


2021-06-11 09:18:51 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:91


1.你能算出x是代表什么吗? (figure out;stand for)rn2.由于没有磨损,DVD的图像一直十分清晰。(wear and tear;sharp and crisp)rn3.离下课还有5分钟。(go)rn4.该他单独回答问题了。他显得很紧张。(on onex27s own;a bag of nerves)rn5.我们必须经了提前完成任务。(ahead of )rn6.一旦他下定了决心,什么事也不能阻止他去。(once)rn7.你知道是什么东西使我吃不下中饭的?(put off)rn8.他喜欢与人争论关于太空和宇宙的事。(argue)rn9.昨天他在我们学校做了一个报告,讲了好多逗人的故事。(contain)rn10.好像他还未意识到膳食上走极端是不对的。(goto extremes)rn11.科学家们已经反复警告我们吃太多的糖对我们的身体有害。(warn;bad)rn12.会议是否延期还未决定。请大家接到通知后再离开。(not……until)rn13.以我之见,你比按计划等待机会。(wait onex27s turn)rn14.最后一点也是很重要的,即我们必须明辨是非。(tell)rn15.你们不可以总是依靠父母为你们做一切事。(depend on)rn16.我非常感谢你及时的帮助。(appreciate)rn17.有时候,听起来颇和情理的东西并不正确。(sound)rn18.他关上窗以防雨水飘进来。(prevent)rn19.与你的同事相比,你与人争论时,总喜欢走极端。(compare;go to extremes)rn20.显然,由于担心被抢钱,他一直显得很紧张。(frightened;a bag of nerves)rn21.人们认为你没有理由放走他。(It;let sb. go)rn22.唐朝建成的历史古寺位于那个城市南面100公里处。(take shape;locate)rn23.我期待着你反思你为何不能问心无愧。(reflect upon)rn24.必须采取措施来阻止疾病的蔓延。(action;spread)

1.Can you figure out what X stands for? (figure out;stand for)
2.Without wear and tear,the DVD image is sharp and crisp all along。(wear and tear;sharp and crisp)
3.The class can go 5 minutes later。(go)
4.It is his turn to answer the questions on his own,it seemed that he has a bag of nerves(on one's own;a bag of nerves)
5.We must finish the task ahead of time. (ahead of )
6.Once he has made up his mind,nothing can prevent him。(once)
7.Do you know what put off my appetite at lunch time?(put off)
8.He likes to argue with others on the space and universe 。(argue)
9.Yesterday,he gave a speech at school which contained lots of funny stories。(contain)
10.It is likely that he does not felt it is wrong to go to extremes on diet。(goto extremes)
11.Scientists have repeatedly warned us that it is bad to take too much sweet。(warn;bad)
12.Whether the meeting will be postponed is not decided yet.Please do not take your leave until you are told 。(not……until)
13.In my opinion,you should wait your turn as planned。(wait one's turn)
14.Last but not least,we have to tell right from wrong 。(tell)
15.You can not depend on your parents while doing everything。(depend on)
16.I appreciate your timely help 。(appreciate)
17.Sometimes,something can come to be wrong while they sound plausiblely right at first 。(sound)
18.He shut the window to prevent the outside rain。(prevent)
19.Compared to your colleagues,you always go to extremes in disputes。(compare;go to extremes)
20.Obviously,he had gotta a bag of nerves for he frightened his money being robbed。(frightened;a bag of nerves)
21.It is said that you have no reason to let him go。(It;let sb. go)
22.The old mosque took shape in Tang Dynasty locates 100KM south of the city.(take shape;locate)
23.I am look forward to your reflecting upon why you do not have clear conscience.。(reflect upon)
24.We must take action to prevent the disease from spread.
你是不是应该自己去独立完成你的作业呢?呵呵 用字典都懒就用电子词典咯 然后把它们窜起来 OK!
1.Can you figure out what “X”stands for?
2.Because there is no wear and tear,the image of the DVD is always sharp and crisp.
3.There are 5 minutes to go.
4.It's his turn to answer the question on his own.
He looks like in a bag of nerves.
5.We must try our best to finish the task/mission ahead of time.
6.Once he makes up his mind, nothing can stop him.
7.Do you know what puts me off from lunch?
8.He likes to argue about things of space and universe with others.
9.He gave a speech in our school yesterday,containing a lot of funny storeis.
10.It seems that he hasn't realised going to extreme on diet is not right.
11.Doctors have warned us time and again that eating too mamy sweets is bad to our health.
12.It's not decided that if the meeting will put off. Please don't leave until getting imformed.
13.In my view,you should wait your turn according to the plan.
14.The last point is also very important,that we must tell right from wrong.
15.You can&jFYnddSMx#39;t depend on your parents' doing everything.
16.I appreciate your timely help very much.
17.At times, what sounds reasonable turns out to be wrong.
18.He closed the window to prevent the rain from going in.
19.Compared with your colleagues,you likes to go to extrmes when agruing with others.
20.Obviously, since he's frightened to be robbed,he appeared to be in a bag of nerves all the time.
21.It's not reasonable for you to let him go,in most people's viem.
22.The historic old temple ,which took shape in Tang Dynasty,locates 100 miles away in the north of that city.
23.I expect that you can reflect on why you can't have a clear conscience.
24.We must take action to prevent the disease from spreading.


翻译成英文,语法要对rnrnDo you get on well with your family and friends?rn我和我家人相处得一般般,我想如果我能主动点多和家人沟通,我想我们的关系会变好的。我和我同学的友谊还不错,他们会经常帮助我。rnrnWhat did you do on the Sports Days? (use simple past tense)rn我有时候在听歌有时候在睡觉。rnrnWhat is your favourite subject in school?Why?rn我最喜欢电脑,因为上电脑课不用想,只需要你会运用。rnrnWhich subject is the most difficult to you?Explain Why?rn数学,因为数学总是要计算和思考,我觉得好麻烦。rnrnDid you enjoy the Sports Days? Why?(Past Tense)rn我不喜欢,因为运动会很无聊,总是没时可做。rnrnSome students think that there is too much homework to do,you agree?rn我不认为,因为这是对我们的一种磨练,在没有压力的情况下要怎么成长呢?rnrnI think English is interesting, do you agree?rn我认同,但比起电脑我还是喜欢电脑多一点。
Do you get on well with your family and friends?
It’s just common as usual. It would be better if I can get more communication with my family. I got better with my classmate. I have been helped by them.

What did you do on the Sports Days? (use simple past tense)
listening the music or sleep.
What is your favourite subject in school?Why?
Computer, indeed, just play it without thinking…..

Which subject is the most difficult to you?Explain Why?
Math. It is complicate to me. You need to calculate and thinking ……

Did you enjoy the Sports Days? Why?(Past Tense)
I don’t like it because it is boring….it;s nothing to do….

Some students think that there is too much homework to do,you agree?
I don’t think so. In my opinion, it’s kind of practice for us, how you grow up without it?

I think English is interesting, do you agree?
I’m agreed. But I prefer to the computer.
1.Our relationship is just so-so. I think if I could communicate with them more actively, it would get better. The relationnship between my friends and I is fair.They help me a lot.
2.Sometimes I listened to music, while sometimes I slept.
3.I like computer best.Because the computer class requires application instead of thinking.
4.Math. Because math involves a lot of calculation and thinking, which is too demanding to me.
5.I don't like it. Because it was boring and I had nothing to do.
6.I don't think so. Because it is a discipline, without which we can't grow mature.
7.I think so. But I like computer a bit more.
Just so so. But I think our relations will be better if I can initiate to communicate with my family. I get along well with my classmates. They help me quite a lot.

Sometimes I was singing and sometimes I was sleeping.

Computer appeals to me most. Because operation, rather than thinking is required.

Mathematics. Because it requires calculation and thinking all the time which troubles me a lot.

No, I didn't. It was boring and there was nothing to do.

No, 日夏养花网I don't agree. To me, it's an exercise. How can you grow with no pressure?

Yes, I do. But I prefer computer to English.
I get along with my family just-so-so,I thinak if I could take a step up to communicate with my family more,our relationship may be better.I quite enjoy my friendshp with my classmates,they offen help me 日夏养花网a alot.
sometimes I sleep,sometimes I listen to the music.
computer class,because you need not think,just need to know how to handle it.
Maths,because it requires lots of calculation and consideration,I find it trouble-some.
no,because it's boring and I always find nothing to do.
I don't think so.It's a kind of practice,how can we develop without some ce日夏养花网rtain pressure?
I agree,but I like computer a little bit more.

英语翻译 急!!!

I want to know whether you congratulated them for gaining the achievement.
Because this island can only be reached by boat, we have to give up our plan.
I want to wish him success in his new job.
She works hard to gain recognition from her father.
This company made the same profit as last year.
Living in this neighborhood is more convenient for me.

*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】
I want to know if you will congratulate th日夏养花网em for their achievement.
Since get to this island only by boat, so we have to give up our plan.
I want to wish him getting along with his new work.
She works hard to get his father's certification
This company got the profit as the last year.
It is more convenience for me to live in this community.


本文标题: 英语翻译!急
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/128377.html





