


2021-06-22 09:19:03 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:95


ma chi a ka ri ha na ya ka nne te ru ma sa i no tsu me ta sa nnne mu re nai go zen ni zi nnsu be te ka kyu u so ku ni ka wa ru nno i ru se tu re no u i ta nnya ke cu ku yo u na i no na ka nnsu be te ga sou u so na ra nnhon tou ni you ka ta no ni ne nnki mi no ku bi wo zi me ru yu me wo mi ta nnhi ka ri no a fu re ru hi ru sa ga ri nnki mi no ho so i no do ga ha ne ru no wo nnna ki de shi so u na me de mi te i ta nnka ku yu u ro ni sa nnto bi ko n de mi ta i to o mou nnma ssa o na hi ka ri cu cu ma re te ki rei nnka ku yu u ro ni sa nnto bi ko n de mi ta ra so shi ta ra nnsu be te ka yu ru sa re ru yo na ki ga shi te nnbe ra n da no mu kou ga wa nnda n ka i wo no bo tsu te yu ku o to nnka ge ri da shi ta so ra ga nnma do ga ra su ni he ya ni o chi ru nnka ku san n su ru yu ku le n nna ki ha ra si ta yo na hi no a ka nnro ke ru yo ni su ko si zu tu n nsu ko si zu tsu sin de yu ku se kai nnki mi no ku bi o si me lu yu me o mi ta nnha ru ka ze ni yu le lu ka te n ka wa i te nnki le ta ku chi bi ru ka ra nngo go le lu ko to ba wa a wa no yo nnka ku yuu go ro ni sa nnto bi kon de mi tai to o mo nnma ji o ni ki o ku ka sa le te ki e ru nnka ku yun go ro ni sa nnto bi kon de mi ta ra ma ta mu ka si mi tai ni n nme re ru yo na so n na ke ga re te nnto ke ni no byou sin ya nnte re bi no si kai si ya ya nnso ko ni i ru ke do mi e nai da ne ka no nnwa rai go e ho wa si te han n kyo nna re gro a ji te t nnmi mi na li ga ki e nai ya ma nai nna re gro a ji te t nnmi mi na li ga ki e nai ya ma nai nnda ne mo mi n na ki e te ku yu me o mi ta nnma yo na ka no he ya no hi ro sa to se i ja ku ga nnmu ne ni tu ka e te nnjo u zu ni i ki ga de ki na ku na ru nn(Shout!!) nnka ku yuu go ro ni sa nnto bi kon de mi ta ra so si ta ra nnki to ne ru yo ni ki e te ke ru n da nnbo ku no i nai a sa wa nni ma yo ri zu to su ha ra si ku te nnsu be te no ha ku ru ma ga ka mi go ta nnki to so n na se kai dann【注意是【中文谐音】!!我不会罗马音,帮帮忙!!】满意有高分!!








基区MI没有我儒子双向卧于我窝MI TA




玉嘉区RO SA是

以双高ñ DE MI TA我为O亩


玉嘉区RO SA是

以双高ñ DE MI市TA TA RA使岭


没有RA ñ达万亩GA口的








基MI没有我不要我的双向Ø Ø英里陆羽TA



去走勒鲁阁到BA A A A没有哟



马骥a基Ø Ø区乐嘉山特茹文Ë


以双马羊DE TA TA RA MI MI亩嘉大不




所以我儒阁是科大做MI NE发送奈家无






莫NE达MI N和E文特苦雨我Ø MI TA

与嘉麻哟没有他没有喜来RO SA区本身我JA GA


JO u是我祖文GA DE KI和区和茹



以双羊DE MI TA TA岭岭并非如此







第一句:jsxnlybhgsnqaddbqylwjszgyzrgwkxdhynrnkxnmwhjlbngrn第二句:qsyxhwhxgsnzswbndbqnssmgjnwdxlhnswznmmdxnrgkywhxnawyyan.rnrn第一句前面的意思:rn 就是想你了也不会告诉。你亲爱的对不起rn第二句前面的意思:其实有些话我会想告诉你,只是我不能的,对不起
我勒个去 这是啥子呦、、

谁能帮帮我把这些翻译成英文, 急用

我有个国际网站外国朋友, 但是人生心言写的原文,英语不精通,想让大家把这个翻译成原文英语,把英语翻译成我写的汉语那样流利的英语,急用真的, 大家们.在这里谢谢大家了.这两天就要.原文是下头的r日夏养花网n 月儿,照亮了眼前飘着雪花的今夜.rnrn寒冷凄凉风吹在倔强远望的脸上.rnrn井中的水,温暖我冰冷的双脚.rnrn渺小的愿望,让我度过了童年生死离别没有亲情时光.rnrn心,痛了.泪, 流完了.失去亲人, 没有泪水为我所爱的人而流泪.rnrn活着, 是为了什么活,rnrn活着,我要去我想去的地方, 做我想做的事.rnrn死了,我是为什么而死.rnrn死了,为了我的本性的目的地而生, 而死.rnrn生活的困苦,走了这么远,失去的失去,rnrn选择了这条路,rnrn让这颗洒脱的心,脱离外界,指引她去心爱的地方。rnrn魏魏的风 ,吹在我的脸旁光儿也沉落了,我漫步走在个人静悄悄小路中.rnrn走吧, 走吧,rnrn让这颗舒畅的心, 去去看看...............rn 探索物质 通用全球深渊的社会经验,在每个人百年的时间里志同不一样的探索,吸收外界绿叶, 开发个人的潜力,使个人活的更自由,更洒脱。不是我们没有成功, 不是我们没有做到那个点,只不过我们没有澄请清醒的思想。我思古, 我在 rn世间,个人的失去让这颗心发现了生命如此的可贵。rn贫穷, 挫折成长过程中这个世界推动改变了清醒的思想。rn富裕,赐予我多余的时间,创新物质, 学习人生。rn我在等待,今年的桃树结那过程中苦水的果实,在等待明年春天桃花飘香的气息绽放炫耀。rn人会老的,昨天我做了什么了,没想过。明天有是如何度过呢,我不知道。今天,我只不过抒发心灵的感触。生命的时间里,个人执着追求换来的就是这么点东西........。这一生, 我做了个人自已不后悔的事了吗。rn等待这,等待这年龄成熟认知生存与物质息息项链。rn四季的天,在这年龄进化中感受着,路还有多远呢,腿好酸,前方有加油站吗, 饿的发昏。翻过这座大山就到了吗,累的真的真的不想说话。rn然而, 我跳过了人类的勾心斗角,跳过了家庭生存生活繁繁忙忙的日子,利益的收获在年龄层次中也在升级。rn最终,老去那点时间, 也是个人生命生存的经验毕业。 rn 去我想去的地方, 做我想做的事,却是本性的性格,活着的替代.rn 心中日夏养花网国外的她在哪里,经历时间的泪水却为了异国他乡的你.rn 请允许我尘埃落定rn用沉默埋葬了过去rn满身风雨我从海上来rn才隐居在这沙漠里rn该隐瞒的事总清晰rn千言万语只能无语rn爱是天时地利的迷信rn喔原来你也在这里rn啊哪一个人rn是不是只存在梦境里rn为什么我用尽全身力气rn却换来半生回忆rn若不是你渴望眼睛rn若不是我救赎心情rn在千山万水人海相遇rn喔原来你也在这里rn☆原来你也在这里☆rn演唱:刘若英rn*** music ***rn请允许我尘埃落定rn用沉默埋葬了过去rn满身风雨我从海上来rn才隐居在这沙漠里rn该隐瞒的事总清晰rn千言万语只能无语rn爱是天时地利的迷信rn喔原来你也在这里rn啊哪一个人rn是不是只存在梦境里rn为什么我用尽全身力气rn却换来半生回忆rn若不是你渴望眼睛rn若不是我救赎心情rn在千山万水人海相遇rn喔原来你也在这里rn啊哪一个人rn是不是只存在梦境里rn为什么我用尽全身力气rn却换来半生回忆rn若不是你渴望眼睛rn若不是我救赎心情rn在千山万水人海相遇rn喔☆原来你也在这里rn该隐瞒的事总清晰rn千言万语只能无语rn爱是天时地利的迷信rn喔原来你也在这里rn☆原来你也在这里☆
诺这就是了! 记得加分哦!!

Moon, illuminated the immediate floating snow tonight.

Cold, bleak wind in the face of stubborn afar.

Wells of water, warm my cold feet.

Petty desire, so I had a childhood affection of life and death there is no parting time.

Heart pain. Tears streaming finished. Have lost loved ones, no tears for my loved ones and shed tears.

Alive, where are we going live,

Alive, I'm going where I want to go, do what I want to do.

Is dead, why I died.

Dead, for my nature destination was born, and die.

Life of hardship, gone so far, lost lost,

Chose this path,

Let Zheke free and easy to heart, from the outside world, the guide her to go to favorite places.

WEI Wei wind, blowing in my Lian Pang-kwong who also sink in, I walked quietly walk in the paths of individuals.

Go, go,

Let Zheke comfortable heart, Qu Qu to see ...............
To explore the abyss of the material on GM's global social experience, in the hundred years each with a different blog to explore, absorb outside green leaves, the development of personal potential, so that individuals live a more free and more free and easy. Is not that we did not succeed, is not that we did not do that point, but we did not clarify what a cool idea. I's deep, I
This world, the individual lives lost to heart is found so valuable.
Poverty, frustration grew up in this world to promote changed the sober thinking.
Rich, gave me extra time, innovative materials, learn about life.
I am waiting, this year's peach junction during the grievances that the fruit while waiting for next spring, peach blossom fragrance atmosphere to show off.
People will become old, and what I did yesterday, and never thought. Is how to spend it tomorrow, I do not know. Today, I just express spiritual thoughts and feelings. Life-time, personal dedication to pursue something in return is so ........。 This life, I have done personally do not regret the things themselves do.
Waiting for this, waiting for the survival in this age of cognitive and physical maturity interest rates necklace.
Four Seasons of days, in this age group feel the evolution of the road How far do my legs a good acid, in front of a gas station do, hungry to feel giddy. Climbed over a big mountain called on to do, tired of the really, really do not want to speak.
However, I skipped the human intrigue, skip the survival of family life fan busy busy day, the interests of the harvest in the age hierarchy has also been escalating.
In the end, growing old that point of time, but also the survival of individual life experiences of graduates.
To go where I want to go, do what I wanted to do, but it is the nature of personality, living an alternative.
Mind where she was abroad, through time the tears are for you to a different country.
Please allow me the dust has settled
Buried with the silence of the past
Covered with wind and rain I come from the sea,
Was hiding in the desert
The thing to hide the overall clarity
A thousand words can only be silent
Love is timing and place of superstition
Oh, So you are here
Ah what personal
Is there is only a dream
Why am I exhausted body strength
In rhttp://www.rixia.cceturn for half a lifetime memories
If you want the eye
If it were not my salvation mood
Encounter in the mountains and seas sea
Oh, So you are here
☆ ☆ So you are also here
Song: Rene Liu
*** Music ***
Please allow me the dust has settled
Buried with the silence of the past
Covered with wind and rain I come from the sea,
Was hiding in the desert
The thing to hide the overall clarity
A thousand words can only be silent
Love is timing and place of superstition
Oh, So you are here
Ah what personal
Is there is only a dream
Why am I exhausted body strength
In return for half a lifetime memories
If you want the eye
If it were not my salvation mood
Encounter in the mountains and seas sea
Oh, So you are here
Ah what personal
Is there is only a dream
Why am I exhausted body strength
In return for half a lifetime memories
If you want the eye
If it were not my salvation mood
Encounter in the mountains and seas sea
Oh ☆ So you are also here
The thing to hide the overall clarity
A thousand words can only be silent
Love is timing and place of superstition
Oh, So you are here
☆ ☆ So you are also here

The moon, lit up front with snow tonight.

The cold wind blow on stubborn and troubles.

Wells of water, and warm my cold feet.

Little desire, let I spent my childhood days without dying affection.

The heart, pa日夏养花网in, flow out. No tears. Loss for the person I love.

What is to live, live,

Alive, I want to go, I want to go, do I want to do.

Why is dead, I die.

The nature of my dead, to the destination, and die.

The hardships of life, and walked so far, lost lost,

Choose this road,

Let the heart, free from outside, and guide her to love.

Wei wei, the wind blowing on my face was sunk by light son also, I walked silently in personal path.

Go, go,

Let the heart, and to see...
Explore substance gm's global abyss of social experience, in everyone's time with 100 volunteers of exploration, absorb greenery, develop individual potential, makes people to live more freedom, more free. We didn't succeed, we didn't do that, but we have no chengcheng. Please sober My idea, I am in
In this world, let this personal lose heart found life so valuable.
Poverty, setback the growth process in the world changed the conscious tho日夏养花网ught pushing.
Rich, give me extra time, innovation, to learn about life.
This year, I am waiting for the peach "the bitter fruit, process in the wait for next spring blossom blooms breath should show.
The old man yesterday, I will do anything, no thought. How about tomorrow, and I don't know. Today, I just express heart feeling. The time of life, personal persistent pursuit for rage is... . In this life, I do not repent of personal yourself?
For this, waiting for the mature and material interest rate cognitive survival.
Four days, in this age of evolution, road and how far ahead, legs, and have good acid gas, hungry faint. Over the mountain, and came to the tired? Really, really do not want to speak.
However, I skipped intrigue, skipped the human family life numerous busy busy days, interest in the age of harvest in the upgrade.
Finally, the old to the time of life, it is personal experience.
Where I want to go, do I want to do, but nature character, instead of living.
Where is she in the overseas experience of time, but the tears in a foreign country.
Please allow me to the dust settles
Use silence to bury past
And I came from the sea
Hiding in the desert before
The secret of total clarity
All were only
Love is being superstition
Oh that you are here
What a man!
There is only a dream
Why do I use all my strength
But for half memories
If not for your eyes
If I hadn't redeemed mood
In the mountains and sea
Oh that you are here
☆ originally you are ☆ here
Singing: Rene liu
* * * * * * * * * music
Please allow me to the dust settles
Use silence to bury past
And I came from the sea
Hiding in the desert before
The secret of total clarity
All were only
Love is being superstition
Oh that you are here
What a man!
There is only a dream
Why do I use all my strength
But for half memories
If not for your eyes
If I hadn't redeemed mood
In the mountains and sea
Oh that you are here
What a man!
There is only a dream
Why do I use all my strength
But for half memories
If not for your eyes
If I hadn't redeemed mood
In the mountains and sea
Oh ☆ originally you are here
The secret of total clarity
All were only
Love is being superstition
Oh that you are here
☆ originally you are ☆ here
Moon, illuminated the immediate floating snow tonight.

Cold, bleak wind in the face of stubborn afar.

Wells of water, warm my cold feet.

Petty desire, so I had a childhood affection of life and death there is no parting time.

Heart pain. Tears streaming finished. Have lost loved ones, no tears for my loved ones and shed tears.

Alive, where are we going live,

Alive, I'm going where I want to go, do what I want to do.

Is dead, why I died.

Dead, for my nature destination was born, and die.

Life of hardship, gone so far, lost lost,

Chose this path,

Let Zheke free and easy to heart, from the outside world, the guide her to go to favorite places.

WEI Wei wind, blowing in my Lian Pang-kwong who also sink in, I walked quietly walk in the paths of individuals.

Go, go,

Let Zheke comfortable heart, Qu Qu to see ...............
To explore the abyss of the material on GM's global social experience, in the hundred years each with a different blog to explore, absorb outside green leaves, the development of personal potential, so that individuals live a more free and more free and easy. Is not that we did not succeed, is not that we did not do that point, but we did not clarify what a cool idea. I's deep, I
This world, the individual lives lost to heart is found so valuable.
Poverty, frustration grew up in this world to promote changed the sober thinking.
Rich, gave me extra time, innovative materials, learn about life.
I am waiting, this year's peach junction during the grievances that the fruit while waiting for next spring, peach blossom fragrance atmosphere to show off.
People will become old, and what I did yesterday, and never thought. Is how to spend it tomorrow, I do not know. Today, I just express spiritual thoughts and feelings. Life-time, personal dedication to pursue something in return is so ........。 This life, I have done personally do not regret the things themselves do.
Waiting for this, waiting for the survival in this age of cognitive and physical maturity interest rates necklace.
Four Seasons of days, in this age group feel the evolution of the road How far do my legs a good acid, in front of a gas station do, hungry to feel giddy. Climbed over a big mountain called on to do, tired of the really, really do not want to speak.
However, I skipped the human intrigue, skip the survival of family life fan busy busy day, the interests of the harvest in the age hierarchy has also been escalating.
In the end, growing old that point of time, but also the survival of individual life experiences of graduates.
To go where I want to go, do what I wanted to do, but it is the nature of personality, living an alternative.
Mind where she was abroad, through time the tears are for you to a different country.
Please allow me the dust has settled
Buried with the silence of the past
Covered with wind and rain I come from the sea,
Was hiding in the desert
The thing to hide the overall clarity
A thousand words can only be silent
Love is timing and place of superstition
Oh, So you are here
Ah what personal
Is there is only a dream
Why am I exhausted body strength
In return for half a lifetime memories
If you want the eye
If it were not my salvation mood
Encounter in the mountains and seas sea
Oh, So you are here
☆ ☆ So you are also here
Song: Rene Liu
*** Music ***
Please allow me the dust has settled
Buried with the silence of the past
Covered with wind and rain I come from the sea,
Was hiding in the desert
The thing to hide the overall clarity
A thousand words can only be silent
Love is timing and place of superstition
Oh, So you are here
Ah what personal
Is there is only a dream
Why am I exhausted body strength
In return for half a lifetime memories
If you want the eye
If it were not my salvation mood
Encounter in the mountains and seas sea
Oh, So you are here
Ah what personal
Is there is only a dream
Why am I exhausted body strength
In return for half a lifetime memories
If you want the eye
If it were not my salvation mood
Encounter in the mountains and seas sea
Oh ☆ So you are also here
The thing to hide the overall clarity
A thousand words can only be silent
Love is timing and place of superstition
Oh, So you are here
☆ ☆ So you are also here

是这样吧 Moon, illuminated the immediate floating snow tonight.

Cold, bleak wind in the face of stubborn afar.

Wells of water, warm my cold feet.

Petty desire, so I had a childhood affection of life and death there is no parting time.

Heart pain. Tears streaming finished. Have lost loved ones, no tears for my loved ones and shed tears.

Alive, where are we going live,

Alive, I'm going where I want to go, do what I want to do.

Is dead, why I died.

Dead, for my nature destination was born, and die.

Life of hardship, gone so far, lost lost,

Chose this path,

Let Zheke free and easy to heart, from the outside world, the guide her to go to favorite places.

WEI Wei wind, blowing in my Lian Pang-kwong who also sink in, I walked quietly walk in the paths of individuals.

Go, go,

Let Zheke comfortable heart, Qu Qu to see ...............

To explore the abyss of the material on GM's global social experience, in the hundred years each with a different blog to explore, absorb outside green leaves, the development of personal potential, so that individuals live a more free and more free and easy. Is not that we did not succeed, is not that we did not do that point, but we did not clarify what a cool idea. I's deep, I

This world, the individual lives lost to heart is found so valuable.

Poverty, frustration grew up in this world to promote changed the sober thinking.

Rich, gave me extra time, innovative materials, learn about life.

I am waiting, this year's peach junction during the grievances that the fruit while waiting for next spring, peach blossom fragrance atmosphere to show off.

People will become old, and what I did yesterday, and never thought. Is how to spend it tomorrow, I do not know. Today, I just express spiritual thoughts and feelings. Life-time, personal dedication to pursue something in return is so ........。 This life, I have done personally do not regret the things themselves do.

Waiting for this, waiting for the survival in this age of cognitive and physical maturity interest rates necklace.

Four Seasons of days, in this age group feel the evolution of the road How far do my legs a good acid, in front of a gas station do, hungry to feel giddy. Climbed over a big mountain called on to do, tired of the really, really do not want to speak.

However, I skipped the human intrigue, skip the survival of family life fan busy busy day, the interests of the harvest in the age hierarchy has also been escalating.

In the end, growing old that point of time, but also the survival of individual life experiences of graduates.

To go where I want to go, do what I wanted to do, but it is the nature of personality, living an alternative.

Mind where she was abroad, through time the tears are for you to a different country.

Please allow me the dust has settled

Buried with the silence of the past

Covered with wind and rain I come from the sea,

Was hiding in the desert

The thing to hide the overall clarity

A thousand words can only be silent

Love is timing and place of superstition

Oh, So you are here

Ah what personal

Is there is only a dream

Why am I exhausted body strength

In return for half a lifetime memories

If you want the eye

If it were not my salvation mood

Encounter in the mountains and seas sea

Oh, So you are here

☆ ☆ So you are also here

Song: Rene Liu

*** Music ***

Please allow me the dust has settled

Buried with the silence of the past

Covered with wind and rain I come from the sea,

Was hiding in the desert

The thing to hide the overall clarity

A thousand words can only be silent

Love is timing and place of superstition

Oh, So you are here

Ah what personal

Is there is only a dream

Why am I exhausted body strength

In return for half a lifetime memories

If you want the eye

If it were not my salvation mood

Encounter in the mountains and seas sea

Oh, So you are here

Ah what personal

Is there is only a dream

Why am I exhausted body strength

In return for half a lifetime memories

If you want the eye

If it were not my salvation mood

Encounter in the mountains and seas sea

Oh ☆ So you are also here

The thing to hide the overall clarity

A thousand words can only be silent

Love is timing and place of superstition

Oh, So you are here

☆ ☆ So you are also here


本文标题: 谁能把这些翻译出来啊,拜托,帮帮我
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/131962.html





