自然的力量与过程相互作用,以便取得和谐的过程,大地上的景观是人类为了生存和生活而对自然的适应、改造和创造的结果。同时,栖居的过程也是建立在人与人和谐相处的过程。因此,作为栖息地的景观,是人与人,人与自然关系在大地上的烙印。
景观是内在人的生活体验 景观作为人在其中生活的地方,把具体的人和具体的场所联系在一起。景观是由场所构成的,而场所的结构又是通过景观来表达的。与时间和空间的概念一样,场所是无处不在的,人离不开场所,场所是人于地球和宇宙中的立足之处,场所使无变为有,使抽象变具体,是人在冥冥之中有了一个认识和把握外界空间和认识及定位自己的出发点和终点。
2.3 景观作为系统的含义:科学、客观的解读
2.4 景观作为符号的含义:人类理想和历史的书
3.1 景观设计所涵盖的领域
急需一篇关于大学校园规划设计的论文,要中英文对照的,最好是中英版都有的。 我英语不好,急死了。。。
1. 功能分区:随着高等教育理念的变化,学校规模的发严格强调高校内各大功能分区,事实上已不能满足对学生、老师的使用要求。而要使各功能区域之间相互交融、渗透,就必须运用“以人为本”的理念。
2. 校园特色:在新校区规划中传承大学文化、地域特色造反映各自学校人文精神和特色的校园环境。
3. 生态环境:随着校园的大规模建设,规划设计中应结自然和充分利用自然条件,保护和构建校园的生态系统。创造生态化、园林化的校园环境。
4. 可持续发展:校园规划应充分考虑到未来的发展,使规划结构多样、协调、富有弹性,适应未来变化,满足可持续发展。在校园整体设计中还应:
Is unceasingly thorough along with the reform and open policy, ourcountry higher education enterprise also obtained the unprecedenteddevelopment. Large quantities of new schools, new school areas inunceasing establishment. The campus construction is not certainly complex, but here is breedinglarge number of students' hope and the dream. This kind forgives thecampus atmosphere the plan, a more ideal procedure is may introducethe city layout method the campus design. In this process, by no meansis with emphasis the plan and the design concrete shape construction,but is an entire set of game rule, here contains to spatial and themonomer construction control PvAUxsessential factor, as well as carries outthe method, advocated the public participation, establishes themechanism which a set may unceasingly consummate. Uses in particularthe main body crowd teachers and students opinion must receive takes.The old school area conformity, should enable the building to obtainin function insufficiency makes up, inside and outside the conformityconstruction the space, and causes the different age the buildingvivid fusion again same place. Also eliminates the function and theform, should the spirit and the cultural connotation, thereforeproposed university campus plan design overall view. First, university campus plan design idea 1. functions districts: Along with the higher education ideachange, the school scale sends strictly emphasized in the universitieseach big function district, has not been able to satisfy in fact tothe student, teacher's operation requirements. But must cause betweenvarious functions region mutually to blend, the seepage, must utilize"humanist" idea. 2. campuses characteristics: Inherits the university culture, theregion characteristic in the new school area plan makes reflectsrespective school humanities spirit and the characteristic campusenvironment. 3. ecological environments: Along with the campus large-scaleconstruction, in the plan design should tie the nature and the fulluse natural condition, protects and constructs the campus theecosystem. Creation ecology, botanical garden campus environment. 4. sustainable development: The campus plan should fully consider thefuture the development, will diversely cause the plan structurediversely, to be coordinated, the rich elasticity, the adaption futurechanges, satisfies the sustainable development. In the campus overalldesign also should: 1) constructs between the monomer to be supposed theintercoordination, mutually to converse and the organic connection,forms the path to set up the surface and exterior spatial overallcontinuity; 2) embarks from the campus overall style, the building or thelandscape should have the organic order and become in system whole anunit; 3) exterior spatial and the building space design is cannot bedivided, the plan construction landscape design, should become in thecampus construction development an important work. Second, campus overall design view universal principle The universal principle is abstract the university campus is amulti-purpose suitable scale person occupies the environmentalresearch. (1) macroscopic level - builds take the overall spatial environment asthe object designer needs to use the spatial environment take thewhole to build as the design object and the ultimate objective, heshould pay attention to the campus area the entire life space, thehumanities environment. 1st, defined overall design important starting point In each garden area overall design, must analyze the base, theteaching idea and so on, allocates the design to cut into the spot.The defined overall design important starting point is advantageous tograsps importantly in the design is contradictory, the prominent mainbody characteristic is clear about the host from the relations, andproposes each essential factor relation intrinsic logic and the way,thus is clear about each design essential factor to be supposed tofollow with the prominent key rule guarantee whole unificationdirection. 2nd, mutually restricts circulation thought process The campus overall design thought process are many to thecirculation comprehensive process, namely embarks the considerationplan from the architectural design, from exterior spatial structureconsideration plan, in turn considers the building again from the planrequest, the landscape and exterior space. In the overall design thesefour parts, should be mutually restrict, all must give dual attentionto other design stages in each design stage. (2) center view level - optimization community constructs exteriorspace In the campus overall design, should peripheral enable thecommunity building exterior space if to achieve the integrity effect.Optimizes exterior spatial the form: 1st, exterior spatial main body in the community architectural design,will have often to construct takes the supporting role, will takeexterior space the main body, according to the building and the chartbottom relations, emphatically will analyze the shape and the relationwhich exterior space will encircle gathers, as well as continuity. 2nd, exterior space is pleasant unifies person's activity and exteriorspace, emphasized exterior spatial the participation, shouldartificial plans some function spaces according to the garden areastyle and the life atmosphere, both has the influence to people's lifestyle, and is beneficial to enhances exterior spatial the status,causes inside and outside space to unify contributes together to theoverall environment. 3rd, the microscopic level - heavy construction ash space andconstructs the space "The ash space" on the one hand refers to the color, on theother hand refers is situated between inside and outside the roomexcessively the space, its existence has actually cancelled in theconstruction in the certain degree the exterior boundary, causes twoto become an organic whole. Spatial linking up creates inside andoutside the consistent construction with the design unification,eliminated inside and outside the spatial barrier, for person onenatural organic whole feeling. Says regarding the whole design, the transition space considerationand the design reveals is extremely prominent, through ash space tobuilding empty processing, if with the association porch, theplatform, sets up the surface the hole, outside staircase, increasespace and level and so on footbridge So-called "constructs" the space to be opposite to theconstruction space says, defines as in outside the architecturaldesign project description request necessity function space, forbuilds up the space which the place feeling forms, like wallextending, stands leans on, frame, symbol, tower and so on. Constructsthe space for the non- construction space, although cannot have thedirect function, but they frequently for construction extending, thepart which as well as inside and outside the room blends, has thevital significance to person's consciousness experience continuity andthe place feeling formation. Third, the campus overall design compatibility constructs theconstruction principle (1) campus function time 1st, holds the cultural atmosphere, also must move towards theopening. On the one hand, the rear service market socializationmanagement brings the question for the campus construction, on theother hand, the campus culture, the sports resources are open to thesociety, to plans the layout and the traffic control influence. 2nd, the knowledge economy caused the talented person knowledge therequest to have the new transformation. One is the lifelong educatesinto the society again the request, the adult education institutearises at the historic moment as the university attached function, twois producing study grinds the integration, the scientific researchachievement serves the society. 3rd, "altogether constructs, the adjustment, the merge, the union" thenew time education reform caret shaped policy, its goal lies in theresources superiority supplementary and the multi-disciplinarysynthesis provides the good opportunity for the university to thehigher level development. Thus the campus design will have thenecessity to strengthen the teaching central area the centralizedlayout, will reform each will be the seal independent environmentarrangement, favor resources sharing and the discipline exchange maythe individual be independent, roughly will concentrate the layoutpattern will highly effective achieve highly effective, the convenientintelligence teaching environment. 4th, the higher education connotation unidirectionally instills intoby the traditional teacher to the student to take the student as themain body, transforms take person's development and the quality raiseas the central open style education, this tendency request strengthensin the campus design emphasized "humanist" the thought, emphasized thewalk space, human's criterion, as well as the person and the nature,the person and person's exchange, not merely emphasized the mainteaching space, the entire campus student lives the spa日夏养花网ce all to besupposed to take a whole receives takes. (2) campus center overall cohesive force formation Early modern campus its main characteristic is thearchitectural complex revolves a central square to form the orderlyspool thread relations square 柱廊 to be all around connected, thelibrary or other leading constructions are located a spool thread end. 1st, the central square and the square 尽端 sign leadershipconstructs into the campus host square, the large-scale contact publicspace, and strengthened the campus characteristic morning thecognition, because a body or whole relative disperser, in disorder,therefore center feels in one's heart the formation is advantageous tothe overall feeling formation.
1. 功能分区:随着高等教育理念的变化,学校规模的发严格强调高校内各大功能分区,事实上已不能满足对学生、老师的使用要求。而要使各功能区域之间相互交融、渗透,就必须运用“以人为本”的理念。
2. 校园特色:在新校区规划中传承大学文化、地域特色造反映各自学校人文精神和特色的校园环境。
3. 生态环境:随着校园的大规模建设,规划设计中应结自然和充分利用自然条件,保护和构建校园的生态系统。创造生态化、园林化的校园环境。
4. 可持续发展:校园规划应充分考虑到未来的发展,使规划结构多样、协调、富有弹性,适应未来变化,满足可持续发展。在校园整体设计中还应:
Is unceasingly thorough along with the reform and open policy, ourcountry higher education enterprise also obtained the unprecedenteddevelopment. Large quantities of new schools, new school areas inunceasing establishment. The campus construction is not certainly complex, but here is breedinglarge number of students' hope and the dream. This kind forgives thecampus atmosphere the plan, a more ideal procedure is may introducethe city layout method the campus design. In this process, by no meansis with emphasis the plan and the design concrete shape construction,but is an entire set of game rule, here contains to spatial and themonomer construction control PvAUxsessential factor, as well as carries outthe method, advocated the public participation, establishes themechanism which a set may unceasingly consummate. Uses in particularthe main body crowd teachers and students opinion must receive takes.The old school area conformity, should enable the building to obtainin function insufficiency makes up, inside and outside the conformityconstruction the space, and causes the different age the buildingvivid fusion again same place. Also eliminates the function and theform, should the spirit and the cultural connotation, thereforeproposed university campus plan design overall view. First, university campus plan design idea 1. functions districts: Along with the higher education ideachange, the school scale sends strictly emphasized in the universitieseach big function district, has not been able to satisfy in fact tothe student, teacher's operation requirements. But must cause betweenvarious functions region mutually to blend, the seepage, must utilize"humanist" idea. 2. campuses characteristics: Inherits the university culture, theregion characteristic in the new school area plan makes reflectsrespective school humanities spirit and the characteristic campusenvironment. 3. ecological environments: Along with the campus large-scaleconstruction, in the plan design should tie the nature and the fulluse natural condition, protects and constructs the campus theecosystem. Creation ecology, botanical garden campus environment. 4. sustainable development: The campus plan should fully consider thefuture the development, will diversely cause the plan structurediversely, to be coordinated, the rich elasticity, the adaption futurechanges, satisfies the sustainable development. In the campus overalldesign also should: 1) constructs between the monomer to be supposed theintercoordination, mutually to converse and the organic connection,forms the path to set up the surface and exterior spatial overallcontinuity; 2) embarks from the campus overall style, the building or thelandscape should have the organic order and become in system whole anunit; 3) exterior spatial and the building space design is cannot bedivided, the plan construction landscape design, should become in thecampus construction development an important work. Second, campus overall design view universal principle The universal principle is abstract the university campus is amulti-purpose suitable scale person occupies the environmentalresearch. (1) macroscopic level - builds take the overall spatial environment asthe object designer needs to use the spatial environment take thewhole to build as the design object and the ultimate objective, heshould pay attention to the campus area the entire life space, thehumanities environment. 1st, defined overall design important starting point In each garden area overall design, must analyze the base, theteaching idea and so on, allocates the design to cut into the spot.The defined overall design important starting point is advantageous tograsps importantly in the design is contradictory, the prominent mainbody characteristic is clear about the host from the relations, andproposes each essential factor relation intrinsic logic and the way,thus is clear about each design essential factor to be supposed tofollow with the prominent key rule guarantee whole unificationdirection. 2nd, mutually restricts circulation thought process The campus overall design thought process are many to thecirculation comprehensive process, namely embarks the considerationplan from the architectural design, from exterior spatial structureconsideration plan, in turn considers the building again from the planrequest, the landscape and exterior space. In the overall design thesefour parts, should be mutually restrict, all must give dual attentionto other design stages in each design stage. (2) center view level - optimization community constructs exteriorspace In the campus overall design, should peripheral enable thecommunity building exterior space if to achieve the integrity effect.Optimizes exterior spatial the form: 1st, exterior spatial main body in the community architectural design,will have often to construct takes the supporting role, will takeexterior space the main body, according to the building and the chartbottom relations, emphatically will analyze the shape and the relationwhich exterior space will encircle gathers, as well as continuity. 2nd, exterior space is pleasant unifies person's activity and exteriorspace, emphasized exterior spatial the participation, shouldartificial plans some function spaces according to the garden areastyle and the life atmosphere, both has the influence to people's lifestyle, and is beneficial to enhances exterior spatial the status,causes inside and outside space to unify contributes together to theoverall environment. 3rd, the microscopic level - heavy construction ash space andconstructs the space "The ash space" on the one hand refers to the color, on theother hand refers is situated between inside and outside the roomexcessively the space, its existence has actually cancelled in theconstruction in the certain degree the exterior boundary, causes twoto become an organic whole. Spatial linking up creates inside andoutside the consistent construction with the design unification,eliminated inside and outside the spatial barrier, for person onenatural organic whole feeling. Says regarding the whole design, the transition space considerationand the design reveals is extremely prominent, through ash space tobuilding empty processing, if with the association porch, theplatform, sets up the surface the hole, outside staircase, increasespace and level and so on footbridge So-called "constructs" the space to be opposite to theconstruction space says, defines as in outside the architecturaldesign project description request necessity function space, forbuilds up the space which the place feeling forms, like wallextending, stands leans on, frame, symbol, tower and so on. Constructsthe space for the non- construction space, although cannot have thedirect function, but they frequently for construction extending, thepart which as well as inside and outside the room blends, has thevital significance to person's consciousness experience continuity andthe place feeling formation. Third, the campus overall design compatibility constructs theconstruction principle (1) campus function time 1st, holds the cultural atmosphere, also must move towards theopening. On the one hand, the rear service market socializationmanagement brings the question for the campus construction, on theother hand, the campus culture, the sports resources are open to thesociety, to plans the layout and the traffic control influence. 2nd, the knowledge economy caused the talented person knowledge therequest to have the new transformation. One is the lifelong educatesinto the society again the request, the adult education institutearises at the historic moment as the university attached function, twois producing study grinds the integration, the scientific researchachievement serves the society. 3rd, "altogether constructs, the adjustment, the merge, the union" thenew time education reform caret shaped policy, its goal lies in theresources superiority supplementary and the multi-disciplinarysynthesis provides the good opportunity for the university to thehigher level development. Thus the campus design will have thenecessity to strengthen the teaching central area the centralizedlayout, will reform each will be the seal independent environmentarrangement, favor resources sharing and the discipline exchange maythe individual be independent, roughly will concentrate the layoutpattern will highly effective achieve highly effective, the convenientintelligence teaching environment. 4th, the higher education connotation unidirectionally instills intoby the traditional teacher to the student to take the student as themain body, transforms take person's development and the quality raiseas the central open style education, this tendency request strengthensin the campus design emphasized "humanist" the thought, emphasized thewalk space, human's criterion, as well as the person and the nature,the person and person's exchange, not merely emphasized the mainteaching space, the entire campus student lives the spa日夏养花网ce all to besupposed to take a whole receives takes. (2) campus center overall cohesive force formation Early modern campus its main characteristic is thearchitectural complex revolves a central square to form the orderlyspool thread relations square 柱廊 to be all around connected, thelibrary or other leading constructions are located a spool thread end. 1st, the central square and the square 尽端 sign leadershipconstructs into the campus host square, the large-scale contact publicspace, and strengthened the campus characteristic morning thecognition, because a body or whole relative disperser, in disorder,therefore center feels in one's heart the formation is advantageous tothe overall feeling formation.
本文标题: 关于园林规划英语论文(本)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/134349.html