

英语翻译 一个接一个地 请帮帮忙把上面一个短语翻译成英文~ ^_^o(∩_∩)o...哈哈

2021-05-27 04:25:54 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:116

一个接一个地 翻译成英文

一个接一个地 rn请帮帮忙把上面一个短语翻译成英文~~~rn^_^o(∩_∩)o...哈哈rn谢谢帮助~~~~!!
one by one
One after the other
one by one 一个接一个地 ,副词
One after the other


四、爱玛性格转变的缺憾rn随着爱玛性格道德观转变的同时。爱玛的另一方面也穿插其中。那就是爱玛的女权主义思想。女权主义指妇女要求在政治,社会和经济方面和男人享有平等的权利。它的兴起主要是由于美国独立革命战争和法国大革命所倡导的“人人平等”的思想以及工业大革命使得中产阶级的太太们完全依附于丈夫的收入,因而她们被禁止参与劳动的现实。这样一来。女权主义运动最初是来自于中产阶级的妇女们,而爱玛正是中产阶级的典型代表。但她不想结婚,她知道结婚意味着成为男人的附属品。她想和男人一样享有平等的权利。小说中的一段话就很明显:“哈里特.我长得迷人还不足以促成我结婚,我觉的别人迷人才行——至少得有一个吧,我不仅现在不想结婚,而且以后也不打算结婚。~我的日子过的十分称心,我要是结了婚,肯定会后悔的。”正是由于爱玛极强的女权主义思想才使得她在海伯里成为一位很有权威的女性。海伯里的一切活动都有她的身影,她在家庭及社会中的地位都源于她具有和男性同样的智力。但是就在故事将要结尾时,爱玛的女权主义思想也跟着结束,这就是她转变中的一大缺憾。当她发现和她的所有看法一直相左的奈特利先生所做的所有判断都是正确的,自己反而错的可笑,并且发现自己爱的人就是奈特利时,她选择了放弃和屈服。放弃了自己的女权主义思想,屈服于时代的束缚。她终究还是逃不出她的时代给她所带来的命运。小说:“她心中的快活,感激和极度的喜幸之情,是可想而知的。影响哈里特未来幸福的唯一苦恼和障碍,现在就这样消除了,她真要欣喜若狂了。她还希望什么呢?什么也不希望。只希望自己更能配得上他(奈特利),他的筹划和明断一直比她来得高明。什么也不希望,只希望她过去干的傻事能给她带来教训,今后能谦虚谨慎。”这段话真切的描写出了爱吗由自信转变到了有那么一点自卑且透露着那么一点点小女人的味道,和之前所述的那个自信自立,强烈要求与男人享受同等权利的爱吗相比,有点突然下滑的感觉。她的转变时应当的,也是必须的,但是不宜过度。转变后的她还应该保存它本身就有的优点,但她却误吧优点当作她所犯错误的原因所在将之抛弃,不敢再希望什么,不在大胆地展示自己,反而要将资金变得小心谨慎,那岂不等于那些小女人,把自己推出了主人公的位置?正如沃尔顿所说:“爱玛变成了谦卑。顺从的人妇是小说情节具有讽刺以为得扭曲,其严重损害了小说塑造的女性形象。因为我可以看出一个显然有各种机会享受和丈夫平等权利的女人,竟然将权利拒之于门外。”这样一来,小说便给人留下了永远的缺憾感。rn 但这样的缺憾并不代表奥斯丁所塑造的爱玛不是进步的。正如我国辛亥革命,它虽然失败了,但促进了中国前进的步伐。它是中国前进中必须的一个步骤,之所以失败是由于它阶级的局限性,其社会意义还是积极的。而爱玛同样如此,毕竟,女权主义不是当时社会的主流,她同样由于时代的束缚逃不掉这样的命运,但她进步了,她是进步着的女性。
Fourth, changes in the defect character Emma
With Emma moral character while changing. Emma the other hand, viewing the whole. That is, Feminism in Emma. Feminist demands that women in the political, social and economic aspects and men enjoy equal rights. Its rise was mainly due to the American Revolution and the French Revolution, advocated the "all equal" and the industrial revolution made the idea of the middle class wives totally dependent on her husband's income, so they were banned from working reality. This way. Feminist movement initially came from middle-class women, while Emma is a typical representative of the middle class. But she did not want to marry a man she knows that getting married means accessories. She wanted equal rights as men. Passage from the novel very clearly: "Harriet. I look attractive enough to bring my marriage, I feel the people charming Caixing - at least one bar, I not only do not want to get married, and had no plans to marriage. ~ My day was very gratified, if I got married, would certainly regret it. "It is because of strong feminist Emma thought it made her become a great authority in Highbury female. Highbury has all the activities of her figure, her family and status in society and men are from her with the same intelligence. But just when the story will end, Emma also followed the end of feminist thought, this is her change in a big shortcoming. When she found that her views have been all the odds of Mr. Knightley all the judgments made are correct, its funny but wrong, and find one you love is Knightley, she chose to give up and surrender. Abandoned his feminist ideology, succumb to time constraints. After all, escape her age she brought to her fate. Fiction: "She's happy heart, gratitude and deep feelings of joy Fortunately, it is imagined. Affect the future well-being of Harriet the only distress and barriers removed so now, she really should be ecstatic. She also hoping for? what do not want. just want to be more worthy of him (Knightley), he has been planning and judicious is wiser than she. what do not want to, just want the stupid things she used to dry brought her a lesson in the future will be modest. "If this description of a real love you shift from the self-confidence to be a bit of inferiority complex and reveal a little bit small woman's taste, and self-confidence that described before, strong demand equal rights with men to love you than a little sense of a sudden downturn. When her transformation should be, and it is necessary, but not excessive. After the change, she should also have the advantage of saving its own, but she has mistaken it merits as the reason for her mistakes to the abandoned, did not dare to hope that nothing, not daring to show themselves, but want to change funds be careful, that not the same as the small woman, introduced himself the hero of the position? As Walton said: "Emma turned into humility. Submissive woman who is the novel's ironic that was distorted, which seriously damaged the image of the novel shape of the female. Because I can see a clear opportunity to enjoy a variety of equal rights of women and her husband, even to the right and refrain. "XrOPpwyb;Thus, the novel will leave a sense of eternal regret.
However, this shortcoming does not mean that shaped Austen's Emma is not progress. As China's 1911 Revolution, which failed, but to promote the advance of China. It is a step forward must be the reason for failure is due to the limitations of its class, its social meaning is positive. The same is true of Emma, after all, feminism is not the mainstream of society at that time, she was the same as the times Bound escape such a fate, but her progress, she advances the women.
Fourth, changes in the defect character Emma
Emma moral character changes with the same time. Emma the other hand, viewing the whole. That is, Feminism Emma. Feminist demands that women in the political, social and economic aspects and men enjoy equal rights. Its rise was mainly due to the American Revolution and the French Revolution, advocated "equality" and the industrial revolution made the idea his wife were totally dependent on middle-class income of her husband, so they were barred from working reality. This way. Feminist movement initially came from middle-class women, while Emma is typical of the middle class日夏养花网. But she did not want to marry a man she knows that getting married means accessories. She wanted equal rights as men. Passage from the novel very clearly: "Harriet. I look attractive enough to bring my marriage, I feel the people charming Caixing - at least one bar, I not only do not want to get married, and had no plans to marriage. ~ My day was very gratified, if I got married, would certainly regret it. "It is because of strong feminist Emma thought it made her become a great authority in Highbury female. Highbury has all the activities of her figure, her family and status in society and men are from her with the same intelligence. But just when the story will end, Emma also followed the end of feminist thought, this is the change in her A big shortcoming. When she found that her views have been all the odds of Mr. Knightley all the judgments made are correct, its funny but wrong, and find one you love is Knightley, she chose to give up and surrender. Abandoned his feminist ideology, succumb to time constraints. After all, escape her age she brought to her fate. Fiction: "She's happy heart, gratitude and deep feelings of joy Fortunately, it is imagined. Affect the future well-being of Harriet the only distress and barriers removed so now, she really should be ecstatic. She also hoping for? what do not want. just want to be more worthy of him (日夏养花网Knightley), he has been planning and judicious is wiser than she. what do not want to, just want the stupid things she used to dry brought her a lesson in the future will be modest. "If this description of a real love you shift from the self-confidence to be a bit of inferiority complex and reveal a little bit small woman's taste, and self-confidence that described before, strong demand equal rights with men to love you than a little sense of a sudden downturn. When her transformation should be, and it is necessary, but not excessive. After the change, she should also have the advantage of saving its own, but she has mistaken it merits as the reason for her mistakes to the abandoned, did not dare to hope that nothing, not daring to show themselves, but want to change funds be careful, that not the same as the small woman, introduced himself the hero of the position? As Walton said: "Emma turned into humility. Submissive woman who is the novel's ironic that was distorted, which seriously damaged the image of the novel shape of the female. Because I can see a clear opportunity to enjoy a variety of equal rights of women and her husband, even to the right and refrain. "Thus, the novel will leave a sense of eternal regret.
However, this shortcoming does not mean that shaped Austen's Emma is not progress. As China's 1911 Revolution, which failed, but to promote the advance of China. It is a step forward must be the reason for failure is due to the limitations of its class, its social meaning is positive. The same is true of Emma, after all, feminism is not the mainstream of society at that time, she was the same as the times Bound escape such a fate, but her progress, she advances the women.


所有词源于一篇讲“教育”的文章,因为是别人写的,不排除有写错了的。rn1.History of use of the M / P in Central African Educational System(M/P是啥?)rn2.Questionnaires addressed to << Maître-Parents>>(Master-Parents又是啥?)rn3.Questionnaire addresses the political and administrativern4.School of Samboli sub-prefecture of Bodarn5.Education on the heap
哥们,你要翻译的准确,最好把原文发给我,有些不看原文,真的搞不定。有上下文才行。可以发到majinlong@163.com 给我
2.<< Maître-Parents>>是个刊物什么的,中文应该是“称职的父母”之类
3.这个,你确定你没拉下个“To” ?如果没有,大意就是“XrOPpwyb涉及政治和行政的问卷”,(也可以说成涉及党政的问卷)www.rixia.cc

1M/P在中非教育系统中的使用历史 M/P的意思得联系前文

2写给<< Maître-Parents>>的调查问卷 这里<< Maître-Parents>>应该是某个杂志报纸的名字
4 这个不太理解帮不到你

5 heap的意思是堆、堆积 有可能是教育的积累,或者填鸭式教育(猜的)
第四句大意可能是, Boda某个辖区Samboli 的一个学校
第五句大概意思可能是 大量教育


本文标题: 英语翻译 一个接一个地 请帮帮忙把上面一个短语翻译成英文~ ^_^o(∩_∩)o...哈哈
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/123408.html





