

麻烦帮忙翻译一下这段文章成英文 要人工翻译不要用网上翻译器 ><多谢啦 急用!! 会追加悬赏的T T

2021-06-21 06:41:04 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:273


He directed the workmen in every detail, hurrying them by example and exhortations, and receiving, in consequence, several declarations of independence, as well as one resignation, which took effect immediately. "Yous capitalusts seem to think a manx27s got nothinx27 to do but break his back px27doosinx27 wealth fer yous to squander," the resigning person loudly complained. "You look out: the toilerx27s day is a-cominx27, and it ainx27t so fur off, neither!" But the capitalist was already out of hearing, gone to find a man to take this oratorx27s place.


帮忙把一段中文翻译成法语好么,,,不要网上翻译的,,要人工翻译,, 急急急,,, 多谢多谢,,, >.<

各位各位, 我在美国上学, 这是法语课作业来着, 英文翻译成中文看起来可能看起来有点生硬,,,现在还没有财富值,, 不好意思,, 交个朋友好了,, 帮帮忙啦,, 多谢啦~nn我叫Cecilia Wang, 今年十六岁, 我家里有三个人,爸爸,妈妈,和我。我出生在中国但是现在住在美国 Las Vegas, 我在 las vegas academy 上高中,这是一所很好的高中。 我最喜欢的食物是意大利面和炸薯条。我喜欢古典音乐和流行音乐,我不喜欢运动。我最喜欢的活动之一是购物,我很喜欢跟朋友们一起购物,我喜欢休闲类好看的衣服。我也很喜欢旅游,我去过 California, New York, Washington, New Jersey 和其他的一些东部城市。我很想去法国的普罗旺斯,那里的薰衣草田对我很有吸引力,薰衣草是很浪漫的植物。
可能会有点点拼写日夏养花网错误,不过大意肯定是对滴~~ 希望对你有用吧!打字有点辛苦的哟。。。Bonjour tout le monde, Je m'appelle Cecilia Wang et j'ai seize ans. Il y a trois personnes dans ma famille, mon pre, ma mre et moi. Je suis ne en Chine mais j'habite maintenant Las Vegas aux Etats Units. Pour l'instant je suis lve au lyce Las Vegas Academy, qui est une trs bonne cole. J'adore les pâtes italiens et les frites. J'aime la musique classique ainsi que la musique populaire. Toutefois, je n'aime pas faire du sport. Mon activit prfre est de faire du shopping. J'aime bien faire des achats avec mes amies et j'adore les vt日夏养花网ements de dtente (ou vtements de loisir...) . Voyager est aussi une de mes activits prfres. Je suis dj alle au California, New York, Washington, New Jersey et autres villes sur l'est des Etats Units. Je veux bien la Provence en France car le champ de lavande me tire beaucoup et en plus, la lavande est une plante trs romantique pour moi.


“民营企业道德素质缺失的原因及对策反析:民营企业是我国国民经济中重要组成部分,但其生命周期短是个不争的事实。制约民营企业发展的,不是资金、设备和技术等“硬件”,而是道德素质这个“软件”。 道德素质这个“软件”的缺失,既跟民营企业自身的素质、能力、成长历程、成长环境有关,也跟政策的漏洞和制度的缺陷有关。要提升民营企业的道德素质,就必须借助企业自身的力量,社会舆论的引导,法律法规的制约才有可能实现。”
Analysis of moral degeneration in private companies and solutions: Private companies is one of the most important components in our national economy. However, it is rather untable and ephemeral. Its development is not refrained by the "hardware", such as fund, equipment and technologies, but by the "software", namely ethic stardard. ethic degeneration is not only caused by itselves, but also by policy loops and institution deficiency. private companies need to take advantage of itself, societal guideline and law and regulations confinement improve ideological and ethic standard.
The reasons for the lack of moral fiber of the private enterprise and the solution to this problem:private enterprise is an important part of our national economy,but a cut-and-dried fact is that it's lifecycle is short.The things that confine the development of日夏养花网 our private enterprise is not those hardware like funds,equipment and technicians,but the software-moral fiber.The lack of moral fiber is not only due to the factors like the enterprise's inner quality,it's capability,it's growth process and enviroment;but also due to the loophole of the goverment and the deficiency of our country's system.To http://www.rixia.ccpromote the moral fiber of private enterprise,we must make the most of the potential of the enterprise,the guidence of the public opinions and the restriction of the law.


本文标题: 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这段文章成英文 要人工翻译不要用网上翻译器 &gt;&lt;多谢啦 急用!! 会追加悬赏的T T
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/131493.html





